By SJWNY, a Trail Mix Contributor
Sometimes we get a Theodore Roosevelt; sometimes we get an Andrew Johnson or a John Tyler. No matter who “His Accidency” may be, the choice of Vice President is really important. The recent health issues of Secretary Clinton brings to the fore the importance of the Veep.
Who would, God forbid, be the better choice to take over: Tim Kaine or Mike Pence?
A number of people voted against John McCain in 2008 because of who he chose as his running mate. The idea of Sarah Palin being a heartbeat away from assuming the Presidency scared a number of voters. Literally.
We must be mindful that both 2016 Presidential nominees are senior citizens. No disrespect meant; simply a fact. I consider the Vice Presidential pick as important as who is at the top of the ticket, not only this election, but every election.
So in honor of all the heir apparents, miscreants, has beens, winners & losers, a list of our Vice Presidents. Consider it a celebration of democracy or a cautionary tale. The next choice is up to you, dear voter. Make up your mind wisely.
- John Adams
- Thomas Jefferson
- Aaron Burr
- George Clinton
- Elbridge Gerry
- Daniel Tompkins
- John C. Calhoun
- Martin Van Buren
- Richard Mentor Johnson
- John Tyler
- George M. Dallas
- Millard Fillmore
- William R. King
- John C. Breckinridge
- Hannibal Hamlin
- Andrew Johnson
- Schuyler Colfax
- Henry Wilson
- William A. Wheeler
- Chester A. Arthur
- Thomas A. Hendricks
- Levi P. Morton
- Adlai Stevenson
- Garret Hobart
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Charles W. Fairbanks
- James S. Sherman
- Thomas R. Marshall
- Calvin Coolidge
- Charles G. Dawes
- Charles Curtis
- John Nance Garner
- Henry A. Wallace
- Harry S. Truman
- Alben W. Barkley
- Richard M. Nixon
- Lyndon B. Johnson
- Hubert Humphrey
- Spiro Agnew
- Gerald Ford
- Nelson Rockefeller
- Walter Mondale
- George H. W. Bush
- Daniel Quayle
- Albert Gore
- Richard Cheney
- Joseph Biden
About the ‘Basket of Deplorables’
Charles Blow
“…a list of our Vice Presidents”
Talk about a ‘basket of deplorables’! Place the percentage where you will. 😛
bink, thanks for remembering about putin’s victim Litvinenko. looks like I wasn’t the only one who tho’t about it.
wapo: “The man who discovered CTE thinks Hillary Clinton may have been poisoned”
Bennet Omalu, the forensic pathologist who has made the NFL so uncomfortable with his discovery of chronic traumatic encephalopathy in the brains of deceased players, suggests that Hillary Clinton’s campaign be checked for possible poisons after her collapse Sunday in New York.
Omalu, whose story was famously told in the movie “Concussion,” made the suggestion on Twitter, writing that he advised campaign officials to “perform toxicologic analysis of Ms. Clinton’s blood.”
The suggestion was greeted somewhat skeptically in the replies.
But this is Omalu, whose credentials and tenacity are well known. He wasn’t giving up on Twitter, adding that his reasoning is that he does not trust Russian President Vladimir Putin or Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee who has expressed admiration for Putin.
abc news:
“I’m feeling so much better, and obviously I should have gotten some rest sooner,” she told CNN’s Anderson Cooper by phone Monday.
“I just thought I could keep going forward and power through it and obviously that didn’t work out so well.”
Clinton said that after she got into the van, which was air-conditioned, and got some water she felt better. But she denied that she passed out.
“No, I didn’t. I felt dizzy and I did lose my balance for a minute, but once I got in, once I could sit down, once I could cool off, once I had some water, I immediately started feeling better,” she told CNN.
She said she thought it was allergies, but when her cough didn’t go away, she went to her doctor.
