My own jumbled thoughts

Yes I admit to enjoying the spectacle of a nut case scrambling the brains of a Washington establishment I’ve come to see as disconnected from the plight and cause of most Americans.

But the time has come to acknowledge that Donald Trump is not the way to change that.

The man is simply crazy. Even his own party, staff, maybe even his family implicitly or explicitly are demonstrating they get that.

Too bad for me I feel this isn’t an election about real change, other than electing our first woman president, which is huge and wonderful.

On to governing. A month plus of politics to go, but let’s get ready for helping, pushing, demanding, whatever it takes, to see that President Hillary Clinton delivers her promises.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

On to governing. A month plus of politics to go, but let’s get ready for helping, pushing, demanding, whatever it takes, to see that President Hillary Clinton delivers her promises.

I’ve been thinking about the post election – and first Trump has whipped those nutters into thinking the election will be stolen from them (him) so she is going to be starting out with a whole lot of crazytown residents on her ass.

8 years ago

Whether she succeeds or fails will largely depend on Congress.  She does have a history of working across party lines to get things done, but this will be much better with a Democratic Senate and a House at least marginally depleted of some of the worst of the nut cases.

Beyond that it will depend on the rest of the globe not taking a terminal turn for the worse. She will be bolstered by our allies if only out of gratitude that we didn’t elect a total psychotic to the Presidency.


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Donald Trump will keep his flame going by challenging the election – it will be like the birther thing only he will challenge the outcome of the election He will continue to speak in airplane hangers

Chef Sheila
8 years ago

Hi Craig. Let .e just throw one .ore piece of information on this pile.


Hillary Clinton is just fine, by my Obama heart.

8 years ago

I think only the sane have ‘jumbled thoughts’ in this election year. Reminds me of the saying ‘Beware of anything you believe with your whole mind.’  If elected, Hillary will have to work with a dysfunctional Republican House, and, at best a slim majority in the Senate, nowhere near the 60 votes needed to actively legislate. She will be challenged at every turn, and, lacking enthusiasm among even her supporters, will face a daunting task. How she faces that challenge will be more of a measure of her leadership than what programs she is able to implement. Maybe, in two years or four years, the Country will be better able to see a way forward and begin to work on the many problems we face. I’m not, now, optimistic.

Chef Sheila
8 years ago

So good to see you too Craig.

I have done so much background on Clinton. I’m telling you, she’s going to he fine. She’s been hyper-handled and frankly held to a different standard than most Craig.  Yes, she’s made mistakes, she’s lied, but she’s also the only one I’ve seen correct her course.

I was VERY slow to move her way, but I’m comfortable now.

I think she’ll do fine as President.

8 years ago

Unfortunately, KGC does have a point.  This nation suffers from its multi century guilt complex and a large percentage of the public doesn’t want to confront that inherent racism and its consequences.  They would rather justify prejudiced actions rather than take that hardest road of all:  Providing the long term education, jobs, and opportunities.

The “40 Acres and a Mule” has appreciated in value.  Do we discuss some form of reparations?

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Too bad Gary Johnson comes across as such a dip  he could come in second…Trump is melting

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

The trump campaign surrogates are delusional  boring epstein just said the Clintons are trying  bully Donald Trump….awwwpoor wittle donald


Boris Epsteyn and Steve Cortes  I think they are the same person -blindly stupid

8 years ago

Oh no…  I come back from a funeral only to discover that Bink has resurfaced but now BlondeW has left for a while.

Craig…  I’m very glad to know that you are not angry or depressed.  I truly wish nothing but the best for you, David, your father, and little Toby.

Playing in the muck….   since Oogh told Uugh that he would challenge for the leadership of the tribe there has been much dirt in politics.  Or as some of us like to say….    and so it goes.

BlondeW…  take care and drink lots of wine!

Solarman….  bout time you showed your butt back around here, mister…

8 years ago

about senate, here’s what five thirty eight said two days ago:

Democrats are still slightly favored to take control of the Senate after November’s elections. They need to gain a net of four seats if Hillary Clinton wins the presidency, or a net of five seats if she doesn’t. And the FiveThirtyEight polls-plus forecast gives them a 56 percent chance of doing so, while the polls-only model has them with a 54 percent chance of winning a majority.

