By PatD, a Trail Mix Contributor
NASA is probing to give us a scoop on what was and what might be.
According to the BBC, “The US space agency (Nasa) has launched a mission to retrieve a rock sample from a 500m-wide asteroid called Bennu.
Scientists hope the material will reveal details about the formation of the planets, and improve our knowledge of how potentially dangerous space objects move through the Solar System.
The probe, dubbed Osiris-Rex, blasted away from Florida on an Atlas rocket at 19:05 local time (00:05 BST).
It will be seven years before it returns to Earth with its bounty.”
Osiris-Rex is not just bringing back a rock from Bennu but giving us an idea whether the threatening asteroid will be a hit or a miss for us on Earth.
Each day I think the loon has peaked on his idiocy and shocking stupid. Yesterday he peaked. He transferred his “I could shoot someone on the street and still be elected” to “she could shoot someone and not be prosecuted”. He is running out of outrageous and is now recycling his own stupid. He peaked early and is tap dancing as fast as he can. Even his admittance of being a KGB/FSB/SVR tool is not enough. He played his boy love too far. Even his wife has dropped off the screen, as some people say, for not getting enough “attention”… Read more »
daily kos: Supreme Court vacancy watch Day 208: McConnell plots early exit, which screws Paul Ryan The Senate is not in today. Because a three and a half-day work week was deemed satisfactory after their seven-week “August” recess. Next week, they might be having that Obamacare fight. Mitch McConnell might also escalate his internal war with the House Freedom Caucus by moving a stop-gap funding bill as early as next week, and then adjourning. That would mean the short-term bill to avoid a government shutdown would be entirely up to the House to pass. It couldn’t go back to the Senate… Read more »
Our (Earth’s) moon is full of asteroidal material. This sounds like a Little Engine That Could mission.
flatus, Luxemburg very big into what bennu might tell us
How soon until we’re mining asteroids?
NASA’s mission to the asteroid Bennu aims to retrieve dust and rock samples. Yves Elsen, chairman of the Luxembourg Space Cluster, explains why one day we should prospect on space rock.
(Picture: A NASA artist’s rendering shows the Origins Spectral Interpretation Resource Identification Security – Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) spacecraft contacting the asteroid Bennu. Credit: AP)
Release date:
9 September 2016
here’s what their home page says about them:
The Luxembourg Space Cluster brings together renowned and highly specialised companies and public research organisations in order to develop specific technology topics as well as collaborative RDI projects. The Luxembourg Space Cluster focuses on the following thematic areas: Space telecommunications, Global Navigation Satellite System and Location based Applications, Earth observation, Maritime security and safety, Space related technologies.
Official member of the European Space Agency (ESA) since 2005, Luxembourg provides excellent financial, operational and intellectual support and infrastructures in order to help Luxembourg-based companies and research organisations gain access to innovation within the space sector.
Oh, I see why my hackles were up. It was the use of BST in a “quoted” NASA message. We recognize GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) and Zulu shortened to Z (military speak for the time at Greenwich). Here’s an interactive graphic. I am typing this comment at 1404zAug16.
Did the Scientologists get the pronunciation wrong? Xenu might not be pleased.
flatus, yeah and they even wrote “Nasa” instead of NASA. that’s the brits for you. whaddatheyknow.
I’ll be Xenu in all the old familiar places……
Jamie, thanks for bringing that up. wiki has a fascinating account of xenu, wonder if they’ve been sued yet. Xenu (/ˈziːnuː/), also called Xemu, was, according to Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, the dictator of the “Galactic Confederacy” who 75 million years ago brought billions of his people to Earth (then known as “Teegeeack”) in DC-8-like spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes, and killed them with hydrogen bombs. Official Scientology scriptures hold that the thetans (immortal spirits) of these aliens adhere to humans, causing spiritual harm. These events are known within Scientology as “Incident II”, and the traumatic memories associated with… Read more »
from the “who cares what Geraldo says” file cbs news: Geraldo Rivera says he regrets backing Roger Ailes Geraldo Rivera says he’s “filled with regret” for initially discounting the sexual harassment allegations against his former Fox News Channel boss, Roger Ailes, and is apologizing for his skepticism. In a lengthy post to his Facebook page Thursday night, Rivera said Ailes is a “deceitful, selfish misogynist” if the charges against him are true. [….] Rivera said he is paying the price for supporting his former boss. He said he learned Tuesday that HarperCollins has decided not to publish his manuscript, “Geraldo of… Read more »
So, “Osiris” because it’s collecting a piece of a heavenly body? I see what they did there.
