Sunday Serendipity

By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor

A quiet meditation for this Sunday. An exquisite work by Massenet performed by Yo-Yo Ma.

Enjoy the music and as always enjoy the day!

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8 years ago

jace, lovely way to start the day.  for you, a meditation in poetry

Ode on Solitude
by Alexander Pope


How happy he, who free from care
The rage of courts, and noise of towns;
Contented breathes his native air,
In his own grounds.


Whose herds with milk, whose fields with bread,
Whose flocks supply him with attire,
Whose trees in summer yield him shade,
In winter fire.


Blest! who can unconcern’dly find
Hours, days, and years slide swift away,
In health of body, peace of mind,
Quiet by day,


Sound sleep by night; study and ease
Together mix’d; sweet recreation,
And innocence, which most does please,
With meditation.


Thus let me live, unheard, unknown;
Thus unlamented let me die;
Steal from the world, and not a stone
Tell where I lie.

8 years ago

Jace & Patd

Lovely way to start the day in music and words.  Thank you to you both.

8 years ago

It doesn’t get much better does it?

8 years ago

“There’s no secret that there’s division, even in this camp,” said Rev. Bernice King, the daughter of Martin Luther King, Jr., who addressed the crowd ahead of the vote. “We came here in different ships and boats but we’re all in the same boat now,” King said. “If we don’t come together as brothers and sisters, we’re going to perish as fools.”

8 years ago


Perez dismissed Trump’s tweet to CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday morning. “Congressman Ellison and I got a good kick out of that,” Perez said. “Donald Trump, up in the morning tweeting about us. You know, our unity as a party is our greatest strength and it’s his worst nightmare.”

Perez was the favorite of many allies of former President Barack Obama, including former Vice President Joe Biden, but Hillary Clinton did not make an endorsement in the race.

Sen. Bernie Sanders also dismissed the tweet, speaking to Tapper a few minutes later.

“No, he doesn’t have a point,” Sanders said, referring to Trump’s claim that the process was rigged against Ellison, whom Sanders had endorsed. The Minnesota Democrat had been a strong supporter of Sanders during the primary season.

On CNN, Perez also used the subject of alleged election rigging to pivot to scrutiny into alleged contacts between Trump’s campaign and the Russian government.

“Frankly, what we need to be looking at is whether this election was rigged by Donald Trump and his buddy Vladimir Putin,” Perez said.

Like others in his party, Perez argued that an independent investigation, not overseen by Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, is necessary to address the issue.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago


A lovely respite from the every day.

The Pussy Grabber apparently is only the president for Goopers.

ACA (Obamacare) is successful in states where it is properly administered,  If your insurance is crappy it is not the fault of the ACA – it is your state your employer or your bad choice.

The response to Pussy Grabbers “state of myself speech” on Tuesday:
As a Democratic governor of a red state, Beshear embraced Obamacare and expanded Medicaid for his constituents.
“Governor Beshear’s work in Kentucky is proof positive that the Affordable Care Act works; reducing costs and expanding access for hundreds of thousands of Kentuckians,” Schumer said in a statement.
In my neighborhood, a lot of people got insurance for the first time in years and were able to afford needed medical treatments.

8 years ago


quiet meditations and soothing words…….and dr John…..

8 years ago

It should be attended by presidents carter, Clinton both bushes, and Obama……..and they all talk

8 years ago

I’m sure they all have something to say about the press……

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

February 26, 2017 at 1:00 pm

It should be attended by presidents carter, Clinton both bushes, and Obama……..and they all talk

excellent idea

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago


It should be attended by presidents carter, Clinton both bushes, and Obama……..and they all talk

excellent idea

8 years ago

They should get Alec Baldwin to fill in

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Caitlin Jenner as Melanoma

8 years ago

Alec might be a bit leery of over-playing his hand at this point……it’s gonna be a long run

8 years ago

they should cancel the correspondents joke fest, announcing the reality show now playing in the white house is joke enough and they would just be redundantly jumping the shark.  anyway Samantha bee (and Colbert I think) announced an alternative show…. well, since we have alternative facts now we might as well have alternative humor.

8 years ago

from msn:

The New York Times will debut its first-ever Oscars advertisement during Sunday’s Academy Awards telecast, and the president of the United States is none too thrilled about the content of the campaign.

The 30-second commercial, which is already online, serves to lambast the administration’s reliance on “alternative facts” and “leaker”-hunting to explain away certain controversial matters — and the ad is quick to outline a few, including his controversial Muslim Ban, his ties to Russia and Vladimir Putin, and escalating war with the media.

Early Sunday morning, Donald Trump used his favorite platform, Twitter, to pan the ad, writing, “For the first time the failing [New York Times] will take an ad (a bad one) to help save its failing reputation. Try reporting accurately & fairly!”

8 years ago

Just don’t announce who will be speaking and,  going with my wish of it being broadcast on all channels, don’t air the boring stuff at the beginning (scholarships, announcement of next year’s WHC chair), so Donny doesn’t have a chance to reverse his decision about not attending and spoil the festivities.    Just break into regular programming and let loose.

If he gets to control the airwaves this Tuesday, then the media should counter with their yearly get-together being just as visible.

8 years ago


The children of Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos, the deported mother from Phoenix, have been invited to Trump’s first the State of the Union address (assuming he actually does one) as the guests of Democratic Reps. Ruben Gallego and Raul Grijalva.


