Sunday Serendipity

By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor
Some guitar for an early Sunday morning. Enjoy the music and enjoy the day! — More Posts by Jace

hrcPressMedia’s Hillary Bias Reaches New Lows

By OldSeaHag, a Trail Mix Contributor

I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore. I was listening to the news last night (note to self: gotta stop doing that), and with all of the problems going on — Brexit, Orlando, the Supreme Court vote — they still found ways to fit in how Hillary is unlikable. How it appears, not that she has recently earned and deserves the support of even some Repubs- that people will just have to vote her just because she isn’t Trump. I was sickened by it all. I can’t imagine being Hillary and getting up and still keep on going despite all the shit people talk about her. Not one mention that she has 15,805,136 votes. No mention of how very much qualified for President she is. They just keep on finding reasons to put her down and negate her. Now somehow Brexit is loosely twisted into an indication of the people’s dissatisfaction and dislike for Hillary. I am beyond insulted by the media, their bias and their flawed logic presented to us every day in their Hillary bashing bullshit storm. 15 plus million of us voted for her – and there will be more. Deal with it media, you wombat spoons- your sexism is showing. Hillary isn’t going away and neither are we. — More Posts by OldSeaHag

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8 years ago

jace, beautiful. thanks.

is that “moving in” music or are you still on your way? very good choice for “moving along” too

8 years ago

PatD — Jace is still trucking (hence a bit late posting our Sunday dip):

“In Grant’s Pass Oregon, on final leg of journey to WA. Three days in a truck convinces me that we need an infrastructure bank. Stretches of interstate ridiculously poor. My back says ouch!”

8 years ago

boss, could we please dump the drumpf picture at the top of the thread?  maybe something more classy like the hound dog driving the truck.  🙂

8 years ago

Jace…   just think how much you’ll enjoy it when you finally get out of that truck…  🙂

BlueBronc…  good analysis from last thread on the people supporting Trump.  IMO, some of them aren’t so much supporting Trump as they are supporting what they think he stands for…   which is kicking ass on a political system that has left them high and dry.  It could be Howdy Dowdy saying the same things for all they care… they just want change.  Unfortunately, I think the likes of Trump will change things for the worse for them.

8 years ago

Think classical guitar is my favorite sound.

Sea, that is such a tired old narrative. Remember when Obama fueled it in 2008? She’s “likable enough”

8 years ago


All the best to you on your move. Your description of the bumpy roads – endured while driving a truck – makes me send sympathy “ouches” your way. 

8 years ago

Jace – Wishing you a nice meal, an Epsom salt bath, and, a good night’s sleep.

Didn’t realize Ralph Stanley had passed this week.

What about Google getting a little hinkey with searches on Hillary?  Ima pick my cherries from the other side of the tree to even things out.


8 years ago

Sea, I feel as you do–today’s media suck. So, do we start a boycott campaign against the advertisers sponsoring the broadcasts? Or harass the regulators about the abuse of public airways insisting that they strip the stations of their licenses? Or switch to the print medium?

As I’ve opined in the past my early morning delivery of the WSJ brings the most completely unbiased reporting of the news. They obviously have a well designed firewall between the editorial and news departments. And, for the time being, we still have NPR and PBS. They desperately need our financial support and listenership.

And, I’m mad as hell, too

8 years ago

craig- it sure is and they are really pushing it now.

8 years ago

don’t know what to do- but let’s figure it out- trail mix style- we can and have accomplish alot when we all put our heads together.  i like a boycott-  complete with hashtags etc.  lets see what jamie says 🙂

8 years ago


Great Post.

Why does the media do what it does? 24 hours to fill; pick an easy narrative. I’ve mentioned this before: the experts offered on 99% of shows are limited in scope & talent. Easier to navigate the shallow end than show a little courage & explore the depths of deeper thought.

Secretary Clinton has a chain 15 million links strong. Her supporters are solid, credible people. Easier to dismiss as fodder for a story because they are normal everyday folks. No story here; only substance & sanity 😉

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Truth in advertising and both sides of a discussion fell under Reagan.  Added with news departments combined with or shoved into the entertainment divisions, information of local, national and international was peaking in newspapers.  But with it moving to the dawn of the Internet, the world of reporting was going to be a mess.  As traditional reporting was sliding down the electron hole, the role of the Internet as provider of “news” grew.  Television has always been a provider of the truest example of “if it bleeds, it leads”.  Including if it is necessary to have a fight session of three R’s and one D (to make it even in the minds of the entertainment division).

