Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,

Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.  The Lorax, Dr. Suess

By Blue Bronc, a Trail Mix Contributor

Banned book week has once again arrived.  Each year the power of the Internet has shown light on the various efforts to ban books in school libraries, in public libraries and from the printer’s presses. The ‘net provides communication between the smallest villages and the largest cities about efforts to prevent writings from being seen.

Censorship is a step towards subjugation of the people. If children are not allowed to learn, and seeds of dreams are not sown, the results are a people fettered from knowing their potential.  Hiding what others have written, does not make a world, quite the opposite.  Taking a thought from others and multiplying it many times is what makes a great world.

i-read-banned-bookThis year’s list from the American Library Association:

The ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) receives reports from libraries, schools, and the media on attempts to ban books in communities across the country. We compile lists of challenged books in order to inform the public about censorship efforts that affect libraries and schools. The top ten most challenged books of 2015 include:

  1. Looking for Alaska, by John Green
    Reasons: Offensive language, sexually explicit, and unsuited for age group.
  2. Fifty Shades of Grey, by E. L. James
    Reasons: Sexually explicit, unsuited to age group, and other (“poorly written,” “concerns that a group of teenagers will want to try it”).
  3. I Am Jazz, by Jessica Herthel and Jazz Jennings
    Reasons: Inaccurate, homosexuality, sex education, religious viewpoint, and unsuited for age group.
  4. Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out, by Susan Kuklin
    Reasons: Anti-family, offensive language, homosexuality, sex education, political viewpoint, religious viewpoint, unsuited for age group, and other (“wants to remove from collection to ward off complaints”).
  5. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, by Mark Haddon
    Reasons: Offensive language, religious viewpoint, unsuited for age group, and other (“profanity and atheism”).
  6. The Holy Bible
    Reasons: Religious viewpoint.
  7. Fun Home, by Alison Bechdel
    Reasons: Violence and other (“graphic images”).
  8. Habibi, by Craig Thompson
    Reasons: Nudity, sexually explicit, and unsuited for age group.
  9. Nasreen’s Secret School: A True Story from Afghanistan, by Jeanette Winter
    Reasons: Religious viewpoint, unsuited to age group, and violence.
  10. Two Boys Kissing, by David Levithan
    Reasons: Homosexuality and other (“condones public displays of affection”).

More Posts by Blue Bronc


Author: Blue Bronc

Born in Detroit when Truman was president, survived the rest of them. Early on I learned that FDR was the greatest president, which has withstood all attempts to change that image. Democratic Party, flaming liberal, Progressive, equality for all and a believer in we are all human and deserve respect and understanding. College educated, a couple of degrees, a lot of world experience and tons of fun. US Air Force (pre-MRE days). Oil and gas fields, computer rooms and stuff beyond anything I can talk about. It has been quite a life so far. The future is making my retirement boat my home. Dogs, cats and other critters fill my life with happiness. Retired on Chesapeake Bay.

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Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Holy rewriting history and my neighboring state of texas wants to promote this book of lies over the truth.   I always knew the Bible was suspect…but, banning and burning books of truth over the opine of racism?  Sure seems similar to repug obstructionism.

Hillary won, fair and square.


8 years ago

good morning, in reading last thread was initially hopeful when craig said something to the effect that he didn’t belong on the same stage as her- but then…. honestly i just don’t get it craig.      shot, even mika, queen of hillary haters, is praising hillary.

ping- so relieved to know that he can offend you too, thanks for sharing that.  and thanks for your comment the other day.  so funny around here- getting to be like the weather in new england- if you don’t like it wait a minute.

8 years ago

Blue B

Very good post as always..

8 years ago

Clinton Destroys Trump On His Missing Tax Returns
It “must be something really important, even terrible, that he’s trying to hide,” she said
Christina Wilkie

This was just delicious to watch…

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

OSH…I know Craig has mentioned how rude and off-putting the Clinton campaign is to everyone, especially the media…but, I have searched my heart and soul, my brain is along for the ride, and a trump presidency would be the rudest, most disgusting disgrace the repugs could deliver to the citizens.  Hey, if you had a chance to stop hitler???

Whole debate…I kept thinking trump was channeling Pacino in Scarface.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

a man who wants to build armies with massive capital investment…doesn’t pay taxes…one of the most rich and successful man of the world per his claims and he is gaming us…so why not make him prez?  watching all of these hit jobs on Clinton?  More than ever, I hope she wins and wins with a good margin.  I DO have skin in the game.

8 years ago

bw- scarface- haha- good call , watching that is probably how he prepared.  anyways im with you girl!

tony- delicious indeed!

