I Didn’t Realize Who I Was

… until I stopped being who I wasn’t. — Unknown

By Blue Bronc, a Trail Mix Contributor

Each year on November 20 the transgender community around the world comes together to hear the names of transgender people murdered during the last fifty-two weeks.  It is a recognition that we are often targeted to be attacked and killed for just living our lives as we are.  The list is never decreasing, this year the murders reached a new high in the United States, at least twenty-five transgender people killed.

All transgender people know someone who has died.  Some have died by their own hand and others by a murderer.  It is common knowledge that transgender people have an extraordinary rate of suicide. What is not known is how assault and murder rates are higher than the general public. Many police departments do not report the deaths as a transgender person killed, and the crimes are often not reported or charged as a hate crime.

The TDOR events are important for the community, often the only time many transgender people get together with other transgender people during the year.  Each event is unique with only one common act, the reading of the names of the dead. Some Transgender Day of Remembrance events read the names of those who died by suicide, others do not.  We all will die, many of us too early.

Please visit the Transgender Day of Remembrance website for the names of those killed during the last year.  It is always nice if you join us for this important event on November 20.  You will need to do a search for Transgender Day of Remembrance 2017 for your local area, as the list was not created for some reason this year.

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Author: Blue Bronc

Born in Detroit when Truman was president, survived the rest of them. Early on I learned that FDR was the greatest president, which has withstood all attempts to change that image. Democratic Party, flaming liberal, Progressive, equality for all and a believer in we are all human and deserve respect and understanding. College educated, a couple of degrees, a lot of world experience and tons of fun. US Air Force (pre-MRE days). Oil and gas fields, computer rooms and stuff beyond anything I can talk about. It has been quite a life so far. The future is making my retirement boat my home. Dogs, cats and other critters fill my life with happiness. Work pays the bills.

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7 years ago

bbronc, the choice of  nov 20th is very fitting to remember those who were victims of hate.

this day in history 1945
Nuremberg trials begin… Twenty-four high-ranking Nazis go on trial in Nuremberg, Germany, for atrocities committed during World War II.

would that there be trials and punishment in our time for those who have committed the atrocities about which you so movingly write.

7 years ago

expect more frantic tweets and wild activity to distract msm …. Mueller is closing in on the twit.

the hill: Mueller requested DOJ hand over documents related to Comey firing: report

Special counsel Robert Mueller asked the Justice Department within the past month to turn over a wide array of documents as part of its ongoing investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, ABC News reported Sunday.


His team is particularly interested in materials that relate to Trump’s dismissal of former FBI Director James Comey and Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s decision to recuse himself from the Russia probe earlier this year, a source who was told about the request informed ABC News.

This will be Mueller’s first records request to the Justice Department, the very agency that is overseeing the probe.


Blonde Wino
7 years ago

A very touching and informative post for me, BB.  It is difficult to read the memorial site as hearing humans being beaten to death (first entry) for being themselves.

Juxtapose this with the border patrol death near El Paso.   cruz, the texas gov and trump are calling it an attack.   from the wp — I know any death is awful, tragic in the line of duty.  A wall will not stop the deaths and many are accidents.

Thirty-eight Customs and Border Protection agents have died in the line of duty since 2003, according to the agency’s memorial page. Before Martinez, the only other agent to die in 2017 was Isaac Morales, who was stabbed in a bar parking lot in El Paso. Three agents died in 2016, two of them in car accidents, one of a heart attack while on bike patrol.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

The real ‘pizzagate.’  Former OK state senator,shortey, headed for prison for pleading guilty to a child sex trafficking offense.  His name is fitting as he will be ‘short eyes‘ in the big house.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Holy hypocrisy!   franken cut from letterman special.   I guess AL is not clean enough to stand on the stage with a self-proclaimed sexual predator at work…abusive, adulterer…the list goes on.

Damn you putie!  The sexual mash-up is getting out-of-control on purpose while real abuse goes on where humans are getting very hurt.   This celebrity stuff is very touching!

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

The coup in zimbabwe helps china expand its new silk road.   The US losing it’s grip on the globe via trump.  We are living in historic times, the last of the ‘great’ America at the hands of the gop and their leader.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

One more comment on the news…Merkel in trouble, russia and china win.   The attacks on the EU by the china-ordered ruskie cyber attacks?    They are working!

7 years ago

BW – let the great slide begin:

Hong Kong #1, Switzerland #2, US #3

“The United States was knocked out of the top spot in this year’s ranking of the world’s most competitive countries, a position it had held since 2013.
This according to the annual evaluation by the International Institute for Management Development (IMD), a Switzerland-based private business school whose World Competitiveness Center research group has ranked nations on their competitiveness on the global business stage since 1989.”

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Turkey retaliation!

Former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara is under investigation by the government of Turkey for allegedly violating international and domestic laws in gathering evidence against a Turkish-Iranian businessman.

NBC reported earlier this week that special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating whether Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan offered former national security adviser Michael Flynn upward of $15 million during the presidential transition in December to return Erdoğan’s top political rival from Pennsylvania to Turkey and make sure that Zarrab’s case was dropped.

