No More “It’s Too Soon” For Gun Debate

However the full details of the Texas shooting turn out there’s already enough for gun control advocates to stand up to bullies who will certainly say the issue can’t be discussed (“politicized”) right away.

President Trump didn’t wait even 24 hours to gin up his agenda after the New York killings.

We’re still waiting for the promised “bump stock” legislation after Las Vegas (credit Massachusetts for not waiting).

Silencing the gun debate in the first days is no longer an option.

Mother Jones: A Guide To Mass Shootings In America

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host

56 thoughts on “No More “It’s Too Soon” For Gun Debate”

  1. am afraid, the usual “good man with a gun vs bad man with a gun” argument will be the theme of the day instead of a debate on the wisdom of having gun safety laws and sensible regulations re weapons of mass murder.

    cnn via msn:

    Were it not for a local resident who confronted the gunman, the deadliest shooting in Texas history could have claimed even more lives.

    At a news conference Sunday night, investigators offered a preliminary timeline of the attack at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs and laid out the role the resident played.

    The gunman entered the small church in the rural town east of San Antonio, firing with an assault weapon at the congregation attending the morning service.

    A local resident grabbed his own rifle and engaged the gunman, said Freeman Martin, the regional director of the Texas Department of Public Safety.

    “The suspect dropped his rifle, which was a Ruger AR assault-type rifle and fled from the church,” Martin said.

    The man then chased the gunman, Martin said.

    When police spotted the suspect’s vehicle a short time later at the county line, they found the gunman inside — dead of a bullet wound. He was later identified as Devin Patrick Kelley.

    “At this time, we don’t know if it was a self-inflicted gunshot wound or if he was shot by the local resident,” Martin said.


  2. meanwhile…. this line from wapo

    In all, documents and interviews show there are at least nine Trump associates who had contacts with Russians during the campaign or presidential transition.

    sounds like one of those “how many traitors does it take to screw the country” jokes

  3. from dailybeast:

    “Obviously our thoughts are with the people of Texas after today’s horrific incident, details of which are still unfolding as I speak,” said Oliver, whose HBO program began taping around the time the news broke. “I am sure that there will be more to say about this in the hours and the days ahead, but for now, we are just going to dive straight in tonight with President Trump, statues of whom will inevitably one day be erected and then taken down amid a storm of controversy.”

    With that, Oliver shifted his focus to the scandal he’s branded “Stupid Watergate,” and the first indictments in special counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing Trump-Russia probe.

    “Yes, it’s finally happening!” exclaimed a giddy Oliver.

  4. SFB, the idiot in chief who rolled back the Obama era reg that requires the SSA to report those folks receiving an SSD check for mental illness to the national firearm background database says this isn’t a gun issue, it’s a mental health issue. Would someone please explain that inconsistency to me?  Please?

  5. New York Times editorial on board: “It’s Not Too Soon to Debate Gun Control

    When Republican leaders have responded to past killings, their response was to block sensible, useful gun control. They should not be allowed to delay effective legislation any longer. Too many days have passed, from one tragedy to the next. This is the time.

  6. Excellent NYT article, Mr Crawford, but doesn’t the fact it is a NYT article doom it to #FAKENEWS status re: current political reality? Attack the messenger, not the message, fight back on the fringes before it hits home. The armor of muddling, suggestion & haze.


    Had LDS cousins who were sent to settle along the Arizona/New Mexico border back in the day. Apparently the New Mexican side had some outlaws & baddies who thought it was great sport to shoot Mormons to see if their magic underwear would protect them. Spoiler alert: no, it didn’t. God works in mysterious ways but even He can’t cure stupid.

    Kind of explains the gun debate in general.

  7. November 8th marks one year since the Election.

    Ping Pong, come back & let us know how your daily life has been. You called it right, friend. I might not agree with you on matters but I promise to be respectful, hear you out.



  8. sjwny, didn’t trail friend purple in tampa also call it right?  miss hearing from hin,  mqw and others of the center/center right folks who use to comment.

  9. Geeez….  I took a news vacation all weekend long.  Was hoping to wake up this morning and see headlines saying more Trumplestiltskins were being indicted.  This is beyond sad and stupid.

    While watching my great niece this past weekend while other family members helped my niece and hubby continue with the clean-up of their flooded basement, I turned the tv onto a channel playing some old Western shows from the 60s when she went down for a nap.  Apparently one doesn’t need to watch these type of shows to see a shootout at the corral…  just turn on the nightly news.   It’s sick!  Defending the NRA at this point, IMO, is even sicker!



  10. The best thing that could happen is that anyone who voted for SFB/The Dotard  would be struck with the plague..we’d know who they were…

  11. SFB/PG/Dotard/Donnie the Drain is destroying the fabric of America

    greedy traitors with no regard for anyone but themselves

    The dipshit has not done one thing to improve America and many things to make it worse



  12. Even if you follow the “good man with a gun” dogma, the TX shooter managed to fire more than 50 bullets in the space of a couple of minutes.  A smaller clip might have allowed the “good guy” to get his gun out before 26 people were dead.