Perhaps they need a piece of the asteroid to understand what it’s composition is – so they can figure out how to blow it up before it gets here and takes out this mess we’ve created on our blue ball?
Patd, thanks for the lovely explanation of Xeno and Scientology.
dvitale, not my explanation. wiki owns that [just in case a lawsuit is on its way].
no explanation for that bunch .
thanks should be to Jamie for alerting us to the cosmic possibility.
DV… you might like to read the book “Going Clear” by Lawrence Wright. I highly recommend it for anyone who’s fascinated with the subject of Scientology. I did do a column on the book here a few yrs ago… it might still be in the archives.
Geraldo who? Isn’t he a singer from Nicaragua? Talk about career failures.
It is brutal outside already in the D.C. region. I am putting together a tarp shed and although simple stuff, stick tubes together and tighten connectors, I was well cooked in only an hour. 1407UTC
Joy really needs a pair of scissors to snip the microphone cables of those who will not listen when she tells them to shut-up.
Hers’s a long read that’s shorter than a book: the 2011 Paul Haggis interview/exposé from the New Yorker:
OMG, a damned near-full-page op-ed by Mr and Mrs Cheney in this morning’s Journal. I refuse to even scan for a hint of its contents.
realclearpolitics: CNN’s Jake Tapper to Elizabeth Warren: Why Shouldn’t Progressives Who Are Suspicious Of Clinton Vote To “Shake Up The System”?
“Hillary Clinton has laid out a progressive agenda,” Warren responded. “The way I see it, it is the job of progressives to help her get elected on a progressive agenda. And then work our read ends off to help get that progressive agenda enacted when she is elected.”
Tapper follows up: “And kind of be a watchdog?”
“You bet,” she responds.
Space rocks. Carbon, silica…
Drumpf is beyond the sanity threshold. I can’t understand how he’s doing as well among independent voters as he is…except that the incompetent media (e.g. Lauer) focuses on hrc’s e-fucking-mail, not prosecutable, and ignores drumpf’s illegal bribe of Blondi. Jesus…
Hanging out with cousin’s herd (Mt. Vernon KY)
boss, just one more cow… or maybe 3 or 4 dozen
And I thought the trom-bone was connected to the thigh-bone
oh boy are we gonna hear over and over how Hillary dissed folks out there just like mitt did denigrating the 47%… media probably will leave out the last part of the statement, the one starting with ” The other basket…” it’ll be just like the coal miner comment… never fully quoted. cbsnews “To just be grossly generalist, you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call ‘the basket of deplorables,’” Clinton told donors gathered at a Manhattan restaurant. “Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it. And unfortunately, there are people like that, and he has lifted them… Read more »
For pure gossip loaded beach reading Leah Remini’s “Troublemaker” about leaving Scientology is rather fun.
Hillary refers to all the haters that follow Trump as a “Basket of Deplorables” and all the rocks on twitter flip over so the snakes can crawl out and scream “not me”
Flatus I offered her a cut mike switch and if all else fails a whip and chair.
…she’s as right as Mitt was.
Don’t really know what to say about this. Wonkette vs. Gary Bauer
How could Bauer be this dense?
Clinton just managed to hyper-energize this “basket of deplorables”, how nice! Every last one of them will now vote and donate money to the cause. It doesn’t matter what she said after that paragraph. It won’t be covered, and is irrelevant. Most people will not know what the term ‘grossly generalistic’. Really sweet, Hillary was smugly laughing when she said it. Just saw the video. Pence has already come out castigating her over her remarks. I fear that she just evened the race – and we might perhaps see Trump in the lead in the polls by the end of the… Read more »
Relax, and enjoy the show.
“Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic” folk are not deplorable and deserving strong condemnation?
well, it would have been more diplomatic to have said their actions and words are deplorable but not they themselves. she is right tho’ about trumpsters are basket cases.
