odd that the target of all the zeitgeist anger seems to be aimed at the presidency, present and future incumbent. why aren’t the outraged of both st bern and drumpf worked up about who most are responsible for the mess we are in regarding inequality, unemployment, poor education, rotting infrastructure, lack of healthcare, corruption, etc: congress. you know, that other branch that holds the purse strings, that supposedly passes legislation to keep the country going.
we seem to look to our favored presidential candidates as though they have the power of benevolent dictators and can wave magic wands to make things better. such thinking only leads to disappointment for no matter who is elected he/she has to deal with an unworkable, unreliable legislative branch unless those angry and not-gonna-take-it-anymore millions get off their duffs and throw the bums out of critterville.
come to think of it, maybe they really are looking for a dictator.
Hey…. now that’s the Solar I remember… thanks for showing up. For a while I thought some negative nilly tied you up and was posting using your name. As for anyone expecting too little from a president…. maybe you expect too much. As patd has reminded above, a president is not a dictator. Although I hear trump thinks otherwise.
BiD… are you saying you don’t remember taking a trip to NYC where you met the lovely Vanilla Birdies and Brian. You told us that Brian behaved like an ass. He continued that behavior on this blog.
Thanks for all the banjo music. Thanks Jace for putting up your wonderful selections for our Sunday enjoyment.
Great clips. The Scruggs/Martin clip is an amazing lineup of musicians. Earl, Steve, Albert Lee, Vince Gill, Marty Stewart…I’d like to know how that lineup came about. Steve is terrific – one of the best banjo pickers in the world IMHO. Hes carrying Earl’s torch. Vince Gill is an amazing guitarist whose chicken picking was inspired by Albert Lee, who is one of the 2 or 3 preeminent ckicken pickers in the recording industry and possibly the fastest, except a few hundred guys and gals who’ve been inspired by him and have videoed themselves and become YouTube sensations.
pogo, you is a true conni-suer of good music. I tho’t of you when I posted that. how’s lp doing music-wise these days? did he ever try his hand at the banjo?
Tomorrow my son will graduate college for the second time….he was a investment trade stock mgr. in 2007 at the chicago board of trade when shit hit the fan, we both were out of work…at 43 he will be a graduate of columbia school of music…his passion ……i feel like a winner……
solar, good job papa. and congratulations to your son.
patd makes great points about keeping focus on the Legislative Branch. Electing competent Representatives is the key to good government. Politicians work for us: we have the power of our vote. Don’t feel like voting? Fine. Just don’t complain about your government because you willingly chose to not be a part of it.
As far as divisions caused by support for Presidential Candidates, reality has to win out because reality is reality. Someone will win, all the others will lose. Hopefully a competent intelligent person will win so the American People won’t be the losers. Not a fan of any current Presidential Candidates but I am an American who loves this Country & respects my fellow Americans. I will support the sane, intelligent Candidate & work to elect Congressmen/women who reflect my values.
Patd, he never tried the banjo. The store where he’s taken lessons only has a couple of low end instrumenrts and his teacher never played it. His guitars got a rest his first year of college. Too little time to work it in between studying, soccer, track and chasing girls. He’s decided to transfer to WVU, give up athletics, focus on his studies, and plans to work his guitar back into his life. His parents have very mixed feelings about it. If it gets guitar back into his life in a big way, I’ll be happy.
Politicians work for us: we have the power of our vote. Don’t feel like voting? Fine. Just don’t complain about your government because you willingly chose to not be a part of it.
sjwny, amen and worthy of repeating several times between now and November.
Tomorrow my son will graduate college for the second time….he was a investment trade stock mgr. in 2007 at the chicago board of trade when shit hit the fan, we both were out of work…at 43 he will be a graduate of columbia school of music…his passion ……i feel like a winner
You are a winner and so is your son! Good on you both.
Thanks all for the pats on the back…..i never go around asking for them…..but this time around they sure felt good thanks!!
