Lunacy Prevails

Here’s how America debates. Eighty million viewers, give or take 80 million because the folks at Nielson just make this stuff up, tuned in thinking their favorite cop show would be on, but instead found a woman in red and a man with orange hair talking about TPP, which sounds like yet another drug for medicating children on airline flights.

Then they hear the orange guy call the woman in red a liar, followed by the woman in red calling the orange guy a tax cheat.

Which provokes a fight over the remote. Suddenly buying costume jewelry from aging TV stars on shopping channels seems riveting. Or maybe it’s time to consider a reverse mortgage.

Tune back in to the post-debate “analysis” and we find out who won. Turns out the red lady was “presidential” and the orange guy was a lunatic. Give lunacy a chance.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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8 years ago

Simple Definition of lunacy

: extreme foolishness

: something that is very foolish

: extreme mental illness

Source: Merriam-Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary

8 years ago

also at m-Webster:
lunacy Synonyms

absurdity, asininity, bêtise
See more at m‑
mind, saneness, sanity

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago


Craig endorses trump

8 years ago

Wouldn’t a definition of lunacy need to include something about the moon?

8 years ago


shimon peres

8 years ago

sturge, no full moon Monday to explain drumpf’s debate performance.  however, it was grinning like a Cheshire cat that night…. must have been telling us something.

scientific American:
Lunacy and the Full Moon
Does a full moon really trigger strange behavior?
ACROSS THE CENTURIES, many a person has uttered the phrase “There must be a full moon out there” in an attempt to explain weird happenings at night. Indeed, the Roman goddess of the moon bore a name that remains familiar to us today: Luna, prefix of the word “lunatic.” Greek philosopher Aristotle and Roman historian Pliny the Elder suggested that the brain was the “moistest” organ in the body and thereby most susceptible to the pernicious influences of the moon, which triggers the tides. Belief in the “lunar lunacy effect,” or “Transylvania effect,” as it is sometimes called, persisted in Europe through the Middle Ages, when humans were widely reputed to transmogrify into werewolves or vampires during a full moon.

Even today many people think the mystical powers of the full moon induce erratic behaviors, psychiatric hospital admissions, suicides, homicides, emergency room calls, traffic accidents, fights at professional hockey games, dog bites and all manner of strange events.

8 years ago


Even a man who is pure in heart & says his prayers at night, may become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms & the autumn moon is bright.

Happy October Surprise.


8 years ago

salon: Hillary Clinton endorsed by Arizona Republic, becoming first Democrat endorsed by newspaper in 126 years
Hillary Clinton has an “opportunity to heal this nation,” writes Phoenix paper that has favored GOP for generations

8 years ago

concluding paragraphs by ny times editorial board: Hillary Clinton’s Everywoman Moment
Mr. Trump’s misogyny is unlikely to turn off his core supporters. And his bullying of Mrs. Clinton — as well as his critique of her reversal on the Trans-Pacific Partnership and his remarks on the effect of globalization on jobs — may play well with white men reeling from technological change, job losses and addiction. Amid this upheaval, some have come to believe that when minorities, immigrants and women make gains, it pushes them further behind.
The debate’s clash over gender was telling for both candidates, and it may have helped establish Mrs. Clinton as a standard-bearer for more than Democrats.

8 years ago

willie, the shake so wisely noted of lunacy as it would apply to our lunatic du jour:

Though this be madness, yet there is method in’t.
Hamlet Act 2, scene 2,

8 years ago

A little late with this but was good to see Ping & blueINdallas back in the fold.

Wasn’t the reason to bring back Debates due to nostalgia/false memories over the 1960 experience? Unfortunately every candidate thinks they’re Jack Kennedy when reality sides with Dick Nixon.

8 years ago

Senator Elizabeth Warren on the Republicans’ government shutdown threats

“this is about secret money for political campaigns”

8 years ago

To every Candidate thinking of debating, please remember this: Gerald Ford. Yikes. Ouch. That moment is chiseled on his legacy. Man, Christmas came early to the Carter Camp. ?


