Let’s Hear It For Punctiliousness

It is not often the word punctilious appears in our news pages. Leave it up to the New York Times to find a way, in this article on Obama court nominee Merrick Garland:

“He appears to apply Supreme Court precedents with punctilious fidelity even if there is reason to think he would have preferred a different outcome and even where other judges might have found room to maneuver.”

Further, this is a good read on Garland’s record, which — as Times reporter Adam Liptak notes — has led to a “rare distinction in a polarized era. He has sat on a prominent appeals court for almost two decades, participated in thousands of cases, and yet earned praise from across the political spectrum.” Read More

Webster’s: “Punctilious: marked by or concerned about precise accordance with the details of codes or conventions”

It is because of his “fidelity” to precedent, keeping his personal views out of the mix, that we really don’t know what Garland would do once free of that mission on the Supreme Court, where justices set precedent.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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8 years ago

as good as he is, garland’s biggest obstacle getting confirmed is the gun lobby’s hold over politicians.  here’s someone who has the inner firepower to inspire others to stand up to and overcome that obstacle:

tucson news: “There is only one candidate in this race that has the determination and the toughness to stand up to a very powerful corporate lobby. And the record to prove it,” said Mark Kelly, a former astronaut and husband to Giffords.
“In the White House, she will stand up to the gun lobby,” said Giffords, a former congresswoman. “That’s why I am voting for Hillary.”

8 years ago

from Tansy RoakeMicropoetry

New Word Poem no. 16 – Punctilious

If ever I’m punctilious,
Please bring me up to task,
People are annoying,
When they’re talking out their arse.



8 years ago

On Invincible Ignorance
By Paul Krugman

“Remember Paul Ryan? The speaker of the House used to be a media darling, lionized as the epitome of the Serious, Honest Conservative — never mind those of us who actually looked at the numbers in his budgets and concluded that he was a con man. These days, of course, he is overshadowed by the looming Trumpocalypse.
But while Donald Trump could win the White House — or lose so badly that even our rotten-borough system of congressional districts, which heavily favors GOP, delivers the House to the Democrats — the odds are that come January, Hillary Clinton will be president, and Mr. Ryan still speaker. So I was interested to read what Mr. Ryan said in a recent interview with John Harwood. What has he learned from recent events?
And the answer is, nothing.
Like just about everyone in the Republican establishment, Mr. Ryan is in denial about the roots of Trumpism, about the extent to which the party deliberately cultivated anger and racial backlash, only to lose control of the monster it created. But what I found especially striking were his comments on tax policy. I know, boring — but indulge me here. There’s a larger moral.

8 years ago



If you believe the noise from Turtleman and his lock-step acolytes, Merrick Garland is barely distinguishable from the most ardent member of the Supreme Court of Russia appointed by some squatter not yet evicted from the White House.

8 years ago

Democrats to Sanders: Time to wind it down
Protracted combat with Hillary Clinton threatens to do real damage in a general election against Donald Trump, senators warn.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/03/bernie-dems-winddown-220966#ixzz43XPFC7GX 

8 years ago

mitch’s real pitch:

Supreme Court justices are nominated by the president and appointed with the advice and consent of the National Rifle Association, according to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

McConnell offered this unusual view of the confirmation process during an interview with Fox News Sunday. In response to a question from host Chris Wallace, who asked if Senate Republicans would consider the nomination of Judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court after the election if Hillary Clinton prevails, McConnell responded that he “can’t imagine that a Republican majority in the United States Senate would want to confirm, in a lame duck session, a nominee opposed by the National Rifle Association [and] the National Federation of Independent Businesses.”

8 years ago

8 years ago

Learning Lessons From Outrage
By Charles Blow

“We have learned the dangers of doubting the depravity and desperation of some who would follow such a man despite, or possibly even because of, his offensive rhetoric and outrageous policies.
We have learned just how much ugliness exists in this country, and what it looks like when it finds a voice, a leader and a reason to gather and unite.
We have learned that the Republican establishment has no clue who the Republican base is anymore, or if they do, they thought wrongly that they could control them by feeding them crumbs of obstruction and vague aspirationalism from their table of excess. In fact, that base has been gorging itself on fear and anger, vileness and the possibility of violence.”

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Eagle Cam is the best thing on television, well not exactly on television, it is a internet feed going through a computer and the A/V unit to the television.  The eaglets are so cute, Mom is so careful and diligent. Her beak is huge compared to the little eaglets, she could easily knock them out of the nest and into the next tree if she moved too fast.