Renee, I knew (felt) that you were a little pissed at me. Now that I let it out of my system i can control it a little better. The worst thing for any ones health is suppressed anger…..it has to come out…or it will harm you to a great extent….so if i hurt any ones feeling….lo siento….But, But i do expected those 2 things form her that i mentioned to Tony….2 things from Hillary with all of the experience and world contacts that she has accumulated….cant be too much to ask for…..think about all of the power and global influences that she and Bill have…..it makes it possible imo….
Also if we expect too little from our potus…..then thats what we are going to get…..too little……
The reporter who spoke with Donald Trump spokesman “John Miller” in the 1990s is suggesting Trump leaked the controversial audio tapes that may show him masqueraded as his own spokesman. [….]
“The main thing here is that I didn’t leak the tape, and there are two people on the conversation,” she told Kelly. [….]
“Who else would have had a copy of the tape?” Kelly asked.
“Donald Trump,” Carswell said, prompting a long pause as Kelly pantomimed her head exploding and disembodied laughter came from the Fox News studio.
“You are suggesting Trump leaked this to The Washington Post?” Kelly followed up.
“Because he loves publicity?” Kelly asked. “You are suggesting that he may want us talking about this right now because it generates a new cycle, perhaps?”
“I will support the sane, intelligent Candidate & work to elect Congressmen/women who reflect my values.”
What a lovely comment. I can’t think of a better way to judge voting for candidates you’re really not into. With the exception of Bill Clinton in the General , never voted for a candidate i really liked and believed in.. Terrific way to vote though..
Congrats to your son! You and Judy i know are so proud and you should be.. Its nice to see he’s actually educated in something he loves.. Looking towards the future with many happy days, wonderful..
RR – No, he wasn’t an ass while I was around. Something seems to have happened when he was outside with VB having a smoke, which I heard about later. My memories are of a nice lunch, followed by a walk in Ctl Pk.
Can’t argue with you about expecting much from the person you choose to vote for.. The two things important to you are important to me and i’d wager most people here and Democrats.. The question is how to get it done? I suppose at this point if Hillary is elected President so much is going to depend on the makeup of Congress.. I remember being so disappointed in President Obama for selling us out on the Public Option. In hindsight i think so much would have been different if Dems hadn’t had a Senate majority with those Southern conserva Dems.Although it made possible an imperfect ACA. With Hillary it’s up to her to lead and fight through all the bullshit and triumph. Hopefully if elected she won’t let you down.. No guarantees as you know..
Stakes are too high this year. Mr Trump could be our next President. If that thought doesn’t scare folks straight, check their pulse. I get why people are voting for Trump – I understand the frustration & being just fed up with the same old same old. But Mr Trump is not qualified, not fit to be Leader of the Free World. This is a scary thought he even has a chance.
I do like Elizabeth Warren & Zephyr Teachout. These are smart, practical women whom I trust in government. I also know they would be respected & accomplish more under Democratic victories in the Presidential/Legislative branches. I’m not a Clinton fan; I don’t feel the Bern but I have a brain, compassion & commonsense. Whomever the Democrats choose is preferable than anyone the Republicans offer. This is a fact & I am a realist. 🙂
Testifying before Congress in 1934 about a bill to virtually ban machine guns and sawed-off shotguns, National Rifle Association President Karl Frederick was asked about carrying firearms for self-defense.
“I do not believe in the general promiscuous toting of guns,” said the former Olympic gold medal sharpshooter. “I think it should be sharply restricted and only under licenses.”
Fast-forward to December 2015 when 14 people were killed in a shooting blamed on terrorists in San Bernardino, Calif., and Democrats rushed to pass a measure to deny guns to anyone on the no-fly terrorist watch list.
The NRA responded with a tweet to its nearly 5 million members. “Call your senators NOW and urge them to vote NO on any and all #gun control proposals.”
The measure was defeated in the Senate.
also in the paper was this little blurb about w. va, pogo:
An exit poll showed 41 percent of the Mountain State’s Democratic voters wanted policies less liberal than President Obama’s, and Sanders won those voters 2 to 1. Among Sanders voters, 39 percent said they would vote for Trump over Sanders in the fall. Nine percent of Clinton voters said they would be for Trump.
