America, Get Your Head Out of your Apps and Listen Up

By PatD, a Trail Mix Contributor

Sure, that new guy on the block is fascinating, talks big and promises the moon; but he’s not for you, bubeleh. Listen to Mom and Pop Hill and Bill. Listen to Uncle Bernie and to cousin Lindsey. He’ll only bring you grief. He’s trouble with a capital T. Okay, so if you won’t listen to the family, at least listen to your friends who’ve stood with you during trying times:

trumpscaryThe Guardian: President Trump fills world leaders with fear — “It’s gone from funny to really scary. … Most of the world seems to agree a Donald Trump presidency is a disturbing possibility that would inflict unthinkable damage. … The possibility that Trump might actually win fills great swaths of the planet with dread – with the apparent and notable exception of Vladimir Putin’s Russia – with concerns over everything from trade to the nuclear trigger.”

Take heed, listen to them; in most cases they have our best interest as well as their own at heart. Much like friends warn us about an attraction and obsession with an unsuitable but fascinating newbie to the hood, we are being warned that he is not for us and portends a bad future if not a totally disrupting and disreputable present.

More Posts by PatD


114 thoughts on “America, Get Your Head Out of your Apps and Listen Up”

  1. from Salon: Hillary’s Top Ten Trump Zingers in yesterday’s speech:

    • 10. “Unlike him, I have some experience with the tough calls and the hard work of statecraft”
    • 9. “Donald Trump’s ideas aren’t just different, they are dangerously incoherent”
    • 8. “He is not just unprepared; he is temperamentally unfit to hold an office that requires knowledge, stability, and immense responsibility”
    • 7. “Being interviewed on the same ’60 Minutes’ episode as Putin was is not the same thing as dealing with Putin”
    • 6. “He believes we can treat the U.S. economy like one of his casinos”
    • 5. “It’s not hard to imagine Donald Trump leading us into a war just because somebody got under his very thin skin”
    • 4. “We are not a country that cowers behind walls”
    • 3. “There’s no risk of people losing their lives if you blow up a golf course deal”
    • 2. “We all know the tools Donald Trump brings to the table: bragging, mocking, composing nasty tweets. I’m willing to bet he’s writing a few right now”
    • 1. “I will leave it to the psychiatrists to explain his affection for tyrants”
  2. no way can i take credit for that nifty thread title.  all kudos go to the  Missouri Department of Transportation for their program to dissuade distracted drivers

  3. Trump’s pattern of stiffing charities

    Dana Milbank

    The veterans fundraiser? Well, yes. But it turns out Trump did much the same thing with another of his undertakings in the news: Trump University.
    In the case of the fundraiser, Trump claimed at the event in January — and for days after — that he had raised $6 million for veterans’ charities, including $1 million that he “gave.” But The Post’s David Fahrenthold discovered that he hadn’t forked over that $1 million, or much of the other money raised, until Fahrenthold began making inquiries on May 23. That earned Fahrenthold the Trump moniker “Nasty Guy.”

  4. If i’m in any fan club around here it’s Craig’s.  I came here originally because of Craig and his posts, not the discourse.  I lurked for nearly 2 years before i posted- the brilliant comments and repartees of jack, jamie , sturge , pogo, ping , cbob, kgc and sean were intimidating yet so compelling i couldn’t miss reading the comments regularly.  add renee and patsi- I had to jump in.  anyways, i have always stated that i believe craig to be one of the last true journalists, and that is what kept me here especially during the end days of hillary’s 2008.  he maneuvered that difficult switch skillfully with much  patience, thoughtfulness and respect. never alienating the strongest of hillary supporters- yet moved forward.  i sure miss him.

    A Chill Wind Blows
    Charles Blow

    Not only did Trump say Tuesday that if he became president he was going to “continue to attack the press,” but in February, he said:

    One of the things I’m going to do if I win, and I hope we do and we’re certainly leading. I’m going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money. We’re going to open up those libel laws. So that when The New York Times writes a hit piece which is a total disgrace or when The Washington Post, which is there for other reasons, writes a hit piece, we can sue them and win money instead of having no chance of winning because they’re totally protected.

    Exceptions for falsehoods are already part of our libel jurisprudence, but the worrisome nature of that comment lies in its vagueness. What does “open up our libel laws” mean? Is he equating “purposely negative” and “horrible” — both subjective determinations — with “false”?

  6. patd,

    Great post. Ironic that the thing that drove many Republicans to ally with Democrats is their own Candidate. Who knows if this thaw in relations will last but hey, politics makes strange bedfellows.

    Love this tweet: “I’d vote for W before I’d vote for Trump. If you don’t see the difference between Trump & HRC, check yourself into a psych ward.”

    Who wrote that? Keith Olbermann 😉

    The stakes are too high this year. May reason win out.

  7. tony,

    Uh-oh…. looks like the person “interpreting” what is libel is Mr Trump. This gets scarier every day but glad we still have a free press to expose this danger, using his own words. Will enough people listen?

  8. Just ordered a swell bumper sticker from a great place called Enchanted Chocolates of Martha’s Vineyard. Going to keep it as a souvenir of this remarkable election year.


