Sunday Serendipity

By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor

A beautiful song for a beautiful morning. For the duration of the Trump era I can be found in that place described below. Hope to see you all there. As always enjoy the music and enjoy the day!

In the middle of the little pond
stands a pavilion of green
and white porcelain.

Like the back of a tiger
arches the jade bridge
over to the pavilion.

Friends sit in the little house
well dressed, drinking, chatting.
some writing verses.

Their silk sleeves glide
backwards, their silk caps
rest gaily at the napes of their necks.

On the small pond’s still
surface, everything shows
whimsical in mirror image.

Everything stands on its head
in the pavilion of green
and white porcelain.

Like a half-moon is the bridge
its arch upturned. Friends
well dressed, drinking, chatting.

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8 years ago

jace, I was going to suggest  darth vader’s theme, also known as “The Imperial March” by john Williams for present prez day.  but your selection is better, a lovely lieder to help us cope.

8 years ago

a mental health note from m gilbert at the boston globe: When ‘SNL’ goes on break, time to stock up on antacids

The political world twists, recoils, and basically stands on its head week in and week out, hour after hour, minute after minute, push notice after push notice. We’re living inside a clothes drier that’s on a five-minute news cycle. Verbal dodges, soft denials, circular logic, puppet speak, defensive accusations, hidden motivations, post-campaign campaigning — every day is a winding road, as Sheryl Crow put it.

Throughout, comedy fans wait for Saturday night, when all the fresh hell will be processed and made just a fraction more bearable. In those 90 minutes of “Saturday Night Live,” the audience gets to laugh at the things that have been scaring and confusing them all week long.

So health alert: “SNL” won’t be back with new episodes until March 4, with host Octavia Spencer. Time to stock up on antacids, to keep the bile down.

The “SNL” audience has grown significantly of late, with the NBC show having its most-watched season in 22 years as each new episodes averages 10.64 million viewers. Partly that’s because the show’s political sketches have been so resonant and energetic, with Alec Baldwin’s President Trump, Kate McKinnon’s Kellyanne Conway, Beck Bennett’s shirtless Vladimir Putin, and Melissa McCarthy’s Sean Spicer. And partly that’s because more viewers are in need of some kind of collective comedic release.

It doesn’t hurt the “SNL” numbers that at least one of its viewers is the president. Knowing that Trump is watching makes it all a whole lot tastier, even when the sketches are uneven. The political talk shows, too, help, dissecting the sketches as if they were part of the news, which, in some ways, they are. The sketches become tools for pundits when they make their points about the new administration.

So when “SNL” goes on break we are left without our weekly comic relief, our group therapy. Until then, lean heavily on Samantha Bee, Stephen Colbert, John Oliver, and Seth Meyers and keep all your favorite GIFs close to your heart.

8 years ago

kudos, huzzahs and gold stars to

Sen. John McCain spoke out Saturday in defense of the free press after President Trump lashed out against the news media several times over the past week, at one point declaring it “the enemy of the American People!

Such talk, McCain (R-Ariz.) said on NBC News in an interview set to air Sunday, was “how dictators get started.”

“In other words, a consolidation of power,” McCain told “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd from Munich. “When you look at history, the first thing that dictators do is shut down the press. And I’m not saying that President Trump is trying to be a dictator. I’m just saying we need to learn the lessons of history.”


“I hate the press. I hate you, especially,” he said to Todd, who laughed. “But the fact is, we need you. We need a free press. We must have it. It’s vital.”

“If you want to preserve democracy as we know it, you have to have a free and, many times, adversarial press,” McCain added. “And without it, I am afraid that we would lose so much of our individual liberties over time. That’s how dictators get started.”

8 years ago


sad. so sad. heartbreakingly sad.

8 years ago

Beautiful Jace.  Lovely place to visit for the duration.  I was thinking of a bee loud glade to drown out the Trump Trumpets
The Lake Isle of Innisfree

W. B. Yeats, 1865 – 1939

I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made:
Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee;
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.

And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket
There midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of the linnet’s wings.

I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,
I hear it in the deep heart’s core.

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

I hope all of you survived the latest terrorist attack/massacre in Sweden.  At some point the media will have to acknowledge that it must cover even the made up massacres, those which could happen but have not.  The fruitcakes in the WH are creating more terrorist attacks.  Where will the next one happen?

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Found a hint at the next terror attack that did not happen, even in the future.