8 years ago

will and grace at it again! too funny.


8 years ago

remembrances of debates past and thinking about how incoherent reagan was in debate with carter. media even said jimmy won that night.  and you know how that one turned out.

imagined last night the barroom drunks hooting and hollering how drumpf was so right on about law & order and frisking all those black folks, about it’s all Obama and Hillary’s fault dubya went to war in i-rack and then pulled out too soon and started isis on top of that, and how drumpf smacked her down good with that taking the 5th.   they in their stupor understood every thing he said and particularly everything he alluded to but didn’t say…. they heard the dog whistle loud and clear.

8 years ago

finally figured out why c-span (functioning only by the grace of congress) doesn’t do hi-def:  spares the nation of seeing all the wrinkles and facial flaws of the critters.

8 years ago

Found the difference in last night between Craig and most of the denizens.  General consensus:  Donald did great for the first 20 minutes and then fell apart.  Craig noted that first 20 minutes.  The difference being that all of us political mavins have heard that stump speech many, many times so weren’t impressed.

End result:  He ran out of stump speech and the total ignorance and lack of preparation became obvious.  As a result, she looked Presidential and he looked like a complete joke.


8 years ago

Jerry Springer 

Hillary Clinton belongs in the White House. Donald Trump belongs on my show.

7:55 PM – 26 Sep 2016

8 years ago

nbc news: Who’s Alicia Machado, the Woman Trump Allegedly Called ‘Miss Piggy’?

8 years ago

“I’m sure Trump was a hit at the Frat house, I’m jut not sure how many frat boys vote.”

jack, my tho’ts exactly. and agree with mrs. jack on the cocaine observation…1st thing I said. 
that sniff/snort will be a big feature in next snl skit.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

as for gary johnson?…johnson supports Citizen’s United…the only candidate to do so.   most of the candidates besides Clinton are internationally naive candidates who fall apart on the world stage filled with politicians, dictators, psychopaths and terrorists. Domestically, they have a handle on the myriad of issues because stein, trump and johnson are all nationalists.  Clinton is a globalist.

you can feel the ailes influence, the chin and it suffocating folds on the truth…trump is doing the full nixon.  nixonian law and order tactics…US of AA is a divided crime scene…drugs, rapists, immigrants, handicapped, everywhere, oh my.

8 years ago

boston globe: Elizabeth Warren trashes Donald Trump’s debate performance on Twitter

Just as the debate wrapped up, the Massachusetts senator took to Twitter to praise Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s performance in the debate while criticizing that of her Republican challenger Trump, saying he put forth lies and conspiracy theories alongside Clinton’s policy plans.


The man who was ranting & raving on stage tonight has no business controlling our economy OR our nuclear codes. #debatenight

8 years ago

Ten Times Women Wanted To Throw Things At the TV

Includes cute Alexandra Petri tweet:  finally the whole country will watch as a woman stands politely listening to a loud man’s bad ideas about the field she spent her life in

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Security alert.  I have read that comey and zuckerberg put electrical tape over the camera lens on their laptop…just caught my reflection on the screen…applying gauze to the lens…wanting to look younger to hackers.

It was a late night for the winos…so damned excited to see Clinton win. I missed-out on beauty sleep.

8 years ago

Blue Bronc,

Thank You for the timely (timeless) Post. There was a Librarian who used to black-out anything “offensive” in books at the Library in my hometown. One time I checked out a book about the history of Free Masonry & noticed that words, symbols used in their ceremonies had been redacted. I showed this to the Librarian (whose husband was, surprise, a Mason) explaining that Gee, someone was denying people the right to knowledge. Gosh, who could that be & Golly she might want to ferret the offender out. Later on she accused me of not returning an overdue book & I’d better pay up immediately. She became remarkably silent when I led her over to a shelf & said “This one? This book right here?” She said nothing, no apology. I’ll add she was the wife of a Bank bigwig so her job was secure & I knew it.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

trump hands never disappoint and last night he looked like he was holding and drinking out of a sippy cup, more thirst than little marco.  Judge Judy knows that your mouth goes dry when you start lying.

8 years ago

Poobah, what happened to the griping about the supposedly anti-Clinton media?  Even the “anti-Clinton media” couldn’t deny what happened in the last half of the debate last night.  IMHO the last half of that debate showed that drumpf did not belong on the same stage as Hillary.  He looked like a debate 101 student being picked apart by a senior debate champion.  I think the media types got it right – he wasn’t prepared and fell back into lies, interruptions and empty campaign talking points after about the midway point.  Hell, this morning the best Kellyann Conway could muster was that Clinton didn’t deliver a knockout punch.  The consensus appeared to be that while that may be true, she won in a unanimous decision. The CNN poll taken following the debate suggests (says) that viewers agreed that Hillary won the debate solidly. Howard Feinman asks the right question – Trump’s debate performance was the worst ever, but will it matter?

