Clinton Super Pac Attacks Trump Mocking Disabled

In a new wave of TV ad attacks Hillary Clinton’s Super Pac focuses on Donald Trump’s mocking of a disabled reporter. This one will run in Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Nevada, Iowa, New Hampshire and Colorado. Before the GOP convention in Cleveland starts in six weeks, Priorities USA says will have spent $26 million on ads attacking Trump’s character.

Take that, Harry and Louise.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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8 years ago

just in case you missed it elizabeth warren on rachel maddow show said:

“I’m ready. I am ready to get in this fight and work my heart out for Hillary Clinton to become the next president of the United States — and to make sure that Donald Trump never gets anyplace close to the White House,” Warren said.


“I take my cue on every part of this from Bernie himself and what he said right at the beginning … what this is about, what we’re doing here is about millions of people across this country, millions of people who work hard every day and just keep getting slammed,” she said.

“It is not about one candidate. It’s not even about one election. It’s about all of us coming together to help fight, to level the playing field to make sure that everybody gets a fighting chance,” Warren said.


“It’s clear now that we need to start thinking about all of us together and we need to think about the difference between us and the Republicans,” Warren said.

“I just want to be sure I get this on the table, and get this on the table early: Hillary Clinton won. And she won because she’s a fighter, she’s out there, she’s tough,” Warren said.

8 years ago

This is a Pro-life ad in a good sense: respect for & value of the individual. Cuts through on many levels.

8 years ago

that priorities usa action pac ad could just as well help gary Johnson and the libertarian party… and for that matter anybody but drumpf.

8 years ago

speaking of gary

8 years ago

With the success of Mr Trump despite himself, exactly what would the “Daisy” Ad be against him? He has survived that which would defeat better men. … 3 …2 …1 …


8 years ago

that gary johnson interview with samantha bee is refreshing and reassuring that we haven’t lost our sense of humor when it comes to politics.  it’s good to know there are politicians out there who don’t take themselves so seriously, who don’t boast that they’re the greatest thing next to or better than god and who are not afraid to make fun of themselves.

maybe hillary should consider gary for veep…  🙂

8 years ago

How about this for an ad.

An ad man comes on and says, “I’ve got a problem. I’m supposed to make an ad attacking Donald Trump’s foreign policy. So I find this_donald Trump quote- Ok I can do it, but then he says this_trump quote-, then just  just the opposite- trump quote-

So help me can anybody out there tell me what Donald Trump stands for? My job is on the line here.

Does Donald Trump stand for anything except Donald Trump?’



8 years ago

from wapo editorial “What’s Trump hiding by refusing to release his tax returns? Here are some ideas.”

It is possible that Mr. Trump has donated more than the public record suggests. A major reason the public does not know is that a key piece of evidence is missing: Mr. Trump’s tax returns. Unlike every other major presidential candidate in modern times, he has declined to release them. Theories abound as to why. One is that they would show that he does not make as much money as he boasts. Another is that he might pay little or nothing in taxes. Yet another is that Mr. Trump simply is not generous, despite his assurances otherwise.

Candidates are expected to release their tax returns for a good reason. The full documents give the public a sense of presidential candidates’ personal financial dealings — how they conduct themselves and the relationships they have built outside of their responsibilities in public office. Since Mr. Trump has never held public office and campaigns on the fact that he is unusually competent in his financial life, it is all the more important that the public have hard data with which to assess his grandiloquent claims. That should start with his tax returns and include information on the performance of his closely held private businesses, to prove that his statements about their success are more than bluster.

Voters can review Hillary Clinton’s tax information going back decades. By contrast, Mr. Trump thus far has offered nothing but flimsy excuses.


8 years ago


good ad idea.  maybe do a series under the categories “nailing jelly to the wall” and “the moving target”

8 years ago

I think one thing right now is to get Trump mad and off message. It looks like laughing at him does best. especially at his deal making prowess.  So start doing ads about Trump the millionaire.