Polls continue to show a tight race in states such as New Hampshire, North Carolina and Pennsylvania, three of the four most important seats in determining who wins control.1The fourth is Missouri. Not coincidentally, the contest between Clinton and Donald Trump in those three states is also close.

8 years ago

huffpo: Hillary Clinton Responds To Donald Trump’s ‘Unhinged’ Tweets With Her Own Fire Tweetstorm

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton unleashed a fiery tweetstorm Friday in response to Republican nominee Donald Trump’s unquestionably horrible rhetoric about women.


Clinton was specifically responding to some late-night tweets in which Trump criticized former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, calling her “disgusting” and accusing her of having a sex tape. Clinton called the tweets “unhinged, even for Trump.”

[…. several hrc tweets follow including this one]


What kind of man stays up all night to smear a woman with lies and conspiracy theories?


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

It’s not close in Pa no matter what baloney people are trying to spread around and I don’t think it is close in NH Trump has roughly the same odds of winning NH as Minn around 30% rounded way up

It is close in NC and Nevada and oh yeah not close in Florida at the moment.


Poor wittle donnie bullied by the Clinton’s awww

8 years ago

excerpt from a sunday review opinion in ny times: Who Gets to Vote?

Many of the ID laws passed in the last decade will still be in force, although the strictest among them will be loosened or even suspended for this election. Similarly, many of the other new rules will remain in place, though modified in some instances by the courts. These include reductions in early and weekend voting periods and locations, the termination of same-day registration, revived bans on voting by ex-felons, limitations on voter registration drives, purges of the voter rolls, a diminished number of polling places and requirements that immigrants present proof of citizenship to register.

It is impossible to gauge with precision how much effect these laws will have. Many of them, including some of the ID laws, have never been in place during a high-turnout presidential election; even softened, such laws have the potential to sow confusion among voters and election officials. Measuring the impact of these laws, moreover, is no easy task. Turnout, even within individual communities, can rise and fall for many reasons, and there is no handy way to tease out the effects of a law.

That said, most studies conclude that the new restrictions will reduce the participation of African-Americans, Latinos and poor people generally, most likely by a few percentage points — and perhaps by as much as eight to 10 percentage points. The figure will surely vary from community to community.

The outcomes of some local and even congressional races may well be affected by these laws; and it’s not out of the question that they could play a role in a tight presidential contest, although the North Carolina and Wisconsin court decisions make that less likely. The results will almost certainly skew in favor of Republicans: as a growing number of Republican officials have publicly acknowledged — or been caught saying in private — that’s precisely what they are supposed to do.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

He is drip drip driping away — but the Clintons should watch the first 1/2 hour of the debate and figure out how to handle that Donald Trump.

The next one is the town hall so it will be interesting to see how Trump tries to take her down in that setting.

8 years ago

Sorry, late to the party, so this is a response to yesterday’s topic.

Craig: Playing devil’s advocate may be fine for some topics but blaming the victim can NEVER be ignored by anyone who has been in the trenches with women who have been victimized. I’m someone who has sat by the hospital bed of women nearly killed by their man, advocated for rape victims, helped women get restraining orders and talked to countless women who experienced all manner of abuses including dealing with infidelity. I think making this a political issue is obscene! Granted, some of the women I’ve dealt with would be on the absolute extreme of what we’re discussing here, but there is a common thread when dealing with anyone who is confronted with negative realities about the man they love. They all go through many stages before coming to whatever final resolution they choose. Very similar to the stages of grief people go through when a loved one dies, especially in a traumatic way. Usually people experience denial, anger, bargaining, depression and ultimately, some kind of acceptance. Not always in that order and not every woman goes through every stage. Some only experience a couple stages and, sadly, some get stuck in one that ends up being unhealthy and self destructive. Usually though most of these emotional responses are there on some level. Hillary is no different and trying to discredit her from being President on the basis of how she did or did not deal with what is between her and Bill is sexist and misogynistic. This is the very essence of Donald Trump! Please don’t “Go There”!

As for some kind of practice run or whatever, I have no doubt that a woman who has lived with this for 20 plus years has no need to practice anything. She and Bill seem to have weathered these storms in ways that work for them. Nobody can know what went on in their marriage, but I’ve seen the children of toxic, unresolved relationships. They’re usually pretty screwed up adults. Chelsea seems to be a well rounded, loving, intelligent young woman, so my guess is that Bill & Hillary did a great job of dealing with the issues in their marriage in a healthy, positive way. I hope DT is stupid enough to bring it up in one of the debates. He will not shake up Hillary one bit, he’ll only look like the fool he is!