Now I know I’m a Hillary supporter and will be (am) looking for opinions that support my view of the race.  I plead guilty on that count, but last night and this morning I didn’t have to look hard to find them – they were coming from all corners, even Andrea Mitchell and Heilman, MSNBC’s designated Hilary critics.

Clinton won debate round one going away.  Not sure what the hell we’ll see in round 2.

8 years ago

Eulalie McChechnie Shinn as librarian.

8 years ago

Donald’s Meltdown
Taylor Marsh

NOBODY EXPECTS die hard Donald Trump supporters to think anything has changed.
Anyone who watched the first 30 minutes and then moved on will wake up a bit surprised on Tuesday morning.
On trade and economics, Donald was putting points on the board, NAFTA, too.
Clinton just kept seeing Trump and thinking it was Philippe Reines and it amused the hell out of her all evening.
There was the “Between 2 Ferns” stare.
Clinton’s Benghazi stare was my favorite.
It was offense all the way.
During the 25 interruptions from DonaldSecretary Clinton slyly smiled. Her eyes darted, flashing pleasure at times. She was prepared and clearly enjoying herself. I have no idea what tune was playing in her head but I imagine it was “Hail to the Chief.”
There are still tens of millions of Trump voters and all of those Johnson and Stein voters simply don’t want establishment fare.
So, head down, she’ll keep working for every goddamn vote she can get.
It wasn’t until the back half of the debate that Trump melted into complete gibberish, his unpreparedness on foreign policy an embarrassment of titanic proportions. At one point he was reduced to unintelligible babble.
So what did Donald do? He ran back to Fox Nex Channel, to the arms of Sean Hannity. It was an unmitigated disaster, though nothing came close to when Trump tripped over his birtherism in front of tens of millions of voters.
It gave an all new meaning to the ugly American.

It’s so ironic that the first time in American history a woman nominee meets her male opponent on the presidential debate stage, he completely melts down. Donald didn’t have the intellectual stamina to produce any coherent statement on the most fundamental subject for a president, national security and foreign policy.
Hillary Clinton could become the first Democrat in history to win the college white vote.
Prepare for scorched earth.
Donald’s going down.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

early voting has started in some states, so the 1st debate carries a lot of weight…plus the Monday night football game was not a big draw…awaiting the ratings to see how many humans watched last night.  I think trump had ten minutes of control in the beginning of the debate by using his soft, teleprompter voice restating his stump speech…then Tony Montana took over.

8 years ago

MY newspaper, the WSJ, has a very informative article on trends in transgender surgery to include recognition by insurers that coverage is indeed warranted when reasonable? hurdles are met. The article follows one Ohio woman along her trail through life-changing care at Cleveland Clinic.

It’s in today’s paper on page D1.

8 years ago

Well…  that was something…  wasn’t it…

I agree with Howard Fineman…. worst debate performance by a presidential candidate ever.

Oh yeah…  one of them acted like they were menstruating at the time….   surprise…  it wasn’t the woman! 😉

8 years ago

My impression overall was that the Trumper showed his true color.

8 years ago

Back in the 50s, we were bused to Princeton to go through their prestigious library. We had already done our research and knew of the caged room where restricted books were kept. So, our first stop was to the librarian on the third? floor of whom we asked access to the restricted books. She said, “No way.”

Turns out the soft-core was in the open stacks. The caged books were the rarest of the rare holdings possessed by the library. The hard-core was at the corner book store off campus.

8 years ago

craig, weren’t you on board the jimmy carter campaign during debate time?  this is so reminiscent of that era, the intelligent high-minded longtime public servant vs an entertainer.  it seemed inconceivable that the american voter would pick the actor…. not once, even after criminal stuff like iran-contra, but twice!

8 years ago

boss, these guys disagreed with your assessment of the 1st 20 minutes:

wapo: ‘The Trump thermometer’: He lost the debate in first few minutes, according to currency markets and gamblers

Who won? Who lost?

Who cares? The perceived winner of Monday night’s Clinton-Trump debate is sort of an abstract distinction until Election Day.

That is not the case, however, for people who have money in the game — gamblers, for one, but, more particularly in this election, currency traders.