What can be done?  I tend to trust the masses for finding a way to settle things.  Accumulators meld into content providers, HuffPost for one example.  The traditional media is finding ways to provide content and survive.  NY Times paywall for example.  Others such as WashPo, LA Times, Baltimore Sun, Annapolis Gazette all provide online and print at prices not seen since the 60’s.  I subscribe to three online and print, only the LA Times not delivered.  It is the old adage about supporting what you like.  My small subscription price is a tiny part of my entertainment budget.  I hope enough people are like me and slowly returning to what had been the norm since clay tablets were used to share the news.

8 years ago

Will this be the year of the Vice Presidential pick?

8 years ago

“My back says ouch!”

jace, blueid’s right about the soak and another home remedy if you don’t have the salts is empty a small box of baking soda into the bath for relaxing those sore muscles. beware tho’ on getting out of the tub, you’ll be all wobbly like mr blimpies.

also a short walk will help the back get back in place after 3 days of truck travel torture.

8 years ago

sjwny, castro is getting some bad press right now with the hud problem of lead in subsidized housing.

guess we’ll get some idea tomorrow on how warren comes across in cincinnati as a running mate.

this from wvxu:

So, the political class around the country will be watching very closely what happens at the Museum Center Monday; and many of them will be looking at the joint appearance as Warren’s audition for running mate.

Is that what this is about? Is this the political equivalent of taking a brand new car out for a test drive?

8 years ago

British political turmoil erupts in wake of Brexit vote

The political fallout from Britain’s stunning decision to leave the European Union intensified Sunday, with debate escalating inside the governing Conservative Party over choosing a successor to Prime Minister David Cameron and a coup attempt emerging against the leader of the opposition Labour Party.

The turmoil underscored the degree to which Thursday’s Brexit vote, described here as the most significant event in the post-war history of Britain, has left the country unsettled, virtually leaderless and in uncharted territory. The complex process of negotiating the terms of the separation from the European Union has collided with a leadership crisis triggered by a voter revolt against nearly the entire political establishment.

8 years ago

OSH…  I gave up on tv news years ago.  I watched a little bit of CNN and MSNBC during the past primary season.  But now that CNN has hired Trump’s former campaign manager…  I won’t be rewarding them with my viewership any longer.  They haven’t just jumped a shark, they’ve jumped a whale, IMO.  I didn’t bother to watch any tv news on brexit.  I stayed here with reliable sources on the ‘net.

As for the negative stuff on Hillary….  they say the more negative about Trump the more his supporters dig in…  methinks the same is happening for Hillary.  So fuck off you old white men of the media…   we don’t need you anymore.

8 years ago

Excellent article and one I would definitely recommend to Blue:  Thinking About Hillary – A Plea for Reason  

It reflects and draws upon a 1996 article by Henry Louis Gates (Remember the beer summit?) called Hating Hillary 

8 years ago

I’ve pretty well made it clear why I genuinely like Hillary.  Quite simply I see a whole lot of me in her.  All through school she did the right thing:  Studied hard, got good grades, was socially active, and basic hard working nice Methodist girl concerned with good deeds.  It helps to know that if ever asked, my favorite bible verse is almost equally dull but explanatory:  II Timothy 2:15

Study to show thyself a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth

She got married.  She supported her husband.  She had a daughter.  She kept on working and did what was right by both of them even when the going got rough.  Through it all  her intelligence contributed to all around her and she is well liked by her friends.  She represented a State and then the whole of a country and a President.  Whatever you think of her decisions, she just kept going trying to do what was good for all those around her.  Now she is trying to come out from under that load of responsibility to others to claim some limelight of her own and the freedom to totally exercise the capabilities for herself that have always contributed to others.

I don’t just like Hillary anymore. She has more than earned every benefit, and I have reached the stage of being mortally offended by anyone who doesn’t like her.

This battle is personal!!!


8 years ago


trying once more for a suitable photo to replace the drumpf.

