Lysistrata is alive and well in West Virginia

By PatD, a Trail Mix Contributor

Hari Sreenivsan (PBS NewsHour): Buckhannon is a town with a population of less than 6,000. It’s a deeply conservative place with a long history tied to coal. Its mayor calls it the most Trumpian place in America. But Buckhannon is also where a growing group of women are finding their voice through protest and where speaking up has angered some people, including the men in their lives.

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Happy Birthday Trail Mixers!
Twelve years ago today we launched our little corner of the Internets.

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7 years ago

Thanks to all of you who keep this place lively, here on our 12th birthday. We’re almost teenagers!

7 years ago

Mazel Tov Craig!

7 years ago

Just wanted to say Congratulations, Craig, and everyone. A community with heart, for sure.

7 years ago

Happy Birthday from Cape Cod!  Had the best stuffed quahogs ever … Pronounced eva… Last night!

7 years ago

Happy Birthday Craig, Trailmix, and all the lovely companions are the Trail.

7 years ago

Speaking of the women and children:

World Environment Day 2017:  What you can do to help clean up the planet

This year the host country is Canada, so from a leader who makes his country proud, this tweet from Trudeau:

World Environment Day reminds us we all have a role to play to preserve and protect our planet for future generations.  



7 years ago

Hi Joy In Florida

Thank you for the kind thoughts.  Stick around for a chat.

7 years ago

Dave Leonhardt:  Who Lost The Climate


Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Happy Birthday to us!  Many more to come.

7 years ago

12 years.  Why it seems like only yesterday…

Buckhannon is a town I’m oh, so familiar with.  It’s one of the 8 county seats that comprise about 80% of our practice and LP attended his first year in college in Buckhannon then transferred to a place with a college party scene (much to his parents’ dismay).  Ain’t much there, although its Main Street is kinda quaint in a dying small town kind of way.  The photo is a little coffee shop on main street, or I should say the coffee shop on Main Street. Its tie to coal is best demonstrated by the Sago Mine disaster in 2006 when 12 miners (of 13) were killed.  Wilbur Ross formed the Company that owned the assets of the company that operated the mine. Can’t imagine why Buckhannon wouldn’t have held the Wilbur Ross connection against trump.  They were certainly pissed as hell at ICG, Ross’s company.

7 years ago

Happy birthday to all.  I’m celebrating with a cool glass of Kool-Aid.  Kavfefe flavored.


7 years ago

You’d think some of his people would start leaving, instead they protect themselves by leaking …

Politico — Trump deliberately failed to include language in his recent NATO speech reaffirming the alliance’s Article 5 mutual defense provision.

National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson all supported Trump doing so and had worked in the weeks leading up to the trip to make sure it was included in the speech, according to five sources familiar with the episode. They thought it was, and a White House aide even told the New York Times the day before the line was definitely included.

It was not until the next day, Thursday, May 25, when Trump started talking at an opening ceremony for NATO’s new Brussels headquarters, that the president’s national security team realized their boss had made a decision with major consequences – without consulting or even informing them in advance of the change.


Blonde Wino
7 years ago

A Happy Birthday…let us eat cake and drink wine.  The trail has survived the grand recession and I became a senior while on the trail.  Times sure have changed.

I noticed our prez hit the airwaves since Friday…putin was interviewed by so many US notables…Olie Stone looked unkempt while he interviewed a driving putin.  megyn in her debut on NBC looked jet-lagged under her ten pound fake eye lashes which made her eyes look like slits in the russian pretend sun. the real prez isn’t afraid to be interviewed like our pretend prez, the loser of the popular vote.  more putin face time than trump.

7 years ago

Happy Birthday, Trail Mix (and the earliest iterations).  Thanks to you, Craig, for keeping this “blog” going all these years. Most bloggers and blog sites, me included, have scattered to the wind many years ago.  You have maintained.  As Navy people say, Well Done!  Looking forward to many more years.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

And in twelve years? We still have a repug asshole in the WH.  This one is not only stupid like bush, but also unafraid of making stupid comments, moves and risks.  Both trump and bush complained about the ‘hard work’ of the office, but they are the ‘deciders’…the ‘president.’  Obviously a more diseased version in trump.

7 years ago

Congratulations to the Founder and Original Cadre of Trail Mix. It is they who crossed the Mississippi, the Missouri, and the Great Plains, conquered the Rockies, and drank from the waters of the Pacific–only to discover that they were salty. From that discovery came the realization that true knowledge was within the Mix themselves! VERITAS!

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

Happy Anniversary.  Not all internet creations survive for very long.

