“Us”? What “Us”?

By PatD, a Trail Mix Contributor

treeoflifeGenesis 3:22 ESV

Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever—”
therefore the Lord God sent him out from the garden of Eden…

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8 years ago

Woo Hoo….  choo choo kaboo!

Everyone have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!


8 years ago

Wishing everyone all the best. ???

Missing those who haven’t visited lately – please remember you are always welcome. No walls here.

To those who visit but have never commented: try it, you’ll like it. Always enjoy a different twist & outlook on life.


8 years ago

with sister-in-law Dale and her husband Tom (his birthday today) Gloucester MA

8 years ago

Betting next year that instead of pardoning the White House Turkeys the Oval Office occupant will serve them with all the fixins’.

Speaking of the dark side …. I know the outcome of the election but can’t help in viewing any person who accepts a position in the next administration as somehow traitorous to common decency/American ideals. Never thought I’d say that in regards to any Presidential administration of either Party.

8 years ago

Happy Birthday Tom! ?


Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Up all night with a dog which drank pond water.  This is going to be one of those Thanksgivings.

For all you travelers, Happy Trails to You

For everybody, I sure hope your table mates speak the same political language as you.

For all military and military families away from home, these holidays are the stories of the future (Turkey with grits stuffing is one)

For all feds stationed away from home, see above.

Not much else to report on a damp, cool and overcast day on the Chesapeake Bay

8 years ago

tom thanks you SJ. (He thinks I look like Colbert in that pic).

8 years ago

Stephen Colbert is a good guy. Tell Tom he is in good company being with you 😉

8 years ago

Happy Birthday to Tom and Happy Thanksgiving to all in whatever way you celebrate.


8 years ago

Like this version even more:

8 years ago


The motives for Stein are both negative and positive.  Clinton can’t really do it because she would look petty (or pick an adjective) so Stein steps in to raise the funds and lead the parade.  Good for her because an audit needs to be done if only for future elections analysis.  Having amassed Millions of dollars for a political purpose, any unused funds could probably be transferred to later campaigns of some kind (Check with FEC).  Since Stein is a professional candidate for something all the time in order to stay in the public eye and get more paid speaking engagements, an audit looks good on the resume and might help pay for the next campaign.

Feel free to speculate for fun and profit.


8 years ago

Pumpkin pie for breakfast.

Happy thanksgiving everyone

And yes, you all are on my list of the many things I’m thankful for.


8 years ago

“query: why is stein so interested in a recount?”


To take the scarlet letter “S” for spoiler off of her Russian TV ass? Once you’re on the wrong side of history, you are there forever. Every vote for Stein was a vote taken away from Clinton. And look what that accomplished.

8 years ago

Pat, not the ‘Us’ ‘Us”. The Imperial ‘Us’ as in, ‘We’ are pleased when Prince Harry does his good works in support of disabled service men and women.

8 years ago

Things to consider the next time you are considering the Electoral College and why more and more people are being deprived of their vote or why your representative doesn’t represent you at all, you can consider this.

Great Britain has approximately 64 million people.  The House of Commons has 650 members.  The US has approximately 319 million.  The House of Representatives is frozen at 435 never to change unless there is a law passed to change it.

This means that in the UK, the member takes care of about 92,000 people.  In the US each Representatives represents an average of about 700,00.

A low population state like Wyoming has 584,000 people but still gets 1 representative and 3 electoral votes.  A major state like California has 39 million and 53 Representatives taking care of 736,000 people and 55 electoral votes.  Due to populations shifts taking more and more people away from the center of the country, and the freeze on the House size since 1911, fewer and fewer people have more impact on Presidential elections than the majority.

This year for the second time in recent history and very extreme this year, the popular vote exceeds the electoral vote in a way to totally divide the nation.  It’s time to reform either the number in the House, the Electoral formula or just go to a direct popular vote.



8 years ago

I don’t see the Colbert thing – but that’s all right.  Happy Birthday as well!  Family is important.  Spending the day with the Mrs., Spencer dog and youngest daughter.  I went to the dark side this TG, bought one of those Jennie-O frozen pre-seasoned and ready to go turkey’s.  Just pull the inner-bag out from the outer bag, poke 6 holes in the top of the bag, and bake for 4 hours at 375.  We’ll see what happens – I’ll report back.  Some review say that they’re OK, others say the best Turkey they’ve cooked.  I normally do the whole thing from scratch – but the past few weeks have sucked the energy out of me.

As a side note – we’ve been binge watching law and order and criminal minds for the past couple of days – spending no time on the media or what’s happening in the alt-right universe we now call our government.  I can almost feel a fog lifting from the morose.  I guess I’m going to have to check out a bit (so to speak) from this – but still pay attention.  Listening to the new audiobook by H.W. Brands on the relationship between Truman and McArthur – well written as is most of his stuff.  Quite insightful.