  13. Sent out an email to all current and former Trailmix people with an invite to come back.  If I don’t have your email currently, please write me



  14. The news from Friday through Sunday would have filled weeks of talk television a year ago. Now there is so much which is stunning that it cannot all be covered.  News that a secretary is in the putin family would have set the Congress off it spasms during Obama’s tenure.  Now it is not covered for more than a glancing five minutes.  A church murder, again, gets many more minutes of time, but will be old news by noon. Speculation about flynn and flynn gets a few minutes, but is only to bridge to SFB feeding Koi.

    When will this end?  Next year?  Can the U.S. survive a year more under the criminal regime?

  15. Jamie,

    If I understand it right, the good guy encountered the shooter when he was leaving the church.

    BTW, this from the Plum Line today (Wapo)

    * MUELLER EXAMINES TRUMP’S BUSINESS DEALINGS:The Post reports this intriguing nugget:

    Mueller’s interest in Russian contacts may extend to Trump’s business, as well, with the special counsel’s office recently asking for records related to a failed 2015 proposal for a Moscow Trump Tower, according to a person familiar with the request.

    This will deeply anger Trump, who has said he would view any effort by Mueller to examine his finances as a “violation.”

    Go for it, Bob.

  16. Another day another mass shooting

    hmmmm PG/The Dotard/SFB  thinks it’s about mental illnesss yet he has wiped out coverage for mental illness
    And he made it easier for people wth mental illness to buy guns

    SFB insincere and a hypocrite
    As far as I’m concerned anyone who still supports the Dotard in Chief in as big a moron and has no sense of common decency and people who supported him, knowing who he is, and we all did know, are traitors to the American way of life.

  17. patd,

    I miss all those who used to comment. There is a very definite slant of political belief that yelps loudest on this blog. Anyone who thinks outside that box or dares question can, at times, be subject not to civil intelligent discourse but spewed at with insults, potty mouthing & f-bombs. Not exactly a welcoming situation.

    I hope our friends return & feel free to give their opinions without fear of being belittled or put down. Build bridges instead of widening chasms. Life’s too short. Use it positively.


  18. I’m not interested in any excuses for supporting a traitor

    I think people stop posting for a lot of different reasons
    many Clinton supporters (and Bink) left not because they weren’t treated well but because of our host and what people felt was his prejudice against Clinton.

    Ping’s not here because he knows he cannot justify anything that SFB has done

  19. Some people don’t seem to get that there is a difference between expressing your opinion and judging the right of other people to express theirs any way they want.


  20. sj…   I enjoy your comments.  This blog has been here since 2005.  For me, I expect changes to any social media site that’s been around for awhile.  Lots of people have come and gone in that time…  I’m sure all with their own reasons.   And if a kumbaya blog is what interests you….  nothing’s stopping you from starting one.

    Pogo…  I echo your “Go for it, Bob”.

  21. As Veterans’ Day approaches, it’s time to do more than extend verbal thanks for all they did and do.

    All of my great-uncles served in WWII or Korea, but they are all gone.  I know there are vets here, as well.

    But now I am meeting those who were deployed more recently, and work with a couple of the guys.

    Donated airline mileage for vets and their families to travel in cases where govt funds don’t kick in (through airline site),  and, just found a local organization (Carry The Load) that I need to check out.

    Any others worth mentioning?  Fisher House received high marks on Charity Navigator.

  22. Speaking of missing voices …. I ordered some yummy treats from OldSeahag. Highly recommend everything.

    Makes great presents. Just saying.


  23. BB,

    When did they put it on the 3-day weekend schedule? It was setup as being permanently, non-shifting, as 11 Nov out of respect for the vets of the Great War that terminated on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.

  24. bbronc, does that mean no mail & other closures both friday and Saturday?  like flatus, I was under impression that the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month was sacrosanct and not to be morphed into another lost weekend binge.

  25. sjwny, “insults, potty mouthing & f-bombs” is the world we live in today on tv, at work, in general conversation. seems it’s so acceptable that it’s the everyday discourse we hear coming from the white house as well as the hallowed halls of critterville  ….so to be expected as the lingua franca on the trail too.

    look at it this way, even roses have thorns yet their sweetness lingers past the pain. yep, a prick like that hurts but don’t let it fester.

  26. carl Hiaasen: Hmm, will they let me wear my smoking jacket in solitary?


    You remind yourself it’s no crime to be rich in this country. You’ll plead innocent, go to trial, and your lawyer will work his magic!

    But what if he doesn’t? What if a jury of ordinary folks can’t understand how a person as busy as you are could forget to register as a foreign agent, forget to mention his offshore bank accounts, and forget to pay taxes on $18 million?

    You think about the man you helped elect president. Maybe he’s worried enough — or crazy enough — to grant you a pardon. Is it worth a phone call?