They decided about 15 minutes into the debate that Clinton was the winner. And it wasn’t even close.

8 years ago

yep, PatD, the consensus was that Carter beat Reagan in debate — but the hostage crisis resurfaced on the last weekend and the debate bump went away

this debate coverage reminds me of so many GOP debates when the establishment howled about how awful he was, but he still cleared the field

8 years ago

To the extent Trump had a strategy, he was aiming at turning out his base, not expanding. He succeeded on both fronts, which has worked for him so far.

8 years ago

toward the end of the satirical Alexandra petri: Last night’s debate, or the mansplaining Olympics and more profound than funny was this by her pretend Hillary:

If I had coughed even once on this stage, I would have lost this debate instantly. And so you know what? I did not cough. Not even once. You sniffed and you lectured and you made faces and you sighed. And I stood there. Impassive. Like a screensaver. I focus-grouped my number of blinks.

But maybe it worked. Maybe, just this once, America saw a man yammer on for an hour and a half about a subject he knew nothing about to a woman who had spent her lifetime in that field, and America said, “Oh,” quietly, to itself. Maybe. But knowing America, maybe also not.

8 years ago

wasn’t untrus ted booed for saying this?

cbs news: Paul Ryan says Republicans should vote their conscience

House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, told Republicans who initially pledged to support the eventual Republican nominee, but have since refused to support Trump, to vote their conscience in the upcoming election.  During an interview in his ceremonial office for Face the Nation, Ryan told moderator John Dickerson it is not in his “purview” to penalize Republicans for not supporting the Republican nominee Donald Trump, even if they pledged to do so during the Primary. 

“I think people should go with their conscience. Do what they want to do.” Ryan said.  “That’s not something I’m in charge of, I have anything to do with. So I’m not going to spend my time worrying about it or commenting on it.”

Ryan’s comments come just a week after the Chairman of the Republican Party Reince Priebus told Dickerson the party might penalize Republicans who refuse to support Trump. 

8 years ago

I’m sure you’re right about the base, Craig.   The flip side of the coin is did Hillary do the same?  My guess is that she did.  My guess is that she also likely turned the suburban female vote toward her.  I don’t see where what happened last night would attract voters outside trump’s base to him, as you said.  In all prior elections it takes the base and drawing more of the middle than the other guy to win. Enlighten me if I’m looking at this wrong(ly).

8 years ago

vanity fair: A Sniffling Donald Trump Couldn’t Take Hillary Clinton’s Cool


was that sniffling or was it sniveling?

8 years ago

to Blue’s topic, maybe banning books will provoke kids to read … reverse psychology

8 years ago

“Anybody who complains about the microphone is not having a good night.” Hillary on airplane just now :):)

8 years ago

Agree with that, Pogo. College educated whites are the key — Democrats usually lose them but she is doing better than usual, whenever this race tightens its because they’re shifting away from her. She well played the conventional Dem politician with 5-point policy plans, while he did his wild-eyed out of the box thing. My guess is many of those voters are looking for something in between, but they are looking for dramatic change, which gives him an opening.

8 years ago

Team Clinton has dominated post-debate spin, unified victory message. Trump camp in disarray. Part of debate planning is organizing surrogates around a forcefully positive message, even if you have to lie.

8 years ago

and who gets to judge when it is “real”  and when it is “spin”

he who says it first?

8 years ago

When your chief surrogates are Christie and Giuliani, lying is a given.

8 years ago

Just finished listening to post debate analysis on The Diane Rehm Show on NPR.  She had on a panel representing both sides and in the middle.  Everyone… including the conservative agreed that Trump’s performance was unimpressive and that he appeared unprepared.  One of the interesting things said by the conservative is that no one is talking about how Trump never talks about smaller government.  OTOH…  they said that Clinton didn’t try to punch him out.  The consensus on that was she would have been called “too shrill” if she had.  I thought it was a very interesting discussion.

BlueB…  I love to read banned books. For me it’s equivalent to giving the middle finger to those that constantly gripe about how the left is trying to “take away” their freedoms.  Guess they don’t mind taking my freedom away to choose my own reading material.

8 years ago

omg, just caught biden speaking about trump not paying taxes- very powerful.  try to find it if you can, it was on cnn and he was speaking at a pa university or college.

8 years ago

Mr Crawford, I wish kids would read, no matter the motivation. My place of business is near a major university; this time of the year we get deluged with applications for employment. The majority of these are barely legible with misspellings galore. I’m old fashioned but my feeling is if you come to ask for a job, at least come dressed appropriately & asking for a pen to fill out said application is not a plus either. I have spoken with teachers who express that the current crop of students are the most ill-prepared group they have had. Why bother to read when you can google, learn spelling when you have spell check or do math when a calculator will take care of everything?