The idiocy that is the D.C. media is  going to pass out if they do not take a breath.  The bully is in town and they are all out for a bloodbath in demonstrations against the combover king.  I put the rise of the guy on the media desire for blood sport.  A few months ago they could have let him sit on page 18 rather than page one above the fold.  But, no.

So eagle cam to the rescue.  I can watch eagles and eaglets all day long.

8 years ago

tony, you’ll like this  from jay parini, poet and bernie voter, writing about ‘Why do they hate Hillary Clinton so much?’
[one of his examples:]
She does shade the truth at times, as do all politicians, including Sanders. Politifact, an excellent website, measures the truth-quality of statements by everyone running for president on both sides of the aisle, and Clinton comes out as perhaps the most truthful of the pack, even more so than Sanders — although the two are more or less even, telling the whole truth or something like the truth about half the time. (By contrast, only 9% of the statements made by Donald Trump and reviewed by Politifact were rated “true” or “mostly true.” More than three quarters of Trump’s statements were rated “mostly false,” “false” or “pants on fire.”).

[his conclusion]
The abuse of Hillary Clinton must stop. She’s not perfect. But she’s smart, experienced and compassionate, and she will step into the Oval Office better prepared to take on an exacting job in difficult times than almost anyone in recent memory.

8 years ago

Here comes the opposition book: Clinton and her allies prepare for Trump

By Anne Gearan and Abby Phillip

“Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton and her allies have begun preparing a playbook to defeat Donald Trump in a general-election matchup that will attempt to do what his Republican opponents couldn’t: show that his business dealings and impolitic statements make him unfit to be commander in chief.
Both the Clinton campaign and outside supporters are confident that she and Trump will almost certainly face each other in the general election and that the focus is shifting past her hard-fought primary campaign against Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont.
They are now focused intently on researching the billionaire real estate mogul’s business record, dissecting his economic policies and compiling a long history of controversial pronouncements that have captivated and repelled the nation in this tumultuous election season.”

8 years ago


Pat, yes, loved it, excellent piece.. Much wisdom there..

8 years ago

IMHO, dither John Oliver or Samantha Bee should have been tagged to be the replacement for John Stewart. Sorry, just my view.  I like Trevor Noah, and he is a decent interviewer and a hip and urbane South African, but Oliver is head and shoulders above him for delivery of political satire. Samantha Bee would also have been a great replacement – I think she holds her own with Oliver but I think for the show Jon Stewart brought us to expect, Oliver edges Samantha Bee out. Her comedy is more comic than satiric, and I think that’s what the Daily Show was all about.

8 years ago

pogo, it may have been a case of neither one wanted the every day-ly slog .  much more fun to concentrate on producing a weekly show.  they both are good and all three fill a niche.

8 years ago

also would like to see this guy back on a periodic basis.

8 years ago

John Fugelsang reminded me that this would have been the 101st birthday of Sister Rosetta Tharp.  Her gospel singing was some of the earliest roots of Rock and Roll

8 years ago

Conservative S. E. Cupp on Donald Trump

That’s not a “Dog Whistle” you hear, those are “Dog Screams”.


8 years ago

Sanders Campaign Seems Unwilling to Meet With Press In Boise

“Bernie Sanders brings his presidential campaign to Boise Monday after a Friday stop in Idaho Falls. The Sanders campaign called Thursday to offer the Statesman 30 minutes one-on-one with the Vermont senator ahead of his noon rally at Boise State University’s Taco Bell arena.

Of course, we said yes. What better way to get past the usual campaign talking points and quiz the candidate on topics of special interest to Idahoans?”

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Hey Oklahoma and Nebraska!!!   Put this in your pipe and smoke it!  Supremes reject repug lawsuit.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Noon Rally at Taco Bell area?  Bernie heads to the border!!!

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

In NM, we have a repug, Christian journalist who forced gov Susana’s hand in releasing the names and addresses of the medical marijuana producers in our state…jeopardizing their security, safety, etc.  Susana who endorsed Rubio and has called upon Trump food taster, Christie, in the past to assist her in her reelection….may have to endorse Trump instead of Cruz who represents repugs like this.  This journalist wants Martinez to resign over her December Pizza Party.  Peter St. Cyr a political fireball and chief dickhead….call to resign.

