A Touch of History


By Jamie44, a Trail Mix Contributor

Hugh O’Brian, best known during his career for portraying Wyatt Earp and in later life for his creation of the HOBY Foundation that encouraged so many young people in public service, has passed away at the age of 91.  The link above gives an excellent tribute and biography.

Several years ago I wrote a rather light hearted blog article about kissing the handsomest man on television, but with the deeper meaning of all the ways we are connected to history.  With that in mind here is a tribute to a good man

Kissing History

What we consider as the “Old West” was for the most part the 30 years following the Civil War. Then civilization caught up with them and a lot of gunslingers were out of business and working at regular jobs. Wyatt Earp lived long enough to appear in a silent movie. He was a little more creative than most and had many romantic and personal adventures in his long life, some of which were probably true. Courtesy of a friendly biographer, his fame has become a bit more reel than real, but who wants to ruin a good story? On January 13, in 1929, Wyatt Earp died in Los Angeles was buried in a Jewish Cemetery in Colma which is another good story. Only a little over 25 years later, in 1955, Wyatt got to television for a seven year run in the form of actor Hugh O’Brian playing the marshall of Dodge City. O’Brian was born on April 19, 1925, overlapping the last four years of Earp’s life. So much for major coincidences, and the idea that everything is connected to everything.

Earp Obrian

In 1957, I was a 13 year old who looked 16 enduring one my interminable summers in Fresno. One of the major Polio epidemics had happened in 1952. My stepsister was paralyzed from the neck down and confined to a wheel chair. As a result, I was very active in raising money for the Red Cross. The Salk vaccine had just been approved for massive distribution, but the money that had supported the research, now was helping to fund the injections for all school children. As part of a charitable campaign, Wyatt Earp came to Fresno. If you were female and had a pulse, you were in love with Hugh O’Brian.

On a dare from girlfriends, I took the money I had raised to where the local TV station was showing the telethon, but wouldn’t turn it over until he kissed me. It was a rather decorous kiss, but the poor man ended up kissing virtually every woman in Fresno, including my grandmother who collected one on the cheek for each of her 12 grandchildren. He was a good sport about all of this smooching, but when I turned up in the late afternoon, O’Brian pointed at me and said, “You started this!” At which point, I got KISSED. Bent over backwards, strong hug, the works. When I came up for air and the knees were again working, I staggered off stage to an embarrassing round of applause from the audience. He would have probably been scandalized if he knew my real age at the time, if for no other reason than that this is a man who has dedicated his life to the development and encouragement of young people.

In 1957 the fans of “Wyatt Earp” stole the headstone of Wyatt Earp, so that now he has only a flat marker instead of the large monument.
Another 20 years plus later, “The Shootist”, John Wayne’s last film about a former gunman coming to terms with the changes in the “Old West” and his own mortality is being filmed in Malibu and Burbank. Hugh O’Brian played one of the older gunmen who take him on in his last great gunfight, and Hugh still looked like a greyer version of the TV Wyatt. My son liked to go to the studios and the crews got used to him being there to run errands, so he met Hugh O’Brian and we own a reel of film for the opening of that movie as John Wayne shoots his way through history.

Mr. O’Brian was married for the first time recently at the age of 82 to his long time ladyfriend, Virginia Barber, so he is passing the older Wyatt in age if not quite in legend, all while continuing his charitable ways with his long standing HOBY Foundation. As a symbol of his humor, the wedding “to die for” while formal and celebrated by hundreds of guests was held at Forest Lawn Cemetery. In lieu of gifts the couple requested donations to HOBY.

So there you have it. Four generations covering 128 years connected by the same character and a little story: Wyatt Earp, Hugh O’Brian, me and my son from cemetery to cemetery. Write down your memories. History not recorded is history lost. I’ll close with a bit of a speech given by Hugh O’Brian.

I do NOT believe we are all born equal. Created equal in the eyes of God, yes, but physical and emotional differences, parental guidelines, varying environments, being in the right place at the right time, all play a role in enhancing or limiting an individual’s development. But I DO believe every man and woman, if given the opportunity and encouragement to recognize their potential, regardless of background, has the freedom to choose in our world. Will an individual be a taker or a giver in life? Will that person be satisfied merely to exist or seek a meaningful purpose? Will he or she dare to dream the impossible dream?