“Obviously, I was supposed to rest five days,” she said. “That’s what they told me on Friday, and I didn’t follow that very wise advice. So I just want to get this over and done with and get back on the trail as soon as possible.”
more of the bee buzz last night
As usual Patd beat me to it. SamanthaBee was on fire last night. Every ounce of fear and loathing I had developed over weekend for CNN & MSNBC was in her monologue. Good side, she talked me down off the ledge. Bad side we are still stuck with braindead knee jerk programmed news readers who haven’t had an original idea since the day they were born.
nice research, sj. Tim Kaine is very well-liked in the Senate…and he fits into the middle where I reside. If the gray lady is down? The much younger Kaine can takeover without insulting either party. trump cannot make the same claim with pence who voted for the war in Iraq and makes sure that in Indiana, there is clarity in the bathrooms…birther stations scattered throughout the state and LGBT business not allowed. When trump heads to Gary, Indiana for his outreach to the black community? maybe I will believe his shtick. Otherwise, the black church visit was another insult to Obama…I remember the rev. Wright days and how the alt right was so offended by Obama and Oprah visiting a black church. Hannity spent years dissing the black church connection and their optics of the visit where trump wore the shawl like the little old lady he has become? Pretend…fantasy of a phony. Eventually, we will find out that trump has prostate issues and can’t pee at night, so he stays awake and tweets, incessantly. Pretty sick guy.
toto, i have a feeling we aren’t in the real world anymore
cbs news: Donald Trump to release health records on “Dr. Oz”
raw story:
Although Hillary Clinton has walked back her assertion that half of Trump supporters are “deplorable,” that hasn’t stopped the news media from debating whether or not she had a point.
Morning Joe on Tuesday ran down survey results and found that a large chunk of Trump supporters really do harbor racist viewpoints.
“An outrageously high number of Trump supporters support a Muslim ban,” said co-host Joe Scarborough, referencing polls of Trump fans. “[Trump supporters] support a national database, where if you’re a Muslim you have to check in, I guess. Instead of the Star of David, maybe they put another patch on you. An outrageous number actually said they wanted to make Islam illegal in the United States. You can call that a lot of things, I call it deplorable.”
The show then ran a clip of vice-presidential nominee Mike Pence refusing to say if notorious racist David Duke was “deplorable” or not.
“This is the kind of thing that makes you die inside,” co-host Mika Brzezinski said of the clip.
“I guess by their definition, nobody’s deplorable,” Scarborough said. “Idi Amin’s not deplorable, certainly Vladimir Putin is not only not deplorable, he’s a boyfriend.”
“bink, thanks for remembering about putin’s victim Litvinenko”
I posted about Yushenko, actually. Putin’s list of poisoning victims is longer than Chipotle’s!
Disclaimer: the author of this post holds no position in Chipotle(CMG).
in July of this year, o’liely of faux news revealed photos of Obama in muslim garb from a wedding in 1990….proof he is aiding ISIS and secretly aiding muslims over old white men everywhere he can do so. trump mocks and makes a mockery of the black church…yet he wears the costume. When Obama wears the costume? He is a traitor to Amerika. trump is feeding the low info humans and any optic, publicity stunt is more important than reality or legality of our country. We are being duped by the repugs and the ones in office, run when asked about putie and trump…mccain? Hides in an elevator and mumbles that putie is a murderer and a thug. war hero or coward? ask trump.
bink, an -enko by any other name poisoned the same.
We’ve found a question that gets under Kelly Ann Condoms skin. This morning when asked if Trump would release the letter from the IRS saying he was being audited, she darn near jumped out of her chair hollering, “Are you calling him a liar?”. interviewer didn’t follow up. Obviously, this one seems to really push buttons since it is so obviously displays whether he is being audited and can’t release his tax returns or he’s not, is lying through his teeth and whatever is in those returns scares the beejesus out of them.
ask the trump staff how they get rid of their cell phones? they shoot them…and Clinton is going to take away your guns. Whatever the belief about trump? His meth talking surrogates take the narrative about trump and turn it on Clinton…now they accuse her of being a goodfella…trump’s wise guys running the country and the haters keep supporting him. I guess the American exceptionalism died with the trump candidacy. the first media prez candidate…a dictator with some really bad hair and breath…I understand trump’s breath is disgusting…rotting from the inside.
maybe docoz will discuss trump’s halitosis. I can smell him all the way here to New Mexico.
Rick and I did our duty (gladly) this morning and voted in our state primary. It was the first time in years that I didn’t have a choice of ballots. I asked for a Democratic ballot in the presidential primary and didn’t go back to Undeclared and remained a Democrat. It felt good.