8 years ago

Great Big Happy Birthday to OSH


8 years ago

Hey OSH….


8 years ago

letter from george per cnn:

“If you listen to the loudest voices out there today, you’d think we’re a country that hates Mexicans, hates Muslims, and thinks that committing war crimes is the best way to make America great again,” Clooney writes in the letter, a copy of which was obtained by CNN.

“The truth is that the only thing that would prevent America from being great would be to empower these voices,” he writes. “In all of this clutter, there’s been one consistent voice. A voice of tolerance and experience, from a candidate who’s spent a lifetime fighting for the rights of the less fortunate. A candidate who knows firsthand the complexity of our international relationships. That candidate is Hillary Clinton.”

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

BW.  If those states want to control weed (and the income) they should make it legal in their states.  Besides the highway robbers police wait at the state line to get extra income,which would go away.  But, for the state that is free cash not a problem.

Eagle Cam is rockin and a rollin with the wind.  It looks a bit like what staring out the hatch of my boat does in the wind.  Up, down, around and repeat, only do it all at once.

8 years ago

hillary at aipac

Several standing ovations here for Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, promising a close partnership with Israel if she’s elected President and warning the 18,000 Jewish and pro-Israel voters here about the need for steady hands.

One of a few not so veiled swipes at the Republican front-runner Donald Trump:

(Clinton) “If you see bigotry oppose it. If you see violence condemn it. If you see a bully, stand up to him.”

8 years ago

Senator Warren does not like Donald Trump and Tweets her opinions:

Says Trump “kept his father’s empire afloat using strategic corporate bankruptcies”
“@RealDonaldTrump knows he’s a loser. His insecurities are on parade: petty bullying, attacks on women, cheap racism, flagrant narcissism”
Says Trump will “tear apart” America if he wins, calls him a “serious threat”

“The way I see it, it’s our job to make sure @realDonaldTrump ends this campaign every bit the loser that he started it.”

8 years ago

Lena Dunham on Hillary Clinton
Dunham noted that she’s received the “vitriol” via her Instagram feed, where she has posted photos as she campaigned for Clinton in primary states.
She said that she reached a “tipping point” last week when one commenter wrote to her, “Bernie Sanders has done more for feminism than Hillary Clinton has.”
More at the link above.

8 years ago

“Hillary Clinton as president will seamlessly merge Republicans and Democrats into one party on war and foreign policy…

“The merger of both American political parties on war is actually the foundation for fascism.”

“Trump is actually less hawkish than Clinton.”

* From HuffPo “The Case For Writing In Bernie Sanders”


8 years ago

“Bernie Sanders has done more for feminism than Hillary Clinton has.” – anonymous flamer

This anonymous is probably a republican, a follower of the lee atwater & donald segretti school of campaign dirty trickery.

8 years ago

I wouldn’t trust that such nonsensical nonsense comes from actual Sanders supporters unless it could be demonstrated that the sender is an actual employee of the Sanders campaign, nominated by Sanders, to speak for him.

repubs who foresee a breakup of the ripper coalition are desperate to also see a breakup of the Dem coalition.

8 years ago

Happy Birthday, Ms Hag ! May you enjoy the best year yet !

8 years ago

Blue, that “piece” was from H.A. Goodman, former Rand Paul shill turned Bernie shill posting a piece in Huffpo covering his Youtube comments.  Penny a click, baby.

8 years ago

Here’s a little about H.A . Goodman from T. Boggs at Rawstory.


BTW, OSH, happy birthday.  If you’re anything like me (I doubt it, you are much younger), each birthday is an affirmation that I’ve survived one more year, and not much more (although Mrs. P. Always takes me to my favorite restaurant for dinner if we’re in town – and to a BBQ joint or “celebrity Chef’s” restaurant if we’re not.)

8 years ago


sea, may the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past.

8 years ago

Parents of one of the Sandy Hook victims straightens out the record for Bernie about their lawsuit against Remington.


And drumpf discloses his foreign policy team in part.  Jeff Sessions is the head of it?  God help us if drumpf gets elected.

8 years ago

OK, kids, brace yourselves.  Frank Rich has an article in NY Magazine.  I’m sure the article is great – Frank usually is – but more than that I challenge you to get the picture ont he top banner out of your mind – it appears to be seared into my retinas now. EEEWWWHHHH!!!