  9. Patd

    Great post.  I got my head in my app and tweeted everyone I could think of who might actually pay attention.  All and sundry of those who might move or shake are required to have the courage to jump up and say:  If you saw Donald Trump on the street doing what he does, you would call the police to cart him off for psychiatric evaluation.

    He is dangerous and his all too visible power granted to him by the GOP is placing the nation in danger.  Not quite sure how you remove a candidate before a nomination, but its time to put the heads together and figure out how to do it.


  10. craig, thanks for linking the uberman piece.  good on him.  hope to hear more from him, more stuff like his:

    In fact, in our history, journalistic objectivity has been the aberration, and media advocacy has been the default position — not the other way around. Still, advocacy’s return was predicated on a larger notion, which had actually provided the genuine worth of the original golden age of American journalism. The premise was the marketplace of ideas would be so crammed with loud and distinctive voices that the best-presented and most logical would win — or at least balance — out. When that premise fails, we have destroyed a sacred institution of collectively objective American news media.

  11. hey sjwny- thanks for the order but trail hands get them for free!  Will grab address and refund- fyi- heads up cc info.

  12. I have tremendous respect for our State Department. This respect crosses over administrations and decades. For every ‘debacle’ that has made the news there are literally 100s of potential conflicts that have been defused, often through the dedicated efforts of embassies in countries that we don’t even recognize by name. As always, the Defense Department is available to answer the call when diplomacy fails and our national interest demands intervention. Understand, DoD’s answer will be perceived as a sledge hammer when compared to the artful efforts of diplomacy. Sledge hammers must be wielded carefully and with restraint.

  13. sjwny and jamie, thanks.

    the flirtation, infatuation and overdose with drumpf seemed exciting and innocent at first but the inevitable hangover and self-disgust (or worse rape) that will follow needs to be addressed before it’s too late.

  14. tend to agree with this theory by Daniel W. Drezner [a professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University] in his wapo op ed: “My crazy conspiracy theory for why Donald Trump now wants to be president”

    Yes, it is sad. Trump is using his presidential campaign to try to counteract reversals he might be suffering in the business world.

    At this point, the only power Trump has is using Sean Hannity as his personal ventriloquist’s dummy his bully pulpit. But anyone who thinks that Trump would not use the vast powers of the presidency to advance his own business interests is delusional.

    I don’t know why Donald Trump decided to run for president in the first place. But I’m beginning to wonder if his motivation to win now is less about making America great again and more about avoiding yet another Trump bankruptcy.


  15. Pat

    Drezner writes some good stuff.

    This one he wrote the other day applies to yesterdays discussions about Polls.

    Before the primaries start, February is a time when national polls tell us a fair amount about the final outcome.
    But wait! After that, the standard deviation creeps upward. The election is 169 days from now, and in about a week the standard deviation hits its maximum value for 2016. Truly, now is the single worst time to be paying attention to fresh polling data. I don’t know why this is. It could be because typically, one or both parties are still going through an active nomination contest – as Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are doing now.
    Amusingly, national polls won’t reach their February levels of accuracy until August. The Clinton-Trump margin in February was Clinton +5.0%. So how about if we just use that until after the conventions. Can you wait?

  16. Drezner’s observation on yesterdays HRC foreign policy speech


    I liked this bit

    Look, if you want to intellectualize the foreign policy portion of this campaign, let me suggest relying on Walter Russell Mead’s typologies. On foreign policy, this election is about Clinton uniting the Hamiltonians and Wilsonians, the Jacksonians finding their savior in Trump, and the Jeffersonians pulling their hair out in despair.

  17. Great post Pat.

    The Republicans should be ashamed of themselves   they should have just said no

  18. Patd…  excellent post…

    Hey…  look at me…  I’m voting for Hillary!  I’m a fanboy…  er girl…  I wear it proudly and loudly.  Can’t deal with it…   piss off!

    Jack…  I agree with Drezner.  Yeah we should wait at least until the conventions are over to pay attention to national polls…  hell, methinks they’re not really useful until after Labor Day.

  19. Trump’s response to HRC speech:

    “Pathetic, had nothing to do with foreign policy.”

    “After what she said about me today in her phony speech — that was a phony speech, that was a Donald Trump hit job — I will say this, Hillary Clinton has to go to jail. She’s guilty as hell.”

    “Anything Obama wants she’s going forward with because you know why? Because she doesn’t want to go to jail.”


  20. Dumb Donald wouldn’t know foreign policy even if Ivanka explained it to him

  21. Poobah,  I agree with your assessment that it is strange to leak the folks who wrote HRC’s speech yesterday.  Everyone knows that speeches are written by speech writers but normally there is no disclosure of who wrote what.  I do suspect that Hillary had a yuge role in crafting the message and the delivery, considering how spot on it was.  Three tweets from the yam is the kind of response I guess we should come to expect. This from the ‘pugn nominee?  JHC, somone save us from this idiocy.