Sittin’ here thunkin about how many times the election has gone my way….I kind of liked Ike cause he was a general and such and we were all still playing war with govt surplus army stuff, so he was ok…..then there was jfk and he was ok because for one thing he was a rich kid who wound up on a PT boat, in harm’s way, etc.
johnson I was more or less meh at the time of the election but I started digging him and then the ship went off the rails….Nixon? Dead set agin’ ‘im….Carter…. I allowed myself to become a tad enthused and whatnot–even stopped at the side of the road traveling registration bus and signed up. He’s never let me down.
reagan…..Ho boy, was I against him.
Bush 1? I lost. Clinton was the biggest win ever. Except for the second term. Bush 2? Another one for them. And another one for them.
It’s true the current trump news wont move the true believers but it enforces the belief Trump is nutty and that won’t help him move beyond the voters he aready has
The election that cost me a job. Walked in and the boss was cheering the Nixon victory. Made the mistake of saying, “At least 42% of the nation is happy.”
The post September 11, 2001, GI Bill is under bipartisan attack (H.R. 3016). Obama is not doing anything to stop it, just leading from behind with his head up his. Only one percent of our population has answered the call to duty since September 11, 2001 and Obama does not give them any respect. When a different one percent, that receives over twenty percent of the almost 10 trillion dollar income, says jump, Obama asks how high.
Fried chicken, nectar of the gods. Mom and her mom (Meemaw) fried hers in Crisco. It was a shit load better’n KFC. BTW, KFC was not the best fast food fried chicken IMHO, but was 3rd behind Hardee’s (yes, I know, but it was fricking delicious ) and (yes) Roy Rogers.
BTW, mom and MeeMaw said the key was to have the oil HOT and keep it hot and drain it then put it on paper towels.
My dad used to tell of the threshing crews coming to the farm when he was a boy. It was the responsibility of the farmer to feed the crew while they were there.
My grandmother would get up early and fry chicken while it was still cool. She would fry extra to feed the family breakfast. So breakfast was fried chicken, biscuits and gravy and fried eggs, along with whatever fruit was in season. Kind of an unusual breakfast but nobody went away hungry and it was mighty good.
The Colonel was never in the military, and he was originally from Indiana. However, Corbin, KY was the site of the great discovery, and the colonel pose was great schtick.
Sweetie thinks that in the picture with the Colonel, Craig looks 17 years old. I thought 12-14. Obviously an early bloomer at 11.
As an aside, one morning at breakfast my dad said I looked 40. I was 17. A friend of mine who was also 17 looked like a 60 year old. In fact, he still does. He’s lost some hair, but otherwise looks like he did more that 50 years ago.
Actually xrepub and sturg I are one. Kentucky Colonel is a civilian title bestowed by the governor. Yes I could have been older in that pic, was just guessing. Come to think of it I wore those nerdy shoes in high school. He and my great Uncle John Lair often attended each other’s birthday parties, so not sure which one this was. Looks like Saltpeter Cave, which would have been Lair’s turf. That’s my Dad’s Dad in the background BTW.
Please, stay away from Saltpeter Cave, Sir. With a name like that it is bound to be chock full of carcinogens. I will affirm that cancer is not fun. No kiddin’, Sir.
odd that the target of all the zeitgeist anger seems to be aimed at the presidency, present and future incumbent. why aren’t the outraged of both st bern and drumpf worked up about who most are responsible for the mess we are in regarding inequality, unemployment, poor education, rotting infrastructure, lack of healthcare, corruption, etc: congress. you know, that other branch that holds the purse strings, that supposedly passes legislation to keep the country going.
we seem to look to our favored presidential candidates as though they have the power of benevolent dictators and can wave magic wands to make things better. such thinking only leads to disappointment for no matter who is elected he/she has to deal with an unworkable, unreliable legislative branch unless those angry and not-gonna-take-it-anymore millions get off their duffs and throw the bums out of critterville.
come to think of it, maybe they really are looking for a dictator.
jace, banjo time it is
And a history of today’s chosen instrument narrated by Pete Seeger
Vladon kiss! Two billionaires and their successful public relations campaigns have allowed them to become leaders of the “me” world!
