Float and Flirt: Warren for VP?

Elizabeth Warren appears ready to reclaim her title, and perhaps take on quite a bit more.

For a year Bernie Sanders has been the nation’s most talked-about leftist, inheriting a constituency that would have largely followed Warren had she run for the nomination.

With Sanders winding down Warren is set to soon re-emerge, with a formal endorsement of Hillary Clinton. And in a buzz booster likely to keep her in the news Warren associates are fanning VP speculation:


REUTERS: “Advisers to Warren … have been in close contact with Clinton’s campaign team and the conversations have increased in frequency in recent weeks, sources said. Warren has signaled to people close to her that she is intrigued by the possibility of being Clinton’s No. 2.”

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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Chef Sheila
8 years ago

Oh PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE….  Is this really a pipe dream like most nay sayers keep shoving down our throats?

I hope the two of them can work this out. Patsi wuld be over the moon and so would I!

8 years ago

speaking of warren, here’s what yahoo news reports she’ll be speaking tonight:

“Donald Trump is a loud, nasty, thin-skinned fraud who has never risked anything for anyone and serves nobody but himself,” Warren is set to say at the event, where she will share the stage with Vice President Joe Biden.

“Judge [Gonzalo] Curiel has survived far worse than Donald Trump. He has survived actual assassination attempts. He’ll have no problem surviving Trump’s nasty temper tantrums,” Warren will say.

The Massachusetts senator also plans to tie Trump directly to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan by making the case that Trump is only taking a page from their playbooks.

“Trump isn’t a different kind of candidate. He’s a Mitch McConnell kind of candidate. Exactly the kind of candidate you’d expect from a Republican Party whose ‘script’ for several years has been to execute a full-scale assault on the integrity of our courts,” Warren will say, in accusing McConnell of blocking judicial nominations.

“Trump is also House Speaker Paul Ryan’s kind of candidate,” Warren will say. “Paul Ryan condemned Trump’s campaign for its attacks on Judge Curiel’s integrity. Great. Where’s Paul Ryan’s condemnation of the blockade, the intimidation, the smears, and the slime against the integrity of qualified judicial nominees and Judge Garland?”

“Donald Trump chose racism as his weapon, but his aim is exactly the same as the rest of the Republicans: Pound the courts into submission to the rich and powerful,” Warren will say.


her “his aim is exactly the same as the rest of the Republicans: Pound the courts into submission to the rich and powerful” sounds like the opening bell for throw-the-gopers-outta-critterville day.  down ticket work has begun.

8 years ago



8 years ago

Hillary should consider that the radical righters will be less likely to try to impeach her with a lizzie vp waiting in the wings.  good insurance to  fend off the misogynistic madmen who would do her in just to make sure the guys are back in command.


8 years ago

btw, for all the ageists out there, drumpf will be 70 next week and hillary will still be 68 and Elizabeth 66.

8 years ago

To see the Republican Party taken down by women would be sweet justice. I don’t mean taken down just from the Democratic side, either, but also from within:  Palin, Ernst, Blackburn, etc. From the Republican messengers of division & hate like Coulter & the Fox News crowd…. all have contributed to the destruction of a once Grand Old Party, which has become an out of date eyesore.

(Though the entertainment value of Christine “I am not a witch” O’Donnell was priceless. Always a hoot when a Python sketch comes to life. With thanks to Delaware for exorcising exercising good judgment.)

8 years ago

drumpf according to cbs news “downplays fundraising needs” … says he doesn’t see reason to raise $1 billion.

and according to Bloomberg:
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump distanced himself from his own fundraising estimate of $1 billion, refusing to commit to collecting even half that amount, and saying his campaign didn’t need much money to win the White House.
Trump, who has held just two major fundraising events since agreeing three weeks ago to help the party raise cash, said he would rely instead more on his own star power as a former reality-TV personality to earn free media, and has no specific goals for how much money his campaign needs.
“There’s no reason to raise that,” Trump said about raising $1 billion. “I just don’t think I need nearly as much money as other people need because I get so much publicity. I get so many invitations to be on television. I get so many interviews, if I want them.”

in other words, media, you are responsible for drumpf. you paid for him. you made him, you brought him to political life and he’s your trump’nstein.