    OK, now on to the yam’s threat to open up our libel laws.  I get it that he is not a lawyer, but he has them (after 3500 lawsuits, one would hope he has lawyers).  Defamation (whether libel or slander) at the federal level is a balance between the first amendment and English common law on the subject. For almost all intents and purposes libel and slander do not exist at the federal level except for the errant clause in communications statutes and regulations.    The 2 primary cases dealing with the subject are  New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964) and  Hustler Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell485 U.S. 46 (1988).  So the yam is going to somehow overturn two landmark Supreme Court cases based upon the First Amendment?  Good luck with that.  

  22. Pogo

    I put this up at the end of yesterday’s subject.  Hillary was heavily involved:

    CNN got to the bottom of it all with this:

    Who wrote the speech? Clinton was personally invested, spending hours on crafting the remarks and working on her delivery, aides say. Speechwriters Dan Schwerin and Megan Rooney, along with policy advisers Jake Sullivan and Laura Rosenberger, worked on it with her, starting with an outline Clinton delivered 10 days ago. Clinton spent her coast-to-coast plane ride Wednesday revising the speech with Rooney. She kept working on the specific language right up until the speech.

  23. If deadbeat don can get libel laws weakened, he can bet that his attorney costs will rise fifty-fold, ‘cuz half the country will sue his sorry apps off.

  24. Huh, my last 2 comments have  disappeared. I didn’t think they were that radical.



  25. Young folks have been headin’ for the city for a long time same story different  century.


  26. Dumpy Don for a guy with big bucks he doesn’t have a good look
    He looks like a pro wrestler gone to seed and he acts like one too

  27. Jamie, I saw that on the last thread.  My only point was to circle back but to agree with Craig that the sausage making process isn’t usually acknowledged. “starting with an outline Clinton delivered 10 days ago.” That puts a little perspective on it and IMHO dispels the “”other peoples’ words” suggestion.

  28. Mr C and I are old people living in rural America and it is a problem.  When Mr C had to be carried up the hill to our parking area — the crew’s average age was 65

    Finding young people for the volunteer fire department is a problem.

    Currently there are workshops going on about Aging in Place.   If you cannot drive you are screwed.

    You are not alone!  My last 2 post have also disappeared!

  30. Katherine,

    I remember reading something that volunteers in SC can get free tuition to the State colleges for themselves and, if they don’t use it, for their kids.  The first responders at our FD are paid firefighters, but I believe they still have volunteer augmentees.

    The Abandonment of Countercyclical Fiscal Policy
    Posted on June 3, 2016  by  Yves Smith

    Yves here. This post still indulges dubious ideas like “fiscal consolidation,” meaning running surpluses to reduce government debt levels,. Fiat currency issuers do not have a funding constraint and should instead seek to offset chronic underinvestment by the business sector. Businesses set their return targets higher than is profit-maximizing for them.

    It is nevertheless awfully convenient for economists to be saying, “No one was running big enough deficits after the crisis!” Pray tell, where were their op-eds, papers, and official testimony at the time? And while more and more economists are calling for less reliance on monetary policy and more fiscal spending, there is also far too little mention of more automatic stabilizers, which don’t require governments to act. But with neoliberal ideology still firmly embedded, few experts seem willing to pump for obvious solutions like better social safety nets.

    The abandonment of counter-cyclical fiscal policy
    What’s at stake: The reluctance to use fiscal policy as a stabilizing tool in the current deflationary environment has been puzzling to many and a number of authors are now putting forward possible explanations.
    By:  Jérémie Cohen-Setton, May 30, 2016 Originally published at Bruegel

    The move from counter-cyclicality to procyclicality

    In its 2015 Fiscal Monitor, the IMF writes that to be stabilizing, the fiscal balance needs to increase when output rises and to decrease when it falls. That way, fiscal policy generates additional demand when output is weak and subtracts from demand when the economy is booming.

    Jeffrey Frankel writes that the heyday of activist fiscal policy was 50 years ago. The position “we are all Keynesians now” was attributed to Milton Friedman in 1965 and to Richard Nixon in 1971. In the late 20th century, most advanced countries managed to pursue countercyclical fiscal policy on average: generally reining in spending or raising taxes during periods of economic expansion and enacting fiscal stimulus during recessions. The result was generally to smooth out the business cycle (as Keynes had intended).

  32. Flatus

    They offer incentives here too there are also disincentives  no beards

  33. Oh, and I note that the LA Times poll released yesterday showing Hillary with a 10 point edge among likely voters has been largely ignored in favor of the 2% Field and NBC polls.

  34. Trump was a Dem for a long time.  Maybe that’s why I don’t find him particularly scary. He’s just a more honest megalomaniac than anyone else who ran this season.

    Also, running for the OO seems like a pretty difficult way to try to avoid another bankruptcy.  Weird theory, that one.

    I misread Hillary’s “statecraft” as stagecraft and had a good chuckle.

    One-on-one interviews with Trump are actually quite good.  He’s a different guy when he’s yelling from behind a lecture.  Same message, just much more course and void of details. Clearly, he is resonating with many Americans no matter what the media thinks of him.

    Bernie is the way forward.  Bernie is the way to avoid a Trump presidency.

  35. Jack, Purple, almost always a case of disappearing comments is due to the spam filter holding them for containing too many links. But unlike those cases your lost comments are not showing up in the pending bin where I can restore them. So I am at at a loss for what is happening.