Absolutely she’s right. If the right 15% of Americans are unapologetic racists – and they are, and if the base of the Republican party is the right 30% of the country, then guess what? 1/2 of the base of the Republican party are unapologetic racists.
But – her goal is to WIN this campaign. I don’t think this is going to help.
With the tarp shed framework up and a nap completed it was time to see if there was a college football game to watch. None, out of all the channels showing college football, not a single game to watch. All of the games were a powerhouse beating up a non-contention team, which would not be beaten up except for the money. Time to stare at the framework and get the energy built up to put the tarp on it. HRC’s bucket comment has already been misquoted and attacked. Listening to Pence is like listening to the most smarmy bastard I… Read more »
Don’t fret: anti-HRC sentiment is/was already at full saturation.
Last night Trump demanded an apology – the attachment above is what Hillary just released a few minutes ago.
click on to see how the apology is being covered by wisn, an abc affiliate. note trump and pence spouted off at the top of the story before they got to her: “As I said, many of Trump’s supporters are hard-working Americans who just don’t feel like the economy or our political system are working for them,” Clinton said. “I’m determined to bring our country together and make our economy work for everyone, not just those at the top. Because we really are ‘stronger together.'” and this Nick Merrill, a spokesman for Clinton’s campaign, cited the speech in attempting to… Read more »
Bloomberg, at least, led off with her:
“Last night I was ‘grossly generalistic,’ and that’s never a good idea,” Hillary Clinton said today in an e-mailed statement. “I regret saying ‘half’ — that was wrong.”
before regurgitating the other side.
don’t see much media covering this: Mitch McConnell Tried Skipping Over the Two Longest-Waiting Judicial Nominees. They’re Both Black Men. Cory Booker, a Black senator, took notice. …McConnell proposed that the Senate consider a “bipartisan package” of four nominees: one from California (a state with two Democratic senators), one from Utah (a state with two Republican senators), and two nominees from Pennsylvania (a state with one senator from each party). From a majority leader who’s been slow-walking judicial nominees since taking control of the Senate in January 2015, this package may have seemed like progress. But Sen. Cory Booker, D. N.J., was… Read more »
I didn’t realize Trump supporters were so politically correct…
Also, saw Sully yesterday. Tom Hanks and Aaron Eckhart are very good together…
“I didn’t realize Trump supporters were so politically correct”
od, you forget the rules, they only want drumpf to tell it like it is… he’s a he and can say heman bully things, but she’s got to always play nice, be pure, and be a lady
bbronc: so I take it you didn’t see the ‘noles just whomp up on Charleston 52-8?
next up Louisville, hopefully same kind of whomping. go “noles!!!
I did not see any of ’em. I just turned the tv, while cooling down, and there is Ohio State and some team. Tied 3-3 in at the end of the first quarter. I am very sure it will not be that way at the end of the fourth. Oh good thing about watching just now. I do not have to worry about a “heat advisory”. Just a “coastal flood advisory”. Seeing how I live about 5 feet above mean sea level I take those seriously. I run out and put up the “Water Front Property” sign. Water front property… Read more »
She’s not getting any Trump voters anytime ever so whatever she says is directed at people who are thinking about voting for Trump in the same way Trump is talking to white suburban voters when he is pretending to talk to black voters – the same voters he has accused of election rigging in Philly. He is supported by White Supremacists and David Duke felt empowered to run because of Trump. I think she did the right thing. The half she is talking about are birthers and worse. People need to be called out on their racism. Maybe they don’t… Read more »
Cow cam with cute calves. MOO-re, Craig!
I heard a few weeks ago on Faux news about how trump has been honing his twitter skills for the past twenty years? Although the dude admitted that twitter had not yet been invented, trump had the foresight and insight to express himself in so few characters. Yes, the beauty queen speak with shallow sputtering of idiocy. What crap…and this crap is on all of the cable shows and news outlets…it used to be sound bites. Now the trump campaign overloads on press releases and meth talking surrogates. It is an agitating mess on political acid. At this… Read more » are absolutely correct…
Hey Mike Pence the guy who is on the Trump Train because he was going to be defeated for gov and oddly being Troll’s running mate seemed better.
Your supporters are a basket of deplorables –I challenge you to sit with a random Trmp/pence supporter and see what the believe is true
You will be horrified and when one of them takes a shot at Clinton it will be your fault.