Spicer’s Brain Breaks Wind Again

Sean Spicer …

  • forgot about Hitler’s gas chambers, Uber him to Holocaust Museum right now!
  • apologizes for forgetting about Hitler gas chambers. Sorry is still stupid.
  • doesn’t understand history, makes up stuff. Perfect spokesman for his boss.
  • says Hitler didn’t gas “his own people” — guess all those Jews he killed were somebody else’s.
  • calls Nazi gas chambers “Holocaust Centers” — guess he thinks they were just roadside attractions.
  • says Hitler didn’t use gas “in the same way” as Assad. Sure, systematically murdering 6 million so low key. Happy Passover.

Communications 101 Mr. Spicer, Hitler comparisons NEVER work. You can’t dumb down his evil.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host

59 thoughts on “Spicer’s Brain Breaks Wind Again”

  1. https://youtu.be/Zi8_j6bAMQQ
    Published on Apr 12, 2017

    During his daily briefing, Sporty Spicer made an absolutely incredible statement about Syrian President Assad. He said ‘even someone as despicable as Hitler, didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons’ which is, of course, very wrong, but watch this and listen closely because you can almost hear the voice inside his head.

  2. spliecer snafu seems convenient distraction for the bigger story today in wapo:  “FBI obtained FISA warrant to monitor Trump adviser Carter Page”

    The FBI and the Justice Department obtained the warrant targeting Carter Page’s communications after convincing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court judge that there was probable cause to believe Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power, in this case Russia, according to the officials.


    The government’s application for the surveillance order targeting Page included a lengthy declaration that laid out investigators’ basis for believing that Page was an agent of the Russian government and knowingly engaged in clandestine intelligence activities on behalf of Moscow, officials said.

    Among other things, the application cited contacts that he had with a Russian intelligence operative in New York City in 2013, officials said. Those contacts had earlier surfaced in a federal espionage case brought by the Justice Department against the intelligence operative and two other Russian agents. In addition, the application said Page had other contacts with Russian operatives that have not been publicly disclosed, officials said.

  3. kgc, what would the opposite of that best and brightest be?  the worst and the WTF-est?

  4. drip, drip,  drip

    associated press:

    WASHINGTON — Last August, a handwritten ledger surfaced in Ukraine with dollar amounts and dates next to the name of Paul Manafort, who was then Donald Trump’s campaign chairman.

    Ukrainian investigators called it evidence of off-the-books payments from a pro-Russian political party — and part of a larger pattern of corruption under the country’s former president. Manafort, who worked for the party as an international political consultant, has publicly questioned the ledger’s authenticity.

    Now, financial records newly obtained by The Associated Press confirm that at least $1.2 million in payments listed in the ledger next to Manafort’s name were actually received by his consulting firm in the United States. They include payments in 2007 and 2009, providing the first evidence that Manafort’s firm received at least some money listed in the so-called Black Ledger.

    The two payments came years before Manafort became involved in Trump’s campaign, but for the first time bolster the credibility of the ledger. They also put the ledger in a new light, as federal prosecutors in the U.S. have been investigating Manafort’s work in Eastern Europe as part of a larger anti-corruption probe.


  5. On a lighter note, the suggestions have started now with voting to start April 24.  Go to to enter and start recommending names for the eaglets on your various media. I’m going with Hamilton & Madison or Wilson & Edith for the first couple in 1917


  6. Jamie,

    The “Edith” in your couple of names, was of course …… a descendant of POCAHONTAS!


  7. Any odds on Kushner buddy Morning Joe ending up as Press Secretary anytime soon? May not have been the Veep position coveted by said TV personality but it’d be an in in the current in crowd. Plus having the drinking buddy of msnbc’s Griffin would be yet one more reason to despise this administration to anyone with a heart, a brain & the courage to do so.



  8. The mayor of crazytown  Joe Scarborough wouldn’t be any better then the current moron

  9. Speaking of weasels: The falafel/luffa guy currently hosting the 8PM show on Fox is taking a vacation. Short term or permanent?

  10. according to Mr. Olielly it is a long planned vacation…

    we report you decide.  I think he is hoping that it will die down and he can come back.