    You try to crumple the indictment, but it’s too thick, so you just kick it across the antique rug. You don’t want to be a rat, but you also don’t want to spend the rest of your ambulatory life in court.


  27. usatoday: Paul Manafort, Rick Gates to remain on house arrest with movements tracked by GPS, judge orders


    “We are not talking about dangerousness,” Jackson said in a brief hearing Monday morning. “We’re talking about (the risk of) flight.”

  28. patd,

    I respectfully disagree. Just because gutter language is everywhere doesn’t make it acceptable. If anything, we should rise above it. Especially now when our very government institutions are under attack from those who demean us with their actions.

    Everyone who comments here is intelligent, thoughtful, capable of interesting, informative conversation. If we aim high, it lifts everyone up. Aim low, we’re no better than those we rail against.

  29. Flatus – the date did not shift. Because it is on Saturday and it is one of the eight federal holidays the government gets it on Friday.  I think if it was on Sunday then Monday would be the day off.

  30. Mea maxima culpa. I hope to become a better person and sweeter tempered Trail Hand, and shall work on it, if my fellows will kindly remind me when I cross the line and attack anyone. Just in case….

  31. I plead guilty to lobbing the occasion F-bomb.  I have no reason to do so, other than I grew up cursing rather than posting in all caps with multiple exclamation points, like a certain SFB president who will remain nameless, Donald J. Trump. My mom used to tell me it showed my ignorance when I swore.  She might have been right.  I will endeavor to refrain, but no promises.  But I will respect people and their points of view, but will call BS when I see it.

  32. Pogo….  I’m with you.  Yup…  I curse sometimes.  No one will ever accuse me of being a snowflake or a cupcake.  I will give my opinion and others can do the same.  If someone doesn’t like what I have to say…  they can always scroll by my comments.

  33. Having been in the military and working in the oil and gas fields I developed a rather interesting extension of the English language and a few other languages too.  Being able to say the same expressive thing in four or five languages seems to be overkill, but for the proper recipient it is never enough.


  34. Going by my internet experience, the TrailMixers are a pretty good group, if not a little intimidating. I usually manage to learn something here. Cursing doesn’t bother me. Remember the obscene mumbles of Darren McGavin’s Old Man Parker in A Christmas Story? There is an art and a charm to it.

    Along the lines of learning, how I wish artist William Gropper were still around (imagine Gropper painting The Groper). Anyone familiar with his work? His style was social realism; no telling how that would go over these days. He had a way of capturing the inner politician and society malingerer.



  35. Here is an excellent read on Veterans Day that seeks to differentiate between the official observation of the Day on the 11th which falls on Saturday this year (yes, it is the Postal Service holiday), and the unofficial celebration on Friday the 10th (no, it is not the Postal Service holiday).

  36. When Donny says, “This a mental health problem at the highest level,” he’s talking about himself, right?

  37. It does seem different now that I interact with recent vets every day.  Even when somebody mentions something specific about their time in service, I never know what to say, if I should ask them anything more…?  Conversation is not my strong suit, and if I can word anything in an insensitive way, I will.

    flatus – Interesting.  Going forward, I shall omit the apostrophe.

  38. For what it is worth I will say it again I have always envisioned this site since its beginning as an organism. It takes its own form where it takes itself. Some stay, some go. We’re not about traffic, we’re about who’s being here. Still, SJ raises a standard I often fail to meet.

  39. Yep.  Ever-evolving ’round here.  I remember being too afraid to respond to Nash about something.  Nash, of all people.  What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.

  40. Well, as someone who has often taken contrarian positions through the years I haven’t noticed SJ’s description, but then again I may have a tougher hide than most. I cut my teeth in a use net group that makes this place feel like a nursery room. Yet it too was civilized compared to many places on use net. It did take a lot of work as they insisted that you have your facts straight and provable. I don’t tend to work that hard around here unless challenged. Now a days I know most folks opinions and don’t see a need to debate.


  41. As to the topic of the day, I’m not in control of anything and those who are in control  don’t care or they would do something., Instead they do nothing, not about guns, not about their favorite topic  ” mental illness” they do nothing. That means they don’t care. Yet they will all be voted in  next election.


  42. Mental illness my butt.  SFB is gargling NRA spunk. He doesn’t give a crap about the 2nd amendment, mental illness or anything other than an NRA endorsement.

  43. Friends of Bernie Sanders
    If you have an election in your state tomorrow please do take some time today or tomorrow to volunteer. But most importantly, make sure you have a plan to get to the polls and vote for the Democratic ticket. Every vote counts.


  44. “Everyone who comments here is intelligent, thoughtful, capable of interesting, informative conversation.”

    sjwny, EVERY one?  lol, guess I slipped in under the radar somehow….  must remember to wear this trail persona to the next costume party.

  45. I think an important element of being a thoughtful trail hand is being able and willing to defend one’s strident opinions. An example would be my disdain of Bernie both as a politician and as a human being.

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