8 years ago



8 years ago

When I put up this Reuter’s trial balloon yesterday, my only qualm was whether or not these two power house women could work together amicably.  It would be a shame if just by being around, she overshadowed Hillary in any way at this time.  While Warren would be a nice solution to taming down some of the more virulent Hillary haters on the left and scare the bejeesus out of the right wing nut cases, I don’t think she is ready to step into the Presidential role as yet.  A stint at VP would be a big help to increasing much needed International focus.  Having Joe as an ally in that department would be a help.

8 years ago

How Clinton Got Here
E J Dionne

The upright Midwestern Methodist who insists that life is about more than deals, who thrives on meticulous preparation, who is better with individual voters than with big crowds, and who always had to get there the hard way believes it from the bottom of her heart when she says that Trump is “temperamentally unfit to be president.” When she takes him on, there will be no authenticity problem.
     She didn’t know it during those five days in New Hampshire, but this is the fight she was preparing herself to wage.

8 years ago

I foresee Hillary ‘s as a hard-working substantive veep, not sent off on the funerals and fancy falderals circuit (she’ll have bill for that gig) and one who will be carrying a big load to solve domestic problems while Hillary works the global.  elizabeth warren or julian castro would do well in that roll.

8 years ago

“I don’t think she is ready to step into the Presidential role as yet.  A stint at VP would be a big help to increasing much needed International focus”

Jamie, a lot of folks said that about a candidate called barack a few years ago as I remember….  fact is I think both you and I were some of those folk.  Elizabeth at this stage is far more equipped than barack was then.

8 years ago

Ya know all this stuff is just  stroking the lefties so that they forget Bernie.  Warren can’t help the down ticket races because she can’t appeal to the voters needed her peeps are already voting Democrat and hatred of Trump will drive the numbers more than love of Warren.

Problem of having Warren on the ticket is that she is a woman. I think the Ezera Klien article tony posted the other day was right. Getting a woman elected in this nation is difficult getting 2 women elected might be impossible.


8 years ago

8 years ago

“Getting a woman elected in this nation is difficult getting 2 women elected might be impossible.”

jack, never seemed a problem in last two centuries to elect 2 men and nary 1 woman even close.  maybe we should start putting the pundits on the spot, ask “why” and require candid answers.  just what are the reasons people think 2 women aren’t as capable/electable as 2 men.. especially if one of those men is drumpf?

8 years ago

Since all the Iraq stuff will be dredged up, a little “In Her Own words and votes” might be in order

5 Myths & One Big Truth

8 years ago

Who the heck appointed ‘pundits’ as arbiters of democracy? The majority are nothing more than time fillers, the animated version of the old test pattern. Very few today offer intelligent analysis such as Mr Crawford did. Investing time in research, cultivating sources, developing a bs-o-meter seems to be a lost art. When I turn on TV & see enough pundits to field a baseball team, reasoned thought has no chance against the race to get face time.

8 years ago

I did not support our entry into Iraq. I think I understand Dexter’s concerns. I also understand that the Bush administration cooked the books then presented them to General Powell who, unaware of the chicanery, presented the closing argument that resulted in the Congress approving our entry.

That leads to the philosophical question. Once the CinC has been authorized to make war, and our forces enter mortal combat, is it appropriate that the Congress show anything less than united support for the ensuing conduct of that endeavor so long as it does not exceed the bounds of their authorization?

I trust Ms Clinton not to waste American lives. Her advisors? There’s only one that we really know about, her husband. I trust him to be her sounding-board. The last time we had such a special partnership was with the Roosevelts; that time it clearly worked in our nation’s interest.



