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8 years ago

Hello from Australia again Mixers – got a few problems going on in the US of A then eh? 🙁

Tuning in again for my fill of your crazy politics and saying hello to friend-of-the-show Craig (how’s married life, BTW?)

Not sure what has happened to my Gravatar pic.

8 years ago

1000 Evangelicals Gather to Hear the Gospel According to Donald
“All of your leaders are selling Christianity down the tubes,” Trump said.

OMG, dumb as a sack of rocks comes to mind!

8 years ago

Jack, keep those garden pics coming. Others too! Here is my rubber tree, its outgrown the picture frame.

8 years ago

Tony, I’m fully aware of the anti gay climate Perkins and his group and others like it have fostered in this country, and what groups like that have done (to say nothing of the Christian sects that teach intolerance of LGBT folks, is despicable.  That said, the attack on Perkins would have been a bit more effective if the attack at Pulse had been carried out by an evangelical Christian rather than a Muslim.  I suspect Perkins’ group ain’t too keen on Muslims.

I find it very strange that trump, an alleged Presbyterian, is being held up as some kind of friend of evangelicals.  I grew up in the Presbyterian church, and while I’m sure there are conservative wings of it that are more evangelical than the church I was raised in, aside from asking for support for missionary work in SE Asia and Africa, there was no evangelical talk at all that I recall, and our minister (this was the 60s in Birmingham mind you) told our congregation that if a black person or family came to our lily white church they should be welcomed into our church family.  I can’t wrap my head around trump as somehow a champion of the religious world in the US. (And I suspect that his tax returns don’t reflect even moderate donations to his church – assuming he actually has one).

If Johnson had the vision to see that the black community and its churches would be one of the reasons dems would do so well in elections after the civil rights era, I doubt that he would have enacted that restriction.

8 years ago

Just snapped this. Until I discovered homemade pepper spray the squirrels ate these hibiscus blooms before they even opened up.

8 years ago

Carolyn Y. Johnson at Wonkblog reports that

A new study predicts that the federal forecast of national health care spending under President Obama’s signature health law was a big overestimate — by $2.6 trillion over a five-year period.

Expanding health insurance coverage to millions of Americans was bound to increase overall spending. After the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, the actuaries for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services projected that, as the economy recovered, the historically low growth in health spending would return to higher levels, reaching $4.6 trillion by 2019. But in the intervening years, the annual expenditure increases have been more modest than expected, and the new estimate from the Urban Institute suggests national health spending is on to track reach $4 trillion by 2019.

That doesn’t exactly fit with the “disaster” trump says O-care is now does it?

8 years ago

Agree PatD,  that guy’s broadside against Perkins was the sort of over reaching that undercuts one’s case

8 years ago

Tool Kit for the GOP Convention

8 years ago

Trump about to speak. ‘Fact’ Refuters, take to your posts!

8 years ago

Welcome back Zvyozdochka. Always appreciate the Aussie perspective. Moved your comment to this thread (see top of this page)

8 years ago


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

can’t watch him…he’s disgusting

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Dippy Donald the compulsive liar entire speech was at minimum 99% lies

he quoted a book that has been debunked.  I hope the media (sic) does its job

8 years ago

Periscope link for House Sit In 

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Oh boy Dems get a spine

8 years ago


“I actually prefer the accompaniment far more than her solo.” I agree. It’s a variation on a fugue by J.S.Bach. I love it when they do something like that.

8 years ago

If churches get to promote parties and candidates, they shouldn’t remain 47%ers. Income tax on the revenues of the Southern Baptist Convention and its churches could change the lower red states from takers into makers. An income tax on the Mormon Church could change Utah, Arizona, and Idaho into makers, too.

8 years ago

Of course, taxing Episcopalian, Anglican, and Presbyterian churches would bring in the reeeeeaaallly big money.

At least that’s the case around here. Maybe not around Sturgeone’s realm.

8 years ago

We keep hearing about the shrinking middle class as if it is a bad thing.

But this chart shows a different take. The shrinking is because they are moving up not down. In fact using a constant dollar measurement all the lower classes have been shrinking in numbers. More people are making more money.

Not Just the 1%: Upper Middle Class Is Larger & Richer



8 years ago

In fact that chart helps explain why Dems are getting their heads handed to them  on the local level.



8 years ago


Point taken about the killer being Christian instead of  Muslim.. My thinking was the gay activist was blaming all religions as they seem to foster hate where gay people are concerned.. Given the hate that Perkins always espouses against us he is well deserving of being called out for it.. As far as gay people knowing their place and deferring to religious zealots, nope, we’re done..

He he, Trump being a religious champion, wow, it’s why i think the evangelicals listening to him are dumb as a sack of rocks..

8 years ago

Times when you love technology.  The Speaker of the House turned off the floor cameras so CSPAN is broadcasting the Periscope feed the Democratic sit in is broadcasting. lol

8 years ago

Latest stop in our Father’s Day weeklong festival.

8 years ago

Just like the garbage floating in the wa-a-ter, he must be removed.

8 years ago

Sorry, been working toon hard today.   (Something I don’t really love, btw).  Joplin never had a bad band after big brother.

8 years ago


Christian Extremists Praise Anti-LGBT Violence After Orlando Because Every Religion Has Radicals
But please, tell me more about “radical Islam.”

Nick Wing

It’s been 10 days since a gunman shot his way into a queer nightclub in Orlando, Florida, where he massacred 49 people and injured dozens of others. And while much of the nation has been trying to heal or push for action to prevent future mass shootings, very few people have been willing to focus on another disturbing trend rearing its head in the U.S. In fact, nobody seems willing to call this menace by its true name. But we will.
What you see below is radical Christianity.

“Fort Worth Pastor praises Orlando Massacre”
Hardly a day has gone by without a new headline about a pastor, preacher or church somewhere around the nation condoning the anti-queer brutality that sent a shockwave through the LGBT community earlier this month.
In the face of this troubling strain of Christian extremism, the political conversation has instead shifted almost entirely to “radical Islam.” The gunman was a Muslim, though reportedly not a very devout one. And while there are still plenty of questions about whether he was actually influenced by religion at all, the battle lines have already been drawn.

8 years ago