Secretary of Stateless

My hunch is that Mitt Romney or anyone else considering becoming Secretary of State under Trump will be screwed like so many who took that job only to find that foreign policy is actually being run by the West Wing. Trump’s national security appointments so far indicate that, as is usually the case, the State Department will not be the center of foreign policy making. I am thinking about Bill Rogers — Nixon and Kissinger didn’t even tell him about the opening to China. Cyrus Vance — who resigned after Carter’s failed hostage rescue. Poor pitiful Alexander Haig left in the cold by Reagan’s White House. Colin Powell fed lies by Dick Cheney.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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8 years ago

makes sense, boss.

could be why this secretary job is more and more defaulting to women.  maybe they should change the name to admin asst. to remove the stigma.  now kinda falls in the chick flick, frou frou, bodice ripper and girly girl category

8 years ago

bid, drumpf losing pop vote didn’t get a mandate insuring rubber stamping by congress and new dem leader is selective not broad brush in senate opposition stance according to abc quote:

When he’s opposed to our values, we’re going to go after him tooth and nail,” Schumer said. “For instance, we’re not going to let him repeal Dodd-Frank or the rules we’ve put in place to limit Wall Street,” he said, referring to the 2010 law passed in the wake of the financial crisis that enacted sweeping changes to the regulation of the financial industry.

….”So when we oppose Trump on values or this presidency takes a dark divisive turn, we’re going to do it tooth and nail.”

8 years ago

Earlier in our history being Secretary of State was used as a launching pad for future Presidential campaigns, a number of which were successful. Interesting how it has become a consolation prize (?) for failed Presidential nominees.



8 years ago

Any mention of Romney for anything will inevitably bring up the Olympics. Is this a help or a hindrance: being tied in with one of the most corrupt/old boys networks ever devised? Or maybe it qualifies him perfectly for the world of schmoozing & personal publicity. This end of the spectrum isn’t for shy, retiring types.

Will add this too: as a Mormon, he is used to going out among the non-believers to spread the message of his beliefs. That can be seen as a plus for a front-of-the-house-job. Whatever one thinks of the man, no one can doubt his conviction of faith.

8 years ago

sjwny, it helps that Romney speaks French fluently and maybe some Spanish…  his son speaks Spanish and I imagine his grandpappy did too from his long stay in mexico

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

It is very difficult to ramp up much enthusiasm this week.  Although there have been no decorations of Thanksgiving or the rest of the year’s holidays in the office, I am ready for a year end celebration, holiday displays or not.

An interesting article – Let’s Never Stop Booing Mike Pence…/lets-never-stop-booing-mike-pence-and-this-entire-trump-administration

8 years ago

bbronc, cbs morning show had  an interview this a.m. on it: “Hamilton” actor on message to VP-elect: “Nothing to apologize for”

8 years ago

while doing thanksgiving preps, let’s pause for a kum ba yah update

8 years ago

I think it’s important to note that our President-elect is not a whole lot more than a world class BS artist.  I see the media spending a lot of time discussing possibilities for office, what will this person’s nomination mean, etc.

Instead, let’s take a minute and look at just whom he has actually chosen:

Reince Preibus R. – Chief of Staff : generally a clueless person who was so ineffective he let his party be taken over by Trump.

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III R. – Attorney General : a racist who believes the biggest problem with the KKK is that they smoke weed.

Rep. Mike Pompeo R. – Director of CIA : one of the heads of the never ending Benghazi hearings, in favor of mass collection of citizens data and a super hawk.

Ret. Lt. General Mike Flynn – National Security Advisor : Fired by Obama for his political statements Flynn believes that Islam is a philosophy and is quite anti-Mulsim in his beliefs.

Steve Bannon AltR. – Senior Advisor : Former leader of Breitbart.  Glenn Beck called him a “nightmare” and compared him to Joseph Goebbels.  Enough said.

Mike Pence R. – Vice President : Helped pass the nations most restrictive abortion laws.  Helped pass a religious freedom law allowing people to discriminate against gays.  Diverted $53 million of Ohio’s education fund to vouchers and is a climate change skeptic.

This is who we should look at – not the list of ‘potential’ nominees whom he has interviewed – this means nothing unless they are nominated.  Also notice – no women and no democrats.

This, my friends, is a Mike Pence Presidency.  Trump is being handled big time – and will be kicked to the curb when no longer useful.


8 years ago

Ahhhh….  started yesterday morning having breakfast with friends.  Not a word of politics…  but plenty of laughs.  Went home and decided not to turn on this machine…  put my nose in a book instead.  Finally turned the tv on late afternoon to watch the Patriots game and some of the Sunday night game.  In short…  I had a day without politics.  Such a pleasure…  think I’ll start doing it more frequently.

I agree with Jack…  I really thought the electorate was smart enough not to get fooled by the likes of a failed business man and reality tv star.  I really thought that once in the booth alone…  many more Americans would reject what Trump stood for and vote for common decency.  But I was wrong.  Instead…  when faced with a choice about this country, they said “fuck it!” and voted for Trump.  And some here think I should worry about what they think when liberals call them stupid…   really?!!