8 years ago

LP is in for a bad beach day today as a new Tropical Depression developed of the west coast of southern Florida.  More rain.  Yes the cities have not maintained the storm drainage infrastructure which causes problems.

8 years ago


We haven’t even elected  one woman and we don’t know if it is possible to elect one woman, even with Donald Trump as the opponent.

Klein pointed out that the reason HRC lost 2008 and struggled  this go around isn’t because she is a crappy campaigner. It is because it is that hard to get a woman elected as President. There is a strong sexist group within the Democratic party. Obama exploited that in 2008 with way too much overt sexism. He didn’t even have to use dog whistles.  Except for  skin color and ethnicity  there is little difference between  Trumps Bubba supporters and large swaths of Black and hispanic voters. They won’t vote for a woman. Putting 2 women on the ticket makes it all about the women and you lose even more  votes.

Wishing it weren’t so won’t make it so. We have to deal in reality.



8 years ago

Bernie’s road ahead: Three options for the sunset of his campaign
Sanders’ clearest strategies are the noble route, the ego route and the nuked-from-space route


8 years ago

Jack…as a woman,I agree with your analysis of why it will be work to get one woman elected…never mind two.  I hope Hillary names Julian Castro as her VP choice.  Not only because he is Hispanic, but because, IMO, the next generation of Democrats needs a leader figure.

8 years ago

“Except for  skin color and ethnicity  there is little difference between  Trumps Bubba supporters and large swaths of Black and hispanic voters”

jack, you left out bernie bros and the religious rads that quote biblical subjugation of women.

ahh yes reality, the stuff dreams are not made of… as she wanders off whistling

to dream the impossible dream
to fight the unbeatable foe
to bear with unbearable sorrow
and to run 2 women
where the brave dare not go

8 years ago

I do agree that someone in their 40s or 50s would be a good idea for the Veep slot.  One of the big problems the GOP had this round was a lack of a bench if any consequence.  The Dems need to learn from this lesson and use the next 4 – 8 years to groom a generation for the next 20 years of responsibility.  That means going all out to change both legislative and judicial to be more in line with Democratic ideals.


8 years ago

Thought I’d add my 2 cents 😉

As much as I’d love to see 2 women on the ticket I have a couple of reservations about choosing Lizzie even though I’m a huge fan and supporter.

First, and foremost, as a baystater I don’t want to lose her in the Senate and especially since she could/probably would be replaced by a republican appointee from the Governor. Also in the Senate she is a powerful force to be reckoned with and would be a greater assert to HRC in getting bills passed that further her goals.

Secondly, I agree w/others who point out that it will be hard enough to get a woman elected President without having the waters muddied by the whole process turning into a feminist debate which would detract from greater, global issues and take the focus off of DT’s complete lack of qualifications/morals/principals or anything else that the POTUS should possess!

Finally, if she isn’t on the ticket as VP, I’d love to see her still work on the campaign as Hillary’s pit bull to scare the bejeezes out  of DT!

8 years ago

Chef Shiela put this article up on Facebook.  Well worth reading about the first woman to run for President

Victoria Woodhull

8 years ago

Missing blueINdallas & her Texas take on all this. A little pepper & spice adds flavor.

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

I am listening to The Stephanie Miller Show.  Gilbert Gottfried said that Trump is like Hitler without the warmth.

8 years ago



Trump wouldn’t make a good pimple on Hitlers backside

Let’s not build up the mans ego put him back down where he belongs.

He is just a cheap hustler. If his father hadn’t passed on his fortune , he would be operating a “we finance anyone”  car lot.

His involvement in Trump U says it all.

Just a cheap ripoff conman.



8 years ago

You have enough evidence right here on the trail regarding E. Warren.  Dexter last night shared all of the concerns that i have been posting about Hillary….dont dislike her at all…Craig said the same thing…..then there are a few more that would like to see Hillary pick Warren……..