Happy T-Day to everyone – toodles

8 years ago

Happy Thanksgiving all you trail mixers!

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

thankful for the Trailmix site and glad to see that new people come and feel comfortable and even

infrequent contributors can drop in as if no time has passed.

I am grateful to no longer be a criminal at least in California.


What a happy family photo – Happy Birthday and Happy Thanksgiving

Lobster -turkey – cake  no wonder everyone is smiling

8 years ago

Happy Thaksgiving, Everyone !

Remember when discussing politics with your irritating relatives –  leave no fingerprints.

8 years ago

What bothers me no end is the occasional reference to Gen Flynn being a military hero. This  is usually done by a civilian spokesperson who mentions his Bronze Star with three Oak Leaf Clusters. Those Bronze Stars lack the Combat V that signifies valor in confronting an armed enemy. It’s a decoration that I don’t have and that he doesn’t either. When I was campaigning I used to wear a ribbon in my lapel. All the old soldiers knew what it was; the Army Good Conduct Ribbon. What a hoot.

Happy Thanksgiving, joy to those in the extended Crawford family, and congratulations to Katherine.

8 years ago

Oh, my monster 10-inch apple pie is in the oven!

8 years ago


The Message from the Master just for today

8 years ago

Happy Birthday to Tom and wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving Day without too much indigestion and football overload.

8 years ago

Lucky for them we had just finished dinner as they strolled by. (photo credit: Cousin Frankie)

8 years ago

Greetings Flatus,

How was the pie? And spill the beans, please: what variety of apples do you use?


8 years ago

Arghh, My response to SJ was just devoured by the Internets.

The pie, made with 5-pounds of Granny Smiths, was acclaimed the highlight of the feast. All credit goes to my Great Aunt Carrie who taught me the right way to bake. It was worth the five hours of labor unaided by powered machines.

8 years ago


Your pie sounds delicious. How lucky you were to have had such a wonderful Aunt.


8 years ago


Do you parboil your apples?  Can I have your recipe?


8 years ago

I made a rotmos dish, with some variation from the usual. Too few Scandihoovians at the board, so there was leftover rotmos. sigh.

The hostess’ mom got sick, and the paramedics took her to the hospital. She looked reeeeeaaally bad.

It was a somber Thanksgiving.

These notes are arranged in ascending order of importance – skyrocketing, in fact.

8 years ago

Goodnight, Mr Paranoia.

8 years ago


Though you may not have meant to do it, love that you followed the Opportunist Stein story with a story about Russian propaganda & paid human trolls. Lololol.

Can’t help but wonder if this Stein recount thing-y is yet another cog in the Russian propaganda machinery. Peel off the American Flag cover & check out what’s underneath.

8 years ago

A must read speech by Christiane Amanpour on the state of journalism.

Journalism Must Protect Itself

One of the first signs to me of the demise in the worth of cable news was when CNN removed Amanpour from the US market, but that is a whole other rant.


8 years ago

Those folks sending their money to Stien would do better to send it to help elect Foster Campbell in Louisiana the 49th senator in the senate or spend it to help get a democrat in some of the seats to be vacated by cabinet appointments.

JMNSHO  (Just my not so humble opinion)



8 years ago

BTW, in Pennsylvania it is past the deadline to request a recount  and also There is no paper trail so any recount would just be asking the machines to give the vote total again.



8 years ago

No big family celebration for us this Thanksgiving. Just me and Mrs. Jack. That means left over pumpkin pie for breakfast!!!



8 years ago

Jamie, “Do you parboil your apples?  Can I have your recipe?”

No I don’t parboil them. Sounds like that would only be appropriate if they were dehydrated. In fact, I cooked this pie at 425-deg for a full hour, about 15-min longer than I expected because of its tremendous bulk. Never remove an apple pie until it boils and expels liquid through the vents you have made in the top crust. Ringing the fluted edges with aluminum foil precluded them from being overdone. The crust was a magnificent golden brown.

You ask for the recipe. For the crust I used what is basically a double 8-inch pie recipe from the 1987 edition of the Betty Crocker Cookbook. It’s a better recipe than the one in the Joy of Cooking and my other ‘fancy’ cookbooks. In the crust, using lard results in magnificent texture, flakiness, flavor, raves, etc. It is quite tolerant of the high baking temperature I use. Patience, patience and more patience is needed when merging the dry ingredients with the lard in order to achieve the pea-sized nodules desired. It is only then that ‘just enough’ cold water is added to allow things to hang together for the rolling that is to follow.

For the filling, I found the largest Granny Smiths that i have ever seen at the Ft Jackson commissary. I bought nine of them and used seven. Once again I used the basic apple pie recipe from the Betty Crocker increasing the key ingredient, flour, to assure that the pie wouldn’t be a watery stew. I use salt-free butter (never margarine) in the filling, along with sea salt, hand-ground nutmeg and cinnamon as well as sugar and some lemon juice, all to taste. Certainly apple should be the dominant flavor tempered and supported by what one adds.