  36. I think Clinton will win California by that I mean carry enough congressional districts to wipe him out

  37. Dorky Donald copyrighted the phrase “make America Great Again” in 2012 for a line of crotchless underwear  ok kidding about the underwear but not about the copyright.

  38. jack & purple, take a look upstream from where you tho’t your comments should appear.  these dislocation phenomena for me seem to happen when others are posting at about the same time.

  39. Poor Paul Ryan  he has endorsed Trump and now is shaming him

    The campaign will prove to be a giant embarrassment for the goopers and their enablers who are hopping on the Trump train

  40. drumpf’s she “has to go to jail. She’s guilty as hell” sounds like another one of his pre-emptive strikes before it happens to him.  it’s been a pattern if you look back to his days of aspersions cast upon jeb, ted, marco and co.

    the liar/crook/fraud epithets many times were hurled at opponents just before exposures of same sins on his part came to light.  he cleverly makes it seem like to the media old news or a boring tit for tat response from others.

    also might be a subconsciously devious way of confession… transference of trespasses on to someone else.  or maybe a “look they do this too so i’m not so bad” argument.

    anyway, there is a definite pattern and an ability to deflect attention from his own wrong doing.

  41. lucia graves at the guardian: “Hillary Clinton’s new campaign plan: slug Donald Trump where it hurts”

    As Clinton spoke on a stage in San Diego flanked by rows of American flags, her words seemed to transcend the realm of foreign policy, foreshadowing the blunt, incisive and decidedly patriotic approach she’d take in the general election. And with her combination of gravitas and sharp rhetoric, it looks increasingly like she may be the one person able to pull off what no one in the Republican primary ever could: mount the definitive assault on Trump’s tough-guy image.

  42. pogo, you may want to read this latest article by nate silver at fivethirtyeight: “Hispanic Voters Will Decide Bernie Sanders’s Fate in California”

    Three recent surveys from highly rated polling firms (Marist College, Field and Public Policy Institute of California) show Bernie Sanders just 2 points behind Hillary Clinton in California. Clinton is ahead by double digits, however, in other polls, including one that has her up by 18 percentage points. It’s making for another confusing finish in a primary season that has already had plenty of them. And it’s an indication of how little we know about how Hispanic Democrats (and Asian-American Democrats) are voting this year.

    Our polls-only model, taking all the various polls into account, gives Clinton a 5 percentage point lead, and translates that into a 86 percent chance of her winning California. Even though Clinton has led in every poll, that seems overconfident given the generally mixed track record of the polls in the Democratic primaries this year, and I’d happily take Sanders at the 6-to-1 odds the model offers.


    So while the polls could be off by enough for Sanders to win California — I like his odds better than our polling model does — they could also be off in the other direction, meaning that Clinton could win by 15 to 20 percentage points. In 2008, Clinton significantly outperformed her polls in California, in part by winning the Hispanic vote 2-to-1 over Barack Obama.

    Whatever the outcome, it’s almost certainly too late to help Sanders win the nomination; he’d need to win every remaining state by roughly 35 percentage points to catch up to Clinton in pledged delegates. But California may tell us something about whether Hispanic Democrats are already standing with Clinton, or whether she’ll have some outreach to do to ensure they turn out for her in November.

  43. Nothing upstream.  I did ‘find’ with both chrome and ie11 and no missing posts.

  44. Dimwit Donald has been saying fo awhile she won’t be the nominee because she will be in jail

    he just says whtever and hope it will stick

  45. patd, thanks – I wouldn’t argue too strongly with Silver – he kinda knows what he’s talking about and he knows the volatility of polls.  I don’t personally think we’ll know anything until very late Tuesday except that if Hillary wins NJ bernie’s campaign is over.  I did peek at the polls that were released recently to see how they broke down, and they really do break in the dem race along age, ethnicity and gender.  I agree that the hispanic vote will be a big factor – question is will the kids or the hispanic voters turn out in the bigger numbers, and how many unaffiliated voters will get a dem ballot.

  46. veooz:

    Hillary Clinton ‘s campaign chairman, John Podesta, condemned political violence of any kind after clashes between supporters of Donald J. Trump and protesters during the presumptive Republican presidential nominee’s rally in San Jose, Calif., on Thursday night. Mr. Podesta posted a video on Twitter that appeared to show a Trump supporter being beaten by protesters outside of the event.

  47. Missing Post #2, I’m sure that the FANCLUBMYASS was happy it was missing.

    Gauis Publius: Three Data Points Regarding Clinton’s Email Server and the Law
    Posted on June 3, 2016  by  Yves Smith

    Yves here. This post is useful because, if nothing else, it clears up a lot of disinformation coming from the Clinton camp and others about the standard for criminal liability for mishandling “defense” information. It does not have to be classified and the prosecutor does not have to prove intent.

    By Gaius Publius, a professional writer living on the West Coast of the United States and frequent contributor to Down With Tyranny, digby, Truthout, and Naked Capitalism. Originally published at Down With Tyranny

    ‘ve been writing for weeks that there are two aspects to the Clinton “secret server” issue — the way the server was handled, and the content of the messages it contained. Regarding the way the server was handled, almost everything needed to determine criminal liability is already in the public record and has been for a while.