Im convinced that if there was even an average Republican nominee…..Hillary would not stand a chance….there are too many people that fell the same way……..so why not be bold about it all……im sure that by picking Warren…she would bring those that are on the fence about it all…..WHEN is the next opportunity going to come about……..Donald Trump candidacy is the best thing that could happen imo……….BE BOLD……the other side was when they gave us the Bush regime……….I have talked to many people that would think this way….and not hang back due to Hillarys flaws….real or unreal……….later out the door

8 years ago

I’m with Renee. The office of VP is for someone who will do the President’s bidding, and Elizabeth Warren obeys no master. The Senate needs a sharp stick to keep moving in the right direction. Warren will be that sharp stick.

8 years ago

This has been a political cycle like no other. I’m not sure any of the old rules apply.Perhaps there are some downsides to having Warren on the ticket not the least of which would be losing her seat in the senate. On the other hand, given the weird type of election this turning out to be, Hillary might be well served to ‘go big or go home’. Warren would be a very big pick.

8 years ago

As vp warren would get marginalized and isolated with in the WH political maneuvering. In the Senate she  becomes the spokes person for the  progressive caucus.  I suspect that is Ried”s real objective, that and shove it to Bernie for screwing  with Reid’s Nevada convention.


8 years ago

When Sen Warren speaks, I avert my attention. I have never been one to respect passion as being a substitute for empathy and rationality; I think she is weak in both of those areas. I hope Ms Clinton notes her availability while choosing someone else.

8 years ago


The down ballot races are important. Even if HRC were to win big, say 350 plus electoral votes, I’m not sure that she would have much in the way of coat tails. Warren could certainly change that, and in a close election she might well be the difference. So intriguing on so many levels.



Warren does not strike me as the type to allow herself to be marginalized. Obama tried that when he refused to appoint her as the head of consumer protection. She picked herself up and got elected to the senate. Me thinks that the big banks would have rather had her in an appointed position than an elected position. Karma can be such a bitch.

8 years ago

Ms Sanders did not look happy while the senator presented his remarks after the presidential meeting. I wonder if there’s any substance to my musing that the senator asked that she be appointed secretary of the treasury?

8 years ago


Is there such thing as an average repub candidate ? I think Bob Dole was the closest thing to a normal repub candidate in the last 25 years. Maybe Huntsman qualifies, but his support was limited to Dems. 

Regarding “Donald Trump candidacy is the best thing that could happen imo….” Yes, he is the gift that keeps on giving.

8 years ago

If Clinton wants a tooth and claw grizzly bear of a vp, someone to soothe the frettings of Sander’s followers, Alan Grayson would do the job pretty damned well.

8 years ago


Just to put your mind at rest on one subject, an Appointment for Warren’s seat would not last longer than 45 days and there is a good chance that the Governor wouldn’t even make it.  By MA rules, a special election would have to be held within that time and the clock doesn’t start ticking until a formal letter of resignation is submitted.

If Warren is VP Pick


8 years ago

I see Sherrod Brown as Majority Leader, Elizabeth Warren as Assistant Majority Leader, and Al Franken as Whip.

8 years ago

Can’t we just keep Biden?

8 years ago

I think Biden would leap from the rotunda of the Naval Observatory.

8 years ago

Elizabeth Warren is “my cup of tea”.  I haven’t respected anyone more since the late Elizabeth Edwards  won our hearts and minds…that seems like ages ago, doesn’t it?

Clinton and Warren are far apart politically, though; it appears Clinton is not really relishing the upcoming endorsement of Warren-for-Hillary.

Like years ago when I thought Russ Feingold and Joe Lieberman might make a formidable ticket, Craig immediately shot that idea down as never would two Jewish candidates be put on the same ticket, as parties want a diverse pool of voters to win over.

At first I thought maybe two women would be sort of the same…but now it doesn’t seem so at all…for months I have thought that if HRC eventually bested Bernie, she would pick Julian Castro of HUD as her running mate.  I still think she will.  I just can’t see her pairing herself with an aging Caucasian man.