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8 years ago

Jamie, a delightful post.  thanks for sharing some good-feel history.

8 years ago

raw story: ‘Jon Stewart’ of Egypt rips Trump on immigrants: He uses ‘hatred’ to cover up his ‘incompetence’

Specifically addressing Trump’s “xenophobic” stance on immigrants, Yousseff said he found it ironic in a country built by immigrants and mentioned Trump’s appalling attitude toward refugees escaping Syria.

“This kind of rhetoric — spreading fear and suspicion against the other — is not something new. We’re used to it in the Middle East,” Youssef explained. “You always need something to hold on to, an enemy to direct your hatred to, to cover up your incompetence and cover up your failure.”

“I can’t even being to express my sorrow and sadness towards those people,” Youssef continued. “(Leaving their countries) is not a luxury thing for them. This is out of necessity, out of survival.  It is this systematic dehumanization of the other is why we have a negative outlook on refugees.”

8 years ago

here’s another episode in youssef’s “democracy handbook with bassem” series


worth watching whole series

8 years ago

oh btw, according to cnn today …Trump edging Clinton by a scant two points among likely voters, and the contest sparking sharp divisions along demographic lines in a new CNN/ORC Poll.
Trump tops Clinton 45% to 43% in the new survey, with Libertarian Gary Johnson standing at 7% among likely voters in this poll and the Green Party’s Jill Stein at just 2%.

8 years ago

Thanks Jamie, nice to read about a Hollywood type who isn’t typical.

8 years ago

Jamie, wasn’t The Shootist Wayne’s last movie, and the only one in which his character dies? It is a masterpiece, amazing cast. Must have been one of the last films Ron Howard appeared in.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

let me know when the electoral college changes

8 years ago


That Poll should be read in a Jackie Mason-like voice: The Year of Voting Meh? 

8 years ago

wsj vid
Trump, Clinton Camps Eye Early Voting for Electoral Trends     

A third of voters are expected to vote early this year. Ballots go out in North Carolina this Friday.

8 years ago

Washington Post’s new 50-state poll — now here’s a national poll that is meaningful, shows big HRC electoral college advantage

8 years ago

the dawg does Detroit and did it better than the drumpf

detroit free press: 

Former President Bill Clinton marched down Michigan Avenue in Detroit during today’s Labor Day parade, chatting with union members and posing for many rounds of selfies with amused bystanders.

Clinton, 70, navigated the event’s 1-mile-plus route, surprising some fellow parade-goers who had anticipated a briefer and less intimate appearance — perhaps from a car — by the nation’s 42nd president. He joined the march at Michigan and Trumbull, across from the Tiger Stadium site, and walked with the crowd at a relatively brisk pace into downtown. He paused at the intersection of Washington Boulevard to greet and shake hands. 

… he stopped for a quick photo with Tonya Moore, 54, of Detroit, who later recounted how she was impressed by Clinton’s decision to “walk with the people.”

Moore was one of the few Detroiters who this weekend greeted Clinton as well as Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Trump was in the Detroit on Saturday to attend a service at Great Faith Ministries International Church, where Moore is a parishioner. But Trump, unlike Clinton, also attracted a large group of protesters during his stay.

8 years ago

Will early voting be an advantage to Secretary Clinton simply because her supporters will (probably) be more aware they can vote early?

8 years ago

Jamie…   thanks for this posting.  I’ve never been a big fan of Westerns.  I have watched a few episodes of Bonanza and Big Valley…  but was more interested in the horses than the characters.  But I thoroughly enjoyed reading this piece.  Mr O’ Brian seemed like a really great guy.  Sorry for the loss of one of your childhood heroes.

Many of my friends are tuning out to this election.  They are going to vote…  and they have made up their minds as to for whom.  But, like myself, they are sick and tired of Trump this and Trump that.  It doesn’t feel like an election…  it feels like one big reality show.  God, the media really, really sucks.