SFB has spent a lot of time focused on the mayor of London, who happens to be Muslim.  It is become a fact, a truth, that SFB hates, detests, spits on graves, pee – never mind that is a different person he hates, forever and ever he cannot stand anyone not in his image.  He has effectively destroyed his reason for the “travel ban”.  Also, he maybe approaching his goodbye point in the Oval Office, the trap door is set to dump him out.  2018 campaign season is starting and those republicans are starting to weigh the far, far right votes against the far right votes knowing they probably have seen the last of the indie voters for a while.  Many of the them are looking out for number one, not number forty-five or even forty-six.

7 years ago

I musta missed something, BB.  SFB?  I assume that’s Stupid Fat Bastard?

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

sh&t For Brains

7 years ago

May the Trail outlive steve fugking bannoneff, deadbeat j. pussypincher, and the ripofflican party.

Happy Birthday, Tweenies !

Follow the Trail. The East is Blue !

7 years ago

Bob Dylan recorded and sent in his Nobel Acceptance Lecture.

It ain’t no slouch.

7 years ago

Nice birthday present from Bob…….

7 years ago

BB………that’s PRESIDENT shitforbrains………show some respect…….

7 years ago

BB, shitforbrains, stupidfatbastard. Seems that either fits, but I like yours better. Excuse me, president SFB. ?

7 years ago

or………….hmmmm……perhaps you had in mind the famous Ricky Bobby gag, “With all due respect…..”

7 years ago

Bob says books shaped a lot of his life…….i liked books and read a bunch of em, but I think it may have been the comedians that I look to for “basis”     The music just came naturally, just some how i was able to travel…….

7 years ago

For some reason, for a number of Friday nights around 54 or so…..i was home alone with me old dad and we’d watch the friday night fights, Topper, and The Great One……with his sidekick Ed Norton…….we didn’t get Milton or Sid Caesar, it was just the great Jackie……..He really got my attention………

Had I ever possessed even a teaspoon of ambition that’s what I would have done…….try to make people laugh……

7 years ago

Reagan fired PATCO folks and now Trump starts the process to privatize air traffic control jobs.  All I know is that the Dems are going to fight this.  I need more info…this blindsided me today.

Still here, 12 years, 25 years sober and trudging onward.  Missing the words of Jim  F. of New York City…that guy was a role model of courage.  A true renaissance man, silenced.

comment image

7 years ago

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="200"]m e me[/caption]


7 years ago

btw, patd, love the Lysistrata reference.  In Buckhannon the plan would be to say “No” when the “Shut up bitch and get in the truck” foreplay starts in the Walmart parking lot.

7 years ago

Well I didn’t show up here  until 2007, in the fall I think. Since my favorite usenet site had went to crap, I was wandering lost in the wilderness looking for a new home where intelligent discussion  could be had.  Can’t remember why I wandered over here probably saw Craig on MSNBC.

Happy  birthday, Trail Mix.


7 years ago

Ambassador to China resigns today. The more people resign from this government he closer we will be to impeachment or a 25th Amendment solution. SFB now has 4,000 and one jobs to fill. Play more golf, STB!

7 years ago


A direct quote from my eldest sister, who is well into her geezerdom, may explain the quote.

“Those people are all over the place and they just think they know everything.”

She and her husband are 10 years older than I am, mid 70’s-ish He is a retired autoworker and moved back down to the country. He may have voted  for Obama in 08 because his pension was in trouble but now that Obama solved that problem he has turned back to his old ways and is a solid Republican/Trump supporter. When Craig moans about the loss of white working class voters I often think about my BiL


7 years ago

A good candidate will be beaten by a lousy campaign every time :

Clinton’s campaign didn’t rise to lousiness. But, she creamed the deadbeat in the debates. Creamed, pounded, shredded, fried, mashed, popped, diced, battered, flattened, walloped, schmeered, ripped, pureed, beat, smoked, crushed, plastered, whipped, chopped, cremated, and buried him. Yet, she still lost. Bad campaign.

7 years ago

Happy Dirty Dozen!

Dems are fighting it, but the air traffic controllers like it…and the airlines like it, of course.  Big business.   Get your thumbs ready to hitchhike.

W is hawking his book of paintings of the military personnel he sent to be wounded. He’s making  the rounds at a gym for wounded warriors, too.  Jeez.


7 years ago

Bob Dylan’s Speech


7 years ago

Happy Birthday to the best corner of the internet!?

7 years ago

a good time to stop flying……

7 years ago

12 years-old? Technically, we can still get in for the kids admission price, right? 🙂

7 years ago


7 years ago

Oh my, those lucky fiddles.