8 years ago

“…in the Senate she is a powerful force to be reckoned with and would be a greater assert to HRC in getting bills passed that further her goals.”

granny, very very good point and one like that which was argued back when teddy was the choice of the young and passionate who wanted him rather than jimmy as potus.

jack and craig are right about the marginalization problem. a veep has to be publically on board with potus public decisions and a loyal member of the team. can and should give candid advice and disagreement where due, but must be inhouse. not sure the good senator would be able to contain herself (much like biden’s off the cuff remarks) and her quick wit from letting loose now and then.

still, together they look so right to me in the same way that bill and al did.  just can’t picture either the big dawg or bruce in the role of tipper.

8 years ago

Now that is indeed an angle I have not explored…signed, sealed, delivered by Trump.  Indeed.  Now I don’t know who I’d guess.

Our original Muppet Trail Mixer Nurse Tylenol just came up with this zinger:


A woman was plucky and quick,
Becoming her party’s prez pick.
In the general race,
She then had to face
An orange misogynist dick.


8 years ago

After White House Meeting, Sanders Reiterates He’ll Take Issues To July Convention

Sanders will also meet later Thursday with Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid, and holds a rally in Washington on Thursday evening, in advance of the Washington, D.C., Democratic primary next Tuesday

8 years ago


Former Pennsylvania Governor and close Clinton confidant Ed Rendell said Sen. Elizabeth Warren would not make a good VP choice for Hillary Clinton because she is “not ready to be Commander-in-Chief.”

“I think she will not pick somebody that she feels in her heart isn’t ready to be president or commander-in-chief. And I think Elizabeth Warren is a wonderful, bright, passionate person, but with no experience in foreign affairs and not in any way, shape, or form ready to be commander-in-chief,” Rendell said in an interview on Philly radio station 1210 WPHT-AM.

Rendell later called in to clarify his comments.

“I didn’t want it to leave it hanging out there about Elizabeth Warren,” he said. “Elizabeth Warren’s problem would be the same problem I’d have. Let’s assume someone said consider Governor Rendell for vice president. I have no experience militarily, no experience in foreign affairs, and would be a difficult choice because if anything happened in week one and I became president, I would be lost.”

8 years ago

too bad colin powell is 79 or he would be the obvious choice meeting the “take over at day one” requirement.


not too many out there that can meet that standard

8 years ago

democratcafe sometime ago proposed a list of 15 possibles.  here’s their number
15. Bill Clinton
Is it even possible for Bill Clinton to be his wife’s running mate? Technically, it is. The U.S. Constitution allows a person to be president for 10 consecutive years. There wasn’t always such a limit, but Franklin D. Roosevelt’s record breaking four presidential election wins prompted a change to the Constitution to limit the number of times a person can be president, and for how long.

Bill was president for eight during his two full terms in office. If he ran with Hillary and they won, he could succeed her as president for two more years if she was for some reason unable to complete her term. If she had longer than that remaining on her term, he could still be president for two more years, and then whoever became Bill’s vice-president would have to take over the job.

This would be similar to how Gerald Ford took over for Richard Nixon when Nixon had to leave office. Bill could not run for president again on his own in any case. However, nothing is constitutionally stopping him from being his wife’s vice-president, and some political pundits have discussed this possibility.


Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

It is nice to see some familiar names posting on the trail!

8 years ago

8 years ago

The Julian Castro pick would not just be about securing the Hispanic demographic, it would also be a naked attack on republican power elite in Texas.

If trump continues as the ripper candidate, there may be no utility in picking a running mate from one of the critical swing states – OH, PA, MO, VA, NC, FL. This situation occurs because trump is so negative, self-centered, and repellent. However, deadbeat donald may present an opportunity to strike hard at one of the large red states – TX, TN, or GA. By 2020 TX will be minority majority state, and it is already half female. So, I’m thinking that TX is not only the most vulnerable red state, but is by far the largest.