    He has a long history of abusive behavior -his own kids don’t want anything to do with him.

  11. My guess is O’Reilly doesn’t come back. It’s been obvious for a while the next gen Murdochs want to move the channel a bit more center without jeapordizing the base. They’ve already done it in daytime, and prime time is next up. They own the right wing market, expanding to more moderate news consumers only way they can grow.

  12. Let me know when they fire the morning morons  …they spread more lies than anyone else

  13. Let’s play Oddball! : On an episode of Henry Louis Gates’ Finding Your Roots Falafel Guy discovered he was a distant cousin of Bill Maher.

  14. Don’t watch msnbc like millions of others have chosen.

    Fun fact: Mr. Olbermann’s Resistance GQ gets more views than msnbc’s Primetime shows get viewers.


  15. The Democrat is the Pompeo seat did not get much help and still came within 7% of beating the gooper

    The Dems better be all over the price seat.

  16. Can’t wait to see Melanoma and Pussy Grabber at the Easter Egg event on the white house lawn

  17. patd

    Won’t be watching Lie Lie Land as La La Land was released to pre-paid to own video yesterday.  Watched it again yesterday and will probably get in another viewing this weekend.

  18. I’m pretty much off MSNBC except for Rachel.  They royally pissed me off during the election between the Morning crowd grovel for Trump and the afternoon/evening grovel for Bernie, but I still like her fact filled schoolmarmish presentations

  19. spliecer dutifully fell on the sword.  how would you grade it, a perfect 10 or a begrudged 2?

    as quoted by the hill:

    “Your job as a spokesperson is to help amplify the president’s actions and accomplishments,” a subdued Spicer told interviewer Greta Van Susteren at a Newseum event examining the press in Trump’s first 100 days.

    “When you’re distracting from that message of accomplishment, and your job is to be the exact opposite, on a professional level it’s disappointing because I think I’ve let the president down. On both a personal level and a professional level, that will not go down as a very good day in my history,” he added.


    “There’s no comparing atrocities,” a contrite Spicer said Wednesday. “Of all weeks, this compounds that kind of mistake.”

    “It’s painful to myself to know I did something like that.”

    […..] Spicer eventually apologized for his comments in national interviews on CNN and MSNBC on Tuesday.

  20. this morning’s wapo spy (alleged spy who just happened to be a named advisor to the twit) story makes last month’s cnn story “Ex-spies weigh in on Russian hacking allegations” worthy of a second look.

    meet former secret agent men jack barsky and oleg kalugin from former kgb and Eric O’Neill is a former FBI operative and currently the national security strategist for Carbon Black. As an FBI operative he helped to capture one of the most notorious spies in US history: Robert Hanssen. Hanssen, an FBI agent himself….

    would love to hear what they think about carter page and if they would agree with their former countryman’s assessment [quote from wapo article]

    In one secretly recorded conversation, detailed in the complaint, Podobnyy said Page “wrote that he is sorry, he went to Moscow and forgot to check his inbox, but he wants to meet when he gets back. I think he is an idiot and forgot who I am. Plus he writes to me in Russian [to] practice the language. He flies to Moscow more often than I do. He got hooked on Gazprom thinking that if they have a project, he could rise up. Maybe he can. I don’t know, but it’s obvious that he wants to earn lots of money.’’


  21. Melanoma “I am planning on wearing an egg sized diamond” – Ms Cracker

    I didn’t realize that Swarovski made them that big.

  22. Best tweet of the week from (@itsAdamJSmith):
    Pepsi: “shittt, nobody could have a bigger PR disaster than us this week!”
    United Airlines: “Hold my beer…”

    Sean Spicer: “bitch, please…”

  23. I wonder of Melanoma has all her gifts from Pussy Grabber independently valued.

    I think she would kill him if she found out they were paste–there’s a lovely thought.

  24. Will Jill Stein be questioned about the infamous RT Moscow shindig (considering her tablemates), or has she already? Sort of “What did you know, when did you know it” thingy.