I did link a story last week that zarrab had been flipped in the flynn case.  turkey the one country to destroy the EU from within on orders from russia and china.



7 years ago

john oliver was spot on

from salon

Oliver identified three strategies Trump uses to push his agenda: delegitimizing the media, whataboutism and trolling. He called these tactics an “old Soviet propaganda tool” which he employs to debase debate and create false moral equivalencies. Oliver accused Trump of staging an assault on “the very concept of truth.”

“It’s so important to train ourselves to identify these techniques, because their natural endpoint is the erosion of our ability to decide what’s important, have an honest debate and hold one another accountable,” Oliver said.

7 years ago

oliver observation repeated for emphasis:

“It’s so important to train ourselves to identify these techniques, because their natural endpoint is the erosion of our ability to decide what’s important, have an honest debate and hold one another accountable,”

7 years ago


Truly powerful piece.  Thank you for being our friend.

7 years ago

Now the whole USO routine complete with twitter comments by others.  We post you decide:


7 years ago

In the morning news

Manson has died and is now relishing a very warm climate.

You can now vote on the Time Person of the Year until 12/3 with results announced on 12/6



7 years ago

Thanks for the reminder BB.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Thanks BB for the powerful reminder – violence is the resort of the fearful and stupid

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

If Alabama elects Roy Moore we should throw Alabama out of the union.  He can  be their cult leader

his supporters are nuts.  I don’t want anything to do with them or be associated in any way In fact no offense to Flatus, Sturg and Craig’s Dad….they can take all of the south.

7 years ago

BlueB…   great post….  sad website.

May all who are named there rest in peace.

7 years ago

None taken, KGC. But not all of the South is lost for Dems, don’t give up completely.

7 years ago

Georgia Dome. They just blowed up real good.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

This artwork from the transgender community

the link showed up in my in box today




7 years ago

As a lawyer I’m skeptical of claims that are delayed.  That’s not to say there are no delayed claims that are valid, but the legitimacy of delayed claims is harder to sell than timely ones.  I don’t know whether Tweeden’s claim is legit – she said the forcible kiss occurred in a rehearsal – what I saw in the vid did not jibe with what she said. And I don’t know about the claim by Ms. Menz.  I’m sure we’ll hear more about that soon enough.  And I don’t know about Roy Moore’s accusers’ claims either – they are all very old, but there certainly  are a lot of them.  Jury’s out as they say.

7 years ago

Jamie, just to be clear, liddle covfefe posted that 2003 uso skit (al and someone NOT leeann) to show that the skit was not written in 2006 (the time leeann said he wrote it… in order to kiss her she hints?).

rw twitter twitchy et al are castigating keith olbemann for reposting it saying it was leeann in the vid which he didn’t…. just pointed out the time and content discrepancy.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

The condom was in rare form this morning -she said vote for the pederast so you can give millionaires a tax cut and screw your heath care

happy to say the condom is lovely as always

7 years ago

I bet he’s starting to get tired of all these high-level officials calling him an [effing] moron…..

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Sukabee must have a new make-up consultant her eyes are looking especially lovely today

7 years ago

I realize that Craig’s Trailmix is not a particularly safe space for Anglophilia, but this must be worth a little praise if only for endurance.

Queen Elizabeth & Prince Phillip celebrate 70 years of marriage 

7 years ago

sturge, is this one of those high-levelers you speak of?

buzz feed: Sources: McMaster Mocked Trump’s Intelligence At A Private Dinner
At dinner at a lobbying hotspot with a powerful tech CEO, the national security adviser said the president has the intelligence of a “kindergartner,” according to sources. Oracle and the Trump administration deny the comments.
National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster mocked President Trump’s intelligence at a private dinner with a powerful tech CEO, according to five sources with knowledge of the conversation.

Over a July dinner with Oracle CEO Safra Catz — who has been mentioned as a candidate for several potential administration jobs — McMaster bluntly trashed his boss, said the sources, four of whom told BuzzFeed News they heard about the exchange directly from Catz. The top national security official dismissed the president variously as an “idiot” and a “dope” with the intelligence of a “kindergartner,” the sources said.

A sixth source who was not familiar with the details of the dinner told BuzzFeed News that McMaster had made similarly derogatory comments about Trump’s intelligence to him in private, including that the president lacked the necessary brainpower to understand the matters before the National Security Council.

Both Oracle and the Trump administration heatedly denied the comments that Catz later recounted.

“Actual participants in the dinner deny that General McMaster made any of the comments attributed to him by anonymous sources. Those false comments represent the diametric opposite of General McMaster’s actual views,” said Michael Anton, a spokesman for the National Security Council.

Oracle’s top DC operative, who attended the dinner with Catz, also denied that McMaster made the comments his boss later recounted to others. The meeting, Oracle senior VP for government affairs Ken Glueck said, was about China, and “none of the statements attributed to General McMaster were said.” Glueck added that Catz “concurs entirely” with his account of the dinner.