8 years ago

The case for Hillary Clinton, by a Bernie voter
Sally Kohn

I want to celebrate it. Bask in it. Grin and hoot and holler. I don’t want to wrestle, at least not yet, with the ideological tensions and contentions that I, as a Bernie Sanders supporter, know bubble just beneath the surface. Nor do I want to heed the admonitions of the anti-Obama, anti-identity politics, anti-political correctness backlash Donald Trump is fomenting and exploiting around the country, admonitions designed to make us feel guilty for even acknowledging the glass ceiling. I don’t want to process my own unarguable residue of internalized anti-feminism that makes me afraid to “play the gender card.”  I just want to grab the damn card and wave it proudly.

8 years ago

Get a Trump look alike and have him selling used cars.



8 years ago

My own particular nails on the blackboard at the moment is the Rebuilding America Pac:  The total conflation of two separate issues coupled with blaming the victim and visiting the sins of the husband on the wife!!!!  Everything about it is a total lie and complete example of political phoniness that feeds right in to confirmation bias.  It’s disgusting!!!


8 years ago

Talk about desperation. What future does the GOP have after Trump? Hard to say which will have a more devastating effect on the party, a Trump loss or a Trump victory. They’re scared shitless, but not scared enough to do anything. In their own way they are worse than Trump.

8 years ago


jack, how ’bout an orangutan …courtesy of bill maher

8 years ago

Truly like Gary Johnson.  Unfortunately, Libertarianism breaks down completely once the population size hits somewhere between 1,000 – 5,000.  This is pretty comparable to pure Socialism.  Either only works in pioneer societies of either self interest or idealistic belief.

Achieving the balance between the two impulses where you get the maximum of freedom coupled with investment in the future of the group is the political conundrum.  The hilarious part of this is that the most successful examples span from Moderately Liberal to Moderately Conservative.  Every time you venture into the extremes, it is almost always a corrective measure to fix the excesses of having been in the extreme of the opposite position.

So take you pick:  55/45 or 45/55 and work to make the mess work.


8 years ago

My problem with Gary Johnson or any other 3rd party candidate is that I have no desire to wake up Nov.9 and find that HRC has 269 electoral votes and Donald Trump has the white house because people chose to waste their votes on candidates that never had a chance to win. I’d like to cast a protest vote as well, but the stakes are too high.

8 years ago

those who judge warren not qualified to be veep surely must have thought obama unqualified to be potus.  if not, there’s something askew with their judgement.  just her experiences as chair of the oversight commission, the conception of the consumer protection legislation, bankruptcy commission, in addition to decades as a respected law prof put her ahead of where he was in 2008.

it is understandable if she is judged on personality defects, but professionally she is head and shoulders above most of the others considered for vp.

8 years ago

Craig, It would depend on a Warren statement.  She has already said she didn’t particularly want the job only that she was capable of doing it if asked.  If she comes out and said, “We discussed the possibility and decided I could be of more use during her term where my heart and duties are well aligned.”


8 years ago

I put up a few more comments from the women:  Remember The Ladies

8 years ago

If people can watch that ad and still vote for Trump then they would surely deserve what they get should he win the election! He is a man with no morals, no scruples, no class and no qualifications at all to be the leader of the free world. I’ve said all along that he reminds me of Hitler. Try to imagine a world with him as POTUS…is there a more frightening picture.

Jace: You are so correct about third party votes. People need to realize that every third party vote is a vote for Trump and they must ask themselves if they really want Trump to be President.

Glad to see that Bernie is leaning towards doing the right thing re: Hillary but when I see some of his supporters saying they’ll vote for Trump if Bernie is out, it makes me wonder what it is they actually believe in :/


8 years ago

“if they don’t pick her and let down those supporters, what was gained?”

craig, it is important that warren be the one to announce that she would rather continue the important work ahead in a dem controlled senate and repeat that she considers being a senator as her best job ever.  in other words, pre-empt hillary from having to choose and let down those supporters.

8 years ago

Interesting article.  Is the “Bernie or Bust” movement just another form of White Privilege?

Can Bernie Sanders Rally His Supporters Behind Hillary Clinton

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

This ad is devastating!  We should send it to everyone we know.  No decent person could watch this ad and then support the thin-skinned, racist bully.