Now I get to design some scarves with some new colors. I’ve really been having fun with my work lately.
Should note Dan Quayle is actually J. Danforth Quayle. Noticed this too late. Potato, potatoe.
“Kelly Ann Con-Artist” is a better pejorative, not for nuthin’
the state:
Later Monday, after working the room at the Five and Dine restaurant in Rock Hill, Biden amended his transparency comment, saying the Clinton campaign know they “screwed up” by not announcing the pneumonia the same day it was diagnosed.
He also reported that he’d talked to the Clinton campaign Monday afternoon and that he was told they planned to “put out even more information” about Clinton’s health. “And they’re going to make the doctors available to talk to you guys,” he added, referring to the press.
Biden said Clinton, who is 68, isn’t politician to get sick by running herself too hard. “Look, when you run the schedule we run – 14, 15 hours a day – I’ve had walking pneumonia, last year. And you know what it takes? It takes antibiotiocs and it takes getting through a thick skull like Hillary’s and mine to slow down.”
The 70-year-old Trump has released only a short letter from his doctor that said his patient would be the healthiest president ever, but offered no specifcs about his health.
Biden, who is 73, said, smiling, that “I’d sure like to see (Trump’s) health report. I’d like to jog with him. I don’t think he could keep up. I’m still jogging, still working out.”
Reading about your scarves brings back memories of my maternal grandma. Though I know you are a professional artist, there is something about yarnwork that is warm & comforting. Gram had 13 grandkids & every Christmas we got a pair of homemade socks. The interesting thing was that as she aged the colors got more ‘out there.’ Anything ombre worked towards the end 🙂 Good Luck with your new projects.
bink, I agree. in the sense that a condom denotes an expectancy of performance, drumpf being up to the job so to speak, and in the sense it is a prophylactic who’s purpose is protecting the body electorate from social diseases, she is less a condom than a con man.
Kellyanne Conway probably doesn’t care what she’s called, as long as the check clears. She’ll also forever be a part of this historical candidacy. Any publicity is good publicity ….. whatever the election outcome, her wikipedia page is secure.
Asking my esteemed colleagues if there has ever been a CSPAN-like treatment of the Vice Presidents, anywhere. These men (as of 2016) run the gamut from zzzzz to Holy Cow! in their biographies. These weren’t just afterthoughts or ticket balancers, they were potential Presidents.
sjwny, thanks for a well- done thread. interesting in your list of former veeps how many of our great presidents also were flawed individuals.
Wishing Secretary Clinton good wishes concerning her health. Charlotte & Aidan need a loving Grandma, Chelsea a Mom to guide her through motherhood. This matters most.
deep in wonk weeds here, what does this change mean in critterville days ahead?
Speaker Paul Ryan has snatched the staff director of the House Rules Committee to run the House floor, replacing a longtime leadership aide heading to K Street.
Hugh Halpern, a lawyer who has been on Capitol Hill since 1987, will be the new director of floor operation, crafting procedural strategy for the GOP in addition to serving as a liaison to the Senate floor staff and Rules Committee.
Halpern is replacing Anne Bradbury, a well-liked, longtime GOP leadership aide, who is taking a job as vice president at the Duberstein Group. Bradbury worked for former Speaker John Boehner for almost a decade, and is a veteran of dozens and dozens of floor battles.
The floor director job is among the most important jobs in the House majority. It requires quick decision-making ability, extensive knowledge of the House rules and deft political judgment under pressure. The minority is afforded few powers in the House, and tries to take advantage of the process when it can. The floor director is charged with keeping the majority in control of the House floor, while working closely with the minority to ensure they have some say in the process.
In the might have been files, everyone might like to get their hands on Irving Stone’s “They Also Ran” about all the men who ran for the presidency who didn’t succeed. It only goes up to the early 60s but still worth reading.
catch this headline
vanity fair:
Trump Accuses Clinton of Running “Hate-Filled” Campaign; Trump Supporters Proceed to Beat Up Protesters
As the G.O.P. nominee derided Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” comment, an altercation broke out at one of his rallies.