Hey…. now that’s the Solar I remember… thanks for showing up. For a while I thought some negative nilly tied you up and was posting using your name. As for anyone expecting too little from a president…. maybe you expect too much. As patd has reminded above, a president is not a dictator. Although I hear trump thinks otherwise.
BiD… are you saying you don’t remember taking a trip to NYC where you met the lovely Vanilla Birdies and Brian. You told us that Brian behaved like an ass. He continued that behavior on this blog.
Thanks for all the banjo music. Thanks Jace for putting up your wonderful selections for our Sunday enjoyment.
Great clips. The Scruggs/Martin clip is an amazing lineup of musicians. Earl, Steve, Albert Lee, Vince Gill, Marty Stewart…I’d like to know how that lineup came about. Steve is terrific – one of the best banjo pickers in the world IMHO. Hes carrying Earl’s torch. Vince Gill is an amazing guitarist whose chicken picking was inspired by Albert Lee, who is one of the 2 or 3 preeminent ckicken pickers in the recording industry and possibly the fastest, except a few hundred guys and gals who’ve been inspired by him and have videoed themselves and become YouTube sensations.
pogo, you is a true conni-suer of good music. I tho’t of you when I posted that. how’s lp doing music-wise these days? did he ever try his hand at the banjo?
Tomorrow my son will graduate college for the second time….he was a investment trade stock mgr. in 2007 at the chicago board of trade when shit hit the fan, we both were out of work…at 43 he will be a graduate of columbia school of music…his passion ……i feel like a winner……
solar, good job papa. and congratulations to your son.
patd makes great points about keeping focus on the Legislative Branch. Electing competent Representatives is the key to good government. Politicians work for us: we have the power of our vote. Don’t feel like voting? Fine. Just don’t complain about your government because you willingly chose to not be a part of it.
As far as divisions caused by support for Presidential Candidates, reality has to win out because reality is reality. Someone will win, all the others will lose. Hopefully a competent intelligent person will win so the American People won’t be the losers. Not a fan of any current Presidential Candidates but I am an American who loves this Country & respects my fellow Americans. I will support the sane, intelligent Candidate & work to elect Congressmen/women who reflect my values.
i like the background music in this latest ad…. sorta like music from those old gag clips shown between pathe` news and the main feature.
Patd, he never tried the banjo. The store where he’s taken lessons only has a couple of low end instrumenrts and his teacher never played it. His guitars got a rest his first year of college. Too little time to work it in between studying, soccer, track and chasing girls. He’s decided to transfer to WVU, give up athletics, focus on his studies, and plans to work his guitar back into his life. His parents have very mixed feelings about it. If it gets guitar back into his life in a big way, I’ll be happy.
Politicians work for us: we have the power of our vote. Don’t feel like voting? Fine. Just don’t complain about your government because you willingly chose to not be a part of it.
sjwny, amen and worthy of repeating several times between now and November.
Tomorrow my son will graduate college for the second time….he was a investment trade stock mgr. in 2007 at the chicago board of trade when shit hit the fan, we both were out of work…at 43 he will be a graduate of columbia school of music…his passion ……i feel like a winner
You are a winner and so is your son! Good on you both.
Boy oh boy what music we have today!. Thanks all for sharing
Patd: preferring a dictator…….
“The Frogs Who Wanted a King”, by Aesop
To be involved in any way with the making of music is to be a winner.
that said, do you know how to tell when someone has perfect pitch?
when they can throw the accordion so that it comes down right in the center of the dumpster—-right on top of the banjo………
jace & sturgeone,
Amen, Amen.
And Congrats to solar’s son. Much success, much more happiness.
Thanks all for the pats on the back…..i never go around asking for them…..but this time around they sure felt good thanks!!