8 years ago

young turks a little ahead of themselves on this headline. they obviously aren’t happy and not too kind in picking photos – looks like they got Hillary’s out of the dirty clothes basket

8 years ago

Bill is out of the question. Running mates can’t reside in the same state.

8 years ago

xr, don’t think they were really serious about bill.  we’re going to be seeing a lot of strange veep wannabees and maybees for awhile.

8 years ago

Listening to the post-endorsement newser, I really miss Helen T’s presence in the front row.

8 years ago

rather poignant piece in the Cleveland Plain Dealer

Hillary sent me to campaign for Obama in Ohio in 2008 – will Bernie do the same for Hillary?

8 years ago

flatus, me too and i wish fearless leader would write a book about “travels and travails with helen thomas”… bet he could really tell some tales.

8 years ago


After the end of the Cavs travails, I hope you’ll join me in supporting the Indians. But, for now, GO CAVS!

8 years ago

Pat that’s a book I’d pay full price to read and save 🙂

8 years ago

vanity fair: For now, Clinton-Warren speculation is just grist for the Beltway rumor mill. But Warren certainly looks like she’s auditioning for the job.

8 years ago

he did good, and she deserves it for her loyalty.

8 years ago

cnn Donald Trump’s unconventional approach to building a ground game
“I’ll say that as far as building the infrastructure of a campaign, the RNC has been doing it for many years,” Trump said at a news conference late last month in North Dakota. RNC Chairman Reince Priebus “has really upped it, and all over the country, they have very good people. And part of the benefit is we get to use those people.”
Meanwhile, RNC officials still aren’t even sure where the campaign has already deployed staffers. Trump’s field organization is a patchwork of aides, some paid, some retained on a volunteer basis and many left over from the Republican primaries. While he has campaign chiefs in Florida — and solidly blue states like Washington and New York — in crucial battlegrounds including Ohio and Colorado, Trump doesn’t have so much as a state director.
Trump and his team prided themselves on winning the primaries with a barebones staff and a modest budget. Aides expect him to take a similar tactic in the general election by hiring skeleton teams in battleground states but relying largely on the RNC and state parties to do the heavy lifting on the ground. In some states they may opt to leave traditional campaign slots, like a state communications director, unfilled, according to multiple sources in battleground states.

8 years ago

Lots of good reading and food for thought after a day at the beaches of upper Cape Cod.

GrannyM… Glad to see you’re a New Englander.  I live in NH near the Mass border.  I married a NHerite, but Mass is my home state.  Hey… Free Tom Brady!  ?

8 years ago

Flatus,  I’m all in for the Indians.

Bernie seems to be settled in that Hillary is the nominee.   Now gotta work out the details of cooperation.

8 years ago

USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills

Steve Reilly

Donald Trump casts himself as a protector of workers and jobs, but a USA TODAY NETWORK investigation found hundreds of people – carpenters, dishwashers, painters, even his own lawyers – who say he didn’t pay them for their work.

8 years ago

flatus, is lindsey right about this?

Lindsey Graham: No Vote For NDAA Amendment Means ‘You Better Never Say I Love the Military Anymore’

8 years ago

RebelRen:  Dan Patrick Show report:  There is enough red tape and legal mumbo jumbo to clear up Tom’s appeal will likely linger until 2017.


Flatus:  On WLW-AM 700 today Bill Cunningham called ’em “The Cleveland Cadavers”…he must not have watchd last night.  The Indians are one of my cable tv “gets”.  They have a fine hard team in this 2016 season.

8 years ago

Report: Elizabeth Warren To Endorse Clinton Thursday Night On MSNBC
Allegra Kirkland

EXCLUSIVE: Warren will endorse HRC on Rachel Maddow’s show TONIGHT at 9 p.m.

8 years ago

Report: Elizabeth Warren sells out (if she endorses Hillary).  I hope Bernie stays the course.

Just as John Kasich won’t support Trump because they have opposing views, why would Warren back warmongering, Wall Street-loving Hillary?  She’s better than that, or at least I thought she was.