End of rant 🙂

KGC & sjwny: I made a comment a while ago that I think every President has philandered with the possible exception of Jimmy Carter who admitted he…”lusted in my heart” Bringing this to the forefront of a debate will only backfire on Trump. He has nowhere to go but down. (Straight to hell I hope!)

BW: I hope you don’t leave. You are right on the mark when you talk about growth and forgiveness being possible in some relationships. That may be something that a person like Trump would never be able to comprehend.

Craig: Like your about face today but you still sound a bit like you’re defaulting. Hillary will be fine and will surprise you. She’s shown many times that she can work with both parties and has the ability to compromise. I think that’s what makes a good government for everyone.

8 years ago

wonder in the prez elections past here on the trail how many of us left in a huff, how many quietly slipped out into the wilderness, how many were  kicked off the trail and of each kind how many of our prodigal returned?

in my case, I think over the eight plus years I’ve left the trail only once in a huff having had my feelings hurt, once on medical leave and twice or thrice due to computer crashes or difficulty. thanks for taking me back.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

the debate commission said there was a problem with Trump’s mic…because he kept touching it which he had been told not to do

sometimes 1/2 a story tells a different story

8 years ago

kgc, think he was setting up an excuse for himself? or was it just a case of the jitters?

8 years ago

abc news: Debate Commission Says There Were ‘Issues’ With Trump’s Audio

“Regarding the first debate, there were issues regarding Donald Trump‘s audio that affected the sound level in the debate hall,” according to a statement from the commission.

Janet Brown, executive director of the CPD, told ABC News that the audio issue did not impact the broadcast. The specific issues affecting Trump’s audio were not clear.

The CPD said it will not replace the microphones in the remaining two presidential debates or the upcoming vice presidential debate, which will be held next Tuesday in Virginia.

Trump has openly complained about his faulty mic following the presidential debate.

“No sniffles. No. You know, the mic was very bad, but maybe it was good enough to hear breathing, but there was no sniffles. I don’t have — I have no allergy,” Trump said Tuesday morning on Fox News.

8 years ago

no sniffles? well his nose action even disregarding the sound sure indicated sniffles imo

8 years ago

roy moore, the ayatollah of Alabama was ousted as Justice of the state high court. Suspended w/o pay for the rest of his term.

8 years ago

Solar, I like what you wrote. Please, write more often, dammit.

8 years ago

KC, but oh lord is Johnson a dip or what? I’ve seen people deeply medicated who ar more connected to what is going on around them.  I suspect it is more style/personality than substance – and I’ve heard him talk about a few things where he sounded like he was informed and had something to say.  But for the most part, not so much.

BW, until you come back (soon, I hope) make it red.

BTW, as a bit of perspective – the Lewinsky (Bill’s last reported) affair occurred before Mrs. P & I were even married, and we took a 20th anniversary trip to N’awlins 2 weeks ago. drumpf was on wife No. 2 – Marla – back then.  I’d hardly call this BS timely or relevant to this election.  Open that door and all of both candidates’ past would be fair game – and we only have 38 days left – not nearly enough time to wade through all of that.

8 years ago

Are folks leaving ‘cuz we are too soft on the deadbeat, or ‘cuz we’re soft on the Lawyer Lady ?

These friends can’t both be right, can they ?



8 years ago

Come home. Come home, it’s supper time.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

I think people are upset because they keep hearing Trump might win and that is enough to send anyone into screaming fits.  Mr C is in that class  he thinks it would get us into war, progress on economic equity would be lost and the environment would be screwed.

8 years ago
Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Next time you hear him speak — you will hear the tell tale sniff sniff —  in days ahead he will become the stuff of legends – haunting the halls of failed Trump properties — sniff sniff

his mic failed because — even though he was told not to — he kept touching it

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

According to a source with knowledge of conversations with the debate commissioners, part of the issue rested with Trump touching his microphone, something candidates had been told not to do because the microphones were “calibrated exactly” to the candidate’s voices.Read more: 

8 years ago

There are more than two names on the ballot, folks.