8 years ago



Yr absolutely right!  As a third party voter that has never voted for a dem or an rep…. all in if she picks Warren…….at this point i also have to agree with Craig….she said that she is ready….Hillary wants to meet her……now let er rip…….if Hillary doesnt want her she will ask Warren to give a nice speech about her not wanting the vp……all bs at that point…..I will peek into Warrens brain to see if she is lying…later

8 years ago

Three things that will guarantee Hillary and Warrens success, and another reason that indies would vote for an Warren vp ticket…i would kinda trust her to keep Hillary i check a little about starting any new wars.  Three things:

First, promise not to start any new wars unless it i s solely for defending our country…and getting congress to approve of it first of all….give this power back to us…

Second: Strike a balance on Gun Owner-ship….tell us that no one will be taking our weapons away…..

Third: promise to do something about our countries police force……way too many innocents dying out there….many third party voters….including myself are very concerned about this…….

8 years ago

My son just chimed in with his theory about Trump’s Hair.  Further proof that insanity is heredity:  You catch it from your children.

The Gerbil Conspiracy

8 years ago

“..and getting congress to approve of it first of all…”

solar, you must be channeling rand paul who a few of days ago called for debate over war authorization

The Kentucky Republican, who earlier this year abandoned a presidential bid and is running for re-election, wants Congress to vote on whether to grant President Barack Obama specific new authority to use military force against the jihadist Islamic State, or ISIS. Without it, Paul says, military operations against ISIS violate the Constitution.

“War is such an important and terrible thing that it has to be very visibly debated in a significant way,” he said.

“I’m very supportive of our soldiers … but if you’re not willing to debate it and give clear instructions that the American people are behind it, that worries me,” he said.

Specifically, Paul wants to add a provision to a fiscal 2017 defense policy bill that says the 2001 and 2002 use-of-force authorizations are invalid for the global war on terror. His sense-of-the-Senate amendment would not result in any change in the law but would force every senator to take a position on the issue.

“If this was George W. Bush, I would be putting forward the same thing,” Paul said.

8 years ago


8 years ago

boss, how can prince phillip hold a candle to the other birthday boys today like eliot spitzer, john edwards and f lee bailey or bobby jindal?

8 years ago

More pictures of Meryl as Trump

She and Baranski were singing Brush Up Your Shakespeare … longer performance clip in this article


8 years ago

Something Bernie probably doesn’t understand. And it boggles my mind too.

Last week I was trying to fix my string trimmer and took the carburetor apart or lets say it flew apart little springs going every where.

So I went on line to see if I should just buy a new string trimmer  or buy the part to fix it. I found  a carburetor  for $14 plus shipping. So I ordered it.

The next morning  morning I got an email that my order was shipped via China Post. They were talking several weeks till delivery,

My thought , “well shit!”

So imagine my surprise when  I looked in the mailbox and a week to the day the  package is setting in my mailbox.


From the city of Ningbo in the Zhejiang province of China to my house  in a week.

Ain’t the 21st century a marvel.



Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

So did you fix the trimmer  we’ve got one that needs repair

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

What is Donald Trump hiding in his tax returns?  Where is that hacker group when you really need them?

I’m going with the a lot of cosmetic surgery although he could still use a tummy tuck

8 years ago

Bloomberg: McConnell: Donald Trump ‘Doesn’t Know a Lot About the Issues’
The Senate GOP leader says he is still “comfortable” with Trump at the top of the ticket but doesn’t rule out rescinding his support.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

To millennial women who supported Bernie and are now suggesting they are superior feminists


FU   you got where you are today on my back   I’d like to see what you could do in 1968 when I entered the workforce

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

It’s perfect that Rump’s religious hypocrisy was interrupted by a domestic violence shooting in Texas

Rump the loser has dropped six points in the Fox News Poll
wonder what that translates to in the real world

I just looked at Real Clear Politics…not so good for the Republicans who support Trump…still time to get off the ship

8 years ago


You get a pass on the Royals.  After all the Princes elder and younger don’t have a great track record on fidelity to the ladies in their lives either.