On a better note…  Rick and I are driving up to our capital city of Concord shortly.  I’m delivering 2 special scarves for an exhibition at the League of NH Craftsmen’s headquarters.  I’ve never done exhibitions before this year…  never had the time.  It’s kinda fun…. it allows me to stretch as an artist.

8 years ago

With absolutely nothing to base this on other than thinking that Dems tend to vote early, which would partially be behind pugn efforts to limit it, I believe the early voting will be an advantage to Clinton.

The latest polls don’t impress me, other than the WaPo 50 state poll.  It confirms what the RCP electoral college map has said for the last couple of months – although it has moved a few states into tossup territory (PA and VA are the two that swung it), lessening HRC’s structural advantage. Still her advantage there is 75 at present, and I doubt that VA or PA will go drumpf in the end. The No Tossups map gives her a 142 point edge.

8 years ago

Pogo, what’s especially predictive about that 50-state poll is that if you filter to only states where leads are 4 pts or more, Hillary has 244 electoral votes (just 26 short) to Trump’s 126. No way he can run the table of tossup states.

8 years ago

Beyond All Expectations–the power of a child’s kiss-and-tell experience.

Jamie, such a wonderful story to recount to us mere mortals

8 years ago

Poobah, you are right.  The Wapo guy did that on MoJo this morning but didn’t take the step to the prediction you just made.  He just said she has the advantage.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago


What a wonderful story all the way around and well told too!

8 years ago

Jamie: Thanks for posting the obit. RIP Hugh O’Brian  🙁 I think I commented on the post you referred to but I couldn’t find it. We did exchange a couple emails in ’13 and I mentioned I was a fan and a slight connection with my father. Mr. O’Brian was quite a gentleman and I agree that The Shootist is a great classic western.

Nice break from politics…I’ve been breaking for several days because it just gets too depressing and scary to follow sometimes!


8 years ago

Pogo, most surprising result how well it shows her doing in Texas. If accurate its within reach. They ought to run ads there just to mess with repubs.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Everyone in the whole world wants this campaign to be over except the people making money off ad revenues so it’s to the media’s advantage to use polling data to support a false analysis where Trump has a path.  They chose $$$$ over actually being an important part of our Democracy.

And the Dakota Access Pipeline people aren’t much in the way of human beings.  They set dogs (who bit people*) on the protesters and pepper sprayed them as well.  I’m sure Trump approves after all he thinks waterboarding is a good idea.

*I had a dog bite and they are very very painful

Where is Melanoma? It’s been since the convention since she has been in public. Is there something she is afraid of maybe being recognized by former clients? Or people asking for refunds from her inferior quality QVC jewlery.


8 years ago

KGC, yep, if we elected by popular vote national polls would mean something, and they’re almost always closer than the real thing, hence the illusion of a tight race. So a headline based on a national poll saying they’re tied is just wrong (in both meanings of the word).

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

This morning I heard some complete idiots talking about the election and one said it’s between trust and temperament

Trump is not only temperamentally unfit he is also a big fat liar.    I think Clinton is like any politician and speaks politicalese sometimes

not as clear as it could be.  But Trump is an outright liar  so the comparison should be trust and trust and temperament.  I’m pretty sure she

hasn’t bribed anyone with Clinton Foundation money to stop an investigation.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Sonoma County has it’s own Sheriff-child killer.  He has a pr firm now and recently an editorial in the local paper

he should have been fired, and the same paper’s sports writer and a total loser thinks Kaepernick should have been cut for his protests

get your head out of your ass and try to do some actual reporting on where you live

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Hey morons not just florida he also bribed the gov of Texas  Trump tried to cover any state where he could be in trouble with Trump U

Mrs. Greenspan proves again the lameness of her very being.  She asked Mike Murphy (Jeb Bush guy)  if the Trump Foundation should be looked at because the Clinton Foundation is being investigated.   It should be reported on because it is news –once again proving they are not journalists not entertainers just lame losers selling ads.

“Not Looking presidential right fellas” Trump the giant tub of lard talking about Clinton I don’t think even the Condom is strong enough to save him from alienating every woman in the US

William Howard Taft must be Trump’s ideal president

8 years ago

wonkette: deadbeat-donald-trump-a-cheap-bastard-who-stiffed-top-campaign-staff-surprise

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Breitbart is trying to game the Commander in Chief forum by claiming Matt Lauer is biased…because he was on the Clinton Foundation Board.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

.Trump especially leaned into Kasich, knocking the Ohio governor’s eating habits during his first two rallies Monday.