8 years ago

the first 5 1/2 minutes of lizzie’s tirade is one of those important speeches that need a lot of exposure, a lot of media attention and to go viral…. hope it doesn’t get buried in coverage about the shutdown, flint or the campaign craziness.
please, puhleeze listen to it.

8 years ago

Elizabeth Warren 2020 ✔

…. and a part of me mourns it isn’t 2016 too. But everything has a season. She is a good soldier for Democracy.

8 years ago

New coffee routine: half a can of Chock Full O’Nuts and half a can of Cafe Bustelo, mixed.

good stuff

8 years ago

Sj….I’m going to be on the look-out for those prayer-saying pure heart guys……they could turn into a real problem……

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Last night I saw a ‘proud deplorable’ on tv…last week I sent Craig and David a proud photo of my ‘adorables.’  I was hoping he could see ‘why’ I was voting for Clinton over trump.  Craig posts some great memories here about his fantastic childhood…I share the same wonderful times of my awesome, not perfect childhood…the resource rich time of the US.  I think my grandkids deserve the same thing…not some corporate takeover of humanity.  The great recession tore the family apart…houses were lost, jobs, the cupboards were bare AND the emergency rooms were filled with injured children, mostly head injuries.  The animal shelters were filled with abused animals…unwanted pregnancies.  These children and innocents of the Bush wars were abused, isolated by repugs.  So, when Obama and company want to kick some food and medical care as the system payment of company offered health insurance collapsed?  Repugs got greedier, shut down the government and slashed programs to help needy citizens.  Again, I am asking all of my sane and revered friends to join me against trump…this time I need you…I have marched with you for equality on many fronts.  As Bill Clinton said, now that you have yours?  Do not forget about those that do have any.  I watched the ERA amendment go down, horribly.  I also earned 75% of what my male counterparts earned…a lifetime of less because of my gender.  And now I get hit over the head with these graphs and are told how could you let this happen to you??  Now is MY time, my grandkids time.  Please join us and I really find it so distasteful that you kick grandma’s ass, so much.  Many humans of color were raised by their grandmothers…when I hear the word ‘mija’ spoken?  It tugs at my heart.  Words do matter.

8 years ago

Sturg, that’s about what I do with my coffee. I generally go to Publix, buy the most robust quality name brand coffee that’s on sale, then mix it 1 for 1 with Publix house espresso which is a real bargain.

I mix it all together then fill my k-cups six at a time (enough for two days). One batch of the mix will last me about three weeks. Sometimes I will grind the beans if I feel like it–all depends. In any case it is really good coffee. I always keep a stock in the pantry.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

sunset from my backyard screen saver…Mother Nature delivers.

8 years ago

Chock-Full-O’-Nuts is that heavenly coffee ☕,

      Better coffee a millionaire’s money can’t buy. ?

Enjoy your brew, Mr Sturgeone. And carry a gun with silver bullets…


Blonde Wino
8 years ago

The deplorables comment has created an industry, a solidified online purchasing movement…Clinton is creating manufacturing jobs before she is elected!

8 years ago

bw, this will please you.  and I hope fearless leader gives it a read with an open mind and heart.

huffpo’s isaac saul, editor: “I Wrote That I Despised Hillary Clinton. Today, I Want To Publicly Take It Back.”

When Hillary Clinton became the presumptive Democratic nominee, I was distraught. Months before I had written about her on Huffington Post, explaining that I despised her not for her gender — as some of her supporters accused — but for her hawkishness, her center-left policies, her husband’s crime bill that incarcerated so many people of color, her support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and her inability to get progressive on climate change policy.

I’ve spent almost every waking hour of every day following this election, reading about Hillary, Donald Trump, both parties’ platforms, and the under-qualified Libertarian and Green Party candidates running. During these months of obsessing over my choice, I’ve watched my position slowly shift. I’ve felt myself start advocating for Hillary more than advocating a vote against Trump, culminating in last night’s debate when she finally, totally, completely won me over.

In an election that features one of the most well-documented liars and scam artist businessmen to ever run for public office, much of the attention has been on him — how we can’t put him in office, give him keys to a nuclear warhead, trust him in the most powerful position in the world. Some of it has been more positive: how he’d turn the system on its head, be a Washington outsider, completely rewrite the script. While it’s easy to make the case for voting against Trump, it occurred to me during the debate last night how much we’ve taken Clinton for granted.