I’ll vote my conscience & it will not be for Hellary.

The outcome of the election isn’t decided by us peons.  If the Russians are trying to tamper with the election, they are wasting their time.  The electoral college will reflect the will of the people…as they see fit.

When 47% of the people don’t want the Dem or Repug candidate, but the MSM refuses to include Stein or Johnson in any wide-scale manner, the fix is in.


8 years ago

As many gaffs as Trump makes on an hourly basis, shouldn’t Hellary be doing better?

8 years ago

Hallelujah, lets all hold hands and sing!!!  Wish Patsi were here,..

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago


gary johnson supports fracking and ending social security

8 years ago

Heh, Katherine Graham Cracker, just heard a report about the Republican Nominee blaming his bad mic. The Reporter pronounced the words as “Bad Mic!”

Maybe if he treated it kinder it would be better behaved.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

She’s winning

8 years ago

I will not forget all of the terrible missteps and outright abuses of power Hell & her hubby & their foundation.

The Haitians won’t forget, either.  The Benghzi mom (that you love to criticize (while getting upset with Trump for his comments about the Kahns, who have ties to the Clintin Foundation) won’t forget.  All of the women Bill was, at the very least, sexually inappropriate with against their will, won’t forget.

If you things will get better if she’s elected, brother, you are dreaming.  She won’t keep her word about anything on the platform…it’s not her agenda.  Those were Bernie’s ideas.  Very sad that he sold out.  Very sad that Warren sold out, too.   Hellary stands for Wall Street, TPP, building on the fiasco that is Obamacare, and a multitude of other wrong-headed ideas.

We are sunk.

8 years ago

It’s not, Craig, it’s really not.

While the powers-that-be have manipulated it to be a choice between a lesser of two evils,  we all have the choice to pick another name on the ballot.

I’m voting my conscience.

8 years ago

Granny- A friend ate with them at a small private dinner party last month and she, even though she spends lots of time with Hillary, couldn’t help but notice the couple and their very warm, loving relationship.  She was quite touched.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Yet on a host of others—some very serious issues which millennials hold dear—Johnson is utterly out of step with this demographic. He doesn’t think the government should do a lick about climate change. He supports TPP, Citizens United, and unapologetically opposes all forms of gun control. Obamacare? Johnson says only the free market should be involved in health insurance. On perhaps the biggest issue among younger Sanders supporters—free college tuition—Gary Johnson will offer them nothing.

8 years ago



You say Senators Sanders & Warren sold out. I say they both are showing statesmanship, intelligence & how to help Democracy function. If that is selling out, we need more like them. Especially when the alternative is an incompetent mentally ill man with a hankering for fascists & has friends like Vladimir Putin. I look at Bernie Sanders & Elizabeth Warren as role models. They showed up, not sold out.

8 years ago


Everyone here gets upset at times. *TWP (* Typing While Pissed ) afflicts the best of us. Sometimes getting the crap off your chest is a good thing – clears the air. Also I live by the chiseled in stone fact that nothing I write means a goddamn thing. Really. The earth won’t stop rotating on its axis because I wrote blahblahblah. Life’s too short anyway.

Hey Blonde Wino keep us updated on your sign & the next door neighbors. Now that would be fun reading.

8 years ago

OMFG.  Ron Reagan just gave a great smack down 2 Trump fat shaming Machado. He said “He’s not exactly Jack LaLane. He’s a Pudgy orange guy with weird hair.” I love it. The second point that I need to make is it Mrs. P and I were chatting and she said he fucked her. She said “As a woman I’m telling you he’s made it personal and the only reason he’s making it personal is because he fucked her.” RFLMFAO

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

I received more Hillary merchandise…i have 250 stickers to give to people who admire my buttons…more ordered today…

I am glad that my vote will be part of 7 electoral votes for Hillary!

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

Pogo…I really like Ron Reagan.  He has a good sense of humor.  I wish he were on the air more…

8 years ago

Look at the line up for the Broadway supported Hillary fundraiser.  Nothing like FOUR Oscar hosts on one stage:

Hosted by Billy Crystal, the Oct. 17 evening at the St. James Theatre in New York City — entitled “Stronger Together” — will include appearances and new performance collaborations by Julia Roberts, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Hugh Jackman, Sarah Jessica Parker, Matthew Broderick, Emily Blunt, Anne Hathaway, Josh Groban, Angela Bassett, Neil Patrick Harris, Helen Mirren, Sienna Miller, Bernadette Peters, Cynthia Erivo, Renée Elise Goldsberry, Rebecca Naomi Jones, Sarah Jones, Andrea McArdle, Ayodele Casel and more.