8 years ago

Does ha goodman speak for Sanders, for Sanders’ campaign, or is he just another segretti-style worm in the apple ?

8 years ago



Oh god, H. A. Goodman is a loon.. The stuff he writes is so far out even the space shuttle couldn’t bring him back to earth.. :0)

8 years ago


Oh my Pogo. I love men but oh no!!!! Lol, even Paul Ryan can’t help that bunch..

8 years ago

House Republicans Staring Into the Abyss: 10 Ratings Changes Favor Democrats

By David Wasserman

“They’re about to detonate a nuclear bomb on themselves,” said one savvy House Democratic strategist following Tuesday’s primaries. “If Ted Cruz is your back up plan, you’re screwed,” the strategist gleefully added. Maybe that’s true, and maybe it’s not. But now that it’s extremely likely that the Republican Party will nominate Donald Trump or Ted Cruz, congressional Republicans are entering uncharted and potentially dangerous territory. So many assumptions have been wrong this cycle that it’s difficult to be definitive about another: that the House majority won’t be in play in 2016. “http://cookpolitical.com/story/9382

Oh i hope it’s the case the House comes into play.. Hopefully a huge Hillary landslide! Very fitting since electing the first female President is historic..

8 years ago

Jill Abramson on Hillary Clinton: ‘She does get more scrutiny’ than men
In an exclusive interview for POLITICO’s ‘Off Message’ podcast, the former top editor of The New York Times opens up on 2016, the Clintons and the Donald Trump phenomenon.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/03/jill-abramson-hillary-clinton-2016-221017#ixzz43ZMBaJb7 

8 years ago

Happy Birthday, Old Sea Hag. All the best to you. I think I know what your wish may be … 😉

8 years ago

re ha goodman :

In the words of Gooman Ace, Time wounds all heels.

8 years ago


Given the egos involved, I’m sure Mr. Murdoch would be pleased to inform you that he is doing Australia proud.  Ewwwww I really typed that didn’t I?


8 years ago

thanks a lot, pogo, that picture really really gives me the willies and the conclusion on that article, nightmares of the great white hoax:

For all their blustery threats of third-party campaigns, defections to Hillary, and other acts of rebellion, Republican elites in the political game are more likely to bend to Trump than the other way around, no matter how many conservative op-ed columnists beg them not to do so. They still want to preserve any shred of power they can, and to do that, they must pitch in and try to win. You’ll notice that just about the only Republican politicians or campaign operatives who are vocal in the #NeverTrump claque are either congressmen who are retiring this year, party potentates who have long been out of power (Christine Todd Whitman, Ken Mehlman, J. C. Watts, Mel Martinez), or, as Trump would say, losers (anyone who served in the campaign hierarchies of Romney or Jeb, any neocon who served as a Bush-Cheney architect of the Iraq War). Everyone else will keep on doing what senators and governors like Orrin Hatch and Jeff Sessions and Paul LePage have steadily been doing: They will appease Trump or surrender to him altogether on the most favorable terms they can, for “the good” of the party and the ticket in November. They will make their peace with the art of the deal.

8 years ago

Yes, punctilious.  A word not often used by anyone not trying to impress someone else.  Then again, neither is pusillanimous – a word hearkening back to the Agnew days when he criticized those pusillanimous pussy footers in Washington DC who opposed Nixon’s Vietnam policy.

8 years ago

From the ridiculous to the sublime:  Today is World Poetry Day

Some powerful writing and a good jumping off place to the whole of the poems referenced.

8 years ago

PatD, one thing I particularly liked was Rich pointing out how wrong Ross Douthat has been in his predictions.  I can’t stand Douthat – he reminds me of a RW twerp, Chris Stirewalt,now the Foxnews digital politics editor, who used to post for the Charleston WV NBC affiliate, which is owned by a self-important media magnate (WV style) who hosts an idiotic show on Sunday mornings called “Decisionmakers” where he interviews the Repug leaders in WV and assails the Dem leaders.

8 years ago

Second Eaglet has arrived:  http://www.eagles.org

8 years ago


Something seems to be haywire with the linking function.  They aren’t turning blue and don’t link.

8 years ago

Speaking, figuratively, of bad predictions in re douthat :

David Brooks called Grand New Party the “best single roadmap of where the Republican Party should and is likely to head.”  –  David Brooks (2008-06-27). ‘The Sam’s Club Agenda’, The New York Times. Retrieved 2008-09-09.

