Fighting Obamacare Without Obama No Fun For GOP

Wasn’t the Republican crusade against Obamacare always just code for Obama hate speech?

Perhaps that’s why the wind now but whispers through the sails of “repeal and replace” on Capitol Hill. With Obama gone, the real point is lost.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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7 years ago

President Obama was the Republicans’ little blue pill.




7 years ago

Sending greetings to blueINdallas. Hoping all is well.


7 years ago

Ryan is such an idiot. His message- we have promised the American people for 7 1/2 years that we would repeal and replace the disaster known as Obamacare. Weeellll, maybe, just maybe, they should have spent more than a month working on something to replace it with. And if he brings the bill to the floor without the votes to pass it,  he showing that not only is he an incompetent in drafting a health care plan that is acceptable across a broad range of his own party, but he’s also incompetent as a speaker.

But really the thing that I am happiest about is that it shows that the right wing American idiots who elected Cheeto were sold a bill of goods and willingly bought it.


Blue Bronc
7 years ago

The floater wins one today.  Going with an up or down vote is a very good idea right now.  Kill the monster problem early and declare victory.  It leaves the voters months and years to forget.  The best thing the Dems can do for the next couple of years is constantly submit bills to improve ACA.  Keep the debacle fresh while attacking the republicans for being so bad they could not do what they wanted to do to Obama.

7 years ago


The recent playing of Ryan’s October speech against the future #45 was deliberate. The administration wants him embarrassed & out – this is the m.o. with this gang. A failure to repeal/replace would be Ryan’s fault, eh? Draining the swamp + payback. You don’t bad talk the Donald.

7 years ago

as of jan 20th, it became trumpDontcare not obamacare not ryancare. don’t let him get away from that buck stopping at 1600 penn.  if what he inherited is broken it’s incumbent upon him to fix it.  “I alone can fix it,” he declared in the most memorable line of his nomination acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention last summer. [wapo]  walking away, washing one’s hands of it, finding fault with the other guy is not fixing it.

7 years ago

Trump is bringing his real estate  hustle tactics to Washington politics.

President Trump delivered an ultimatum to House Republicans: Vote to approve the measure to overhaul the nation’s health-care system on the House floor, or reject it and the president will move on to his other legislative priorities.

In case you don’t recognize it, what you see there is a version of the time share hustle. Where after you listen to the sales pitch, you do the smart thing(tell the salesperson you will think on it). The sales person says ” Nope, no can do, you either sign the contract or lose the chance forever”. Of course it is a suckers con, a sure indicator that the deal is trash. But it works at least on some folks.

I’m interested to see if it will work here.

A couple of points on the statement. Politics is always an endless negotiation, at most folks get distracted and move on. But they can always bring up the subject again. Second and to me most obvious. Donald Trump doesn’t set the agenda in the house, all he can do is suggest.

So I be curious today, will Trumps hard sell work?



7 years ago

from nancy Pelosi presser transcript:

As bad as TrumpCare was, Republicans have been up all night trying to make it worse. They are scrambling to find a bill that they can pass on the floor. I don’t know if you want to call this, on Trump’s part, a rookie’s error, but you don’t find a day and say ‘we’re going to pass a bill.’ You build your consensus in your caucus, and when you’re ready, you set the date to bring it to the floor.

But so eager were they to, I don’t know, to be mean‑spirited, to say we are going to bring up this bill on the same day as the seventh anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, rookie’s error, Donald Trump. You may be a great negotiator. Rookie’s error for bringing this up on a day when clearly you’re not ready.

[..later during Q&A when asked about improving aca….]

…There are a number of things. And maybe some things that we can work together with the Republicans that are Republican ideas, as is the Affordable Care Act. Me, I would have had public option. This is a Republican idea, RomneyCare, individual mandate. An individual mandate can go with a public option, but if you don’t have the individual mandate, you have free riders.

And this is the Heritage Foundation. They developed this idea of individual responsibility, and on top of the individual responsibility, a recognition that not everybody could afford it, and the subsidies were part of their idea as well.

So this is a free marketplace initiative. If you don’t, as some people believe, that health care should not be a for‑profit industry, you go in another direction. But we didn’t do that. We stayed with the mixture that was there.

Q: But you would characterize it as overwhelmingly successful?

Leader Pelosi. Overwhelmingly successful. And we have the stories across America. And that’s why the AARP, the AMA, almost every physicians group, consumer group, patients groups, disease groups are all opposing what the Republicans are putting forth.