8 years ago

Have a memory of my Gram, aged 90, using a pencil & a paper bag to figure out fractions at a Bake Sale for a teenager who didn’t have a clue. Gram would have learned her “numbers” when Big Bill Taft was President.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

sniff sniff  Jill Stein must have caught a cold from Trump —


8 years ago


I agree 872-pct. Another thing that drives me to distraction is the dropping of cursive from elementary school curricula. I think that is an insanity that profoundly cheapens the value of a child’s so-called education.

How in the world can Americans consider themselves qualified to assume the full responsibilities of citizenship if they cannot read the original documents scribed by the Founders in the establishment of our Republic?

Even poor Kumcho who, as a child, was cheated of having even a day of education by the Japanese who occupied her country, learned to read and write in both Korean and English as an adult. She passed the writing portion of her citizenship test. And she was so proud when we traveled to D.C. days after standing in Judge White’s Court in Cleveland when she swore her oath of allegiance to her new country.

8 years ago

It’s a poor workman who blames his tools.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

The condom rendered speechless when asked if she is trying to blame Clinton for her husband’s mistakes

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

He ate the rat

8 years ago

Blue Bronc: Thanks for the reminder that we should all be extra vigilant about banning books. I think the Lorax quote might also apply to this election 😉 History has shown repeatedly that censorship in any form does not advance societies. Who can forget the many images of German thugs on Kristallnacht burning piles of books. And don’t even get me going on the subject of the state of education in this country LOL!

Last night I watched the debate on Sky News. It was one camera, still, aimed at the stage, back of Holt’s head. Absolutely no distractions at all! I’m not sure who will be considered a winner after the pundits get through analyzing. She won the night in my book but work needs to be done…these are my thoughts.

Most of Trumps rants made no sense and Hillary was totally on point with her answers. He talked more about how great he is and his businesses than actually showing that he has any real knowledge of world issues or how to solve them and he went off of tangents quite often. He was condescending and made wild untrue statements. Hillary was prepared, professional and respectful. But, in the world we live in, none of that matters. Bottom line. This was a show and DT is a showman.

Neither Holt or Hillary called him on his constant interruptions or on the fact that he wasn’t actually answering any questions. I was happy when Holt finally tried to pin him down by asking him to explain “she doesn’t look presidential” but DT completely turned it around and never answered the question. Holt also tried to press him on race/stop & frisk etc but again he weaseled out of direct answers. His answer to the fact that he didn’t pay any taxes “That makes me smart” makes him the most deplorable of the deplorables but nobody followed up on that remark. In the next debate someone has to nail him to a wall on all his bullshit or it’s all over.

DT is a master media manipulator. It’s all style over substance but for many ignorant voters who watch ‘reality’ TV and don’t even realize that there’s nothing real about it, style is all they care about! If you tell lies loud enough and with style it doesn’t matter how nicely someone else tells the truth. While this does not qualify him to be POTUS, it may get him elected. Terrifying as that is, someone has to find a way to stop this manipulation express!

He rambled and ranted and didn’t answer questions but his blustering comes across more strongly than Hillary’s facts and professionalism and that impresses the deplorables. We may be witnessing the eve of our destruction unless she can turn his positives into negatives and bring his negatives to the forefront in a direct, compelling manner.

I offer the following excerpt from a 1787 collection of sermons by Thomas Francklin. It was a homily on vigilance! Hillary needs to be vigilant in the coming debates and really call Trump on his lies:

“Falsehood will fly, as it were, on the wings of the wind, and carry its tales to every corner of the earth; whilst truth lags behind; her steps, though sure, are slow and solemn, and she has neither vigour nor activity enough to pursue and overtake her enemy…”

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

While millions of American’s were equally as stunned by Donald Trump’s constant sniffing during the presidential debate as they were by his poor performance, former head of the Democratic National Party, presidential hopeful, and governor of Vermont suggested that the Trumpster might be using cocaine.

Mrs Greenspan what a cword

8 years ago

Excellent debate analysis Granny. Never easy to put our personal reactions aside and ponder how the multitudes we might disagree with see it. For them, I don’t think he came across as unqualified to be president, which I’m sure was Clinton Team’s objective.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Time will tell

So Trump is encouraging people to avoid taxes

8 years ago

KC, what’s she saying today?


8 years ago

8 years ago

BTW where is the press outrage that Sniffles  isn’t sharing his medical information? He obviously has a problem.