In rolling crusts, I remove a long piece of parchment paper, almost four feet, from its box. I then fold this in half across the short side and then put a ball of crust dough in the center of that sheaf. The paper has a silicone coating that makes it very easy to separate flattened dough from the paper once the dough is rolled out. By using the double recipe of a smaller crust, we have plenty of the finished product to make a handsome crust without skimping on fluting or the crown that this particular super pie has.

FWIW, after we finished dinner, we resolved to serve our desserts along with the dinner rather than as an afterthought.


8 years ago

As I sit here watching all the auto makers tout their new models and their year end sales, the irony of the situation is not lost on me.

Absent Obama and democrats GM and Chrysler would not even exist.

Proof positive as if any were needed that no good deed ever goes unpunished!

8 years ago

Re. the Krugman article.


They took their country back, and then gave it away to Trump and Putin.

8 years ago


It’s all in the lard pie crust. Sounds delicious.

8 years ago


Nice picture of  the two turkeys. I immediately dubbed them Trump and Pence.

8 years ago

I don’t understand how I can possibly be hungry. It’s only 15 hours since I left the table.

I have a question for all you Trail Hands. Do you eat turkey skin, compost it, feed it to a pet, or put it in the garbage?

8 years ago

In re: to turkey skin, I eat some, much to Mrs. Jacks disgust, Brewster would eat it all but that would make him difficult to live with 2 hrs later. So most of it goes into the stock pot with the bones and I freeze up the stock for later use in soups and stews and one pot of turkey and noodles.




8 years ago

I cook a turkey for just a couple of bites of that crispy skin. Not good for you I know, but oh my does it taste good. Mostly we use it to put a little flavor and richness into turkey soup.

8 years ago

Sweetie shares Mrs Jack’s disgust. I crisp it and eat it like bacon. Yum. It’s the best part of the bird.

My rotmos dish wasn’t too popular yesterday. I had no idea that so many people are afraid of vegetables. I blame it on early diet training via Gerbers. I could be wrong, because some of the other guests merely seemed to fear the rutabagas in the dish. Does Gerbers bottle rutabaga mush ? Anyway, I harbor very strong suspicions in this matter.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Folks and vegetables I think you have to blame it on their taste buds – for some vegetables don’t taste the same  as they do to most people.  We have friends in their 30’s and recently I served them a wonderful vegetable stew from the Greens Restaurant Cookbook.  You would have thought I was trying to poison them — thank goodness I also had a chicken

The stew had sweet potatoes, chilis, fennel, beans, golden beets and more -but nooooooooooooo.


Your directions and comments on the apple pie recipe are wonderful.


Someone needs to start exerting some leadership so trumpoppsition opposes all things all the time.  He is appointing people who arae dangerous in many ways.  I think it is very important to have a 50 state media strategy.  Most people get their infomation from local sources and not enough of the opposition is filtering to local news outlets.

8 years ago

So far no announcement of a recount request to Wisconsin.  Today is the last day to file.  If that doesn’t happen, then Dr. Stein will just get a huge addition to her reputation for scamming others for her own enrichment.

Of course this would then add to my disappointment in anyone fool enough to vote for her.


8 years ago

Yes, Pat. My rotmos was mushed up more finely than the one in your picture. I used shallots instead of onion, plus parsnip, carrot, rutabaga and russet potatoes. I used butter and mayo, to smooth it. It’s like mashed potatoes with some lumps, only sweeter and with a tiny, little, wee-bit of root-ish tang. Swedes commonly serve rotmos with strips of roast beef or mutton on top. I’ve also seen people put it on a plate with salt herring. Or, eat it all by itself, the way I do.

8 years ago

Sweetie is afraid of okra: ” They’re snotty !!!

8 years ago

Sweetie has had fried breaded okra, she just doesn’t know it. She liked it. Similarly, when my late sister was little she had a horror of mushrooms. When Mom called them ‘chinese beans’, she ate them with gusto.

8 years ago


There are no noble motives in anything Stein does. If she had really wanted to help, oh, I dunno, Freedom & Democracy, she would have asked her followers to vote for what was in the best interest of America when it was obvious this election was a contest between Good vs Evil. Anything she does now in an effort to Gee Whiz! Let’s volunteer to help in recounts!! is simply a dirty rag trying to wipe away her actions in helping to elect Evil. Once you’ve flopped on your back & spread ’em wide you can’t turn over & suddenly regain your virtue. Had anyone else proposed the recount it would be viewed as a patriotic gesture. With Stein, it’s simply one more opportunistic stunt.



8 years ago

I wish Stein would take her recounts and go away. The recounts will only validate what we already know and serve to legitimize Trump even further. Move along, nothing to see here.