Flynn-Flamming Us

By PatD, a Trail Mix Contributor

He’s gone, but not forgotten. Shades of General Buck Turgidson in Dr. Strangelove for this week he’s haunting us by way of an indepth piece from the New Yorker article “Michael Flynn, General Chaos” and via Rachel.

Published on Feb 24, 2017
Rachel Maddow reports on a leaked DHS Intelligence report that finds that Donald Trump’s focus on countries in his Muslim ban is not a reliable way of targeting terrorists.

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8 years ago



Flynn is a military man who totally interjected himself into politics in a very loud and brazen manner. That seldom turns out well. Just ask Burt.

8 years ago

DNC meeting for chair vote — Live online: C-SPAN

8 years ago


not right in the head, a bunch of ass kissers, could just as well be describing Trump. OldHarry had a way with words.?

8 years ago


Who’s the favorite at this time? Does it really make any difference who wins?

8 years ago

Gone but not un-rotten

8 years ago

jace, it’s a proxy fight between sanders (Ellison) and obama/clinton forces (Perez). Apparently too close to call. Does it matter? Doubtful.

8 years ago

And Howard dean with Pete

8 years ago


Have not followed it all that closely, but don’t see anyone who is going to bring anything fresh and dynamic to the dnc. More worn out messengers  with the same worn out message. Thinking that they learned nothing from the election.

8 years ago

poor DNC, the new electronic voting system they were so excited about isn’t working, and now they are just passing out paper ballots. Looks like a complete mess.

8 years ago

Russians hacked that system?

8 years ago

PatD, Buttigieg dropped out just before voting started. First round ballot results coming shortly. Live on C-SPAN

8 years ago

Two poor choices, but Ellison is the worst possible choice…so, they’ll probably go with Ellison.   They are going for corporate money.   They will continue to ignore regular Americans.   The Dems are delusional.  A coat of paint won’t fix what’s wrong.

8 years ago

SC chair Jamie Harrison dropped out and endorsed Perez. Lots of last-minute deal making going on, guessing Perez Clinton supporters have the edge on that front.

8 years ago

Why would anyone on Bernie’s team support Ellison?

8 years ago

Apparently no one gave the ballot system a trial run. Yet another great tv moment for the outgoing DNC team.

8 years ago

Perez one vote short of winning. Ellison one vote behind him.

8 years ago

If I thought that Perez would be the Clintonista’s waterboy, I would oppose him. I don’t and I don’t. He seems like a man who is strong enough to stand on his own two feet. He seems to be on the correct side on all the issues I care about.

I’ve met Rep Ellison. He’s a nice guy, a bright guy, a family man. He’s on the correct side on all the issues I care about.

I guess I can’t lose.

8 years ago

Tom Perez new DNC chair

8 years ago

Perez makes Ellison Deputy Chair

8 years ago

If Perez can’t stand up to the folks who put him in charge of the DNC, then we’ll have a mill stone around our necks on the way to victory in 2018. Perez has managerial experience, and that is something we lacked under debbie.

8 years ago

8 years ago

Once more into the breach dear Democratic Party! Let’s hope this will bring about a new era that can restore sanity to our government and maybe encourage more young people to get involved and become leaders. Bigger hope still, that the new party leadership will step up to the plate and work their asses off to level the playing field in Congress! …Bowing head in silent prayer…

I’m also writing a post 🙂


Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Guessing the ages of a few of the Trail Mix hands I am sure that more than myself lived through the Nixon disaster.  I am watching the All The Presidents Men again.  I have the full Blue-Ray edition which includes more than the usual extras.  Watching this movie still brings back memories of life in the military.  We had no idea what would happen and if we would be called to keep order in the continental U.S.

8 years ago

Suit should be filed against insurance companies that issue  policies that have so many loopholes as to be, essentially, worthless.   Insurance companies should not prevent doctors from doing their jobs.

It wasn’t like this before Obamacare ruined healthcare for everyone.

I don’t think it can ever be fixed.  Obama let the horse out of the barn.

I’m fortunate to able to afford full price for things that insurance refuses to cover at all.

The insurance companies are the “death panels.”

I sincerely hope all of the financial engineers in the insurance industry and their families get really sick and have to interact with people who have been impacted by their horrible policies.  That’s the only way they would ever come into contact with the horrors they unleash by denying coverage. Oh, wait, the huddled masses have worthless policies, so they still won’t have to see their dirty-work.  Maybe the witches should try to bind those weasels instead of Trump.


8 years ago

If all networks would broadcast the WH Correspondents’ Dinner, wouldn’t that just send Trumpco off? But that’s the appropriate place for what’s probably going to take place tomorrow night. I just ~love~ it when the 1%-ers whine. I fully expect the remote control to get a workout tomorrow night.

8 years ago

Thanks, Pat. Yes, Perez is a highly accomplished guy, especially for someone who cares about blue collar workers.

What concerns me most is the Chair’s ability to inspire, touch, move, and organize the ‘natural’ Dems, people living in households that make less than $500,000/year, who punished the party candidates in 2016, 2014, 2010, 2004, and 2000. Jack is right, most of the damage was done from Western  PA, KY, & WV to NE, MO, & OK. Reorganizing and organizing in this part of the country is the key to the Dems’ future.

8 years ago

Ms Dallas,

The insurance companies were death panels before Obamacare. Before I grew into Medicare, I was ‘uninsurable’. That means no insurance company bean counter would allow me to buy a policy at any price. When my Cobra ended, I was lucky to go through a relatively healthy spell until I got Medicare coverage. Just luck.

The point is, that ‘uninsurable’ classification was an invention of insurance company death panels.

8 years ago

I love the idea of broadcasting the WH Correspondents Dinner. That would be a hoot. And, the deadbeat would be apoplectic.

8 years ago

While bannon’s 80 year historical cycles may seem similar to karl marx’s materialist dialectic, it also resembles the harmonic convergence, y2k, the thousand year reich, and the age of aquarius. It’s cheap claptrap dressed up to look like something actual. Batshit, whether it is john haggee’s ‘end times prophecy’ or bannon’s neo-pagan prophecy, is still shit from bats.

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Xrepublican – when I was discharged from the military I went to work for a very large oil company.  The health care plans were excellent.  But, they would not cover the body parts damaged in the military.  When I changed jobs, the same thing on that health care plan.  And the next was the same.  Which made for interesting exams.  Got a problem, the doctor had to make sure it was not connected to the military disabilities first.  Weird.