Oh, thats right,” the Clinton rules”.


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

First of all Hallie Jackson fantasist you brought up the Bill Clinton and then you let boring epstein lie and did nothing


8 years ago


Howard was also a family doc before he jumped into politics

8 years ago

at marketwatch:

Donald Trump all but admitted he hasn’t paid federal taxes on his income. He says that makes him smart. But what does that say to the factory worker or the nurse or the teacher earning $40,000 or $50,000 or $60,000 a year and paying almost 15% of their income to support our troops, keep our neighborhoods safe and clean, and rebuild our roads? Does he really think these patriotic Americans are not smart?’

Joe Biden Biden also focused on why he believes Hillary Clinton is ready for the White House, while Trump, who has “no understanding of” the lives of tens of millions of Americans, is not.

“Because Donald Trump doesn’t believe the rules apply to him, his words are cheap,” Biden wrote. “Whether it’s paying his fair share in taxes or honoring contracts, he talked with pride [Monday night] about putting himself first before country and others. Do we expect him to behave any differently as President?”

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Someone should ask Trump what if everyone was smart enough to not pay taxes

8 years ago

dr howard dean wasn’t the only one to diagnose ormention cocaine

8 years ago

and the daily show coverage

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Wow  Trudyjuliannie must really be freaked out he just said Clinton was too stupid to be president because of Bill Clinton’s affairs

the Trump campaign has just mooned the American public

No matter what anyone says the Trump campaign thinks she damaged him in the debate

8 years ago

In the next debate someone has to nail him to a wall on all his bullshit or it’s all over.

GrannyM…  hubby and I just came back from going out to lunch.  We were discussing over our burgers about how angry the middle class has become at politicians…  with good reason.  In our opinion, Citizen’s United has unleashed a torrent of campaign moneys (bribes) to both sides.  It has not been to the benefit of the middle class.  I admit that Trump did a decent job last night in reminding people of their hatred of politicians.

It would be great if Clinton could nail Trump over his bullshit next time.  But the danger is, her being a woman, coming on too forceful could make many think she looks like a bitch.  Unfortunately, it’s a fine line that she has to walk as a female.

The next few days will be telling.  If Clinton gets a bump in the polls, my prediction is that Trump will say the debate was rigged and won’t do another.

I also read an interesting analysis on that other blog I mentioned the other day.  It was said that the media has been harder on Clinton up to this date because they take her as a serious candidate.  They are now starting to turn their attention to Trump because of the tightening of the polls.  So who knows…  maybe the media will finally start doing it’s job and point out what Trump’s policies really mean for this country and the economy.

8 years ago

and on seth meyers

8 years ago

“So who knows…  maybe the media will finally start doing it’s job…”

yeah sure, renee, that’s when congress stays in session more than a couple of days, passes bills to keep the gov’t going and pigs are flying.

8 years ago

Renee: You’re so right about Hillary’s fine line. It’s like dancing on a high wire! The double standard may yet do us in and the media has just been helping it along. I also agree that they have to start doing their job because I’m beginning to think that it will be impossible for her to continue this high wire act on her own. I’ve written before about how disgusted I am with how the media have handled this election. They will only have themselves to blame if Trump wins and America loses. It appears that they may be finally taking a real look at Trump, I just hope it’s not too little too late.

Craig: I don’t think Trump’s deplorables were swayed one bit last night. Let’s hope that the college educated white males will finally see this election as it really is to help turn the tide.

That sniffing topic is getting interesting. I had never thought about cocaine before but I’ve long believed that he was a closet alcoholic. He has the puffy red face that is often a sign of severe alcoholism and it’s gotten more pronounced over the years.

Jack: As you pointed out, we need to see his medical records. I think they would be just as revealing as his tax returns.

KGC: You nailed it “Someone should ask Trump what if everyone was smart enough to not pay taxes” That is one of many questions that I hope he will be asked in the next debate.

8 years ago

dan rather usatoday:
Clinton was ‘calm and substantive’


From the very beginning, the body language tonight was striking. HIllary Clinton, the first woman ever to be on this stage was calm and substantive. Donald Trump interrupted often and slouched and sneered as he turned to address her. This is what Trump’s fans like about him, playing the alpha male at all costs. Clinton seemed completely unflustered, which is what her fans love about her.

Trump acted like a ‘pacing tiger’


I was surprised by how much this man who has made so much of the means of television spent not looking into the camera, but preoccupied with his adversary. Trump came across as amped, a pacing tiger ready to pounce on every answer. His Interruptions suggests little regard to the rules. He’s itching for a fight…Wants to swing wildly.