    If she has, & news hasn’t leaked, rather a sad commentary on her relevance. Maybe she can get a gig as the new Joey Bishop /Peter Lawford of the political Rat Pack. Or she could do America a favor, defect to Red Square & do her stand up routine denouncing America nightly.

  25. Funny thing, when I type in “maddow” autocorrect changes it to “sell out.” Ha, technology IS our all knowing overlord 😉


  26. I do hope someone is keeping psych notes.  good to have on hand when the upcoming 25th amendment process begins

    wapo the fixPresident Trump’s thoroughly confusing Fox Business interview, annotated

  27. I haven’t seen much coverage of the Tillerson trip…..are we at war?

  28. There was a long joint newser with his Russian counterpart carried on msnbc. It was very frank on Tillerson’s part. Basically, he called the Russians liars and fellow travelers with the Syrians. Aside from that, it was pleasant.

  29. seen on facebook

    Nightmare: on a united airline s flight to Chechnya the pilot is Sean Spicer predicting unexpected flatulence

  30. ahhhhh….  we laid my father-in-law to rest today.  And then I come here and see one of my all time favorite 60s hits turned into “Agent Orange Man”….     tooooooo fuuuuuny!

  31. Tonight a beautiful young woman’s journey of carrying the beginnings of the Universe ends.  She no longer will bring the first electrons of that very instant forward in her living body.  She will relinquish them to our Earth which will at some time in the future provide them to another carrier of our start.
    My life was made better from her enjoyment of it.  All who met her felt the same.  She laughed easily and made others do the same.  She was fun to be around.  We were co-workers so I knew her like many other co-workers too.
    She lived her life, years after almost losing it to breast cancer.  In the end that is what took hers away. 
    I get angry when a young woman (or man) like her dies and leaves young children behind.  They do not understand.  Later maybe they will, but not now.  Their tears are as hot and salty as anyone’s, but covered in the pain of crying for their mother.  It is important that they learn they were not alone in crying for their mother.  Many others will tonight join them.

  32. Xrep – That Iowegian copped that from “Legally Blonde.” Different scenario, though.

    Whomever follows Spicer will have a difficult time doing the job any worse than Seanny-boy.

    RIP to Dot Letterman.

  33. The deadbeat will not punish commie China’s currency manipulation after all, despite dozens of promises.

    Thus commie China’s, walmart’s, and cracker barrel’s asses are saved from bankruptcy.

  34. Darn, I rather liked today’s headline. If you’re not going to help us post threads, at least say something about those who do.

  35. Meanwhile Secretary of Suckbutt tillerson continues his Apology Tour among the russhin murderers.

  36. SJ, got your post for tomorrow. Thanks. We sure could use more help around here. Email text to me or use our contributor posting, couldn’t be easier.

  37. Craig, I believe that you covered the Spy, Sir Matter perfectly, and I for one could not possibly add a decoration to the topic that would not step on the beauty of your characterization.

    By the way, the orange weakling also backed away from confrontation with commie China about noKorea in his conversation with emperor xi.

    It’s more complicated than “we” thought, he squishied softly.

  38. Watching “The Great War” on American Experience. Was never a fan of Wilson. Never will be.


  39. White House Spokescrepitation sean spicer is all about cluttering, deflecting, hiding, denying, adumbrating, derailing, camouflaging, obscuring, and lying. The hitler chemicals bit was derailing the Syrian atrocity deflection.

  40. xrepublican,

    #45’s Press Secretary isn’t very bright. Just smart enough to know which coattails to ride.

  41. Would you vote for a man with a Van Dyke, mutton chop sideburns or a handlebar moustache? If you were allowed to vote in the late 19th-early 20th century, apparently, Yes. Why do we have a prejudice against candidates with facial hair today? Could a woman ever go au naturel as far as facial hair is concerned (because some ladies are so blessed.)


  42. xrepub, so many of your comments could easily be turned into full on posts. Why not send me one sometime? We need more conversation starters from our rich variety of voices. It’s what makes this place unique.

  43. Spies, Sir’s brain is quite like the Sahara Desert, barren, empty, and tortured by a tremendous wind from behind.

  44. craig, as a connoisseur of clever headlines, yours had perfect taste, color and nose.  aged and tartly mellow.

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