[…. he discusses her accomplishments that haven’t gotten much acknowledgement]

All this work, and what did Clinton get? She got an actual smug, young journalist named Isaac Saul writing about how I despised her, when I hardly knew the depth of her accomplishments, when I was clinging to the pipe dream of a Bernie Sanders presidency that may have never been in the cards, when my own father got ignored while he tried his best to talk some sense into me.

Secretary Clinton, I’m sorry. And I retract my previous position of hatred and angst towards you. You have made mistakes, some of them grave, and some of them unforgivable. Unfortunately, that comes with decades of life in the public eye, pressure and microphones in your face. But you have also accomplished far more in your life as a public servant than just about anyone that’s run for this office, and certainly far more than I ever will. When November rolls around, you’ll have my vote.

And you’ll get it enthusiastically.

8 years ago


I’d vote for Dorothy Rodham, and I’ll vote for Hillary this week.

re atwater the gay-basher, I have great sympathy for his family. For him, not so much.

8 years ago

repeating Isaac’s conclusion for good measure and in case you all didn’t take time to read the whole piece:

Secretary Clinton, I’m sorry. And I retract my previous position of hatred and angst towards you. You have made mistakes, some of them grave, and some of them unforgivable. Unfortunately, that comes with decades of life in the public eye, pressure and microphones in your face. But you have also accomplished far more in your life as a public servant than just about anyone that’s run for this office, and certainly far more than I ever will. When November rolls around, you’ll have my vote.

And you’ll get it enthusiastically.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

just throwing this out there…Craig is in his grief spiral…we lose our anchor when a parent dies…searching through our unique past to define our present…as I have commented, my Mother still walks my mind.  The strength of her when like Dorothy Rodham she suffered terribly from neglect in her early childhood…death of her young Mother in a company-town, new country — her strength still shines through my daily life.  I know Toby was a strong woman, too.   Best advice?  Stay away from rabbit holes.  Me?  I am more worried about the Mr. Crawford in Florida…I know how that can also weigh on Craig and David.

8 years ago

A garlic necklace helps; thread them on a stout chain. Plus, carry garlic in every pocket and in your undies and footwear.

No, garlic, no sweat. While the reek of leek is insufficient, the amps of ramps will do the trick.

8 years ago

Today’s Favorite Tweet:  “In Europe, we don’t consider this an American election but an American IQ test.”

8 years ago

There are such decent folks around here. sigh

8 years ago

bw,  thank you for reminding us to cut him some slack.  fearless leader not only has the burden of grief to endure himself but the worry for the well-being of his beloved dad who too recently lost both his wife toby and longtime friend arnie.

8 years ago

in the meantime, back to dissing and dumping on drumpf

8 years ago

more from priorites usa

8 years ago
Published on Sep 27, 2016

Seth takes a closer look at how Trump supporters think he performed in the first presidential debate.

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

patd…Seth Meyers is so much fun this election season…

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

patd, OD…the networks are still in control of the prez election feed from debates to election.  Too bad Seth cannot moderate a debate.  Seth is the sane comedy…abc news has also been kinder to Clinton.  CBS is still bitter against the Clintons and NBC news? Still repugs…holt is a registered repug.  Faux news talking head and debate moderator, Chris Wallace, is registered dem.  Radditz and Cooper?  Cooper has only contributed financially to repugs…radditz was the debate queen last go around.  Here is mojo back in 2012…can radditz be objective?  Cooper looked so lost on tv during the dem convention…he is closer to the NY cafe/news society than middle class America.  A man of wealth and privilege like trump.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

yeah, like herpes, you are going to miss him…he will be back and he returns as shingles for us older humans.

8 years ago

What happened to the custom of journalists declining to register as a party member while
shunning any political affiliation?

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

In a speech yesterday Clinton suggested that as individuals we need to be nicer to each.  A lot of people here don’t need that reminder but the rest of us would do well to listen to that advice.