8 years ago


and here’s one testing photogenic compatiblilty of veep with candidate

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Today’s gardening effort.  With global warming causing warmer winters here on the Bay, I decided to start my first banana plantation.  Maryland will be proud to take over banana production from other banana republics.  And, our politics are nicer.  Our leaders hold sit-ins in Congress.  On the back deck the Bougainvillea is blooming very nicely now.  I expect the banana production in three years will lead all others in Annapolis.


8 years ago

Jamie, well put.  it’s now a more than like with me too.  definitely not just a deep despair, dread and downright dislike of Donald or the simpering wimps of his lickspittle party.  it’s not just a choice between evil and evil-er or who should make decisions like going to war, picking supreme court judges and which freedoms are allowed and which are not.

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Here is a picture that says all there is to say.  The one on the left is the smart one.

8 years ago

For all those on the trail with a law degree:  Berkely Breathed has an offer you may not be able to refuse


8 years ago

Trump Campaign Manager Calls Clinton Ad ‘Tone Deaf’

….after Donald Trump’s disastrous press conference in Scotland:

Hillary Clinton’s campaign released a video responding to Donald Trump’s absurd press conference today where he showed no knowledge of the issues at stake in the Brexit vote and instead took reporters on a tour of his golf course in Scotland.

So what was the Trump campaign’s response to the ad? Let’s pretend Hillary Clinton is the one who is “tone deaf” and out of touch with the American electorate for daring to point out that Trump is a buffoon and a grifter of the highest order who has absolutely no business being allowed to come anywhere near the Oval Office.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

marcia blackburn one of the worst members of congress ran into a pumped up Alex Witt and mrcia looked like the scuzzy loser and big time trump supporter she is

8 years ago


The donkey pic rules. I’d vote for that ass.


8 years ago


This from the piece you linked, so telling!

So what do we see in this data? What I see is that the public view of Hillary Clinton does not seem to be correlated to “scandals” or issues of character or whether she murdered Vince Foster. No, the one thing that seems to most negatively and consistently affect public perception of Hillary is any attempt by her to seek power. Once she actually has that power her polls go up again. But whenever she asks for it her numbers drop like a manhole cover.

8 years ago

Well if we are going to do Ralph Stanley, these harmonies are unbelievable:

8 years ago

Talk about a group of singers:  Grand Ole Opry 80th anniversary

8 years ago


That look you give when you hear someone say they are a Trump supporter.

8 years ago

Lives are on the line: The smearing of LGBTs by the right is more than disturbing — it’s dangerous
Politicians and anti-LGBT activists have created a climate in which gay and trans people are constantly at risk

8 years ago

I so enjoy seeing everyone’s gardening photos. Please keep them coming. I just planted cuttings from our fabulous hibiscus, and hoping they will take root.  Blue Bronc, good luck with your banana project. They are such fun.

8 years ago

Looks like Trump may completely flame out before the convention; I still think someone else may be the GOP nominee.

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Chunky (big cat) in her last few hours of life in the cone of shame.  Look at her tail.  She had half of it removed last week.  It had a huge, and very strange, sebaceous cyst which burst requiring an emergency half-tail-ectomy.  She had her stitches out yesterday and is spending the last few hours in the CoS.  She is lucky.  Many cats do not survive having their tail amputated this way, they need to be put down.  Chunky, Stubby, BobbedCat, is nothing if not a survivor. Or as the nervous vet asked, “do we need to gas her to take the stitches out?” “No” I responded, “she is a different cat after a week in the CoS.”

 I do not understand why the pic is a quarter circle off. It was rotated in picture edit. Oh well, blame it on modern crap.

8 years ago

Don’t tell the Baptists  but the good Lord was seen dancing a jig at the Stanley brothers reunion bash.



8 years ago

A few shots of the tomato plants.

8 years ago

So we go from a picture of Trump to a picture of a  jackass ……….

Some would say there is no difference but then they would be insulting the jackass.


Jack, channeling his inner Twain.

8 years ago

Growing taller every day.
(Or sideways 😉 )

8 years ago

Lots of blossoms. Happy bees.


8 years ago

These are by the door. Ready for snacking in a few weeks ….


8 years ago

These are by the garage; brugmansia (which has easter lily scented flowers ) in the middle. This patch of land would only grow weeds. Last year covered it in landscaping fabric & bags of marble pebbles. Made a “stream” out of blue glass chips.