Tickets range from $45 to $10,000

8 years ago

Clinton’s chances at continue to improve. She’s 65-67% in polls and polls plus  and 76% in nowcast. Johnson…9%??? (wtf?) Stein… who?

8 years ago

Both third-party candidates would be terrible presidents
By Catherine Rampell

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Let the excuses begin — Trump is not showing up at the next debate..because everyone is plotting agains him

8 years ago

Don’t believe everything you think……

8 years ago

Just about past my bedtime, here in the east but I wanted to add a couple notes.

OSH: I’m not surprised by your friend’s assessment. I’ve been following the whole family on various websites & social media for years and you really can’t fake the genuine feeling they all have for each other, including Chelsea and now her husband. I’ve watched them interact with people all over the world on behalf of their foundation and visiting other countries for causes they support. They are forces for good and I defy anyone to provide hard, provable facts that they have been less than that. Has Hillary made mistakes, of course she has but unlike others, she admits them. I’m not talking about adultery, since it’s a personal matter between the parties involved. I’m quite sure that Trump has screwed many more poor young things than Bill ever did, so that subject needs to come to an end.

As for the other two candidates…a vote for either of them is a vote for Trump. I’ve read Johnson’s positions and he isn’t a credible choice for leader of the free world. He’s a cross between a hippy and a moron. Most of his positions amount to nothing more or less than lets just let everyone do what they want and throw out all the rules. Yes a little over simplified, but that was what I kept thinking while reading about his positions. As for Stein, she didn’t even impress me enough to read any more about her.

Jamie: That NY event sounds fabulous. I hope they think of some way to let people watch the event streaming. Even for a donation, I’d be happy to make another donation 🙂

Good night!

8 years ago

And now for something completely different…..

Ever had a branch of your family that no one speaks about? Well, top this: Found out that the stepson of my Great-Grandma’s cousin met his fate by “Judicial Electrocution” on November 24, 1941 at the State Prison in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. Read a copy of the Court proceedings too. Step-Cousin confessed, felt great remorse, but the guy was trouble from day one. Apparently he burned down the local school when he was 8 because he didn’t want to go. He graduated into auto theft; spent time in the Penitentiary, which he liked, because the food was good. Some girl actually married him; they had a couple kids then the bill collectors came around because legitimate work as a mechanic didn’t cover the bills … so step-cousin decides let’s steal a car & rob a few stores. Oh let’s steal the neighbor’s gun too just in case, because, well, you never know. Long story short an innocent car theft victim ended up riddled with bullets & step-cousin didn’t know what came over him but boy he was really really remorseful. Judge, Jury, Executioner followed swiftly.

I’ll add that the executed used my cousin’s family name as an alias when committing most of these crimes. No wonder they just sorta disappeared from the family.

The stuff you learn on these interwebbies.

8 years ago

kgc, thanks for linking that story about the mic with sniffles.  it’s easier to pass along news about screw-ups of candidates to friends if I have a site to back it up.  otherwise I can’t and have to just accept the comment as an opinion not a fact. some friends can be downright fussy about things like that.

8 years ago

SJ, good lord.  If that’s not bizarre.

Granny, Johnson is a cross between a hippy and a moron.   That is beautiful. Sometimes I think that describes me perfectly. Sometimes I know it does. maybe I’ll run for president someday. 😉

8 years ago

Here’s a great article in today’s  Wapo about pugn reactions to drumpf’s tweet feud with Machado.  They don’t see the point. Great line is

Forget being president. This guy isn’t fit to take care of a puppy,” [Republican strategist Ana] Navarro added.

My thoughts exactly.

8 years ago

from wapo editorial board: Do Gary Johnson supporters really want to help Trump win?