8 years ago

Jamie, thank you and w.b. for that bit of beauty.  here again in another format

Uploaded on Apr 1, 2008

Response to a literary text can be composed through many different modes. This project explores how a multimedia composition may be created by students in response to a poem, The Lake Isle of Innisfree by William Butler Yeats. Malaysian students study this poem at Upper Secondary level.

8 years ago

hope this telnaes action cartoon comes thru in all it’s repulsive glory. if not here’s the link at wapo

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Period. Sad.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

texas!  voter problems in Nov. election.

SB4 texas  — causing a lot of concern for Hispanics…abbott pushing trumps agenda.

8 years ago


That is a beautiful video.  I put the poem up on my blog and used Celtic Women for the music.  Pretty, but yours is better.

8 years ago

It’s amusing (or would be if, you know) to see folks saying there were election problems in November, now.

Bernie’s voters were having trouble during primaries & were told by team Hill that that was non-sense.

Bernie hold-outs & Greenies said the same in the general.  Again, as team Hill thought they had a lock on a November win,  they were told it was impossible.

Maybe, even if it does serve your team, take that stuff seriously.

The MSM was in team Hill & they decided to be entertainment reporters instead of journalists.  We need you to do your jobs.

Happy Sunday


Blonde Wino
8 years ago

From the sunny side of the street...clinton and sanders sue Arizona over primary voting isuues.   BTW, Clinton did win the popular vote.   Sanders wanted open primaries…just like trump.    I hope we do go to open primaries and popular vote for POTUS, but doubt those in power would ever give it up the primary circus and electoral college.  Keep kicking the dead horse, in the meantime, the alt right is destroying the character of the American citizens.  A forced, minority takeover.

The media hate thing by trump is to deflect and cover-up the real issues.

BTW  Planet Earth 2  series started last night…islands featured on first episode.   trump and his war with the natural world may destroy more of the beautiful blue planet.

8 years ago

tomorrow’s holiday should be renamed “precedents day” for the time being

8 years ago

Blue…goddamit…what is bullshit is the idea that Bernie voters were targeted because they supported Bernie by voter suppression laws and actions taken mostly by republicans and in red states. The elderly, the rural poor and students – and especially in the SW, Hispanics – were targeted in certain states and certain districts in different ways. All tend to vote democratic. No one, NO ONE, in the Hillary camp denied that those groups were discriminated against by voter registration or ballot access laws and actions. Hillary’s camp said that throughout the election season.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

patd…I understand trump is taking credit for P-day (pun intended for the golden showers boy) and its shopping discounts.    He is the reason the day exists.


8 years ago

And FWIW I still oppose open primaries.

8 years ago

BW, I say piss on him. ?

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

pogo. I became a democrat a few weeks ago…tired of being shut-out of the primary process in my state.    As an independent most of my adult life, I was lazy…let the parties pick their leader (sic).   Today, we are in a digital world and the old analog way of voting is dying.  I had to change to fit the system, but it was not much of a compromise for me.   So what?  I want the solid, good humans to win.  Not the billionaires without borders class…they have enough.

continuing to build an estrogen wall here…

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

BW and the best part for the floater is that the Secret Service coverage lasts for as long as he does. We get to pay for that coverage of the freeloader for years and years and years.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

BB…if trump passes away, does the ss protection continue for his family after his term is well, ‘terminated?’

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

BTW, I am never amused at historical voter suppression.  It is the most unfunny thing in an American’s life.

8 years ago


I believe it continues for the First Lady for life and any children until they reach age 16

8 years ago

I’m all for popular vote but not open primaries.  A political party has the right to be represented by the people they want for President just like any representative office in Congress.  If a group doesn’t like, they can vote for their own party preference.  The one thing that has to go is the caucus.  It is so open to abuse and so undemocratic in the way it excludes party people who can’t vote when they are held.

8 years ago

We can’t salute this Republican President, so we might as well salute the first Republican President.


8 years ago

Jamie, from your lips (ok, fingers) to the god of elections’ ear.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Lovely as always Jace — you have opened up a whole new world of music for Mr Cracker and me

I have felt bad about wishing Pussy Grabber would drop dead.  Even though I know there are a lot of people out there wishing the same thing.

