Grandstander or Stands Grander

By PatD, a Trail Mix Contributor

Forget for the moment the real reason FBI Director Comey was fired and focus on the possibility of more personal reasons motivating a person proclaimed to be a world-class narcissist.

Starter list for the “Reasons to Fire” column: he’s taller, smarter, younger, more popular than me.

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His hands are HUUUUUGE!


I want to see the dominoes begin to fall……enough of this crap…..

time for the cookies to crumble and for the chips to fall where they may……..this cat and mouse business is toooooo sloooooooow.



The Sir Douglas Quintet…….we just assumed they were another British group…….Vox organ and all that…..


“Play it, Augie”.


Those guys really pulled one off……Doug Sahms…..rode the British Invasion from the relative safety of somewhere in Texas…….and of course…………1965


Hahaha………check it out


Now he’s saying the next FBI Director will be “spectacular.”  Whattya wanna bet he trots out whomever  ends up with job and calls him a rockstar? Cornyn would be an idiot to even entertain the thought.  Give up an elected office for an appointment that Trump could yank out from under him on trumped-up charges? Not that I’d miss him serving Texans, but… PatD – Great post! Trump has a Napoleon complex and James “Too Tall” Comey had to go. Don’t you think Trump did try to get Comey’s loyalty oath on tape, but when he didn’t give it… Waiting… Read more »


And then, flip of the coin, some nice American girls doing their hit song with a Brit “guitar” band……the girls nailed it.


Still think these shit storms, even the Comey debacle, don’t hurt Trump with the voters who elected him. They consider him their voice and see attacks against him as attacks on them. The more Washington goes after him the stronger he gets with Washington haters. Right now my hunch is he’ll have to be impeached or forced to resign to prevent a second term.


Towards the end of his term he will declare victory and then retreat.

id say it depends on the enormity of the Evidence as to whether his core supporters begin to fall off the wagon or not.

if the stuff against him is overwhelmingly damning……

so it all depends…..


Does Sir Doug’s hair come off with his hat?


well put, sturg. Ever since the billy bush tape I’ve been wrong in thinking he’d lose critical support after episodes that would be disastrous for anyone else. I just don’t know what it’ll take.

There will be no second term. By then Wisconsin will have registered the 200k dems kicked off and no poll or survey shows him getting stronger –only weaker and if they pass Trumpnocare there won’t be  gooper in office anywhere Also the strongest evidence that people are going to get rid of the tax cheeto is what is happening on the local level  In Cal communities are requiring all new construction to have solar panels Trump may finish out his term but there will be no second term.  He will use the excuse of spending more time with Melanoma who… Read more »

Susan Collins -what a loser


Sturg, Trump’s core supporters are the viewers of Hannity’s idiocy. They are going nowhere and, as eProf said the other day, their numbers exceed CNN and MSNBC combined. Believing that those supporters at their absolute core are patriotic Americans, at some point the realization that Trump, at his core, is a bag of  traitorous scum will become apparent in a lightning flash and he will, along with his vice president, an enabler, be impeached.


wish I could share your certainty, KGC, but wish it well


The billy bush tape made him a hero with some Americans…..



Maybe what’s-his-name will take him hunting


Is the Pontiff going to give StRump an honorary doctorate during His visit?


I’m not sure about Doug’s hair, but pretty sure this one’s hair came off with the hat over in Newport.


btw Pat, very clever headline


crackers is right, Craig.  There will be no second term.

As jobs continue to be sent over the border or overseas, and, as he fails to fix Obamacare, he’ll lose his shine.

You can’t shine sh/+.


You can’t shine shit….good one BID

Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian
Yesterday at 6:56am · 



PRAYER WARRIOR ALERT: Please pray for Fox News gadfly Mike Huckabee. It’s hard out there for a professional moral scold when one child is known for torturing dogs and, now, another is one of America’s most notorious, incompetent liars.




maybe I pay too much attention to the alt right, but they turn every Trump fiasco into an excuse for bashing Washington and the media, make him the hero of each episode, and their consumers love it. exactly what they’ll do even if he gets nothing done, or whatever goes wrong. blame shift.


But the folks who were just hurting & felt neglected by both parties…if he doesn’t come through for them on jobs & healthcare,  he’s toast.