Glueck responded to repeated inquiries only after BuzzFeed News contacted the NSC. And according to two sources with knowledge of the situation, administration officials threatened to retaliate against several figures with knowledge of the July dinner if they spoke to BuzzFeed News. Asked whether he had made his statement under pressure from the administration, Glueck responded, “ridiculous.”

Along with White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, McMaster — a three-star general — is often seen as a moderating influence on the president and a steadying hand in an administration staffed with political newcomers and anti-establishment bomb-throwers. Because of their perceived influence over the president, both men and in particular McMaster are widely distrusted by Trump’s base and some loyalist aides and former staffers, and have been the perceived target of attacks in the press.

McMaster’s allegedly dismissive comments are the latest suggestion that at least some of Trump’s senior-most aides see their jobs as containing a president who isn’t up to the task. In October, NBC News and other outlets reported that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called the president a “moron” in a July meeting at the Pentagon. Also in October, Republican Sen. Bob Corker told the New York Times that a group of senior administration officials have banded together to try to keep Trump under control.

News of the July dinner first surfaced in August, when Axios reported that Republican mega-donor Sheldon Adelson decided to support a campaign alleging that McMaster was anti-Israel after speaking with Catz about her meeting with the national security adviser. That decision stemmed, multiple sources tell BuzzFeed News, from comments McMaster made to Catz praising President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran and describing Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory as a major problem.

But these new details reveal that the subject matter of McMaster’s dinner with Catz, which sources tell BuzzFeed News took place on July 18 at the Washington, DC, restaurant Tosca, ranged far from geopolitics. Indeed, three of the sources said that McMaster disparaged multiple members of the administration to Catz, including Tillerson, Secretary of Defense James Mattis, former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, and President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner. Of Kushner, one source told BuzzFeed News, McMaster said he had no business being in the White House and should not be involved in national security issues.

“[Catz] said the conversation was so inappropriate that it was jaw-dropping,” another source told BuzzFeed News.


7 years ago

If Pat Buchanan were there he’d probably be calling him “The Old Man”.

7 years ago

Leigh Corfman, the first Roy Moore accuser, speaks out exclusively on TODAY, saying Moore sexually abused her when she was 14-years old while he was an assistant district attorney in his thirties. She says she was not paid to tell her story, but decided to speak up when she was contacted by reporters. “I’ve had a lot of people that have come out and have said that because of my courage that they’re able to do the same.”

7 years ago

Bloomberg:  Ex-Fox News Employee Says She Was Blocked From Investigating Trump-Russia Ties

7 years ago

BB, the first transgender person I knew was a very good and kind editor at a medium-size paper. He suffered a great deal through newsroom politics and ignorance; and he probably counted himself fortunate. Why can’t we learn to accept people for who they are? We just all might wind up the better for it.

Whst a day. I see Hannity’s threat of “tick tick tick” is swinging into motion. Be great if we could back off this sexual politics hysteria and approach this issue with reason. Even Lena Dunham is collateral damage.

Ms. Graham-Cracker: Sarah Sanders is an absolute eye-rolling, bot-trolling vision. She puts the “newk” in newklar. She’s an atrocity in an A-line and we all just love her.

Stay in the game, Al!

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Charlie Rose has been suspended while the allegations of a number of women are investigated

ugly stuff in the BillO’Reilly school of stalking/late night nasty calls yikes

I think he is kind of an ass and mostly what I hear in his interviews is him

Christopher Guest did a great send up of him   I think in the Mighty Wind

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

San Franciso Democrats used to organize themselves into clubs.

I was part of a group that formed the Susan B Anthony Democratic Club for Gay and Straight Women –  In 1975 one of our members was a trans woman who later ran for the Board of Supervisors


7 years ago


I’ve got  many Scottish & British nobles mixed in with a whole host of AgLabs, Miners, and misc cattle thieves.  As far as DNA can tell, the whole family made a beeline out Africa and didn’t stop until they plopped themselves down in what eventually became Great Britain then sat there and bleached for several thousand years.  Eventually some self deported to Maryland as soon as there was a Maryland.  Left a whole lot of folks behind, but they founded family branch offices in South Africa and Australia.


7 years ago

BB, there is nothing that I can say beyond, you are among friends. Friendship must serve to make one’s life fit this society’s suckiness.

You are a good person; we are lucky that you found us.

7 years ago

BB, Flatus said what I would love to have said, only with much more grace and dignity because, well, he’s more gracious and dignified than I am. I enjoy the hell out of your posts.

7 years ago

Ms Bronc, I subscribe to the words expressed by Mr Flatus.

7 years ago

Pioneers, home makers, sod busters, shop owners, market hunters, professor, soldiers (1 deserter, but only a great uncle, and he only deserted the tsar), gunsmith, turpentine manufacturers, lawman/gunslinger (same guy), milliner, seamstress, cigar maker, sales lady, beautician. Over six generations a family can get into many types of work. In those two hundred years none of my forebears ever sank so low as to become a sir, graf, comte, lord, or doge.

7 years ago

bbronc, may I add to friend flatus’s “we are lucky that you found us” an emphatic VERY