Renee, I knew (felt) that you were a little pissed at me. Now that I let it out of my system i can control it a little better. The worst thing for any ones health is suppressed anger…..it has to come out…or it will harm you to a great extent….so if i hurt any ones feeling….lo siento….But, But i do expected those 2 things form her that i mentioned to Tony….2 things from Hillary with all of the experience and world contacts that she has accumulated….cant be too much to ask for…..think about all of the power and global influences that she and Bill have…..it makes it possible imo….
Also if we expect too little from our potus…..then thats what we are going to get…..too little……
Patd…..close your eyes……
Solar… that’s you and I taking the lead….
Sturg, LOL. I’m very glad LP didn’t pick up the banjo. My FIL had an accordion in his closet. Mercifully that’s where it stayed.
The chairman of the goopers,Rancid Getoffmybus defending Trump saying the people are sending him to Washington to create an earthquake
really Rancid and what will be the result —
As for the Trump Truthiness— ack
Pretty fine dancing there Solar & Renee
sturge and pogo, bet y’all also don’t bagpipes
or zithers
or pan pipes
or tom cat fights in back alleys at 3 am
Actually I have an Italian concertina, but I had to sell my very fine banjo (at half price) during the draft-dodging cheerleader’s glorious recession.
But I can’t even do this on it.
daily mail story of snl’s “joey pepperoni” trump being his own publicist also choosing vp with christi
I only still have the concertina because nobody ( no bod-eee ) wanted to buy an Italian concertina.
the hill drumpfing up free media again:
The reporter who spoke with Donald Trump spokesman “John Miller” in the 1990s is suggesting Trump leaked the controversial audio tapes that may show him masqueraded as his own spokesman. [….]
“The main thing here is that I didn’t leak the tape, and there are two people on the conversation,” she told Kelly. [….]
“Who else would have had a copy of the tape?” Kelly asked.
“Donald Trump,” Carswell said, prompting a long pause as Kelly pantomimed her head exploding and disembodied laughter came from the Fox News studio.
“You are suggesting Trump leaked this to The Washington Post?” Kelly followed up.
“Yes,” Carswell replied. Asked why, she continued: “You got me. He’s done stranger things.”
“Because he loves publicity?” Kelly asked. “You are suggesting that he may want us talking about this right now because it generates a new cycle, perhaps?”
“Hello, Donald,” Carswell joked in response.
what we seem to have here is a very very ill person…. with a serious personality disorder.
He must have read somewhere about Walt Whitman and his rise to poetic prominence.
(Many letters to the editors……all penned by Walt Whitman)
“I will support the sane, intelligent Candidate & work to elect Congressmen/women who reflect my values.”
What a lovely comment. I can’t think of a better way to judge voting for candidates you’re really not into. With the exception of Bill Clinton in the General , never voted for a candidate i really liked and believed in.. Terrific way to vote though..
Congrats to your son! You and Judy i know are so proud and you should be.. Its nice to see he’s actually educated in something he loves.. Looking towards the future with many happy days, wonderful..
RR – No, he wasn’t an ass while I was around. Something seems to have happened when he was outside with VB having a smoke, which I heard about later. My memories are of a nice lunch, followed by a walk in Ctl Pk.
It’s a new day. If it’s heavy, put it down.
Can’t argue with you about expecting much from the person you choose to vote for.. The two things important to you are important to me and i’d wager most people here and Democrats.. The question is how to get it done? I suppose at this point if Hillary is elected President so much is going to depend on the makeup of Congress.. I remember being so disappointed in President Obama for selling us out on the Public Option. In hindsight i think so much would have been different if Dems hadn’t had a Senate majority with those Southern conserva Dems.Although it made possible an imperfect ACA. With Hillary it’s up to her to lead and fight through all the bullshit and triumph. Hopefully if elected she won’t let you down.. No guarantees as you know..
Stakes are too high this year. Mr Trump could be our next President. If that thought doesn’t scare folks straight, check their pulse. I get why people are voting for Trump – I understand the frustration & being just fed up with the same old same old. But Mr Trump is not qualified, not fit to be Leader of the Free World. This is a scary thought he even has a chance.