I won’t be missing Trump at all.  What would you miss – the racial slurs, the fantasist version of reality, his moral code?
We already turn the channel anytime we see him and we don’t miss him at all. I don’t miss Tom Tancredo either

I had a friend who voted for Willie Brown because they thought he was entertaining?  Now she thinks SF is a horrible place to live and why is that…the policies of Willie Louis Brown.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Flatus…as a former small business owner, I was a registered independent through my business ownership…still am.  The voting moniker of independent garnered me respect among repug customers who would have never bought from me…used my service.. if they had know I was a closet dem underneath the costume of an independent…plus, when the dems would piss me off?  I would retreat to my independent nest…nose in the air.   Reporters like most humans have a public and private persona.  It depends how good you can keep your thoughts under your public costume.  Media should vote.

8 years ago

Nicely said, BW. Thanks

8 years ago

The deadbeat will still be around after the election. The trump news network, starring the friendless business failure and run by roger ‘the whale’ ailes. Maybe hannity will jump aboard. More glitztrash news, more tparty style blather, more newsbimbos in skimpier outfits. The formula in short : more guns, more babes, and more hollering the politics of resentment.

I anticipate a YUUUUJE stock float. rupert and glenn are gonna have a lean year.

8 years ago

I could handle lunacy in a President.  What I can’t handle is arrogance, prevarication, misogyny, racism, greed, narcissism, meanness, and a gross, disgusting temperament dedicated to the destruction of others.

So I guess the sooner Trump departs the better.

8 years ago

Ah, I get it now, you want a gig at Fox News.  You belong there.

8 years ago

You don’t speak for America, Craig.  Hell, you don’t even speak for the 15 people, here.  I can’t participate here anymore while you draw false equivalencies and attempt to endanger my friends, my family, and my countrymen with your espousal of the most dangerous presidential candidate in any of our lifetimes, which is a shame, because I enjoyed the back-and-forth with all of the wise and informed people that use your forum and to whom you should be deferring, because you’ve become irrational.

Enjoy the banter with the racist troglodytes that will replace them.

8 years ago

All of our lives are marked by tragedy- that’s no excuse for misanthropy.

8 years ago


Please, just take a break. The rest of us will use our voices to advocate the policies and candidates that we support. I know I will try to do it with a spirit of tolerance for those who still don’t believe in Mr Roosevelt’s ability to get us out of the Great Depression much less the Second World War.

We will hold the Fort while you are absent.

8 years ago


I hope you are correct.  I will miss him, too, sort of like that wart I had removed.

Bink, don’t get Craig wrong – I don’t think he was suggesting that anyone should give lunacy in the form of a Cheeto tanned idiot a chance unless he’s changed his mind since yesterday.   As he said “Only 40 more days of Trump. I’m gonna miss the bastard.”  He speaks as a political observer, not as a spokesman for anyone but himself, or at least that’s how I take most of his comments (as I speak as if he isn’t reading this).  I believe he is suggesting that giving lunacy a chance is the mood of those who are fed up with the “establishment” pols.  I would really not like to see you go, and when you see false equivalances,  whether from Craig or anyone else, challenge them.  We disagree on a number of points, me being a pretty strong Hillary supporter and him being a resigned one.  It’s the give and take that informs.

8 years ago

I hope Trump will be a misshaped wart removed rather than sticking around to become another cancer on the body politic.

8 years ago

Let’s not make this about me, guys.  I have to stop because I really dislike spewing venom, it makes me feel shitty about myself, but when the fate of the world hangs in the balance, I’ll make an exception.  I realize we’re not changing the world, here, but the same guy who made the post, above, asked me to join him in doing so, 8 years ago.  Sad.


Flatus, you’re a good man, and you perseverence and good humor despite personal tragedies is an inspiration.  Thanks, also, Pogo.  Seriously, though, I’m good.

8 years ago


Please don’t go. Your voice is needed more than ever precisely because of what you said.

Besides we like you & would miss you.

If you do need a break, don’t make it permanent, OK? You’re always welcome here.

8 years ago

bink and craig, I see both of you encapsulated and hardening in your distinctive chrysalises.  I look forward to the beautiful butterflies or fuzzy moths that will emerge once the madness is over or after the election which ever comes first.  just watch out for those guys with the nets.