8 years ago

Behind the house: Pole beans, cucumbers … & more tomatoes.

8 years ago

boss, thank you thank you thank you


“So we go from a picture of Trump to a picture of a  jackass ……….”

jack, the ascent of man or as our favorite philosopher author put it:

Mark Twain, “Man’s Place in the Animal World” (1896)

I have been scientifically studying the traits and dispositions of the “lower animals” (so-called) and contrasting them with the traits and dispositions of man.  I find the result profoundly humiliating to me.  For it obliges me to renounce my allegiance to the Darwinian theory of the Ascent of Man from the Lower Animals; since it now seems plain to me that that theory ought to be vacated in favor of a new and truer one, this new and truer one to be named the Descent of Man from the Higher Animals.

but on second tho’t perhaps the picture has only been reversed. what we had before was a view of the quintessential a**hole of an ass.

8 years ago

SJ, those mator plants look deeeelicious. Have you ever tried making pickles from your cucumbers? My great aunt, long dead, was a master. I still have a gigantic jar of her pickles we got 30 years or more ago. She put so much salt in there they look well preserved, gonna give it a shot some day.

PatD, as always your wish is my command

8 years ago

8 years ago


Segovia has been my exemplar of the compleat classical guitarist. Was lucky enough to see him perform in Cleveland in 1960.

8 years ago

My grandma made pickles and sent to me every Xmas.  It was so hard to open that final jar.  Went down in the root cellar my next to last trip to visit her.  Still a few jars on the shelves; wish I had grabbed them.

SJ- Your tomato plants are so much bigger than mine. I threw seeds from some store-bought tomatoes in a pot last year.  I think they all germinated, but just grew roots.  Nothing froze, so they are still growing, as are the tiny peppers. Actually, there are sweet potatoes and a few other veggies in my containers. All seeds and eyes get planted; it’s a tiny jungle.


8 years ago

Cleveland just beat Detroit 9-3. They have won their last nine games. Now it’s down to Atlanta for a series starting on Tuesday. I’m incredibly pleased by their level of play.

8 years ago

Today’s pepper harvest.

8 years ago

Ah-ha.  Put in a file by themselves & it works!  My long-growing, never blooming tomatoes…but tomato vines smell like summer!

8 years ago

I had a Great-Aunt who was a champion pickle maker. Whenever we visited her house in Coopers Plains (near Corning, NY) it smelled of vinegar & pickling spice.

I like the dill-type pickles over sweet. Love the scent of freshly cut dill.

8 years ago


Agree. Tomato vines smell like summer 🙂

8 years ago

BB – Speedy recovery to Chunky.

SJ – We didn’t have A/C, so the hot vinegar and spices were overwhelming, but what a payoff later on.  Bread & butter pickles with little onion rings, cinnamon pickles, and, pickle-lillie were my usual favorites, unless we had watermelon pickles that year.


8 years ago


Nothing new said or done division of human affairs courtesy of Cicero

8 years ago

Craig – In later years, my grandma changed the way she made dill pickles.  She put the jars in a water bath in the oven, it seems, and she said it was much easier.  She got the recipe out of a church cookbook.

8 years ago

Remembering all the jars of currant jelly my mother made for us kids. Covered the top of the jelly with paraffin. Can you imagine such a thing today?

I guess when we were growing up, what didn’t kill you made you stronger.

We played with jarts, had a leather burner & brother had a lead casting kit to make soldiers. The Chemistry Set was neat too. Every winter we got on our “saucers” & spent hours sledding in the freezing cold. It was a fun time.


8 years ago

Jarts!  Right up there with SNL’s bag-o-glass from the 70s.

I had a terrarium when I was 8 or 9 and the instructions said to have an adult blow cigarette smoke into it if there were aphids…because there was one smoker in every household.    Grandma let me use one of Grandpa’s unfiltered Pall Malls.  I got a mouthful of tobacco.  I don’t remember if the aphids met their demise, but there was no chance I was ever going to be a smoker after that.

I did almost get a horrible burn from a candle making kit.  Pour hot wax into the plastic mold, kiddies!

8 years ago

I still use paraffin when I do preserves

8 years ago

Is pogo OK/on dry ground?

8 years ago

We mounted Mom’s memorial plaque at our church where we placed her ashes, caught this sweet moment with Dad.