I do like Elizabeth Warren & Zephyr Teachout. These are smart, practical women whom I trust in government. I also know they would be respected & accomplish more under Democratic victories in the Presidential/Legislative branches. I’m not a Clinton fan; I don’t feel the Bern but I have a brain, compassion & commonsense. Whomever the Democrats choose is preferable than anyone the Republicans offer. This is a fact & I am a realist. 🙂
Jake Tapper voice of theTrump meme –Whatever Trump did Hillary is worse
There is a special place in hell for news fantasists like Tapper the tool
Why Hillary Should Pick Elizabeth Warren for Veep
by Michelle Goldberg
courier joournal Revered or reviled, NRA’s power is at the polls
Testifying before Congress in 1934 about a bill to virtually ban machine guns and sawed-off shotguns, National Rifle Association President Karl Frederick was asked about carrying firearms for self-defense.
“I do not believe in the general promiscuous toting of guns,” said the former Olympic gold medal sharpshooter. “I think it should be sharply restricted and only under licenses.”
Fast-forward to December 2015 when 14 people were killed in a shooting blamed on terrorists in San Bernardino, Calif., and Democrats rushed to pass a measure to deny guns to anyone on the no-fly terrorist watch list.
The NRA responded with a tweet to its nearly 5 million members. “Call your senators NOW and urge them to vote NO on any and all #gun control proposals.”
The measure was defeated in the Senate.
also in the paper was this little blurb about w. va, pogo:
An exit poll showed 41 percent of the Mountain State’s Democratic voters wanted policies less liberal than President Obama’s, and Sanders won those voters 2 to 1. Among Sanders voters, 39 percent said they would vote for Trump over Sanders in the fall. Nine percent of Clinton voters said they would be for Trump.
what do you make of that?
Trump Calls Elizabeth Warren ‘Pocahontas’ In Call With NYT Columnist
by Sara Jerdehttp://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/trump-elizabeth-warren-pocahontas
Georgia poll shows tight presidential race
By Kristen East
Voters in WV want someone less liberal so they voted for Bernie and plan in the fall to vote for Trump
Someone should do a comic book for voters so they can tell the good guys from the bad
Sittin’ here thunkin about how many times the election has gone my way….I kind of liked Ike cause he was a general and such and we were all still playing war with govt surplus army stuff, so he was ok…..then there was jfk and he was ok because for one thing he was a rich kid who wound up on a PT boat, in harm’s way, etc.
johnson I was more or less meh at the time of the election but I started digging him and then the ship went off the rails….Nixon? Dead set agin’ ‘im….Carter…. I allowed myself to become a tad enthused and whatnot–even stopped at the side of the road traveling registration bus and signed up. He’s never let me down.
reagan…..Ho boy, was I against him.
Bush 1? I lost. Clinton was the biggest win ever. Except for the second term. Bush 2? Another one for them. And another one for them.
obama? My way. And my way 2.
Looks like 8 to 7. When they did it myyyyyyy waaaaaaaaay
You should not just feel like a winner because you are a real WINNER! Like BIG TIME!
It’s a new day. If it’s heavy, put it down.
BiD… good advice… especially for the Sanders supporters who claim they won’t vote for Clinton… 😉
Sturg… although I wasn’t old enough to vote for either Ike or JFK… your presidential voting journey pretty much mirrors mine.
Trump said he would force China to overthrow Kim Jong Un I think there is a great ad there
the two of them in a face-off and each with their finger on the bomb or something like that
David, birthplace of KFC (Corbin, KY)
Kitchen where the Colonel and wife created their secret recipe (Corbin, KY)
Dad, Craig, David with the Colonel
Great pictures – so did you have fried chicken? There are a lot of places in Kentucky reputed to have great fried chicken
not so much here in Sonoma County. We have the colonel of course but not too much past that
It’s true the current trump news wont move the true believers but it enforces the belief Trump is nutty and that won’t help him move beyond the voters he aready has
The Colonel’s office
KGC, all u need if you have the Col
Love the photo of the three of you with The Colonel. Perfectly posed. The Colonel looks like part of the family 🙂
the last gasp of the dying Trump campaign will be …but what about Billlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll?
