A Telltale of Two Planes

By PatD, a Trail Mix Contributor

This election is told by the plane your candidate flew in on. One is emblazoned with his name in big letters and the other with a message of unity “Stronger Together.”

Come fly with me, let’s fly, let’s fly away
If you can use some exotic shmooze
HRCplaneThere’s a gal whose a pal ready to play
Come fly with me, let’s fly, let’s fly away

Once I get you up there where the air is rarefied
We’ll just glide side by side. Come fly with me, let’s fly, let’s fly away

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8 years ago

Ah, Hah! Whoopee! WOO HOOO!

Wonder how I can book our upcoming 20th anniversary trip on Air Hillary. I’ll have to check with my travel guy.

FINALLY the MoJo bunch is (are?) calling the Trump-Bondi bribe what it is. A bribe that was part of a quid pro quo that trumpf is now just fucking lying about.

8 years ago

Dallas Morning News Endorses Hillary

First time in 75 years endorsing a Democrat.

8 years ago

patd…   “it’s the plane boss….  it’s the plane!”

Jamie….  what?!!…  the Dallas Morning News endorses Hillary?!!…   sssshhhhh…. don’t anyone tell BiD… 😉

Will someone please wake me up when this election is over….   I’m trying to stay interested…  but so far it ain’t working.


8 years ago

At some point BID will realize that all the charges against Hillary are a combination of being a private person deep in the weeds of political activism but trying to do good things and the smoke & mirrors of GOP garbage trying to make her look guilty at every turn.  There simply is no criminal action there.  Shenanigans maybe, criminality no and more than outweighed by a good heart that genuinely wants to help others.  Compared to the venal Donald Trump she should probably be measured for a halo.

Blue gave her heart to Bernie who while the goals may be good is being shown to be as self interested as any other politician feeding off the public trough.

8 years ago

patd, I expect the drumpf-blondi connection will be examined in some detail in the upcoming days. I certainly hope so.  I would think the Florida Bar might be interested.  I would like to see a vigorous FOIA request directed to the Attorney General’s office regarding the emails and records related to the decision not to join the NY lawsuit.

8 years ago

Lotta freak out over the CNN poll released today showing drumpf with a 1 point margin.  If there’s one thing I can say for the CNN polls released so far it’s that they are all over the place – ranging from Trump +3 to Clinton +9 in the span of one week (7/24 & 7/31).

With the exception of a poll after the ‘pugn convention that reported Clinton at +1 and a couple after the dem convention with Clinton +9 and +10, the NBC/SM polls have been much more stable in the +5 to+8 range for Clinton,and I suspect have a better sampling methodology.

8 years ago


In answer to your question about Bye Bye Birdie, no such luck.  That was based on the Elvis to the Army phenomenon and happened when I was much older.  Of course I was dating the boy who eventually became the husband and then the ex when Elvis returned from the military so we were all rather swept up in the generalized excitement over two of his biggest movies with GI Blues and Blue Hawaii.  My only Elvis encounter story is this one which happened even before the O’Brian story.  Just another one of those things that happen to California girls in a much gentler time.

A Chinchilla Named Elvis 


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Trump had a big fundraiser for Bondi at Mara largo –he charged the state party less then he is charging his own campaign.

8 years ago

My little one generation removed Scottish heart is tickled pink over the idea of having a First Laddie … don’t even need to change the monogram on the FLOTUS towels 🙂


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Bondi and Greg Abbott  bye bye

BonThe new information reveals an earlier, direct contribution from Donald J. Trump to Florida Attorney General Bondi and suggests a general pattern of paying significant campaign contributions to both she and former-Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott in 2013 during a 60-day window when the Republican Presidential candidate went on what could be characterized as a pay-for-play shopping spree.
Donald Trump made four known contributions, totaling $51,000 beginning on July 2013, and ending on September 17th, 2013 in the two different states, and gave Texas AG Abbott another $10,000 the following year.
In July of 2013, Trump made a $25,000 donation to Texas AG Abbott, which was three years after his office abruptly – and shockingly to career officials – dropped what was expected to be a $5.4 million dollar case. Career prosecutors figured that the cost of their nine month investigation alone came to $1.7 million dollars, but taxpayers ate the expense because of that political decision.
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman filed a lawsuit against Donald Trump personally and Trump University in the middle of Trump’s summer-long pay-for-play shopping spree, on August 25th, 2013 for operating his unlicensed University from his New York City 40 Wall Street office building.