    So here are three data points, just three. They line up perfectly so the main idea is easy to grasp. (Consider this the first in a series, “The Clinton Server Story for Progressives.” If events move too quickly, it will be the last, as everyone from Time to the Washington Post will be telling you what’s what and you won’t need me at all.)

    ◾ The server’s email system was apparently unencrypted for the first two months of use when Clinton was Secretary of State.

    This means that email going to and from the server was unencrypted during transmission. Messages were sent and received in plain text.

    ◾ The above-mentioned Bryan Pagliano has announced he’s taking the fifth in his Judicial Watch deposition. He’s going to refuse to speak when deposed.

    ◾ One of the laws that may have been broken is 18 U.S. Code § 793 – Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information.

    Note first that the information listed below doesn’t require a formal “classified” designation to be relevant, and second, that “intent” is not necessary to trigger the law’s penalties. “Gross negligence” is sufficient.

    Was This Law Actually Broken?

    Were documents related to the national defense in fact stolen from Clinton’s “home-brew” server through negligence? I think that’s the piece we don’t know. Will we ever find out? That’s the other piece we don’t know. Still, these data points have been on my mind since I discovered them.

  48. Former New Jersey Gov. Christie Whitman says GOP voters should use the primary to cast protest votes against presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump

    Whitman in a telephone interview said Republicans who vote for Ohio Gov. John Kasich or U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas — both are out of the race but remain on the ballot — “will send a message to the party that Trump is not acceptable as a candidate and is out of control with his behavior and language.’’

    “It’s not going to stop him from getting the nomination at the convention, but it could be a significant enough vote to send a clear signal,’’ Whitman said.

  49. Hillary off teleprompter today with Jake Tapper so much more effective and authentic to my eyes and ears than her reading yesterday’s one liners. She does not need all that infrastructure, just makes her look like a conventional politician.

  50. Looking at CA primary turnout in 2008, it looks a lot like what’s being projected this year.  Obama won the 44 & younger voters in about the same percentages that Hillary won the 45 & older voters.  59% of the voters were 45 & older.  Latino voters comprised 29% of the vote then, whites 53. Women comprised 6% more of the vote than men, but they did not break down “other” race voters, which were 12% of the vote. I guess we’ll see how the CA demos have changed over the past 8 years.

  51. Pogo, does Bernie poll about the same or better than Obama 2008 among young voters in California? I noticed the Los Angeles Times poll showing her solid lead among likely voters showed him up a point among all eligible primary voters. In an Open Primary like they have that is a recipe for younger non voters voters to give him a boost if he can turn them out.

    Of course its all just academic as far as the nominatiion goes, especially since Sanders conceded New Jersey and therefore any possible chance mathematical momentum.

  52. Craig

    Two things to consider:  The mail in vote that tends to be experienced voters.  The walk in vote and how many registered AIP instead of declined to state.  It is a case of the young folks supporting Bernie not learning the rules and the campaign not telling them how to do it properly.

    Both conditions likely to give Hillary a significant edge.

    Trump: ‘Look at My African-American Over Here’
    The Daily Beast

    During a Friday campaign rally in Redding, California, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump illustrated his “tremendous” support from black voters by pointing to a black man in the crowd, exclaiming, “Look at my African-American over here!”
    The real-estate mogul used the unnamed black male to relay a story about how the media allegedly mistook his black supporter “cold-clocking” a protester in a Ku Klux Klan-like hood to be a Trump anti-protester. “We had a case where we had an African-American guy who is a fan of mine, great fan, great guy,” he said before pointing. “Look at my African-American over here. Look at him! Are you the greatest?”

  54. Good point Jamie. But when non voters get motivated all those machinations mean nothing. They have the numbers and power to control any election, they just don’t know it

  55. oldseahag,

    Thanks for the refund offer, but please keep my dough ☺You are a businesswoman who offers a product. It is quite lovely & much easier on the eyes than my Nixon’s The One or Rocky ( as in Nelson Rockefeller) buttons. This will be a transformative election. Nice to keep a little swag for remembrance.

  56. Muhammad Ali is in the hospital.    Quite a while back Mark Knopfler did a great song about the champion he replaced and why many still think that as great as “The Greatest” turned out to be, this fight might have been a political start.  Ali gets his due in the line:  “The second-last child was the second-last king” plus some phenomenal Knopfler guitar.

  57. Craig

    I just hope if they get turned back at the polls we don’t see violent protests.  Bernie has already paid people to protest in Wisconsin and Nevada and research is being done about the Trump California protest.  It’s getting ugly out there.



  58. Obama: Again, I’m Not Going To Take Your Guns…Believe Me
    Matt Vespa

    DOUG RHUDE, Gun Shop Owner: Knowing that we apply common sense to other issues in our society, specifically like holding irresponsible people accountable for their actions when they drink and drive and kill somebody, and we do that without restricting control of cars and cells phones to the rest of us, the good guys, why then do you and Hillary want to control and restrict and limit gun manufacturers, gun owners and responsible use of guns and ammunition to the rest of us, the good guys, instead of holding the bad guys accountable for their actions?

    PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: First of all, the notion that I or Hillary or Democrats or whoever you want to choose are hell-bent on taking away folks’ guns is just not true.
    And I don’t care how many times the NRA says it. I’m about to leave office. There have been more guns sold since I have been president than just about any time in U.S. history. There are enough guns for every man, woman and child in this country.
    And at no point have I ever, ever proposed confiscating guns from responsible gun owners. So it’s just not true.

  59. It is sad to me that the Hillary campaign now must rely on disaffected disillusioned young voters staying home in order to beat Sanders finally. Hope they can fix that by November.

  60. Click on Image to Enlarge.
    Michael Ramirez – Creators

    Judge postpones Clinton tech aide’s deposition
    By Josh Gerstein, Politico, June 3, 2016 05:40 PM EDT, Updated 06:22 PM EDT

    Sullivan issued an order Friday postponing the deposition indefinitely, but also instructing Pagliano’s attorneys to explain the Fifth Amendment assertion and to file a copy of Pagliano’s agreement with the Justice Department by Tuesday afternoon. The judge did not say explicitly whether the filing would be public, but most court filings are.

    “Counsel for Mr. Pagliano shall file a Memorandum of Law addressing the legal authority upon which Mr. Pagliano relies to assert his Fifth Amendment rights in this civil proceeding, including requisite details pertaining to the scope of Mr. Pagliano’s reported immunity agreement with the Government,” the judge wrote.

    The new battle over Pagliano’s immunity agreement and its potential public disclosure is an unhelpful development for Clinton’s presidential campaign. A flurry of discussion over the details of the deal now seems imminent, along with implications that someone involved may have committed a crime, although no one has been charged.

  61. Another good read for catching up on the day.

    Unfortunately for me I had to see on television ( i worked at home) the DS response to HRC’s foreign service talk.  DS is very close to saying brown streak in the undies.  The DS response of insults sounded so stupid I had to think the guy ran out of insults, running on empty in the insult bag.

    The problem trump has is trying to be Don Rickles.  Don Rickles could (still can) lay out insults!  Trump is like an idiot trying to imitate someone who is skillful.  He looks like a klutz and smells like a dead fish.

  62. The Donald is the most insecure person I have ever seen run for the White House.  AND I remember Richard Nixon.

    Trump is the typical bully.  He can’t take even 1/2 of what he dishes out to others.

    A part of me wonders if Trump will withdraw from the race prior to November.

  63. PIT

    That is just the sort of thing that really pisses me off.  As any attorney who didn’t get his license out of a Cracker Jack Box can tell you, there are any number of reasons someone perfectly innocent would take the 5th.  In addition, there is no reason to assume that the taking of the 5th has anything to do with Hillary since the investigation is about her Server and whether or not it has been breached not about the emails that might have been sent over it.

    This constant drip drip drip of half truths, suppositions, accusations, inventions, and misc tin foil imaginings have followed the Clintons for decades.  As far as I know the only sin PROVEN to have been committed is that Bill dropped his pants at inappropriate times, places, and company.  NONE of it applies to this point to Hillary.

    But please do continue stirring the feces filled pot.  We’ve heard it all before.  One more time won’t matter to Madam President.


  64. Regarding HRC’s emails. If you investigate something long enough and often enough and come up with little or nothing for your efforts, you begin to look a little bit like… I don’t know like…like…Trey Gowdey.

    Poor decision, with out doubt. Premeditated criminality, no way. Give it a rest already!

  65. And even Trey finally had to admit he purposely “blacked out” pieces of so called “evidence” to make the wording look as if it made her guilty of something … There’s something there we know there is … keep shoveling something will be found.


  66. PiT,

    As a lawyer I call bullshit. That post is like the cocktail party insurance defense lawyers talking BS about criminal law about which they know next to nothing but having others there nod in knowing agreement because the nitwit opinion is from a LAWYER.  As a lawyer I say BFD.

    Give me the the law you think applies, give me facts you think violate it and I’ll tell you whether I think it violates the law.  Yves throws innuendo about “defense’ information and says we don’t  know, fully knowing it clears nothing up, but rather suggests that which is not supported by any facts.  Btw, gaius isnt spelled gauis.

  67. keep shoveling something will be found.”


    Trey should heed the old adage, ‘when the hole gets too deep, stop digging.’

  68. Poobah, I’m limited to my phone, but it looked to me like Bernie is doing this year about as well as Obama did in 2008 with kids percentagewise in the polls.  It will depend on turnout imho.

  69. but rather suggests that which is not supported by any facts.”


    Every supposed scandal that the right wing has  wet themselves  over for the past eight years has come to nothing. Obama and the IRS, Benghazi Clinton emails, you name it , in the final analysis they have all been wild conjecture and off the wall accusations ‘not supported by any facts.

    You are right to call bullshit. More people should have done so sooner.


  70. Jace,

    Ahhh, Benghazi.  More Americans died at Fort Hood yesterday than died in Benghazi at the embassy. Will there be 9 congressional investigations at a cost of tens of millions of $$ into army training fuckups and the NCOs and officers responsible? Or are soldiers’ lives less important than embassy personal and are officers’ decisions to conduct training exercises that your average mother wouldn’t make for her kids leading to the death of the soldiers under their command less important than the decision of the secretary of state when an embassy was attacked?