And the fact is, if this bill were to fail today, Rookie Day, I stand ready to negotiate with them on how we can go forward, incorporating some of their ideas, saving face for them in some areas, but doing what is right for the American people.

This is a bad day for them. It’s bad if they win and it’s bad if they lose because of what destruction they will wreak in the lives of the American people, and the American people know it.


So they have a bill that is just getting worse as far as we can tell that they have to – again, you do not bring up your bill just to be spiteful to the anniversary of the Affordable Care Act. You build your consensus in your party and in the Congress, hopefully, and then you bring up the bill so you can do the best job for the American people, not the shortest, quickest, worst monstrosity that you can pass on the floor.

7 years ago

Published on Mar 23, 2017

After years of trying to repeal Obamacare, House Republicans are forced to delay the vote on their own health care legislation thanks to lack of support within the party.

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

Jack – as many presidents have experienced with the Congress, they can try to exert pressure to do what they want, but they are dealing with five hundred thirty five people who look in the mirror and see themselves as president some day.  And, they are looking to the next election.  The question they ask, or should ask, “will my vote help my reelection?”  How they vote today could be a solid answer to that simple question.

7 years ago

So the CBO says changes to the bill bring it in line with the deficit reduction impact of Obamacare over the same period, increases the cost of Medicaid, raises insurance rates by 15-20% over then next couple of years and boots 24 million who have healthcare under ACA into their  pre ACA uninsured status.  But the rich and corporations get a tax cut.  Great work Paul and Donnie.  God if idiocy was worth anything they could bottle and sell it and erase the deficit and debt.

7 years ago

Keep on truckin’ that garbage you peddle, 45*. Fewer and fewer are buying.

7 years ago

So this is a free marketplace initiative” – pelosi

The Minority Leader doesn’t know the difference between private enterprise and free market. Sheeeesh.

7 years ago

Ryan punts.

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) headed to the White House midday to brief President Trump on an overhaul of the nation’s health-care system, amid mounting evidence that enough House Republicans would spurn their pitches and send the bill to defeat.

Ryan was prepared to tell Trump there are not enough votes to pass the legislation, two GOP aides familiar with his plans said. It was unclear whether leaders would proceed with a planned afternoon vote. As Ryan met with Trump at the White House at 1:30 p.m., Press Secretary Sean Spicer said during his daily briefing that a vote would proceed at 3:30 p.m.

7 years ago

Blue B

True, kinda politics 101.

A president who barely carried the vote ( or in this case didn’t) is politically weak and everybody knows it

Here is a good analysis of the subject from Wapo.


7 years ago

Remember – drumpf promised to repeal and replace Obamacare and make healthcare coverage available to everyone at much lower rates than under Obamacare (he actually said healthcare, so who the fudge knows what he meant?) and that would be on day one I seem to recall.  And remember, not necessarily referring to Obamacare, but he told the lemmings gathered at the RNC “I alone can fix it.”   Great work

7 years ago

The Freedom coalition is more wary of the Koch Bros than Trump and his minions. The Koch Bros WILL primary them, Trumpistas only may do it.


Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Losing elections is the only thing that will make the goopers change their ways

7 years ago

looks like they’ve still got a thing for Obama.  at least nat’l enquirer must think he sells papers.  just saw this headline at grocery store today:
First To Know!
Barack Obama Wiretapped Trump — The Shocking Proof
D.C. shaken after House Intelligence Chair confirms ENQUIRER exclusive!
Donald Trump was wiretapped by a secret spy operation approved by Barack Obama — and then carried out by outlaw American intelligence agents! Just days after The National ENQUIRER published a bombshell exclusive about the shocking betrayal codenamed “Stellar Wind,” Congressman Devin Nunes — the House Intelligence Chairman — went public with his own shocking claims. “I have seen intelligence reports that clearly show that the president-elect and his team were, I guess, at least monitored,” Nunes told reporters.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

The goopers have raised whining and complaining to a role, faced with the responsibility of governing they are clueless itty-bitty backbiting backbenchers with nary a thought in their teeny weeny brains

7 years ago

Poor GOP.  Now that the black guy isn’t standing there being black and all while masking the otherwise obvious, it’s becoming obvious to their low info voters, that they getting royally run over by the people only using them for power and money.


7 years ago


“Wasn’t the Republican crusade against Obamacare always just code for Obama hate speech?”- CC

Oh, NOW you understand the racist conservatives speak in code.  What keen perception, 5 months late!

7 years ago

The national enquirer is a commie rag run by putin. I have it on good authority.