8 years ago

Hah!! Newt coughs while “diagnosing” Hillary for coughing.  Newt and Hannity – do they get on the Emmett Kelly or Bozo bus?

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Apparently Trump has aa history of violating campaign laws  -paying the fine no problem


when he was fighting the Indian tribes for gambling rights he an his pal Roger Stone ran horrilbe racist ads and in addition violating the campaign finance laws.


Republicans must be so proud of the way he reflects their values


8 years ago

I’ll say it again:  Never trust anyone that owns their own plane.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

the media excuse or not properly covering Trump is “there is just too much”


the media lamer than lame

8 years ago

Pat: Love the telltale plane thing and the second photo is perfect!

Jamie: I was born to be an Elvis fan…literally, since my birthday if Jan 8 LOL! In 1960 we moved to Germany and I had fantasies about becoming his next main squeeze. I figured if Priscilla could do it so could I. Didn’t matter that she was a stunning beauty and I was just a skinny blond gawky teenager I knew if we met it would be all over. Unfortunately we were in different parts of the country. My father was Air Force Intelligence and Elvis was a mere Army enlisted man. Alas, shortly after arriving I learned that he had just left Germany, so “never the twain shall meet” was my destiny 🙁

PS all: Has anyone read the stories today of the military officers endorsing Trump list and his latest overly simplistic ideas of how the military should beat ISIS? His stupidity knows no bounds. Sadly lots of stupid people think he knows what he’s talking about, go figure. Fortunately one retired General addressed both these issues: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/09/07/politics/mark-hertling-trump-30-day-isis-plan/index.html

Also…Yay Dallas!

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

One of the Trump military nuts was the leader of the anti-gay military people and a religious nut in general — “the war in the middle east is a Christian War”  Gosh I guess he wants a metal suit and to go on the crusades I guess he has only seen the movie version

Trump on the military –size matters

8 years ago

Why people want to throw bricks through their screens when CNN & MSNBC are on.  Trump lost the coin start to go first on the CIC forum tonight.  Now he is giving a full defense speech that is being carried by CNN & MSNBC so as to be first … What pure unadulterated garbage from the cheating asshole.


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

gotta keep that ad revenue rolling in  –make it seem like there is a real race instead of the big time loser at the top and the rest of the party losers

The media sucks

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Trump won the coin toss and elected to go second

The privatization of the VA should be discussed

8 years ago

Most of the active military are already covered by Tri-Care for themselves and dependents.  Of course in areas such as where I live, they tend to use the medical facilities at Madigan since it so huge and easy access.  There would probably be no problem with using local services with a Medicare card upon honorable discharge.

The VA problem is backlog because the load of war survivability wasn’t anticipated when piled on top of the load already facing the advancing years of Korean War survivors.  The one thing the VA does that other facilities can’t do, is the wounds of war.  Brain injuries, amputations, PTSD etc.  They have specialists in just those fields that no other hospital or doctors can match in volume.

The VA is there to keep a promise.  You took care of us now we will take care of you.  Nothing should violate that promise.


8 years ago

I heard a few minutes of drumpf’s speech.  Obviously reading someone else’s words about things he doesn’t have a clue about.

8 years ago

Be encouraged: the GOP nom no longer dominates the internet news cycle, and on some (good) days, he isn’t even top-of-page.  Ruh-roh, Stooge…

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Clinton should say she supports two years of national service either in the military or working on national infrastructure problems but everyone should serve men and women

8 years ago

1. I oppose any ‘debate’ unless it follows collegiate debate rules.

2. In any on camera meeting between the candidates, the moderator should question

a. trump’s proposal to give nukes to the saudi terrorists, and

b. trump’s plan to privatize the US Navy.

8 years ago

Bink…   we know 3 people that own their own planes.  The kind that land only at small airports and that seat 4 people.  2 were in the air force…   and one that learnt to fly from his father….   all 3 LOVE to fly.  All of them I am proud to call friends.   Now a private jet….  I’m with you on that.

8 years ago

Politico : msnbc unskews the cnn/orc skewpoll  


8 years ago

trump industries owns the plane. The trump campaign leases it from the trump company. It’s a money maker for the deadbeat.

8 years ago

The pilot will probably have to sue for his last paycheck.

8 years ago

I always thought a plane would be handy for quick trips to the supermarket 100 miles away – never could even think of buying one though.  I did have a gas powered model plane onest – the kind that you controlled with a set of strings.  Just went in a circle.  It was a lot of fun, but not very practical.

8 years ago

“does that include drones?”