8 years ago

Good news at VA Medical Center, Dad is still cancer free 18 months post radiation. We celebrated his positive “CAT” Scan with CAT-fish baskets at one of our favorite spots, East Lake Fish Camp.

8 years ago

That is great news!

8 years ago

Congratulations on the good medical news.

I’m in the still use parafin for jams.

Childhood hazards:  Wood burning kits not to mention that I rode all over town on buses from the age of six on and traveled up and down the state of CA on trains & greyhound.  One of the advantages of a much less crowded world:  You know who the bad guys are.


8 years ago

Congratulations on the wonderful news.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

I love seeing Craig and his Dad  it’s wonderful to see family enjoy each other’s company.  And wonderful news to celebrate

8 years ago


Trying to post some garden pics but anymore it seems like mine are all over 5mb, strange..


8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago

Front of my house..

8 years ago

Tony – I had the same problem.  Try saving the garden pic in a separate album.  That solved the size problem for me.

8 years ago

Beautiful, Tony, beautiful!

8 years ago


At the heart of it all

8 years ago

Amen & exactly how I feel about Bernie aiming high and staying in.

8 years ago

Swimming & diving qualifiers for the Rio games this week.  Later.

8 years ago


Beautiful pictures.

8 years ago


Thanks. I will try that.. Strange as i had no problem till the other day when Craig suggested sharing garden pics..

8 years ago


Thanks it’s amazing fun to garden.. Nice pics of yours as well..

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Tony and SJ  lovely

especially those tomatoes..we have only one this year but we do have the lawn of  lettuce well  it’s bolted now.

I am working on my menu for the Republican convention.  I am hoping for something truly amusing as opposed to painful.

Looks  like Newtie didn’t make the cut   I wonder if Trump knows he can’t pick one of his kids for vp

8 years ago

Picking up on Craigs post about the new Clinton polls, Bernie’s supporters are beginning to throw their support behind Hillary. Seems they’re angry enough at the Repugnican party to refuse to vote for trump – their voting for trump dropped from 20% to 8% in a month.

Btw, you outdid yourself today Jace.

8 years ago

Jace, sounds like a happy landing. Glad you are safe and sound.

Sorry guys about the picture file size limit, thats what our plug-in requires to keep our server capacity affordable. Paying $50 per month now, which seems adequate. I use my Microsoft Office photo editor to quickly resize for uploads.

8 years ago

Tony. Gorgeous bougainvillea. Trouble with ours is that I planted so much stuff around them they have to climb to the sun so far above the tree tops to bloom we can hardly see them. Poor planning on my part.

8 years ago

KGC: “love seeing Craig and his Dad  it’s wonderful to see family enjoy each other’s company

Yes, grabbing every moment I can with him. At 89 years old he is remarkably alert, oriented and so much fun. All the doctors and nurses we visit are astonished by his condition for his age and what he’s been through. The man has beat cancer twice and still works out with a chain saw.

8 years ago

Our pet lizard, Mr. Bob, getting up in years. At veterinarian’s advice we are taking him to Gatorland tomorrow to assisted living. Tough call.

8 years ago


Lol, yes, ours are much smaller and i’m so glad.. They live all around me and i ignore them till one gets inside.. I then try and get a small towel around them and toss them back out.. Of course sometimes i just give up, lol

8 years ago

Yes, this contradicts right wing nonsensical lies..

8 years ago

jace: Love classical guitar,  thank you.


oldseahag: For the past week I’ve been watching Sky news on my Roku so I can see what the world has to say about Brexit. I no longer trust our media to relate the reality of any situation :/


Jamie: Love the sideeye pic & comment. Can I make a meme of it?

PS: Huge Segovia fan here.


all gardeners: I envy you…I have a black thumb 🙁


Craig: Continued long life of love, light & healing to your father!

Re Brexit: The GOP must be salivating over that win but I think in the end the mess it’s creating will be their undoing! From many interviews and reaction & opinions from the UK & Europe I’ve watched on Sky news the vote had little to do with Europe and was made to be about immigration…sound familiar? Has anyone seen pix of Boris Johnson, the leader of the leave camp? He’s also being touted as the most likely replacement for Cameron. It’s frightening how much he resembles Trump. I’ll keep watching as this has so many implications for our upcoming election.

For your viewing pleasure HORROR: