By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor
A bit longer than usual today, but worth every minute. As American as it gets. Enjoy the music and enjoy your day!
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User-Supported News Commentary Hosted by Craig Crawford
By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor
A bit longer than usual today, but worth every minute. As American as it gets. Enjoy the music and enjoy your day!
More Posts by Jace
Where will Tropical Storm Bonnie likely hit?
looks like on sturge, flatus, blueb, craig, and sea.
batten down the hatches, folks.
sorry sturge.
my heartfelt thanks to you flatus, sturge and all trailmixers who served our country. i’ll hoist one to you all this weekend. with a bit of luck- 2 or 3.
bummer, didn’t know about storm- been working too much to check forecast. thanks pat, tomorrow’s dinner will be on the porch i guess.
Page 1 of FOIA request to Sanders re Burlington college bankruptcy
Page 2 of FOIA request
nice one Jace. Did anyone write for piano better than Gershwin?
carl hiaasen:
It’s almost inconceivable that either candidate will be able to recast themselves as shining paragons of integrity before November. Once the attack ads begin saturating the media, both Clinton and Trump will further wither in stature.
Glum voters will be left to ponder not who is the better of the two candidates, but who can do the least harm to the country.
Most Americans aren’t naïve enough to expect total honesty from politicians. At this point we’re worried mainly about the size of future lies, because we’ve heard some White House whoppers in the past:
America’s winning the war in Vietnam.
Watergate is just a third-rate burglary.
I did NOT have sex with that woman.
Iraq is hiding weapons of mass destruction.
In the absence of candidates who tell us the truth, we need to pick the one who will tell the smallest, least dangerous lies. That, sadly, is Decision 2016.
Living in Tampa, I am most interested in data on hurricanes. I use the following two web sites:
Hurricane model tracks (For Bonnie click on storm02)
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Hurricane Center
The Atlantic hurricane season officially begins on June 1, 2016. We have already had 2 named storms, Alex in mid-January and now Bonnie in late May. NOAA forecasts that a near-normal Atlantic hurricane season is most likely this year a 70 percent likelihood of 10 to 16 named storms.
Trying to predict the weather is difficult!
The WV Bernsanity buy in continues. The state’s largest paper ran a ead article in the political section contrasting bernie’s and Drumpf’s views of the future as if they will be the choices in November. That’s stupid even for the Gazette, and the bar for stupid at the gazette is very fairness it is debating whether America can afford free public education, lowish state college tuition or whether “we might all be better off swinging the pendulum back toward increased collective responsibility ” whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean.
Rough weather ahead, or at least predicted to hit. This morning will be putting things away from the rain. We have had three days without rain and I probably became a little lax on putting things in the sheds.
While trying to find a station which apparently is not available on Verizon, I happened to have MSNBC prattlers on the main channel. Only one statement caught my attention. The question concerning the Bernie returning to the Senate as a Democrat or as his real party, Independent? The back and forth was babbling, but someone did point out he is making enemies in the D bench for refusing to help down ballot and his attacks on Dems. I am sure the next time a non-Dem asks to run as a Dem the answer will be a big NO.
Gershwin is the best. When I need a break from work all I need to do is spin the ol’ crank on the Victrola and find one of his hits to play while I lean back and relax. Okay so there is no more crank on the Victrola, I thumb through a few pages on my Amazon Prime downloads and there he is, a click and happiness.
Did anyone write for piano better than Gershwin?
Yeah…. Beethoven…
Let me echo OSH… a heartfelt thanks to all the vets.
Looks like Bonnie will affect all through the eastern seaboard… including Rick and I. It’ll be a good book reading day.
Pogo… congrats on the Cavaliers. I look forward to seeing them play whoever wins the west.
NBC Host To Sanders: Your Take On Superdelegates Is A Bit ‘Hypocritical’
Sara Jerde
Gee Chuckie, you think!!!
RR, I actually think Gershwin better than Ludwig, more versatile
Gershwin was an amazing talent. Not only keyboard but a wicked song writer as well. One of those people who took a distinctly American musical idiom and made it acceptable and popular in the staid old concert halls of America and Europe. Truly an American original. He holds a special place in my heart.
Wasn’t there some guy named Mozart who wrote some pretty decent piano pieces? And some chaps named Bach Shubert, Liszt, Rokmaninov…
One more discovery, for which I forgot would happen, the summer rentals are arriving. Our little community goes from one hundred people during the winter to well over three hundred during the summer. They arrive with cars, kids and pets. And golf carts. Of course I am jealous, I do not own a golf cart.
Pogo, all those classical dudes genius of course, but so many were limited to their patron’s tastes — wish they could all come back today and see what they could do without creative limits
Thanks Jace, for the Gershwins. Between you, George and Ira, you’ve made this foul-weather Sunday less gloomy.
But, even without the weather, it is the most reflective and thoughtful day of this Memorial Day weekend. Tomorrow is a school day for Susan’s school system–a make-up day brought about by the horrendous storm of last October from which we are still recovering. My question, why wasn’t Saturday the make-up day?
This weekend isn’t for those of us who have gone to war, lived through the psychological battles of conflicts about which the American people know nothing, or those who spent their time in other duties always prepared to fight as Infantry when required. Or Coasties, like our dear friend Sturg, always prepared to give themselves so that others might live, all the while protecting our shores from the undiminishing threats of Peacetime.
Instead, Memorial Day is for those who died doing their sworn duty to our Country and her People. For those of us who are still alive, we have Veterans Day. And for those individuals who succumb years later with lives shortened by the wounds and rigor of Service, let’s honor them on Memorial Day as well.
John Williams, not my favorite composer, earns kudos for this work that puts Memorial Day in its true perspective.
Watching the Libertarian convention on Cspan. Johnson has been nominated and now they are working on the VP. Johnson says if Weld is not nominated, he will decline his nomination. The general atmosphere reminds me of blokes rummaging through stuff at a British estate auction.
Memorial weekend always has been and continues to be a time to tend to grave sites of Veterans, family, and friends. Taking flowers is a sign of respect and appreciation. There is a Korean War veteran buried next to my parents. I make sure he has flowers each year. It is unfortunate that this practice appears to only be important to the few.
With so many not having grave sites anymore, it is easy to come up with other ways to honor others.
Many are saddened on anniversaries, birthdates, etc. of people they have lost. For years I have turned these dates into positive things. Examples…do things the person liked…one person loved going to Goodwill so I went on their birthday and got some bargains…a friend and colleague loved a particular restaurant so on her birthday I went and ordered the blue cheese steak salad she loved . Previously I would get a double cheeseburger at Burger King, but both she and I are boycotting Burger King for their strategy to avoid taxes by moving headquarters to Canada.
That is a lovely way to keep friends close
Recently Strumpette said there is no drought in California and he would give “the farmers” who happen to be giant Almond farmers all the water they need……
so incredibly stupid and not one word of fact checking
bllueb, you noted: “The question concerning the Bernie returning to the Senate as a Democrat or as his real party, Independent? The back and forth was babbling, but someone did point out he is making enemies in the D bench for refusing to help down ballot and his attacks on Dems.”
here are 43 long long minutes with cenk and Bernie in their 2nd interview. making dem enemies? ya think?
double whammy this weekend- today is dad’s birthday and of course tomorrow is memorial day. dad is in a box on the floor in his stain glass room he made- so thinking cake and or ice cream and drinks. he loved all that.
blue bronc- our island goes from 15 thousand to 150 thousand. the adjustment can be difficult. while managing open market today had to continually asks restaurant staff not to park in front of house and next to park. i told them it stresses this little congested neighborhood with 7 parking spaces. they said- its public- yes a public nuisance.
a room of their own
NASA successfully inflates new space station room
kudos to nasa! now, how ’bout redoing the kitchen and adding another bathroom?
blueb and sea, in florida it was just the opposite, we young-uns went from sleepy summers with beaches,bars and boating to ourselves to winters crammed with crowds of yankees, Canadians and other strange furriners. even school sometimes doubled in size with snowbird-lets. now, it’s all year round there with a respite only during hurricanes.
Gov. John Hickenlooper, D-Colorado, says Hillary Clinton faces more attacks advertisements and criticisms as a woman. Hickenlooper believes in authentic, “warts and all” politics. He is the author of a new book entitled “The Opposite of Woe, My Life in Beer and Politics.” Hickenlooper is a potential Clinton VP.
I think you have the proper idea for taking care of your Dad. Kumcho is in our bedroom right next to the family temple. Next to her is our granddaughter Crystal. That child will never be alone.
Korean spicy sauces used to come in amazingly nice urns–not too ornate with flawless glaze. In any case, forty years ago we saw one of those urns in a market in St Pete. We looked at each other and our thoughts coincided, the first to go gets the Korean urn, so that’s where she is.
And, morning and night, I give both of them short reports of the days activities, etc. And, of course I thank the Buddha for keeping his watch over them/us.
This silliness allows me to be content with my circumstances
flatus, honored that you shared the secret of your peace. to you my friend.
Flatus, wonderful way to be around. My father died in 2012. We took him around, in his box, to all his favorite places, Mom always leaving a little of him where he liked to be. He was a WWII vet. His unit, minus him due to a little issue, was shipped to the South Pacific. They were wiped out. He, being stuck stateside, survived. Serendipity.
Mom still has some of him somewhere. I just hope she does not forget where she left his box.
Gov Hickenlooper you are breaking my little grammar police editor heart. Would someone please tell these people that the supposition “If” takes a plural verb “were” – Please. I’ve given up on like and as. I’ve given up on the Oxford comma. I’ve given up two spaces after a period on Twitter. I am not giving up my subjunctive mood of the supposition clause. ?
A lovely story for your beloved Kumcho
Well, time to go outside and raise the 48-star flag from half- to full-staff. The flag is the burial flag I rescued off Ebay