They must have been sucking from the same bong.


8 years ago

thanks pogo, also a good day for a drink or two 😉

8 years ago

Some pals of mine are in Cuba as we post. They’re very proud of the Prez & the USA. I asked them to take the Prez over to Hemingway’s favorite haunt, the Floridita, and buy him a beer. I’ll re-imburse for my portion of this treat. So far, I haven’t gotten word back about what happened. I hope security didn’t jail or shoot them. I’d refuse to take my share of that.

8 years ago

Trump Campaign Manager Faces New Allegations Of Pushing, Sexually Suggestive Comments
With Trump’s campaign manager under growing scrutiny, sources share new details with BuzzFeed News about his behavior toward reporters and others.
By Mckay Coppins and Rosie Gray

8 years ago

Occupy Democrats
By now, it’s more like 2,700 days.

8 years ago

Pogo – The thing is, it’s true.  Hillary is a hawk.  Hillary has ties to all the neocons that send people over the edge around here.  Hillary sells a lot of campaign merch.  She must not just be selling tee shirts and buttons; she must be selling Hillary blinders, as well.

Just google -Hillary Clinton’s war record-

I guess nobody cares about not creating anymore dead or wounded vets (nor about Hillary’s part in doing so previously).

8 years ago

What’s Wrong With Bernie Sanders’s Strategy
Building a Democratic coalition out of white, working-class voters won’t succeed. Just ask Hillary Clinton circa 2008.
By Joan Walsh http://www.thenation.com/article/whats-wrong-with-bernie-sanderss-strategy/

By Joan Walsh

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Happy Birthday to OSH…another year wiser!

8 years ago

Chuck Todd has an attack of sanity way too late:  No more call ins for #Drumpf on Meet The Press



8 years ago

Hillary on the Issues:  War & Peace.  Actually looks pretty balanced


8 years ago


Thanks Jamie

Yes Hillary is a peacemaker.. The Hillary being a hawk, nonsense..  So many Bernie supporters use this as a weapon against Hillary, shameful.. Thanks for the post..

8 years ago

Mrs. Trump # 2 can dance OK.

Geraldo can not.

~Yes, Hillary’s record is just a mass hallucination. ~


8 years ago


I love Hillary’s record, thank you very much.. In reading your comment i’m reminded of the young Bernie supporters poster  with the Benghazi rest in peace Chris Stevens printed on it.. Strange all the right wing talking points parroted about Hillary?????

8 years ago

That’s basically the problem.  Virtually every negative thing said about Hillary is a rehash of every Faux Spews broadcast and the usual suspects of Congressional right wing nut job attack lines.

Sure she has made mistakes.  Show me a human being who hasn’t, but as far as I can tell (and with testimony from her closest friends) she is a dedicated, hard working public servant and an honest, genuine and caring woman.

8 years ago

Time for a musical interlude courtesy of Ron Fournier recommendation:

8 years ago

“Strange all the right wing talking points parroted about Hillary?????” – Mr. b39

Not strange. They’re infiltrators disguised as Bernie Bunnies.

In his real life, your Benghazi sign holder is John (jack) de Ripper IV.

8 years ago

Love this poster pointing out the guilty


8 years ago

And with luck this lady will soon be sitting in Congress


8 years ago

Human Rights Campaign endorsed kirk over Duckworth. Can someone please explain this strange event ?

8 years ago

Omg, thanks for the wonderful wishes!  Jamie and Renee- love the perfect cards!  Pat- what fun , thanks for the serenade! X, Pogo, Sjwny, Blond Wino- much thanks!

8 years ago

X-an island fb site is full of such comments.  just incredible, and so ignorant- these kids have no understanding of the progress, history of the last 3 decades. Anyways, I know them and none are Bernie employess- just Bernie Brats!

8 years ago

Cha ching, cha Ching.  Blue is the new Red.

8 years ago

Picking up bumper stickers tomorrow.  Please let me know if interested in one.  I would like to send one to OD, if anyone is in contact with him please let him know.

8 years ago


Your bumper sticker is pretty – reminds me of a quilt. I admire creativity & passion. I like you didn’t fall back into red-white-blue (though I get why those colors are used – duh 😉 .) Good Luck with this & the specialty chocolates.

8 years ago

Ms Hag,

How much are those are those stickers, and where do I place my order ?