Craig…  hell…  W seems reasonable at this point.  And BTW…  I expect you to hammer Trump the same way you hammered Hillary about a lack of press conferences.  Since becoming prez- elect…  he’s been holed up in Trump Towers.  I’d say that transparency has left the building.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

President elect Asshole hasn’t had a press conference since August

Romney isn’t even a real candidate  he is just a distraction..seriously in the same breath he is considering Nikki Hailey and Mittens  – and where is Melanoma?  On her way back to Slovenia?

8 years ago

Craig: If SofS is such a nothing job the GOP mustn’t have gotten that memo. They spent the whole campaign acting as if Hillary was in charge of the world as SofS. Whoever trump picks probably won’t last long anyway, so in this case it really doesn’t matter. LOL!

Renee: “…I expect you to hammer Trump the same way you hammered Hillary about a lack of press conferences.  Since becoming prez- elect…  he’s been holed up in Trump Towers.  I’d say that transparency has left the building.” Not only no press conferences, but his first/only meeting with a head of state (Japanese PM) didn’t include the press, only his daughter. I guess I’m the only one bothered by that meeting but it struck a very unpleasant chord with me.

8 years ago

Craig: Enjoy Gloucester and your holiday. When I think of Gloucester I always think of this Carousel song.

8 years ago

Craig…  say Hi to Dale from Rick and I….  she’s a great lady!  Wishing you and David a yummy TG and yeah…  enjoy the lobster and any other fresh seafood.

GrannyM….  when I saw your post about Ivanka being present at a meeting with the Japanese PM I was shocked.  Then I thought…  from here on out…  nothing will shock me about Trump’s presidency….   Jesus help us…

8 years ago

granny & renee, so can you envision the scene when (if ever) drumpf is told that ivanka can’t come into the meeting room?  won’t be pretty.


Blue Bronc
8 years ago

MMM – lobster rolls (plural!)

So I have leftover meatloaf for lunch.  Sigh

Christy is such an idiot.  Whatever it is he sees in a floater life, I cannot imagine it.  An on then off and on and off . . . something remote in that love relationship is weird.

The stuff floating out of the gold commode goes from extremely insane to frightening to Nazi.

On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. H. L. Mencken

8 years ago

maybe he can get her officially certified as a service animal thereby circumventing nepotism & classified problems  🙂

8 years ago

Imagine – a President that looks like Drakula, and a first lady that sounds like him.

OK – not nice to make fun of people, I know.

8 years ago

pogo, how about this one?

wapo: 3 questions about the Supreme Court’s future: (Yes, Trump probably could nominate his sister)

8 years ago

opening gambit from garrison Keillor’s “Trump voters — it’s not me, it’s you” at wapo:

So we have split up. Democrats and Republicans. Mutual loathing. So Thanksgiving is ruined, maybe Christmas. We Hillarians look at strangers in the airport and think, “You did, didn’t you? Yes, you did.” And they know who we are. If I were drowning and calling for help, they would throw me a large rock. If they were drowning, I’d toss them an anvil. Scripture says to love your enemy but it doesn’t say exactly when or how.

8 years ago

for craig, bon appetit

8 years ago

beware the lobster banditos!

8 years ago

Craig: Lobster roll!!!! Yum, so jealous.

Pat: It won’t be pretty indeed!

8 years ago

Trump Summons the TV Execs

They served him so well during the campaign, I guess a visit to the throne room was in order.

8 years ago

In case anyone was duped by Sanders phony “campaign for Hillary”, more proof he was all ego and did nothing but spill right wing swill on his true believers:

Democrats Need to Move Away from Identity Politics

“Bernie Sanders tells Democrats not enough to say “I’m a woman, vote for me” ”

She could have said “I’m a former senator and SOS who’s skilled in policy and has a track record of progressive accomplishments you ass. Thanks for helping me lose.”

8 years ago


I read that article earlier today and thought it was intriguing.  I tend to agree with the author on each point, although I would love to see him put in a justice on an interim basis.  The current Congress has to go out of session when it ends, and he could make the appointment the moment the current Congress is gavelled closed.  But I doubt he’ll do that – it is bold in a way we haven’t seen from him.

Appointing a 79 year old is a fool’s errand when the 3 justices most at risk of leaving the court are that age more or less.

Roe’s demise is a more likely outcome, although so long as Kennedy sides with the 4 liberal court members in following the Court’s prior rulings, it may get limited, but it won’t be overturned.

And did anyone bet against Nos. 2-5 in the NCAAF week before last?  If so – I want to get in on the winnings. (Roll Tide Roll)

And speaking of roll, god I miss lobster rolls.


8 years ago

DV, those the good staff choices Blue(red or green)inDallas was talking about last week?  In Sessions, he found arguably the only prospect for the AG job more abhorrent than Giuliani, although I admit it is a close call.

8 years ago

Poobah, isn’t Maggiano’s where your wedding & reception were?



Blue Bronc
8 years ago

The little weasels were too ashamed to use the real name of their cult.  I now have Maggiano’s on my list of restaurants to visit.

8 years ago

sessions is one of the worst picks for AG that the deadbeat could make. ryan bundy or david duke would be worse.

8 years ago

And the clown car rolls on with nary a bump in the road. If these are the best appointments a nation can assemble, no God damned wonder Trump is president.

8 years ago

Not the best appointments our nation can assemble, Jace, just the biggest payoffs a deadbeat minority president can afford. 

8 years ago

speaking of fake news, wonder if any of their fake editors and fake journalists were invited to trump’s tête–à–tête

8 years ago

oops, here’s the whole thing. sorry about that