Trump doesn’t try to ‘hide his lies’


To call Trump a con man, as many have, is a disservice to the art of the con. By its definition a con requires deceit. But Trump has not tried to hide his lies or the sheer unrealistic audacity of his cartoonish policy positions. He has asked the American people to bet on him. The fact checkers will certainly weigh in. The pundits will have their say. But the voters have all the information they need. The judgement is in their – or more accurately our – hands.

8 years ago

Trump is not a real man–damned shame because I think he probably really wanted to be when he was a youngster. Real men don’t cheat, lie, steal, manipulate, commit adultery, etc.. His head is really f’d up.

8 years ago

Yep, he’s more a PT Barnum than con man…….more grifter and huckster than super salesman, more Mr. Haney than L. Ron Hubbard.

more tin-man than carpenter.


8 years ago

Let’s face it, the parenthetical Mr Bankruptcy came off like a whining and scatterbrained bitch,

a sort of gigantic and yappy pekinese.

That’s all I have to say.

8 years ago

He probably latched onto Feilds’ movie character at some point.

“Never give a sucker an even break, nor smarten up a chump”.

‘Cept now he’s the chump.

8 years ago

Be nice about PT Barnum.  He was a great, charitable man and a political progressive who regularly defended those that society had cast aside.  Another case of people swallowing the image rather than the real biography.


8 years ago

I’m trying to get everyone anywhere near the campaign to demand the letter from the IRS announcing Donald is being audited.  He keeps claiming to be but won’t produce a letter like in the picture.  The IRS can’t speak as that is against the law, but either Donald or his accountant could release it.

Failure to do so means he is lying.  He wanted the President’s paper.  I want his.


8 years ago

I can’t see the cocaine usage theory…….can’t see how a user would manage to go 90 minutes without a bump.

8 years ago

My use of Barnum was as a circus style sideshow barker as opposed to an actual con man hard at work on a long con…….

but I know nothing of his personal doings, except he is purported to have never said There’s a sucker born every minute…….even tough it’s probably the human condition.

8 years ago

Trump ought to demand that Gary Johnson be invited to next debate.

8 years ago

I never thought this could happen. I now have a positive opinion of Lester Holt. 

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

I can’t see the cocaine usage theory…….can’t see how a user would manage to go 90 minutes without a bump.  sturgeon


Could explain his poopy second half

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Trump is unhappy because he got his ass handed to him by a girl

8 years ago

Gurl, hell. She’s been a real woman all her life–born in the shadow of Eleanor Roosevelt

8 years ago

Xrepub, why so surprised? Mainstream Media has been in the tank for her from day one. Lester never brought up emails (Trump had to) or the Clinton foundation. This notion that the media is against her is laughable.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

since Trump pissed off the media with his fake birther press conference they have been after him but until then…they were a lot tougher on Clinton

8 years ago

Craig, regardless of HRC, I never felt that Holt was in sympathy with any Dem or Left-ish anything. He always seemed to me to read the story about Occupy, or Warren, or Bernie, et alia, and end with an arch look or a sneer.

For being in the tank for Clinton, the mainspring media has certainly given trump a luxurious free ride – until he de-birtherized last week at his Grand Opening Extravaganza.

8 years ago

Will the whole Trump phenomenon change the future of politics? Thinking back how Lee Atwater’s influence bred lots of little Atwaters & Atwater wannabes.

8 years ago

Watching the PBS series “The Contenders: 16 for ’16.” Tonight’s episode is entitled “The Technocrats” & features Michael Dukakis & Mitt Romney. Well done & I like how the candidates open up & express their own faults as well as their successes. If the guys shown here today were the same guys who ran years ago they might have changed history. Hindsight is golden but unfortunately too late.

8 years ago

donald segretti invented lee atwater and atwater’s coke-sniffing pal, george w. bush.

8 years ago


And the beat goes on.

