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7 years ago

This one is thoroughly scary:  A Real-Time Map of Births and Deaths

In 1950, there were 2.5 billion humans. Today there are just over 7 billion. In another 30 years, according to U. S. Census Bureau projections, there will be more than 9 billion.

Watch simulation as the globe fills.

7 years ago


7 years ago


Look what is in today’s Lapham’s Quarterly tweet:

Apropos of Nothing:  Deja Vu False Flags:  Trump vs Machiavelli 


7 years ago

Did my annual Oscar predictions.  Feel free to argue in the comments:

And The Oscar Might Go To


7 years ago

Jamie, I can say that I have no idea what movie, actor, etc. did well last year – I’ve seen none of the movies on the list, ergo, no performances, soundtracks, editing, directing, etc.  That said, Casey Affleck is a decent actor and looks good on trailers I’ve seen on TV, and Viola Davis is wonderful.  I yield to your judgment.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Happy Birthday George and a glorious morning to all mixers.

Local resistance starts.  Sane Las Cruces government opposes trumpence tactics.

Holy, you, too? U2’s Bono mistakes pence for someone who cares?

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Deportation squads?  Milo should be the first to go back home.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

The people who should be shunned and shamed are the people who hired Milo whatever his real name is .   What a little souless money grubbing asshole he is  He doesn’t have human feelings and has been unfortunately rewarded for that.

7 years ago

The Ultra Christian right regarding trump coming to their self-congratulatory orgy :

Jesus uses even flawed men to accomplish his ends. Except for milo defilo, of course, ‘cuz he makes us look bad, and that ain’t good.

7 years ago

Happy Birthday, Mr. Washington !

I wish you would return and take over this country again. It’s all going to the hogs.

7 years ago

Okay, here I am. I’m working on getting unsickenuff that I can have a worthwhile, non-contagious visit with my ophthalmologist at around noon tomorrow; the family doc says that is realistic. Right now I feel like the bottom of the birdcage.

7 years ago

Impeachment is not the answer….. The answer is a curbing of such a blatant grab for power by our nation’s laws and institutions. We don’t have to show you no stinkin’ martyrs.


7 years ago

Having a severe attack of “If I Ruled The World” and then think of the horror I would have to inflict to make it work … World dictator is not an easy job no matter how many volunteers want the position.

7 years ago


That may really be the difference between the extremes and those of us among the thinking.  We admit our errors.  We know our limitations.  We know we don’t have all the answers.  How can you bring along the masses with a message that says:  I think this might work.


7 years ago

Fwiw, the fourth circuit is known as a conservative court. Maybe not THE most conservative, but conservative nonetheless.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Trumpco’s view of medical care – if you can’t pay for it you don’t deserve it.

7 years ago

Mrs Jack told me I owed  you all an explanation for my  absence from this forum.
She is right
3 years ago a new neighbor moved into the rental house across the street. She had a grandson  that visited her  on weekends and as he got old enough he would cross the street and loudly come in our back door. Dennis the menace style. Rolling on the floor with the dog, messing with the cat and daring the bird to bite him. Because his grandmother wasn’t always the most stable person he often came over for a bit of calm. As I repaired his bike answered his many questions I jokingly started calling him my grandchild and he had returned the favor. As Mrs Jack told several of her friends, we assumed we would always have him in our lives and would watch him grow up into a young man.
Three weeks ago his grandmother called me late in the evening needing a ride to the hospital because “Kylen had hung himself” Before I could get dressed she called back to say she had found another ride.
Kylen BTW is a rambunctious 10 year old boy not a candidate for suicide.
Next I heard that maybe it was an accident, and have also heard that he had many bruises on his body.
So the fact is I don’t know how he died but knowing his situation I suspect the worse.
Kylen had made an impact on our lives not just mine  but in the whole neighborhood. For the past 3 weeks we have been a neighborhood in mourning.
So it has been very hard for me to even pay attention to such trivial bullshit as Trumps latest tweet.  The real world has really slammed us hard no time for stupidity, And while I’ve been lurking, I really couldn’t think of anything constructive to say.
but thanks for being here

7 years ago

Jack, your loss is horrendous. Have you gone to the coroner’s office? Perhaps through sharing your knowledge, they’ll share theirs and you and Mrs Jack can move towards understanding what really happened. Sure sounds that he knows exactly how to rollick and have fun and entertain others in his new digs

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago


Heartbreaking  I am so sorry.

7 years ago


Sweetie and I send our condolences and hugs to you and Mrs Jack. We’re glad that Kylen had the chance to experience love with you and through you.

Also, thank you for the note. I was getting worried about you, and I’m sure I wasn’t the only one.


7 years ago