It’s The Cover-Up, Stupid

Campaign dealings with a hostile foreign power are so toxic that it’s no wonder the Trump White House wants the story to go away. But the prevarications and outright lies about contacts with Russia lead to the unavoidable conclusion that a cover-up is afoot. Question is whether they’re covering up something or nothing, or perhaps they’re just being stupid. Either way, this presidency is facing crib death.

Adjourn Sessions

Trump has fired a campaign manager (Paul Manafort) and a national security advisor (Michael Flynn) for lies about their Russian ties. So why does he hang on to AG Jeff Sessions?

In Trump world lie to Pence get fired (Flynn). Lie to the whole country (Sessions) get a wet kiss.

Are we over Trump’s Eddie Haskell night at Congress lying to the adults?

Wow, Hillary’s leaked emails to Huma about her laundry don’t seem so dangerous anymore.

Proven liars don’t get benefit of the doubt.

Trail Cookin: Spatchcock Chicken

Let’s get back to sharing recipes. Here’s Spatchcock Chicken (inspired by my KY cousin/master chef Bill B. with Col. Sanders famous 11 herbs and spices, which we enjoyed last night with green beans, carrots and miniature gold taters in the slow cooker.

With kitchen shears or regular scissors cut out the backbone of a 3-5lb young chicken — place the chicken on a cutting board breast-side-down. Working from the cavity opening up to the neck, cut down each side of the back bone (bone makes a good seasoner for your slow cooker green beans). Smash that dude breast side up, so it’s flat and ready for action (see photo). Rub on a bit of olive oil (or, I prefer bacon grease) and season as you wish (see my suggestion below).

Pre-heat your iron skillet in the oven to 500 degrees. Drop temp to 450 and toss your butterflied chicken on there breast side down for 30 min. Turn over (carefully, use your widest spatula, preferably metal, to avoid losing skin that might be stuck to skillet, this is the trickiest part of the recipe) then drizzle a tiny bit of pre-mixed olive oil, rosemary and minced garlic on the breast side up, cook another 15 min.

Remove from oven and let sit at least 15 min.

My fav seasoning (credit: Col. Sanders and his wife, Claudia)
NOTE: this makes about 3 times as much seasoning as you need, save the rest for another meal.
2/3 tablespoon salt
1/2 tablespoon thyme
1/2 tablespoon basil
1/3 tablespoon oregano
1 tablespoon celery salt
1 tablespoon black pepper
1 tablespoon dried mustard
4 tablespoons paprika
2 tablespoons garlic salt
1 tablespoon ground ginger
3 tablespoons white pepper
1 tablespoon Accent or similar MSG seasoning

If you want to fry your chicken add two cups of flour to seasoning above. Pressure cooker works best.

And as I’ve bragged about in the past I was privileged to meet the Colonel (that’s me and his pal, my grandfather, in the background).