8 years ago

Bink…  I agree that grief is not a reason for misanthropy.  Rick and I just lost a much loved family member and friend this past Saturday.  We will be going to the funeral on Friday.  It doesn’t mean I have the right to act like a jerk toward you or anyone else here.

Take care, buddy….   safe travels.

8 years ago

Anyone who knows me knows I seldom agree with Jennifer Rubin, except with respect to her disdain for drumpf, but on that point we see eye to eye.  She has, ironically, become what appears to be a supporter of Hillary.  She has a good opinion piece at WaPo today that bears reading.

Trump’s chronic narcissism does not allow him to view anyone but himself as successful, competent or smart. The irony is that much of his “success” is inherited or an illusion, and nothing in his chaotic campaign operation or babbling, empty debate answers suggests he is either competent or very smart. Clinton should make clear that she thinks Americans are winners, strivers and doers who with some critical tweaks can be more prosperous, secure and happy. The election is about helping them to succeed, not making Trump feel superior.


8 years ago

8 years ago

usa today: Michelle Obama appears in first TV ads for Clinton, and also on the trail
“Hillary will be a president our kids can look up to. A president who believes in our kids and will fight for them every day. That’s why I believe in her,” Obama says in the ad, the first TV spot she has done for this campaign season.
The video is in addition to a radio ad featuring the first lady that is already on air in Florida, North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania.
Obama is also campaigning for Clinton on Wednesday in Pennsylvania.

8 years ago

also breaking at usa today: Congress rejects Obama veto on 9/11 bill; first override of his presidency
“The House voted 348-77, well above the two-thirds majority needed. The final vote tally in the Senate was 97-1. Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-.Nev., cast the sole vote against override.”

8 years ago

Well, I was going to pour half a bottle of Yuengling into the corned beef pot and drink the rest. Instead, I said hell with it and dumped the whole bottle in and got a fresh one for me.

Every few years some armchair type would try to prohibit beer and booze in combat and high risk areas. How dumb; that’s how troops get together and collectively unwind with the senior NCOs guiding the process. If we were lucky the mess sgt might be able to scrounge up some bbq stuff.

In Korea, in ’67 a few months after Kumcho and I returned after I had come back from Vietnam and she had her citizenship, we had adopted our two girls. They were both barely nourished six-year-olds when Rev Choi put them in our care. But when we took them to one of our unit get togethers, they had gained weight, were well on the way to having American hairdos, had a funny last name that no Korean could pronounce, and a bunch of Penney’s and Sears clothes in their closet. They were the hit of the ‘picnic’.

It was also a time of greatly increasing tension in Korea–we were shipping so much of our vital combat capability to Vietnam. It wasn’t too long before the North Koreans captured a Navy intelligence gathering vessel, the Pueblo. It was war footing from that point forward. Wasn’t able to see the family for intervals of more than a week. No telephones in those days. We survived. She and the kids were never forced to march in front of a column of North Koreans giving our soldiers the unambiguous choice as to what they must do. That’s reality beyond what we have in the here and now. And, that’s why me must choose Hillary Clinton.

8 years ago

and usatoday reports: The Senate approved a stop-gap spending deal Wednesday to avert a government shutdown this weekend and provide $1.1 billion in long-awaited aid to combat the Zika virus.

Senators voted 72-26 to pass the legislation, which will keep the government funded through Dec. 9 and give lawmakers time to work out a long-term spending bill for the fiscal 2017 year that begins Saturday. The House was expected to vote on the stop-gap bill later on Wednesday, clearing the way for Congress to leave town until after the Nov. 8 election.

8 years ago

just which “middle America” do you mean?

the majority of middle America is female.

8 years ago

You’re not middle-class, YOU are the establishment, with your farms, and houses, and websites, and books, and TV gigs, and wine-socials, and whatever else you do while the middle-class are working themselves to drink, and squalor, and strife.  They don’t need your kind of help, but I’m glad you’re having so much fun.