….Videos from NBC News and ABC News show a Trump supporter getting into a verbal argument with a number of protesters, before grabbing one of the male activists by the shirt and the back of the neck and throwing punches.
As the group of protesters was being escorted out by security, the same man can be seen taking a swing at another male and slapping a female protester across the face. Before becoming aware of the melee taking place, Trump can be heard in the background complementing the audience for “working so hard to make your lives better, and your country better.”….
nbc news report on above:
ASHEVILLE, N.C. — Just as Donald Trump on Monday was decrying Hillary Clinton for having called called “half” of his supporters “a basket of deplorables,” an altercation broke out in the stands above him.
Protesters are nothing new at Trump rallies, but before a group could be escorted out of U.S. Cellular Center here Monday evening, a man from the crowd went over to violently confront them.
NBC News video of the incident shows the man with his hands on a protester’s neck. Moments later, his hands furled into fists, the man lobbed a blow at the protester.
After the one protester was escorted out, the man pulled another toward him and shouted back and forth with a third, female protester while a member of Trump’s advance team held him back.
He also screamed at a female protester wearing a hijab who was not with the group but was also escorted out.
“Deplorables” is a euphemism.
For you Olberman fans
SJ… thanks. I set my loom up to make several foot wide scarves for several exhibitions. I’ve just kept on weaving them and playing around with color… I’m having a blast! Good topic, BTW. Methinks Tim Kaine is head and shoulders about Mike Pence when it comes to VP picks.
Deplorables is a euphemism… yeah for fuckwads.
You are a good guy. In every sense of the word.
jack, thanks for that great diatribe from the uberman. hope it goes viral. at least the 1st part where he calls trump a “demonic messiah” and equates him with joe McCarthy, George Wallace et al like ilk. good compellation of the drumpf’s sins. and starting at 16:48 called him a grand list of names for which ko will probably be sued or threatened to be sued for …if not worse.
worthy of a replay is olbermann’s july article in vanity fair:
Could Donald Trump Pass a Sanity Test?
What do you think?
SJ, I love the concept of “His Accidency”. Absolutely great line.
KO did one thing, he put Trump in a historical reference. It ain’t the first time and probably won’t be the last but some of those folks(1920’s red scare, and McCarthy did a lot of damage.
So there has been a lot of discussion about HRC’s awkward phrasing when she used “deplorables”
So you are saying “fuckwads” would have been more a appropriate term for her to use? As well as being more to the point?
just a wonderin’
Wow…. barn burner of a speech from President Obama in support of Secretary Clinton. Seriously, the “Yes We Can” spirit I felt back in ’08 returned. And I like that feeling. Tag team Obama/Biden across this country. The Truth Squad, doing it with class, connecting with their audience & brilliantly giving the message of Why We Need To Elect Hillary Clinton And Not The Republican Nominee.
Well Done, Sir. Well Done.
Fire. It. Up.
I think we should have a working knowledge of the 12th and 25th amendments (if I have my numbers correct).
Separate subject. Saturday is my father’s youngest brother’s 100th birthday. To mark the occasion, I fancied-up a c-note to present to him at the get-together. When I went to make a copy of the finished product, my lovely office machine refused saying that making copies of the document that i had inserted was prohibited by law. Sheesh, already.
Hi Pogo,
Wish I could take credit for “His Accidency” but credit goes to the folks who despised John Tyler back in the 1840s. Or give credit to the bug that brought William Henry Harrison to his grave & caused John Tyler to assume the Presidency.
Years later John Tyler was elected to the Confederate House of Representatives. History has not been kind to him, with good reason.
They have done that in the last few years.
I used to keep track of cash payments by laying the cash with the itemized bill on my copier
But no more not even a partial view.
Pain in the butt.
Haven’t tried taking a picture then printing.
Middle-class incomes grew faster in 2015 than any year in modern history, new data show
“Bid Martin Van Buren adieu …”
Great addition, Flatus.
Flatus, I’d say you need to get an old copier. Or at least get a very cheap one. I’ll have to try copying a bill. We got a relatively new big ass copier in the office as well as a new cheaper color copier.. Time to give them a run I’d say. And yes, when Obama’s on, he’s ON.