8 years ago


“This is utterly unacceptable. No one in the media should quote, cover or repeat another word from Donald Trump until he releases his tax returns. Why is the media accepting this unprecedented omission of what is standard procedure in our presidential campaigns?” – Craig Crawford, July 28, 2016

8 years ago

A national party nominee referencing violence against his foe is unforgivable. He does not deserve the debate stage. Further, this: “ISIS is honoring President Obama,” Trump said during a rally in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. “He’s the founder of ISIS. He founded ISIS. I would say the co-founder would be ‘Crooked’ Hillary Clinton.”
Seriously, this man is inciting violence. We are in a dangerous place.” -Craig Crawford, Aug 11, 2016

8 years ago


There will be a major movie musical based on the life of PT Barnum next year which looks interesting.  In the meantime, here is a bio courtesy of the Barnum Museum in his home town of Bridgeport Connecticut

8 years ago

“I’ve never seen anything like this in a major party nominee. Seemingly inciting violence against his foe in vague words that his team actually must try to walk back:

“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said. He added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

That is simply outrageous. This man should be shunned. For starters, Hillary Clinton has every right to refuse to debate him. He does not deserve the stage” -Craig Crawford, Aug 10, 2016

8 years ago

“Mainstream Media has been in the tank for her from day one. Lester never brought up emails (Trump had to) or the Clinton foundation. This notion that the media is against her is laughable.” -Craig Crawford, Sep 27, 2016

8 years ago

Oh come on Craig

MSNBC and FOX have been holding a three hour Hillary hate fest virtually every morning.  In the last three months after Trump proved to be a total ass completely unworthy to be President MSNBC finally admitted he was worthless.  Fox and Friends of course are still as ridiculous as always.

8 years ago

Why would Holt bring up the Foundation when the subject as scheduled was domestic policy and the future of the country?  Trump could have brought it up I suppose, but there is no way he wants to open the completely illegal can of worms known as the Trump Foundation.


8 years ago

Lee Atwater was a 3rd rate moo-Jician from Columbia, SC with a peculiar gift, which, of course, wound up kind of stomping on him in a way that makes everybody yell Karma in a crowded theater, a fact of which he became acutely aware during his denouement.

Moo-Jician do better to play at the event, and not be yakking and hamming it up with the Large Weasels.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

In the end Atwater had a lot of regrets I think he believed in hell

8 years ago

Craig, bullshit.  Trump’s gotten coverage of virtually all of his rallies, his tweets fuhchrissake get shown on the news, to the tune of $2B.  Hillary can’t get coverage for shit for her events.  No news media have called trump on his lies about failing to release his tax returns, lies about, well, everything while they have covered every fucking breath of every question about hillary’s emails and Benghazi from the idiot pugn congress as if the “investigations ” are legit. Again, bullshit. They’ve laid off his bankruptcies, gave his and his campaign staff Russian connections a pass. Funny way to be in the tank for Clinton. What “unfair” (or in trump’s vernacular, corrupt) coverage of trump I’ve seen is fact based reporting by the Post and Times. I don’t really count FOX & MSNBC – they are fairly predictable and have a small media footprint.

8 years ago

KC, I think the light he saw was red, not white.

8 years ago

Katherine Graham Cracker,

I have zero sympathy for Lee Atwater as a human being (maybe I’ll burn in hell for that) but must admit he played the political game well, was one step ahead of his foes. And so it goes.

8 years ago

Seven Gay (Or Gay-ish) Men Who Helped Unleash Awful Donald Trump On The World


Yep, hard to believe, there are gays for Trump?????? Even though Trump has promised to appoint judges to the Supreme Court that will overturn gay marriage and other civil rights protections. Oh the self hatred must be overbearing, good! Shocking and i despise them..

Donald Trump: ‘Trust Me’ To Overturn The ‘Shocking’ Gay Marriage Decision
Right Wing Watch

8 years ago


A little Gilbert & Sullivan for a modern Republican. Just click to enlarge


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

I got nothing for atwater and other republican cheaters and maybe it was the brain tumor talking

it’s easy to win when you lie and cheat

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

I think the clintons have to figure out a way to deal with the current whispering campaign

8 years ago

8 years ago

Tonight, Frontline portrayed her as a smart, hard-working, battle scarred, pol, who has repeatedly stood by her man, whether bill or Obama. They portrayed trump as a friendless business failure, a self-promoter who has screwed thousands of people, investors, employees, customers, and family, with no remorse or apologies.
Take your pick.

8 years ago

atwater’s brain lesions are associated with HIV. I’m sure he didn’t get that by giving blood, the self-righteous hypocrite.

Anywhat, if despicable lee atwater is in hell, I don’t intend to go there.

8 years ago


I saw the Frontline Special too. Liked the part when they talked about Dorothy Rodham. I’m seriously considering making a sign that says “Even if you don’t like Hillary, Vote for her Mom. Just. Because.”


Lee Atwater died a painful death. Don’t know if HIV was a contributing cause & it’s none of my business anyway. However a close childhood friend died from HIV & it was absolutely horrible. Wouldn’t wish that experience on anyone, especially the loved ones left behind.