    The answer? Not if the officer’s name is Hillary.

  71. Pogo,

    Spot on. Hillary’s only misstep was to ask, “what difference does it make?” Muslim terrorists don’t need a motive, killing innocents is all they know. NCOs and officers should have known better, let the investigations begin.

    Waist deep in the big muddy………….

  72. Question for Bernie supporters.

    If Hillary wins NJ and manages to win CA. does that mean the the system is still rigged? Just asking.

  73. Susan Sarandon Says Hillary Clinton Will Be Indicted Over Email Scandal
    Ryan Parker

    When talking to MSNBC on Thursday about her candidate of choice, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sarandon wondered aloud why no on was talking about the indictment against Clinton. When MSNBC’s Chris Jansing interjected there was no indictment against Clinton, Sarandon replied: “No, but there’s going to be. There’s going to be. I mean, it’s inevitable.”
    Clinton, the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination, maintains she did nothing wrong when she used a private email server for official communications, rather than a State Department server.
    Sarandon has been a staunch, outspoken Sanders supporter for some time.
    The Oscar-winning actress also has made numerous headlines for her comments about Sanders’ supporters in Hollywood being“afraid” to speak out, as well as saying she cannot see herself supporting Clinton should she win the Democratic nomination.
    “I feel it would be very hard for me to send that message that I give her permission to use my taxes,” Sarandon told Jansing of supporting Clinton.

    Oh man, Bernie associates with some crazy people.. Cornell West and Susan, lol, loony tunes.. Shaun King too

  74. Tony,

    a grand jury can  indict a ham sandwich. That is no indication that said sandwich contains mayo, mustard or meat. Sarandon is hoping upon hope that HRC takes a fall and that she gets the role in the movie.

  75. Since Mr. Trump gets his factual information when not reading Breitbart and Drudge from The National Enquirer, he has a new source for quotes.  They have hired Dick Morris for the duration of the campaign.  This man serves one useful purpose.  It doesn’t matter what he says, you know that it is either a lie or totally wrong.

    National Enquirer Hires Morris

  76. Morris at the Enquirer? When Faux starts featuring him on all its shows a truly unholy union will be forged.

  77. Jace, dead on. Impeachment is the political equivalent of indictment.  The next step is always the hard one – actually having to prove the crime, with facts.

    06.03.16 1:00 AM ET

    Bernie Sanders’s Final Few Days of California Dreamin’
    Michael Tomasky

    But if you’re talking pledged delegates only, 50 percent plus one is 2,026. You never see that number, and I guess I understand why—2,383 is the number, officially. But 2,026 is a majority of pledged delegates—you know, the ones you win by persuading voters to pull the lever with your name on it. I’ve been mystified as to why the Clinton people aren’t pushing more awareness of the 2,026 number. If the situation were reversed, we can be sure that Jeff Weaver would be all over cable denouncing the mere existence of 2,383, that strutting harlot of a number!

    So it’s next Tuesday night in California. The state-by-state delegate scenario that I played out above has occurred. Clinton is at 1,939, needing just 87 delegates out of California to hit 2,026. Do you know how badly Sanders would have to beat her to limit her to 86 delegates? No, you don’t. But I do. He’d have to win by 82 to 18 percent. That would net Bernie 309 delegates out of California and would get him to 2,026, while she’d have 2,025.

  79. jace – No question that the system is set up to preserve the status quo, but there’s no such thing as a sure thing.

    I had a dream that Hillary supporters were finally starting to get/like Bernie.  Then Mark Cuban showed up with a moving truck. (Probably due to the rumors about Cuban as Hillary’s veep pick.)

    RIP to my grandpa’s boxing hero.


  80. transcript of what shields & brooks said about Hillary’s speech:

    MARK SHIELDS: I think it will work.

    I think, first of all, Secretary Clinton was better yesterday than I have seen her in the entire campaign. She seemed more comfortable doing it.

    She — if you recall, John Kerry was put on the defensive in the ’04 campaign by saying, actually, I did vote for the $87 billion in aid to Afghanistan and Iraq before I voted against it.

    There’s nothing like hanging someone on their own words. Mitt Romney had 47 percent people, I don’t have to worry about them because they’re dependent on the government, in 2012.

    That’s what she did it yesterday. And she did it effectively. She did it with Trump’s own words. And I don’t think there’s any question she elevated the spirits of dispirited Democrats.

    I think it’s an alarm, an exhortation to Sanders voters that this campaign is very important. I think it probably also reaches to California primary voters, where she’s in a — the fight of her life for California next Tuesday.

    And, finally, she got under Donald Trump’s skin. So, I think, on all four counts, it probably was a very positive day for Secretary Clinton.

    DAVID BROOKS: Yes, I agree it was her best speech of the campaign, I thought.

    And I would add a few more counts. It was very good for independent voters, because it is not an ideological left-right attack on Trump. It’s, this guy’s unstable. And that’s something — doesn’t matter what you believe. You can buy that argument.