Strange things are growing on the Space Station
The election that cost me a job. Walked in and the boss was cheering the Nixon victory. Made the mistake of saying, “At least 42% of the nation is happy.”
The post September 11, 2001, GI Bill is under bipartisan attack (H.R. 3016). Obama is not doing anything to stop it, just leading from behind with his head up his. Only one percent of our population has answered the call to duty since September 11, 2001 and Obama does not give them any respect. When a different one percent, that receives over twenty percent of the almost 10 trillion dollar income, says jump, Obama asks how high.
new yorker
Donald Trump and the “John Miller” Tape: A Question of Character
If the Col. had had the Gullah fried chicken recipe he coulda been a General……
Pretty cool photographs, CC
I’m fond of the Colonel but what is the secret to Gullah fried chicken?
Out here KFC can also mean Korean Fried Chicken
I don’t know the recipe or the method, but I’ve had it since forever……its not so easy to get anymore, though……
The secret is to fry it in lard. It’s a pork fat thing.
Fried chicken….. YUM!
Thanks for the great pics, Craig.
Just checking, everyone knows that you just click pics posted in comments to enlarge them, right?
Fried chicken, nectar of the gods. Mom and her mom (Meemaw) fried hers in Crisco. It was a shit load better’n KFC. BTW, KFC was not the best fast food fried chicken IMHO, but was 3rd behind Hardee’s (yes, I know, but it was fricking delicious ) and (yes) Roy Rogers.
BTW, mom and MeeMaw said the key was to have the oil HOT and keep it hot and drain it then put it on paper towels.
can’t resist one more posting for this pic: me (age 11-ish) with the real deal
CC….that right there should qualify you to be a Col. your ownself……
Throwback to the Oklahoma aunts and soaking the chicken pieces in buttermilk overnight. I think I can still do it. ?
And now we are back to what we grew up with and what we remember. Have to get the son to buy me Ball jars
My dad used to tell of the threshing crews coming to the farm when he was a boy. It was the responsibility of the farmer to feed the crew while they were there.
My grandmother would get up early and fry chicken while it was still cool. She would fry extra to feed the family breakfast. So breakfast was fried chicken, biscuits and gravy and fried eggs, along with whatever fruit was in season. Kind of an unusual breakfast but nobody went away hungry and it was mighty good.
Can’t help you with the Ball jars but if you need a few Mason jars, I have more than enough to share.
Have I mentioned recently, that moving is a real f&%$#123&**ing pain in the ass?
The Colonel was never in the military, and he was originally from Indiana. However, Corbin, KY was the site of the great discovery, and the colonel pose was great schtick.
Sweetie thinks that in the picture with the Colonel, Craig looks 17 years old. I thought 12-14. Obviously an early bloomer at 11.
As an aside, one morning at breakfast my dad said I looked 40. I was 17. A friend of mine who was also 17 looked like a 60 year old. In fact, he still does. He’s lost some hair, but otherwise looks like he did more that 50 years ago.
I dunno. Does bolding the text make it more readable,
or does it seem like I’m shouting at you ?
Loud applause for ‘Little’ Solar on his graduation !
A hearty cyber-handshake to the ‘Old’ Man.
I now expect a glorious transformation in the world of music : The Solar Sound.
Actually xrepub and sturg I are one. Kentucky Colonel is a civilian title bestowed by the governor. Yes I could have been older in that pic, was just guessing. Come to think of it I wore those nerdy shoes in high school. He and my great Uncle John Lair often attended each other’s birthday parties, so not sure which one this was. Looks like Saltpeter Cave, which would have been Lair’s turf. That’s my Dad’s Dad in the background BTW.
Col. Craig Crawford, Esquire, sounds pretty intimidating, sir.
Please, stay away from Saltpeter Cave, Sir. With a name like that it is bound to be chock full of carcinogens. I will affirm that cancer is not fun. No kiddin’, Sir.