If you must vote for a woman (which seems to be the only qualification that interests some) what about Jill Stein?

It breaks my heart to see people blinded to the reality of Hillary’s record/ability.


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Senator Warren just trashed Rump big time

8 years ago

Obama did a fabulous job, i give it up to him for mentioning 2008 and pointing out that she  then  worked for him.I was touched.

Jamie- you were right about warren!She is giving a great speech now.

I don’t believe that warren would be the best vp for reasons jamie and jack stated.  also, would like to keep her as our senator  for a time.

8 years ago

Kudos to Elizabeth Warren for her speech against Trump tonight. She absolutely struck a beautiful tone I thought. Eugene Robinson had it right when he said it was a kind of the stem winder.

8 years ago

Wow!  Go,Elizabeth, go!!!

That speech is why she can’t be VP.  We need her in the Senate to keep giving speeches such as that.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

It breaks my heart to see people blinded to the reality of Hillary’s record/ability.


I feel that way too. people have an invented Clinton they can hate.  a lot of it is strawman stuff

8 years ago

I hope Bernie stays the course as well and heads back to the Senate soon. Of course on his way back to the Senate i know he will back HRC very effectively campaigning and will encourage his supporters to back her.. I’m sure there will be a few deadenders who will then accuse Bernie of selling out but that will mean zip!!

8 years ago

Elizabeth Warren Weighs Being Hillary Clinton’s Vice President
Warren reportedly anticipates issues that would arise were she to sign on.

8 years ago


Things you suddenly realize

8 years ago

Red- you’re so right and the world is wrong. you are a poor excuse for a dem.  period.

8 years ago


It breaks my heart to hear that you believe the garbage that the right wing nut jobs have been dishing without a single shred of truth for the past 30 years.

The reminder is above

8 years ago

Evidence that if you take Clinton’s views and put them in a male body, Sanders supporters like that person

Amanda Marcotte@AmandaMarcotte

8 years ago

I’m not sure that I get the Warren is not ready idea. Is she any less ready than say Castro? I seem to recall that Barack Obama was not ready to be president either. she might not be my first choice but her qualifications and experience are equal to many others said to be under consideration. Personally the only quality that interests me is backbone and she seems very well qualified in that regard. As for not having any foreign policy experience, I seem to recall that Dick Cheney was picked in part for his foreign policy chops. How’d that work out?

8 years ago

The one thing all the Bernie or Busters completely failed to consider was……Bernie.

8 years ago


Do you seriously believe that Warren would even consider such  an offer if everything you believe about HRC is true? I appreciate passion as much as the next person, but when passion distorts reality it ceases to be of much benefit.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

very enthusiastic endorsement by Warren

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

oh boy Warren just said she is ready to be president

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago


and go Sharks

8 years ago

“Since Bernie didn’t win the nomination, I’m gonna vote for Trump. Also, since the store didn’t have my favorite beer, I’m gonna drink bleach”
Jordan@Jordan Stratton

8 years ago

“Elizabeth Warren sells out (if she endorses Hillary).  I hope Bernie stays the course.”

blue, I don’t think they think they are “selling out”

Bernie Sanders vows to work with Hillary Clinton as Democrats move toward party unity

“I look forward to meeting with (Clinton) in the near future to see how we can work together to defeat Donald Trump and to create a government which represents all of us and not just the 1%,” Sanders told reporters.

8 years ago

Defense Act

Pat, Graham is correct in his appraisal. Despite the Republican rhetoric, we’ve worn our military to the bone–to the point where band-aids and prayers provide no comfort.

8 years ago

Renee, this made me laugh… “Hey… Free Tom Brady”

I’ve been saying for weeks that the millions wasted trying to smear Hillary reminds be of the way money is being thrown at “deflategate” in an effort to take down Tom. Waste is waste. Sad that so many still believe the lies & smear tactics even when nothing has actually been proven.