Here’s another question: Does Mr. Johnson’s running mate, former Massachusetts governor William Weld, who is much sharper, really want to help Donald Trump win — and be remembered as the Ralph Nader of 2016? Mr. Johnson takes more support from Hillary Clinton in three- and four-way polls than he does from Mr. Trump. He could swing Colorado or New Hampshire into the Trump column. How could Mr. Weld, who acknowledged the danger Mr. Trump poses in an interview with us in July, live with his complicity in electing the Republican nominee?

How, indeed, could anyone? This is not a case of having to choose head over heart, and vote strategically. Mr. Johnson is good-natured but wholly unprepared — and unwilling or unable to learn. In this case, head and heart should come to the same conclusion.

8 years ago

cnn: Weld ‘not sure anybody is more qualified than Hillary Clinton’ to be president

Libertarian vice presidential hopeful Bill Weld said Friday that he’s “not sure anybody is more qualified than Hillary Clinton to be president of the United States,” the latest misstep in what’s been a painful week for the third-party ticket.
Weld’s praise of the Democratic presidential nominee was made in an interview with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd.

8 years ago

good review and critique of Hillary’s national service reserve plan on  crooksandliars


also by  Bloomberg:

Hillary Clinton calls for creating a “National Service Reserve” of 5m people around U.S. to focus on community service.

In campaign speech in Florida, she calls tripling the size of AmeriCorps
Says she wants to finish the campaign season by focusing on issues like improving community service

8 years ago

more about nat’l service on abc news:

Hillary Clinton on Friday touted her plans to increase national service as president, while taking shots at her opponent Donald Trump, who, she said, in contrast thinks only of himself.

“You may have noticed that my opponent and I have different views about, well, nearly everything,” the Democratic nominee said during her speech on national service at the Sunrise Theatre in Fort Pierce, Florida. “And not just about what makes America great and what we should do to make it even greater, but also about that basic question of how progress happens at all.”

Clinton accused Trump of believing in a “strongman approach” to governing and knocked him for saying, “I alone can fix it” during his remarks at the Republican National Convention.

“’I alone,’” Clinton said. “Well, we’ve learned that that’s his way: One person getting supreme power and exercising it ruthlessly. That’s why he admires dictators like Vladimir Putin so much,” she added, referring to Trump’s praise of Russia’s president.

Clinton then announced parts of her national service plan, which would include tripling the number of young people in AmeriCorps from 75,000 annually to 250,000 and doubling the size of participants’ college scholarships. She would increase the size of the Peace Corps as well.

Clinton also announced plans for a new “National Service Reserve” that would allow people to serve their communities without a full-time commitment.

“Here’s the idea,” the candidate explained. “If you join the reserve, you’ll receive some basic training. And when your city or state needs you, you’ll get the call.”

Clinton said her goal is for 5 million people, particularly those under age 30, in all 50 states to participate in this program. She didn’t say how she would pay for any of her plans.

Clinton’s speech is her fourth in a “Stronger Together” series focusing more on issues and less on her opponent. Other topics she’s addressed in this series include disabilities, faith and the economy.

8 years ago

blue bronc, won’t Hillary’s  “If you join the reserve, you’ll receive some basic training. And when your city or state needs you, you’ll get the call.” be of help to you in your work with the red cross?

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

patd – I don’t know how much that would help the ARC.  Every Red Cross volunteer I know has a desire to help others.  Why is for the shrinks, although a few of them who came along with us on disaster tours have offered a few ideas to me.  For most of us there is a good feeling that comes from helping someone who has nothing left of their lives.  Everything burned up, floated away, fell into a crack in the earth, was spread over one hundred square miles.  Whatever it was that happened, you are the person who is offering the hand they need for the first step of their recovery.  A few of  us thrive on it, many do not.

So would public service help, yes in having an idea of what to do in tough situations.  We already have a cadre doing this, the  kids in Americorps.  They are wonderful.

8 years ago

Yesterday was Johnny Mathis 81st birthday which means I’ve been a fan for more than 50 years.  So Happy Birthday with my favorite song that is the theme to one of my favorite movies:  Same Time Next Year.

8 years ago

Jamie, loved that movie too. good fun way of showing the social history of a particular generation.

8 years ago

bbronc, looks like Hillary likes the americorp kids too according to this quote from abc story: “….  her national service plan, which would include tripling the number of young people in AmeriCorps from 75,000 annually to 250,000 and doubling the size of participants’ college scholarships.”