Find someone with an iPhone and have them take a photo, the resolution on them is better than any copier you’ll find. Watermark it as an embellishment for decorative purposes only if that’s a concern.
flatus, in lieu of personalized cash, you might mock-up a newspaper front page of that day and year… I think some of the older ones have archives that can be used for that purpose. or the cover of national geographic or the atlantic magazines. can’t do time or ny mag as they didn’t come about until the ’20s I think
another fun memorial would be his picture on the sheet music of his favorite old song.
pogo & flatus, probably only work on old bill… new ones probably embedded with code to foul up any printer/copy
/course you could be really really generous and give him a real bill with his picture taped on
…can also just frame the note with the disclaimer: “in case of emergency, break glass”.
Tough to get a clear pic (click to enlarge), but this is chimney for house where my great grandmother (mom’s side) born and raised (Wildie KY)
So you are saying “fuckwads” would have been more a appropriate term for her to use? As well as being more to the point?
Jack… Ha! If only she could throw caution to the wind… but alas… to look presidential she must abide… 😉
Hahaha…..I been posting my ass off in what is apparently a thread pasado…..I thought twilight zonely that somehow….all of a sudden…..I was the only guy on the Internet
Brits might say, berkwads.
Curly might say, nucknucknuck wads.
Daffy might say, Fuddwads.
Nice old chimbley, Mr. C.
Post 1840, I’m sure.
Wabbit wads
Clinton could characterize the opps as Yosemite Sams, Uncle Scrooges, Wiley Catts, and Elmer Fudds, all led by Major Hoople or Uncle Sid.
Tony hendra was on imus yesterday……..what a fucking joy he was…….
it helps on the road sometimes to have a stout piece of wood……
Oh, Swede Jesus, it’s happening again……Deja Phieu
I’m sorry……I meant Suede Jesus.
It’s raining in Caroline…….but there’s a tarp over the long bed…..
The angel is in Atlanta, her offspring by her side…….some sort of huge event for Forbes and the angel walks amongst them……..I remain in re-structured paradise, on ground where i was born, wanting to order pizza to be flown In or if not that….lawyers, guns, and money…….in that order…..
They seem to have forgotten that grampa was rock n’ roll……
Short Story of the Year:
thaT one about how you couldn’t get over on mamama by Ring Lardner
So is a fuckwad or fuddwad or whatever about the same as an assholian?
Btw, Lawrence O is nailing drumpf’s hide to the wall by asking this simple question, “Where’s the IRS audit letter?”
Allison Camerata asked Kellyann Convoy that question and her answer was something like, “hummana hummana, do what?”
Good for Laurence O.
Colin Powell…Donald Trump is a national disgrace…I agree…
We have been asking for that IRS letter here for months. Fearless Leader should check the archives to find out when it first came up. Who had the idea first before Lawrence sprains something patting himself on the back.
usa today:
Powell allegedly made the remarks about Trump in a June 17, 2016, email to Emily Miller, a journalist who once worked under Powell as a deputy press secretary at the State Department. In the email Powell said Trump, “is in the process of destroying himself, no need for the Dems to attack him,” according to BuzzFeed. “Paul Ryan is calibrating his position again,” Powell said of the speaker of the House who had only recently decided to endorse Trump at the time of the email.
Around 30,000 stolen Powell emails were given to by unnamed hackers, The Daily Caller reported. There is speculation among some computer experts and Democratic politicians that DCLeaks has ties to Russian intelligence services, according to The Wall Street Journal. There is concern that leaks from the site are intended to influence the outcome of the upcoming presidential election.
Colin Powell has not verified the authenticity of the emails. “I wasn’t aware of any infiltration of my Gmail account,” Powell told The Daily Caller. “If accurate my privacy has been violated.” Powell declined to comment to BuzzFeed.
In an Aug. 21 email, Powell told Miller, “the whole birther movement was racist,” according to BuzzFeed. “That’s what the 99% believe. When Trump couldn’t keep that up he said he also wanted to see if the certificate noted that he was a Muslim.”
re powell story, watch how the anti-Hillary media bias will concentrate on his negative references to clinton’s email and ignore his drumpf put downs which are the real story.
are these powell hacks part of the dump Assange/WikiLeaks was crowing about that he planned to release to embarrass her?