Now I have a new vision — I am wishing he would be stuck mute

8 years ago

I will arise an go now

In far TibetThere lives a lama.He got no papa,Got no mama.He got no wife,He got no chillun.Got no useFor penicillun.He got no soap,He got no opera.He don’t know IriumFrom copra.He got no songs,He got no banter.He don’t know Hope,He don’t know Cantor.He got no teeth,He got no gums.Don’t eat no Spam,Don’t need no Tums.He love to nick himWhen he shave.He also gotNo hair to save.Got no distinction,No clear head.Don’t call for Calvert,Drink milk instead.He use no lotionsFor allurance.He got no carAnd no insurance.No Alsop warnings,No Pearson rumorFor this self-centeredNon-consumer.Indeed, theIgnorant Have-NotDon’t even knowWhat he don’t got.If you will mindThe box-tops, comma,I think I’ll goAnd join that lama.

8 years ago

bw, by “precedents’ day” I was absolutely NOT referring to that infamous mis-speller.  it was my attempt to acknowledge the day by honoring not him but all his predecessors, his precedents iow.  hopefully his antecedents, his successors,  will be honorable and honored.

8 years ago

A liar and a grifter, possible traitor, proclaims the Press the enemy of Americans. So many are rushing to journalism’s defense. I refuse to be put on the defensive. The words of a lying grifter should be taken for what they’re worth: blather. If he has a problem with the First Amendment, let him take it up with Franklin, Jefferson, et al. In person. Right now. In other words: drop dead.

Why do we allow ourselves to be thrown into chaos by this guttersnipe? Let him go on the defensive. Let him evade questions, accusations of treason, bribery, sexual assault. Let him explain why good people are avoiding his administration, leaking information, and otherwise being good and decent people. Let him do all the work and wear himself out. What a disgrace he is. To possess what he has and to no nothing but complain, kvetch and whine. To have been given, yes, given, such a colossal opportunity to do good for others and to use it as an opportunity to line his greasy pockets. What a waste. Let’s get rid of him. And pronto.

8 years ago

pogo, tho’t of you when I saw this when calipari defended fellow coaches.

John Calipari defends ga fox and fired N.C. State Gottfried in epic rant

background from sporting news:

North Carolina State basketball coach Mark Gottfried was notifed this week he will be fired at the end of the season. That’s a decision that doesn’t sit well with Kentucky coach John Calipari, who went on a passionate rant following Saturday’s 82-77 win at Georgia.


“What if Mark Gottfried goes on a run and gets in the NCAA Tournament, which he was in four out of five years?” Calipari continued. “Two Sweet Sixteens, which is not done at N.C. State. What happens now if he goes and he wins and he gets another team (in)? He has good players, but they’re young. They’re like my team. It’s hard to do this with young guys.”


8 years ago

bbc: Sweden to Trump: What happened last night?
During another ferocious attack on the media on Saturday evening, US President Donald Trump cited a non-existent incident in Sweden, baffling many – not least Swedes.
“You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible,” the new US president told a crowd of supporters at a rally in Florida.

It was not entirely clear which incident he was referring to, as many on Twitter pointed out, including the former Swedish prime minister:

“Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking? Questions abound.”

8 years ago

also at bbc story “Internet memes mock Donald Trump by making him look small – literally”
really cute pics like above:

The mockeries flooding social media span doctored versions of official photos, magazine covers and recent news coverage. They show a shrunken Mr Trump next to landmarks and other people including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

MrDDis right

and many agree, although few say it so well  — this is the fault of the Goopers and they need to be held accountable

8 years ago


That little ditty brought back childhood memories.  You know you will grow up quirky when you have a mother going after flies while reciting

Little fly on the wall.  Ain’t you got no clothes at all.  Ain’t got no shimmy shirt.  Ain’t you got no petty skirt. Ain’t you cold?  Do you want to see God?  SWAT!!


8 years ago

The horror of it all.  We stand with Sweden.  Je Suis IKEA!

8 years ago

What will happen if 45* ever sits down for a screening of Mars Attacks or The Day the Earth Stood Still?!! It will blow his small mind. Melania will then have to lead the entire nation in naked prayer. Ah, men.


8 years ago

well, at least intelligence community doesn’t have to worry about him leaking/accidentally divulging info.  they can just point to Sweden, Atlanta and bowling green, roll their eyes and shrug their shoulders.

8 years ago

chuck and leon this a.m. on meet the press

full panetta interview: president must build “loyalty” with intel community

8 years ago

Beware the Reichstag fires.

and the dead Polish “soldiers”

Look out, Watson…..the game is afoot…….

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

imagined and it will be Chicago

8 years ago

now eating their own

ny mag:

Report: Senior National Security Council Aide Fired After Criticizing Trump


also at ny mag
The White House Mole

8 years ago

For the Bee People.