8 years ago

Greetings from the desert. Here on the AZ trail, a major development with the state’s largest newspaper, The AZ Republic, endorsing Hillary Clinton, the first non-conservative in 126 years. Back to Craig’s question: will AZ flip to Hillary and blue?  Closer but still not likely. Local chat groups are still bonkers over Trump, including a large number of Hispanics. The Hispanic vote is tricky as factors such as age, first, second, third, or even going back to Spanish colony, business owner, farm worker, Catholic or not, how many children, and living relatives in Mexico or NM and Tx. Definitely not monolithic. 40 more days.

8 years ago

Hi Bink,

I hope you don’t leave and only take a short break, but this blog needs you. I need you to post your comments when Craig or anyone else makes me angry. I not sure where his anger is coming from, not sure it is losing his mom. We all have lost loved ones and think that most of us still get tears in our eyes when we think about them. I cry when I think of my parents who died at such a young age and that was 50 years ago.  I think it has more to do with the Jim Webb thing not working out, but stuff doesn’t work out sometimes, but usually it will makes us stronger.

Take care Bing, but you have to be here with us when I am sure we will be celebrating history in another 40 days.

Craig, I do appreciate you having this blog for us, you take care too.

8 years ago

gee, bink, some of us here are just getting by…. we might have fantasies of which you speak in your 3:48 comment, but …. ???

btw, boss, i don’t believe most women in America see the Clintons as status quo, they (including me) see them (at least see Hillary) as something hopeful, a change from the old boys club running things.

8 years ago

Well one thing for sure we know is NOT on Trump’s radar and that is the middle class unless it is to figure out another way to screw them for his own benefit.

At least with the Clintons, you know their childhood experiences and what they have done with their wealth when they made it.  How many more thousands of lives do they have to save just to be considered to have benefitted their fellow human beings?


8 years ago

Craig…   I get it now.  Kinda like the way I enjoyed the stated angst over the new African American Museum…  I love it when art upsets establishment types.

8 years ago

“might think differently if you had to look at that monstrosity every day”

absolutely if it’s drumpf as prez.

8 years ago

“gee, bink, some of us here are just getting by…. we might have fantasies of which you speak in your 3:48 comment, but …. ???”


…not you, Pat.  Mr. Champion of the Middle-Class, over here, whose nihilism he is confusing with compassion, apparently.


Ok, I yield.  Have a good day, all.

8 years ago

Why must all DC buildings look as if they were made in suburban Paris? I’m not offended by the new structure. It kinda looks like a couple of Buddhist Temples that I’ve visited. Come to think of it, a nice major structure mirroring the still-existing observatory in Kyungju, Korea. After all, it was/is the world’s first. A nice way of honoring the ethnic Koreans that are contributing so much to Our Country.

8 years ago

craig, funny about the wwII memorial vis a vis the aa museum.  I didn’t think that was quite up to snuff with mr. jeff or abe or even nam memorials.  not that I’m enthralled with the new one, but heck, I think the old Smithsonian castle is right down ugly. so what do I know.  it’s good to have a variety to please all tastes.

8 years ago

I’ve altered my daily walk to the WW II memorial instead of the Washington Monument so that I can gradually get used to that travesity.

Craig….   good!  That new building is making you wake up everyday with a new world view…  a new perspective…  it’s doing it’s job.

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

The Vietnam Memorial in Washington

Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco

Eiffel Tower in Paris

Reviled when they first came on the scene…

Only time will tell!!!




8 years ago

I find the nurses memorial moving

8 years ago

Glad I did the yard earlier–it’s decided to start raining at the rate of 2-inches an hour.


8 years ago


I def hope you can stick around. I was ever so happy to see you come back around after so long. I understand your disappointment and i share it.. I only came here because of Craig and his difference and integrity. So much different than the MSM. A place and a person who gave a damn in a common sense way. The coverage of politics didn’t go along with the mainstream media narrative always, refreshing.. Yep, that person is long gone and it hasn’t been a pleasant thing for me to watch, it’s like a train wreck.. You will be missed again by me. Your wit and funny posts really took my mind off the disappointment around here..

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

Bink…Trail Mix can be very frustrating at times…For the most part I have come to realize that is is best to ignore or be amused by any posts that could be particularly frustrating.

In the 2008 election we had a basic war on Trail Mix.  I learned lots during that time.

There are people here who I value and appreciate.