7 years ago

from businessinsider‘s “Pro-Trump faction of conservative media ready to lay the blame on Paul Ryan for healthcare failure”

A Friday Breitbart News story aggregating a New York Magazine piece by Gabriel Sherman read, “Report: Steve Bannon Says American Health Care Act ‘Written by the Insurance Industry.’”

The story focused on Trump strategist Steve Bannon’s reported longtime dislike for Ryan, suggesting that Bannon privately hopes the current version of the healthcare bill will fail. 

click pic at top to see brightfart’s full front page

7 years ago

xr, if enquirer is a commie rag, what does that make brightfart?  a wad of used charmin?

7 years ago

The first vote was set for Monday. The second was Thursday. The third was today at 8 am EST. The fourth (announced by the White House Priss Sec’y, rather that the Spooker of the House, who has dis-apparitioned into rarified air) is 3:30 pm EST.

Who knows when the fifth will be, but Keith Ellison won’t drink from it, being a Muslim.

7 years ago

Pat, I didn’t know that bratbite came in hardcopy !

My neighbor is always in need of appropriate paper for the bottom of his serpent cage, and bratbite really sucks.

7 years ago

rubin in wapo says (after listing what gop should have done in her article “The health-care fiasco was not inevitable”):

Neither of these approaches would have guaranteed a “win” — which is all Trump really cares about. However, the chances for success might have been greater. Moreover, Republicans would not have handed Democrats a club with which to pound GOP members. The current health-care bill perfectly encapsulates the stereotype of the heartless, pro-rich (tax cuts for the richest), anti-poor (cuts in Medicaid), anti-woman (temporarily eliminate Planned Parenthood funding, remove essential coverage element, including pregnancy, maternity and newborn care) Republican. And increasing costs for older, rural voters delivers a cruel blow to Trump’s base.

This is precisely what Stephen K. Bannon is now complaining about, as Gabriel Sherman reports:

Publicly, Bannon has been working to help the bill pass. But privately he’s talked it down in recent days. According to a source close to the White House, Bannon said that he’s unhappy with the Ryan bill because it “doesn’t drive down costs” and was “written by the insurance industry.” While the bill strips away many of Obamacare’s provisions, it does not go as far as Bannon would wish to “deconstruct the administrative state” in the realm of health care. Furthermore, Bannon has been distancing himself from the bill to insulate himself from political fallout of it failing. He’s told people that Trump economic adviser Gary Cohn — a West Wing rival — has run point on it. (Bannon did not respond to a request for comment.)

Trump and Ryan may pull out a win after all. The vote as of this moment is too close to call. Heritage Action remains opposed, however. Numerous moderate representatives have repudiated it. Polling shows that the public intensely dislikes the bill. In other words, this is a lose-lose proposition for Republicans. The Senate almost certainly will reject the current House bill, leaving the GOP and the administration mired in the health-care battle for some weeks or months. Keep in mind as this plays out that none of this was inevitable.


7 years ago

The 2nd Congressional hearing on Russian Influence in the 2017 General Election has been cancelled.  Nothing to see, here, folks.

7 years ago

wow, is this guy gonna rue the day he  said this if it doesn’t pass:

Representative Dana Rohrabacher predicted the bill would pass and said voting it down would be “neutering Trump” while empowering his opponents.

“You don’t cut the balls off a bull and then expect that he can go out and get the job done,” Rohrabacher told Reuters. “This will emasculate Trump and we can’t do that. … If we bring this down now, Trump will have lost all of his leverage to pass whatever bill it is, whether its the tax bill or whatever reforms that he wants.”

7 years ago

bink, just the open committee mtg… manafort et al will be in closed meeting.

7 years ago

Well, Ryan and drumpf blinked. They pulled the bill.

Now on to Nunes for the next lie.

7 years ago

“manafort et al will be in closed meeting.”

So much for sunshine.

7 years ago

“epresentative Dana Rohrabacher predicted the bill would pass and said voting it down would be “neutering Trump” while empowering his opponents.”


lol, these guys are obsessed with their dicks.

(i could have so much fun with those comments, if i still had a sense of humor)

7 years ago

pogo, see above

7 years ago

Ahhhhh….  the margaritas are scrumptious…  and the popcorn is delicious!

I bet that frump doesn’t get it that the only thing any politician really cares about is his/her re-election.  I mean….   did he actually think the likes of Jeff Sessions would stand by him?  Hell no!…   he’d throw his grandmother under the bus if it meant his re-election.

No one who needs votes for his job thinks you’re the dictator, Donnie….   no one.  And saying “I’m the president, and you’re not”…   wow…   the average 10 yr old could think that one up.