In the oft repeated words of this guy I’ve known forever, a viet vet, typical of many of his brothers in arms who feel, for one reason or another, that they’ve been ” ‘buked and scorned” ever since they got back:

“Go Trump!! Fuck ’em ALL!!”

its become a perhaps last hurrah for many. It’s been cast as one whether it is or not.


That comment appears here and there on liberal or democratic postings on social media.  A standard comment on liberal pussies and the things they write.


Myrtle Beach, SC 60’s and 70’s The band “Alabama ” didn’t just pop up outa thin air, so to speakle……every summer for years these 4 fellers from Ft Payne, Alabama , would come to Myrtle to work “The Bowery”, a beachfront pool-shooting, shag dancing, pitcher of beer guzzling paradise. Sometimes I get tired of making hyphens on an eye-phone. These guys, known as “Wild Country” back then, hit the stage at high noon, and worked until 6 with No Breaks. They took breaks one guy at a time as the band played on. At 6 they were off until 7… Read more »


Other moo-jicians would sit in to help them with their having a break and all and as our gig at The Army-Navy was midnight to 7 am they were often in there sitting in too…..

the video kinda schmaltzy……it was a lot grittier than it looks there…..

Blue Bronc

During the last couple days I have had people who voted for the floater “to change things” tell me  (they were consistent in message) they were getting “concerned” that the guy is too self-centered and not looking out for their interests.  This is DC area so we see the place a lot different than someone in Tie Siding, WY, does, a common thread is all are small business owners or franchise owners.  They see the world through the lens of “THERE ARE TOO MANY REGULATIONS” (that is how I hear them talk).  They don’t like being taxed or told what… Read more »


Pat: Love your take on the Comey firing 🙂 Craig: I’m not worried about so called trump supporters. I think his core group is actually quite small. That’s why he still holds campaign rallies, to convince himself that he has huge support. Lizzie held a town hall in a local community on Fri. The high school auditorium was packed and there were trump supporters with signs protesting outside. Local media showed them on the street…there were 6 people. I think they may have been from the same family! They interviewed a man and as always, when cult of trump people… Read more »


After my last night in Myrtle for awhile this one time, bout 73, I reckon, I come down the outside stairs of this deserted old beachfront hotel where we had been staying, and there on the bottom steps was a big fat joint. I says This is my lucky day……..but when I got to the 64 deville I’d neglected for once to park directly under the street light……the clothes rack in the back seat was empty, and stuff was gone.  I figured, who in hell is going to steal a bunch of damn clothes? But then there ya go. I… Read more »


Sturg, I used to whitewater kayak with a guy from the Fort Payne/ Sand Mountain area who was in a band with Randy Owen before his “Alabama ” days. Had nothing but good things to say about him.


Health care costs are bankrupting us – CNN


“It’s also critical to the financial security of federal and state governments — which have sharply reduced spending for schools, parks and social services to pay medical bills.

Neither Obamacare nor the bill recently passed by the House to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act effectively address both components of the cost equation: price and volume.”

“But the problem is more general: Among 54 prescription drugs commonly used by older Americans, Medicare pays nearly twice as much per dose as do the government systems in Canada, England and Norway.”


Is that where his “we” tweet came from; he just hadn’t completely formulated a thought before he started typing?

Time to nap for SNL or I’ll never make it.

To all mothers on the trail, have a good one.


Russian money-laundering details remain in the dark as US settles fraud case – CNN


“…federal prosecutors in New York announced they settled the case with Prevezon, the company accused of buying up “high-end commercial space and luxury apartments” with laundered money.

The abrupt conclusion has some involved in the trial wondering why this Russian investigation had been cut short.

“What most concerns me is: Has there been any political pressure applied in this?” asked Louise Shelley.”

“The case had initially been brought by US Attorney Preet Bharara, but he was fired by President Donald Trump in March.”


Granny: “I think his core group is actually quite small.”

But he got elected. It’s his voters outside the core I’m watching and I don’t yet see the slippage so many here expect.


Trump hints that he will replace Spicer with Fox News Host – Daily Mail

This may be Melissa McCarthy’s farewell appearance as Spice-y.



I notice from Pat’s first post that the deadbeat is now 6’3″ tall. Just last year he was 6’2″


My con law hero, Laurence Tribe

makes a case for PG’s impeachment     And really, Tribe should have been elevated to SCOTUS years ago.