“This guy’s shoving pancakes … and it’s pouring out of his mouth. That’s not presidential I can tell you,” Trump said here in Pennsylvania.
Despite the vitriolic rhetoric, Trump insisted Monday that while he may not yet sound presidential, he certainly looks it.
And he also appeared to cast doubt on whether Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton has the looks of a president.
“And I’m looking at this stage of people — my competitors. Does Hillary look presidential?” Trump said after praising his own looks.
Trump then continued, “Was she there at 3 o’clock in the morning to answer the call? No, now and she won’t be, she won’t be, she won’t be there. She doesn’t have the strength and she doesn’t have the energy to be president, I will tell you.”
Trump on Sunday also suggested he is the most presidential-looking candidate among his competitors.
“I think I look real good. I mean, I think I look like a president. You mean, you mean Kasich looks better than Trump? I think a lot of people would disagree with that. Cruz? Cruz? You think lyin’ Ted is better?” Trump said Sunday during a speech in Hagerstown, Maryland.

so good table manners make you presidential

so cliched the story on Clinton’s gaggle wasn’t the content of the questions but how she was meeting with the press. Get over yourselves – ask her why she didn’t meet with the press if that’s the story

8 years ago

kgc, yeah they get apoplectic over not enough face time with Hillary to submit herself to them asking the same interminable questions which she’s already answered and mistakes she’s apologized about.  but why aren’t they asking him as often (if ever) about turning over his taxes, his company records and emails, his several assignations/bankruptcies? why oh why haven’t they grilled him over making campaign volunteers sign away their free speech rights… you know those rights to talk to the very same media who are upset with Hillary not talking to them?

daily dot quotes parts of non-disclosure agrmt drumpf campaign volunteers have to sign:

2. No Disparagement. During the term of your service and at all times thereafter you hereby promise and agree not to demean or disparage publicly the Company, Mr. Trump, any Trump Company, any Family Member, or any Family Member Company or any asset any of the foregoing own, or product or service any of the foregoing offer, in each case by or in any of the Restricted Means and Contexts and to prevent your employees from doing so.

3. No Competitive Services. Until the Non-Compete Cutoff Date you promise and agree not to assist or counsel, directly or indirectly, for compensation or as a volunteer, any person that is a candidate or exploring candidacy for President of the United States other than Mr. Trump and to prevent your employees from doing so.

it’s not like this story hasn’t been out there.  it just gets ignored like all his other outrageously un-American behavior.

8 years ago

Hillary Clinton talks to reporters aboard new plane

September 6, 2016, 2:02 PM|With nine weeks left until election day, Hillary Clinton took questions from reporters aboard her new campaign jet on her way to Tampa, Florida. See the full Q&A here.


Hillary: “he clearly has something to hide”


8 years ago

raw story: Joe Biden’s fiery attack: ‘So many like Trump look at us like we’re not their equal, I’m sick of it’

8 years ago

Trumpf on the bribe to Bondi. Read his responses – it is interesting to see him practice the line and deliver it – all in the same or adjacent sentences.  The only thing he shoudl be saying in response to questions about Drumpf U. is either “no comment” or “not guilty”.

8 years ago

pogo, bet bondi wishes he hadn’t said this either:  “I’ve just known Pam Bondi for years”


next question would be why ms bondi didn’t disclose the friendship and recuse herself from the decision… looks like a bar investigation is in order.

8 years ago

8 years ago

this one’s for all our veterans on the trail

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

And in Texas the Trump Foundation has also been active

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Have you noticed the only people saying two bad choices for president are Republicans

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Very cool and fun story of life.  Southern California must have been interesting in those days.



8 years ago

John Wayne died in “The Cowboys” I think, therefore I postulate.

And the one about the Sea-Bees

And the marine one on Iwo

8 years ago

His character died in a lot of those things…….and sometimes like The Green Beret one he just bombed.