    And she did it in a way without sinking to his level. And that was something — a problem that Marco Rubio and other opponents have had. They get in the gutter with him. But she did it from a haughty, contemptuous, serious way, really. And so I thought it was quite a compelling speech.

    HARI SREENIVASAN: Technically, that’s the kind of — the meta look, is, essentially, do you have to change the tone of the debate, does it have to become more coarse, does it have to become more personal?

    And this is technically before they’re both presumptive nominees or leaders. But they’re not even the candidates yet, and we’re already seeing this basically go negative.

    DAVID BROOKS: Well, we’re going to see that when you have two unpopular candidates, as we’re going to see.

    But how you go negative and whether she would get dragged down was the real challenge. And she struck the right note. In politics, the lows are lower than the highs are highs. When somebody makes a mistake, it’s much worse than the benefits when they do something right.

    And so people, voters are very nervous about politicians who seem unstable and disordered. And Trump — she’s painting Trump as unstable and disordered. And that plucks at something that genuinely has had a lot of resonance in fall elections.

  81. I recall, it must have been in ’63, maybe ’62, in our ‘hutch’ in Korea we troops gathered around the Stars and Stripes talking over Clay’s demanding to be let out of the draft because he was below the intelligence threshold. We recognized the transparency of his argument. As a group, ten of us, we decided if Elvis could serve. so could Clay.

    We were proud of him for his accomplishments. But, that pride was nulled-out by his lack of patriotism. I point out, at the time we were not at war. And he had not yet converted. We were a multi-racial mixture of regular army and draftees in our hutch.

    hutch n. pron. hooch def a military sleeping dwelling, Commonly a Quonset hut or a very low cost, single story structure, hastily erected in Korea to house troops in areas where they could respond to high-threat situations.

  82. I live in Bernie country and recently got this from a HillaryHater   and he should know about Nixon he worked for Harry Dent


    As I have said to some of you, I have changed the vote I will cast next week from Bernie to Hillary.  The only reason I am doing so is because of my fear of Donald Trump and the harm that I think a Bernie victory in California may cause Hillary in November.  I think Bernie is now doing more harm than good.

    My concern about November was not eased by watching an interview with a Real Clear Politics polling person last night who said something to the effect that if the white vote in November goes up by just about 2% in the battleground states, and Trump’s share of that vote goes up by about the same margin from what Romney got, it doesn’t matter how many Latino and black voters turn out for Hillary or if the current gender gap holds.  With those percentages, the possibility of a Trump electoral “landslide” (I believe he used that word) is not out of the question.  Now he may be a polling outlier, and I know Joel says not to worry, but I do.  Hillary needs all the support now that she can get, so my protest vote for Bernie is not going to be cast.

    I still believe Trump will continue to self-destruct, but his words and actions do not appear to having a noticeable effect on the national polls. That said, as terrible as Trump is,  I continue to think Hillary is a mixed bag.  She is the best-qualified candidate for President in years, but I think she is very deceptive and ill-served by “advisors” who do not seem willing or able to give her advice she does not want to hear.  George W. gave more press conferences than Hillary has ever given in her campaign and he gave almost none at all, which says it all. I am still waiting for her to hold a real press conference, which she will not do. The decisions not to cooperate with the State Department investigation into her emails and to contribute to the delay in the FBI investigation have turned her “stupid” emails into a continuing controversy that is not going away and just make her look worse, no matter how it ends. 

    I am with the majority of American voters who do not trust either Hillary or Trump.  I also am following the “why Bernie won’t release all his tax returns” issue and believe he and his wife are hiding more than the big windfall Jane got from Burlington College and other financial dealings that Jane, not Bernie, may be responsible for; but Bernie and Jane are hiding something on their taxes, just like The Donald is.  So I really do not trust any of the three remaining candidates.

    I do not always agree with Jonathan Turley, but his column in USA Today expresses my concerns about the person I hope will our next President.  She will be the most Nixonian President since the Original one, for many of the same reasons.

    But I am voting for Hillary on Tuesday.  And, if she is trouncing Trump in California at least in November, Gary Johnson will get my vote that time.


    Susan Sarandon now quoting Trump to attack Clinton….being one of the one percent she doesn’t relly think anything bad will happen to her if Trump  elected…she thinks it will make the revolution happen faster  she is acting like an idiot   is she acting?

  84. Not much of a fight fan ick.  But Mohammed Ali was great fun and loved watching him stick his finger in the eye of the status quo

    Prick Morris working for the Enquirer will he be their toe sucking authority? Or will he specialize in unpaid taxes or is he a paid Trump plant to spread stories about Bill after all we know Trump thinks the Enquirer is a great newspaper Prick Morris the first Trump intern at the Enquirer

  85. Stop worrying. This nomination is in the bag. Clinton isn’t even campaigning against Sanders. Between youthful ignorance of the rules and Clinton’s popularity among Women, Blacks, Hispanics, & Jews.

  86. I’m going to work soon but one more  — there is a facebook ad with Shrub as Strumpetta’s vp    that should cause a few people to spit coffee on their screen

  87. crackers – Buried the lead there; distrust of both Clinton & Trump.

    I’m clearly not a 1%-er, but I know what Clinton will do.  I’m not afraid of a Trump presidency, either.

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