-Yes, with drone armies of particular concern.

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

When I was in candidate school there was one overridding principle.  Talk to sixth grade.  The idiotic commercial from the bloater is second grade, and it stinks.  Although I did not expect anything better.  The weird thing is the buy includes Maryland, D.C. and Virginia.  Dumb.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Since there is no chance for Clinton to respond to the craptastic baloney trump will be spreading around the moderator better be prepared to fact check on the spot.

8 years ago

Here’s a fairly extensive article from the Times about the extent of drumpf’s campaign contribution violations over the years.

8 years ago

I know that DT is slithery like a cave newt but I think Hillary’s gonna knock him down a peg or two…..

8 years ago

I’ve a vision of it as the Ali-Shavers fight.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

She was ok –

8 years ago

Right now Trump is all glib, generalized nonsense.  Anyone who falls for this no nothing probably should stay away from sharp objects.


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

so far we have learned he has no immigration plan and he has no plan for Isis

he has no plan……………

8 years ago

Where’s the goddam swear jar? What a fucking asshole. Couldn’t answer a question if his balls depended on it.

8 years ago

If I were him I wouldn’t use the words “corrupt enterprise “

8 years ago

Yeah, that wasn’t much…….crumby set-up from start to finish……..coin toss ass.

8 years ago

I rate this as Hillary 9, DUMBASS 5.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

he wasn’t that good

8 years ago

“When I come up with a plan”,….”I have a plan”… i’ll have the generals subit a plan in 30 days…WHAT THE FUCK?

Ok, deep breaths. Settle down. There’s heart attack and stroke hIstory in my family….

8 years ago

Ok, 4.

8 years ago

House Dems just released email that Colin Powell sent to Hillary Clinton about using personal email at State

8 years ago

Only a 4 if you give him points for tap dancing ability.  Otherwise – 2

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

The times fact checked donald and he is a big fat liar with his pants on fire

too bad the the rest of the media is too lazy to do the right thing

they could just copy from the times

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

she needs better answers  –shorter

8 years ago

Kc, I agree but it’s hard to address complex issues with simple answers. You end up soundin like drumpf.

8 years ago

Jamie, I yield.   😉

8 years ago

I think Hillary is a smart smart person and i’m happy to support her.. Trump is lousy.. A BIG LIAR! Trump never answers the question. No plans at all.. It’s always the same, he will make everything great,  America, The VA, The Military and so on.. Who falls for him, yah i know, millions..

8 years ago

rr – ha! Of course The Dallas Morning News endorsed her. They always endorse a Rep. She’s not really a Dem; she’s a DINO, as I’ve said in the past.


8 years ago

Donald Trump Bizarrely Heaps Even More Praise On Vladimir Putin
Tierney Sneed

I’ll say, its also just weird.. The respect and admiration for strongman Putin.. Even quoting his high approval numbers from a poll.. The guy is not all there..

8 years ago

The Democrats are surprisingly unified. That should help Hillary Clinton.

By Boris Heersink and Sidney M. Milkis 

Real Democrats know a real Democrat when they see one.. You know ones that actually supported President Obama when he ran the first and second time even when he wasn’t their favorite.. Hillary has been a true liberal Democrat for most of her life.. I also thank Hillary for getting healthcare for children which helped my niece at 8 years old after a go cart accident.. Payed the whole $30,000 bill most of which went to the plastic surgeon.. DINO, rubbish…

8 years ago

Blue, bullshit.

8 years ago

I had a good time tonight.  I spend it with 3 of my peeps from work.  Two were moderates, and the other (a good friend and fishing buddy) is the deputy chair of our county’s Republican party.

Our get together was to have some dinner and watch the C & C forum.  During the forum my friend the Republican, just held his head low, shaking it from side to side saying “sorry guys – we shouldn’t have done this”.

We offered to go to the parking lot and help him scrape the Trump bumper sticker off of his truck- he said it’s a party thing.  We offered to find a razor blade  ;o)

The worm has turned.


8 years ago

A worthless waste of time. A travesty that such a dishonorable swine should occupy the same dais as Ms Clinton or breathe the same air as disabled veterans.

I am thoroughly disgusted.

8 years ago

Did we discuss deadbeat don’s desire to withdraw naval support from our allies sea train, because our effort isn’t making us money ?

Did we discuss genghis don’s desire to withdraw naval, army, and air support from our NATO allies ?

Did we discuss donald the great’s desire to give the saudis our nuclear weapons ?

That’s all I’d want to hear discussed at a Security Info Forum.