7 years ago

gopers chickens playing chicken

7 years ago

“This will emasculate Trump and we can’t do that. … If we bring this down now, Trump will have lost all of his leverage to pass whatever bill it is, whether its the tax bill or whatever reforms that he wants.”

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

More life like than ever

Trump is blaming the Democrats for his defeat. Can’t wait for the spin on this

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

DOA –  a fine movie and is about polonium poisoning, just like what the Putin critics get.  DOA for a 1% tax cut bill, masquerading as a health care bill.  Next DOA up should be the republican tax cut for the 1%.  The republicans will need to do some fancy writing after this fiasco to convince the voters that they are really going to benefit instead of the 1%.

7 years ago

 regardless of all the scary talk, the gopers are going to let aca stay around and therein lies hope.  last week at huffpo:

There is one large problem with the Obamacare “death spiral” theory, and that is that the recent Congressional Budget Office analysis of the GOP’s replacement plan found the Affordable Care Act is not in danger of collapse.

Still, Democrats contacted by The Huffington Post said they nevertheless would be willing to work across the aisle to fix the problems that do exist in the individual insurance markets created under President Barack Obama’s signature law.

dems have got to immediately offer helping fixit hands across the aisle.  if they’re rebuffed then the ball is really in trumps court and he should bear the blame.  Pelosi et al say public option would be a major fix and a simple one.  should be appealing to the wh simpleton.



Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Yes, the Democrats should immediately hold hearings on ACA and have people come and complain and then it will be clear the problem is with heartless state governments, employers on the cheap, the corrupt insurance industry, and the sleazoids of big pharma

7 years ago

And now have we opened up the potential for Democrats to lead the charge for identifying what works with the ACA and fixing what’s wrong with it?

7 years ago

This is David Frum……..a nice chunk of writing, and many good points.

7 years ago

KC, thanks for posting the drumpf statue again.  He really has no clothes.  (Note to self, go home, wash brain, try to remove orange stain, rinse, repeat until image is gone).

Yes, drumpf is trying to blame dems – uhhh, Donnie, you couldn’t get your own party to vote for that piece of garbage (really, more like a joint ryan-trumpf wet dream).  If you can’t bring your own toadies around, you can’t blame the other side for refusing to play along.

7 years ago


Talking about bulls. For the first half of my life I raised cattle. When we sold a bull too old for breeding they called them “baloney bulls”

Some how seems appropriate.


7 years ago

I bun raise up next door to a cattle raiser……I sure do love cows……I mean, I didn’t have to feed em and birth em and whatnot but what a noble creature…….been quite some time since I’ve seen one…….

7 years ago

And you know, I think….well I’ll just move to the catskills and get a place where I can have a cow…..but what the hell good is one stupid cow?  Just another mouth to feed……….

7 years ago

Overheard at a Color-Raydo rodeo: “Closest he ever got to a cow was the checkout line at Burger King.”

7 years ago

Trumpy’s gonna keep on truckin!

7 years ago

“Bill, c’mere……you gotta see this.”

7 years ago

“I’m gonna send Trumpy the selfie my microwave just took of me while I was popping this corn.”

7 years ago

Corey, I’m so humbled by the brilliance of yours I’m not even going to post mine. ?

7 years ago

“Rookie, Ha,   I did better in 94 “

7 years ago

I’m waiting for the twit’s tweet on the embarrassment he and the Ryan brigade suffered with the withdrawal of the AHCA today. He’s saying Pelosi and Schumer are the losers. Dumbasssssss. YOU WERE THE LOSER. RYAN WAS THE LOSER. You couldn’t persuade Republicans to vote for your bill. Ryan couldn’t persuade Republicans to vote for your bill. Pelosi’s caucus stayed united, and Schumer’s in the Senate (I know all this government stuff is new to you but this was a bill in the House.). You better jet off the Mar-a-lago and try to get a little bit of rest. You worked so hard to no effect.



7 years ago

“…Who knew?  I knew… putz .”

7 years ago

Flatus, if you’re watching, good on SC. They be humbling them boys from Baylor.

7 years ago

Thanks Pogo! 🙂

7 years ago

More Important News Than The Crash Of trumpDON’Tcare

1. manafort banking at ross’s Cypriot bank, where the russhin oligarchs launder money to deutsche bank, to whom trump owes $300 M!LL!ON

2. flynn and the Turkish Foreign Minister plotted the kidnapping Turkish Islamic scholar and preacher Fethullah Gülen from his home in the Poconos in PA.