There have been several times I have pulled back for awhile.

I wish you the best…Dennis


8 years ago

Michelle Obama On Trump’s Temperament: ‘We Need An Adult In The White House’
“A president can’t just pop off or lash out irrationally.”
Molly Reilly

Wow, First Lady MO is amazing and inspiring.. I hope if Hillary wins she can get MO in her administration in some great way..

8 years ago


Well, I was going to pour half a bottle of Yuengling into the corned beef pot and drink the rest. Instead, I said hell with it and dumped the whole bottle in and got a fresh one for me.

I call that WIN-WIN.

Craig, absolutely.  (btw, one’s in the hopper for your review)


Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

Tony…Michelle is very impressive.  I think she has a very bright future in some form…

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago


Please re-consider.I go through bouts of anger myself – frustrated that anyone would consider voting for him.  Where I live there aren’t many but enough to be annoying.  But won’t you miss us?  As pretty much everyone has said, we missed you and would miss you more if you left again.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

I wonder if it’s true that trump gets audited every year and has never been found wanting

8 years ago


I sure hope so. Michelle Obama is impressive and a huge asset to all.. I just know she’s going to do great things to help others..

8 years ago

Eric Trump: It Took “Courage” For My Dad To Not Mention Bill Clinton’s Infidelity
“That was a big moment for me and probably will actually become — my life and this campaign — and probably will be something I’ll always remember,” Eric Trump said.
Christopher Massie
OMG, these kids of Trump are completely delusional as well.. Courage for Trump not to mention Bill’s infidelities,  they got to be kidding. They don’t see their own father’s cheating on their own mother?

8 years ago


Sorry about the loss of your loved one.

8 years ago


Some of us have trying to get the media to push on a demand for Trump’s “Papers”, namely the letter from the IRS announcing his audit.  This was mentioned to his spokesclown, Kellyanne Conway once and she practically came out of her chair with “Are you calling him a liar?”.  Well yes I am.  He doesn’t have to do the tax returns, but how about the letter to prove he is actually being audited or do we just add that to the long, long, long, really long list of his other eyes.

The IRS can’t do it because they can’t comment on such things, but RumpleTrumpskin could authorize his accountant to hand over the letter.



Blue Bronc
8 years ago

WWII Memorial – 4th of July celebration, something I like to do with the American Red Cross Disaster Services.  A change from our usual experiences.  Went to the WWII memorial before it was closed, that end of the Mall is closed for the fireworks, and found several ducklings which had plunged over the edge of the upper pool.  There was a person who picked them up and put them back in  place with mama duck.  This year D.C. had heavy rains on the 4th so the upper pool and all over the area, had extra water to flow somewhere and the ducklings rode the wave over the top.  They were cute quaking away while mom was doing the same, at least until they were reunited.

8 years ago

Two more teeth of gears have met

and having met, move on again,

traversing each a separate path

Till one full turn has made its way,

More worn, they meet again.

—Bongo Seville

8 years ago

Can’t comment on the new tread yet so I’m just gonna hunker down…….

8 years ago

But age and work will take their toll

in wearing down these gears once  fine

till notched, jagged, shaved, and torn

a meeting smooth’s  just memory

No oil can bring again.

8 years ago

I can’t wait for Bink to return. And then, we can tell him all about our journey to a better future.

8 years ago

New Thread but no Post Comment line

8 years ago

I’ll hunker down here right nesta Mr. Sturgeone, if he won’t mind. I’ll dream about great beers and ales whilest I wait.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

X-R and Sturg

who would want to leave with you two in the house

8 years ago

Easy answer to the new thread:  Anything we can do they can do better.  Set a precedent for suing a sovereign nation for possible government involvement in the death of 3000+, just watch the suits come rolling in from Kuwait, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria not to mention Kosovo and other nations on the receiving end of American munitions.  We’ve killed an awful lot of civilians who probably objected to the practice just as much as the relatives of those who died on 9/11


8 years ago

Just to add to the anti-semite leanings of Trump campaign:

Breitbart goes full blown attack on Jewish journalist


8 years ago

 I’m gonna miss the bastard.

Yea, like I would miss a boil on my ass.



8 years ago