8 years ago

If you really must have a list of where to send the birthday greetings:

The Royal Calendar – Jan through July

The Royal Calendar – Aug through Dec 


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Yeah, that’s pretty bad.
Keep in mind, too, that Trump has dismissed the notion of raising much money, saying he doesn’t think he needs it. He’s also planning to rely on the Republican Party to build state infrastructures for him, rather than doing it through his own campaign. Oh, and he’s down big in the polls already, so not being able to “counterattack” quickly may firm up opinions against him before he’s ever hit the convention.
Put it all together, and it doesn’t look good for team drunken elephant. from Daily Kos

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

the Trump bubble where you think it is ok to be a racist jerk  but even at Fox News in the South they know it’ not

8 years ago


The  string trimmer works.

Looks like Trump is going to eat up a lot of Republican resources , not good for the Rep. down ticket races.

Trump the gift that keeps on giving.



Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

If you can tune into the funeral – it’s about 1/2 over and it is wonderful

Apparently although not surprising Ali planned the funeral


8 years ago

Kc, thanks.  ‘Xactly.

8 years ago

Ms Cracker, it’s always okay for fauxites to make racist remarks as long as they aren’t recorded. Oddly, it was the same at cbs while pat buchanan was on the payroll. Eric Severeid would have been incensed.

8 years ago

GOP Senator David Perdue Jokes About Praying for Obama’s Death
It’s time for the Secret Service, Homeland Security, and the FBI to all visit perdue’s home and offices with search warrants. perdue probably belongs on the TSA no-fly list.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Someone else raised the jealously issue —

I have heard Clinton supporters (although not Ed Rendell) say two women why not …after all we have had two men with only one exception


8 years ago

Clinton/ Warren vs, Trump/ Christie. Two accomplished women against two bullies. That’s a campaign I would dearly love to see. In any other situation it might not be possible, but the presence of Trump presents a golden opportunity not only for Dems., but women candidates as well.

8 years ago


quick question if you know. Will arrive in WA. on or about June 27. will we be able to vote in WA for the general election or do we need AZ absentee ballots? If possible can we cast ballots in both states?LOL

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

If I had a choice of voting in Washington or Arizona, I would pick Arizona.  Washington is a sure thing for Hillary.  With Trump as the nominee, Arizona could be in play.

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

…Kansas…Clinton 43% Trump 36%…Zogby Poll…Could be an interesting year…

8 years ago


You have until October 10 to register for the General and you can do it on line


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Go Warriors….goaway Trump

I feel bad for LeBron and the Cleveland fans


8 years ago

Go Warriors, then move here and we’ll happily send our MN tumblewoops to California.

8 years ago


Thanks. Will get that done. Rats, so much for voting early and often.

8 years ago

I only feel bad for the Cleveland fans. James will be just fine.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

True about LeBron but I think he would like to bring a championship home and not just for the $$$

8 years ago

From the 10 minute mark until the 3:30 mark, Cleveland did not score in the last quarter, except for a few free throws… they were like Karl in “Slingblade”, “plumb guv out”.

Before the game Spike Lee was shown wearing the most awesome jacket I have seen lately, stars and giant lettering on front, “MUHAMMAD ALI” and on the back a bee and and a butterfly, “Fly Like A Butterfly, Sting Like A Bee.” “Rumble, young man, rumble.”

Warren was shown in video from 12 hears ago just trashing HRC for her backing Wall Street bankers, investors, and hedge fund managers…she said Hillary’s constituency was THEM!


8 years ago

Some senator should demand the censure or expulsion of david perdue. I’m going to pester Al and Amy.

I also think Rep Cummings should publicly inform darrell issa, weepin’ boehner, lyin’ ryan, and trey gowdy that when the Dems take over the House, the four will be called to testify 3 times a week for 3 years regarding their misuse of public money to finance the Benghazi Inquisition, and their abuse of power in running an expensive smear campaign aimed at creating a false myth about the executive branch, the Commander in Chief, and the Sec’y of State.

8 years ago


I’m hoping that the Hillary Clinton of today is a wiser politician than the Senator Clinton of 12 years ago. She is damned smart, and I don’t think the lesson of Wall Street trashing the US was lost on her.

8 years ago

It’s been more than 6 weeks. Wtf are we going to see those missing 28 pages ?

8 years ago

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