On page 68 of the Feb 11th-17th Economist there is a page filler on making pollinators for areas without enough natural ones. It requires a miniature (42-mm) drone to which bristles from a paintbrush are attached and made sticky with a special gel. How big are the drones in comparison with a honeybee? About three times as long. I priced some drones in that size group–less than $30-bucks plus what ever ancillary stuff like controller and spare batteries are needed. It’s intriguing.

The article is titled, “Where the bee sucks“, it is said to be the of brainchild Eijiro Miyako in Tsukuba, Japan.

8 years ago

Jace, I think Mahler’s lieder are absolute treasures. I think there was no better artist for performing them than Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau. Unfortunately, his voice began to fade in the late 70s and he died in 2012. But, up until his death he was a very active conductor and teacher. There are many of his teaching sessions (one on one) at the professional level on YouTube (masterclasses); tremendous attention to detail

I spent an hour or two going through my recordings looking for stuff I bought in the 60s and 70s. I found a couple, but I know there are more. I’m scared that some are on ancient reel-reel–no telling what shape they’ll be in and the deck is upstairs in a closet. I found a couple of CDs that should be fine, but the printing is coming off the spines of my LPs meaning I’ll have to pull them from their cubbyholes. Oy vey

8 years ago

Jace, I know. We can’t wish 45* away. It would take a huge uproar, upset, directed at the right target, to begin the process of ridding ourselves of this electoral aberration.

Now, why is that? He “won” by the most slender of votes, in less than a handful of counties in the magical “Flyover Country” where faux pearls are clutched, grievances are held and then acted upon with a vengeance, hurting many of the aggrieved in the process. Why can’t the rest of us hold a grudge, act upon it and rid ourselves of this guy? I will be happy to see the last of the Why He Won, Who Voted for Him, How to Reach Them, How to have Empathy for Them, etc. They’ve had their 15 minutes of fame and have now apparently unleashed infamy upon all of us. Oh, and Putin and his 1,000 paid online trolls.

Yet, it helps me to simply express my outrage, my grief, and more outrage. I’m not being civil anymore. I am speaking out when I see a bumper sticker, have an opportunity to remind people who hates facts and science; all of that. As with the Druids, I am beside myself with anger, and therefore I am more to contend with. The latest attack on the Press did it. A so-called President of the United States lambasting the First Amendment while many of his followers worship the Second. They can all take a flying leap in their flyover country. I’ve had it with all of them.


8 years ago

 Je Suis IKEA!

I nominate Jamie for the Nobel Prize in Funny.

Jag är Sverige !


8 years ago

Mr. x,

Alfred Nobel was dyno-mite in his day. 45* would get a hold of that bit of into, twist it in his head and out would come that Alfred Nobel awarded prizes (in-person!) to terrorists who used explosives. Hence, Obama was awarded a Nobel. It all makes perfect sense.

Hey, why isn’t Trump nominated for a Nobel? He is the most peaceful person you will ever meet. Just ask him.

8 years ago

Pussy Grabber is so 1960s. Hipsters say, Carpel Buggers, as in, He moved from Manhattan to Palm Beach, becoming a Carpel Bugger.

8 years ago

Mr. Doodlesdog, yes ! The deadbeat is YUUUUUUUJ for pis. . . uh . . . peace. He’s a peacer, bigly.

8 years ago


Thank you but I can’t take credit.  Some droll type on Twitter came up with that gem and it has been making the rounds ever since.

My son did opine that a hoard of weight watchers had invaded a Swiss Chocolate plant since they not only got the wrong attack but the wrong country.


8 years ago

Nordstrum’s………..Swedish perhaps?

8 years ago

A question for Messers Crawford, Pogo, and other legal eagles :

Under Federal law is or can water be considered a mineral ?
The reason I ask is that both in SoDak and in coal country, the trump junta is 1. picking economic winners and losers, 2. allowing certain land owners to harm the water/mineral/economic rights of other land/water owners.

8 years ago

Here’s where I hope to head. I want to cut rippers off at their knees using their own language and alleged values that they’ve spend decades developing and $B!LL!ON$ promoting.
Big trump guv is colluding with corporate collectives to ruin rugged individuals through the theft of their economic right and potential for creating businesses. Not very ayn randian or Christian, would you say ?

8 years ago

Correction : I nominate Jamie and son for the Nobel Prize in Funny.