8 years ago

” daily dot quotes parts of non-disclosure agrmt drumpf campaign volunteers have to sign. ” -Pat @2:58pm

Laughably un-enforceable. ‘Disparage’ is too vague.  Besides, what’s the penalty for breaking the agreement – trump forces the volunteer to take his services back ? The volunteer has to give even more services ? Stupid rules for stupid volunteers.

8 years ago

Democrats advance their national security agenda in the House


This is not Trump’s plan B it was his plan A from the get go. I’d bet money on it even in one of his casinos. Perhaps Roger Ailes could give him a few pointers.

8 years ago

That one where he pushed something over the cliff with his bulldozer to save all the men, but the bulldozer goes over, too,and like Slim Pickens later on he just rode it on down……that was a powerful movie for a kid chock full of uncles lately back from Gualalcanal, Iwo Jima, and the like.

8 years ago

Mrs. P is on the warpath about drumpf tonight.  She’s so cute when she’s pissed (as long as it’s not directed at me).  Btw, where did trumpf get the flag spreaders?

8 years ago

The Green Berets was frightfully awful. From the technical angle it was not as bad as Plan 9 From Outer Space.

8 years ago

I love westerns especially John Wayne westerns. Red River and ‘Liberty Valence’ come immediately to mind.  John Wayne the actor, always riding to the rescue in the nick of time. John Wayne the man who wouldn’t lift a finger to rescue the screen writers who made his movies possible during the blacklisting period of the 50’s.

Never could square that contradiction.

8 years ago



Good on Mrs. P!

8 years ago

Heard this really interesting exchange on CNN this afternoon when in the car.  It appears that their mouthpiece has decided that any particular poll that shows a 2 or 3 or 4 percentage point difference is not valid – and the race is a dead heat!

Here’s the problem – what if you have 8 polls, each with an average of Clinton being up by 3.3%?  And, you have an overall margin of errors of 3%?  Do we have a dead even race?

We do not!  This was the same issue / situation in 2012 when all of the polls showed Romney up by 2% a month before the election.  All of the media – “dead even race”.  Bullspit!  As we watched those polls go from a 2% lead, to a 2.5% lead, to a 3% lead, to a 4% lead; when the vast majority of them show one candidate in the lead you do not have a “cliffhanger”.  You have a decisive result and continuing trend.  This is exactly why Karl Rove almost had a stroke with his denial of Fox news calling the election for Obama.  I thought he was going to go postal – all because he not only drank the Koolaid, but helped make it.

I am so sick and tired of the media trying to make this a “photo finish” so they can keep playing their fancy intro-music and suck ratings out of the people as long as possible.  I can now only take the MSM in chunks of about 10 minutes – else I go nutso.

8 years ago

Jamie, thanks again for the insider info on the early days of wild west cali-fornie, but it’s bluebronc that you probably meant to address about those interesting times you’ve let us in on.

any chance your thread story re teenage girl kissing movie star might have been the inspiration for “bye bye birdie”?

8 years ago

wapo: New book reveals Bill Clinton’s rogue diplomacy against the Iraq War

It was March 2003, and British Prime Minister Tony Blair had summoned his friend Bill Clinton to Chequers Court, his country home in England, to make an urgent request: Could the former president quietly help corral U.N. Security Council members to back a resolution aimed at slowing or, according to Blair, even stopping the Iraq War?

The events that followed show Clinton taking an unprecedented and un­or­tho­dox role in the foreign policy of his successor, George W. Bush, according to a new book, “Man of the World: The Further Endeavors of Bill Clinton,” written by liberal journalist Joe Conason.

Clinton’s activism came months after his wife’s vote in October 2002 in favor of authorizing Bush to use military force in Iraq — a decision that, according to the book, Bill Clinton counseled her to make. And the former president acted without the express approval of the White House.


In Conason’s account, Clinton made last-minute appeals to several world leaders he considered “friends,” asking them to back Blair’s resolution in the hopes of slowing Bush’s march to war or ending it altogether.

Blair’s resolution would have set a three-week timeline for U.N. weapons inspections teams led by diplomat Hans Blix to complete their work. If Iraqi President Saddam Hussein interfered with the inspections or refused to disarm, the resolution would have authorized force.