According to a statement by Gallego, “Congressman Grijalva and I invited Angel (Garcia de Rayos) and his sister Jaqueline (Garcia de Rayos) to the address because we believe it is important for Donald Trump to face the people who have been victimized by his disastrous policies.”

Grijalva added, “Their example is a bright light of hope for immigrant communities across this country who are fearful that Trump will come for them next. Their fight is all of our fight, and I am proud to stand side-by-side with them in opposition to these atrocious policies.”

8 years ago


8 years ago

Ex-Presidents don’t criticize sitting Presidents.  Obama won’t save you- you’re going to have to do that, yourself.

8 years ago

the state: Democrats inviting immigrants to Trump’s speech to Congress

“I want Trump to see the face of a woman, the face of a Muslim, and the face of someone whose family has enriched and contributed to this country despite starting out as refugees,” said Rep. Luis Gutiérrez, D-Ill., whose guest Tuesday will be Fidaa Rashid, a Chicago immigration attorney.

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

NY Times commercial is interesting.  I hope they put out a followup ad with a count down clock.

The Tuesday follies have promise to really nauseate a great many people. Hopefully he goes in and spews forth stutterings and sputterings and never completes a sentence.  Just word salad of nonsense.  Even more than his usual idiotic spewings.

8 years ago

But ex pres’s can talk about the press……..that’s a big deal for the present, at least……

8 years ago

politico: Sean Spicer targets own staff in leak crackdown
The push includes random phone checks overseen by White House lawyers.

8 years ago

take on take down from cnn:
Spicer called staff into his office last week to reiterate his frustration with the leaks, sources with knowledge of the matter said. He informed them that the use of encrypted texting apps, like Signal and Confide, was a violation of the Federal Records Act.
Then, with White House counsel Don McGahn standing by, Spicer asked his staff to provide him with their cell phones so he could ensure they were not using those apps or corresponding privately with reporters.

Spicer asked to review both his staff’s government-issued and personal cell phones, the sources said. He also specifically asked his staff not to leak information about the meeting or his efforts to crack down on leaks to the media, one source said.

8 years ago

Beautiful music and poetry 2 of my favorite things. Thanks Jace and Pat!

Jace: You’re absolutely correct that the press needs to start fighting back against trumplestiltskin and his stormtroopers! Going back to strong investigative journalism would also be in order before it’s all too late.

As for the SoftheU , bringing in all those people suffering at the hands of this administration will only backfire because trump will only view them as fans…you know how he loves big crowds! I won’t watch because the man is an idiot! Of course, that’s assuming he even gives a SoftheU speech, he’ll probably just tweet it. “The union is in a great state! It’s never been so great under any other President ever!”

8 years ago

leaks? what leaks?

8 years ago

But when Dems invited folks, Obama pointed them out & used their stories.

Trump won’t be acknowledging anyone Pelosi or other Dems invite.   I’d be afraid that he’d have ICE agents waiting outside to check papers, too.

Who would Repugz invite?  Would Trump acknowledge them & give up time & attention?  Nah.

8 years ago

patD – Adorable.

Maybe folks will start sending letters written on diapers to Trumpco.  (Then the stock prices of those companies would skyrocket & he’d take credit for it.)

8 years ago

Deep into Oscar night and feeling a little like the nerd at Comic Con dressed in a Cosplay outfit from some obscure anime … I do love this night and the champagne.

8 years ago

I know that City of Stars from La La Land will probably win tonight, but the song that makes me cry from the same film is “Fools Who Dream”  That is the soul of the movie

8 years ago

Speaking of Costumes, my pick for costume Design just won:  Fantastic Beasts and where to find them.  For all the Harry Potter fans, this film “prequel” is well worth seeing.


8 years ago


And I always enjoy your take on Oscar night, I rarely watch them just read the headlines the next day.

BTW Mrs Jack is at a company retreat for her group to cuss an discuss issues they have encountered the last 6 months.

One of her home work assignment was to pick her 3 favorite movies and give a short synopsis of the movie.

Her favorite movies were , Blazing Saddles, Cabaret, and Chicago. Now give a brief

So I started throwing  2 sentence  descriptions out ,

“The western town of Rock Ridge fights railroad robber barons, crooked politicians and their hired thugs with the help of an unconventional sheriff  and a washed up alcoholic gunfighter.”

Aspiring Vaudeville performer Roxie Hart kills her lover in an argument and ends up on murders row where hijinks ensue.

Young American writer spends a year in 1930’s Berlin where he experiences the seedier side of  life in Berlin and the German Republic.

LOL, good movie just can’t be summed up in a few sentences

But it did make for a good game,


8 years ago


Thank you.  This year, I absolutely fell in love with La La Land.  I just saw Hacksaw Ridge … slow to get in but for heroics a man who won the Medal of Honor for saving lives instead of taking them, is worth seeing.   Arrivals bored me silly.   I’m looking forward to Hidden Figures in theater next week and Fences on demand

8 years ago

Drumpf will probably be tweeting like crazy about the Oscars. SAD

The recipients are not exactly praising his ideas.

8 years ago

How good are the nominated movies this year?  Even when the ones I wanted to win don’t, I don’t care because another who deserved it won.


8 years ago

And the above comment was written before the massive screw up of naming La La Land as the BP winner instead of the actual winner of Moonlight.

Go watch a movie.

8 years ago

Fake Oscars! Now I can pretend my all-time fav Bob Newhart won Best Actor.

8 years ago

tweet of the night..

@missuniverse Have your people call our people – we know what to do. #Oscars #MissUniverse