Home For The Holidays

ORLANDO — Got back to Trail Mix Southern Command last night, wanted to share a holiday message with pics of our new wreath, Toby’s new tug-of-war toy, and our patio tree.

Share your Holiday plans with us before you’re too busy to share.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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8 years ago

Toby is too cute. Yeah Toby!

Neat wood stump tables in that picture.

My holiday plans, same each year: Working 9am-9pm or 9am-10pm daily, except Sunday which is Noon -9pm. Next day off is Christmas Day which is spent doing the wash. Please be nice to your Retail Workers.

8 years ago

Bigger Than Watergate? Legitimate Concerns That Anti-Clinton Faction Within FBI May Have Conspired To Hand Election To Trump
This is what I was referencing re Comey trying to quell rebellion in his ranks the reason for his letter to committee that he then had to take back when it was too late to fix the damage done.


8 years ago

Toby seems to have found a great sleeping spot.  Son and grandson are both vacationing until New Year’s so I’m not sure what they will come up with but I’m sure the Santa Train to visit the animals at Northwest Trek is on the agenda.

8 years ago

If only we could rewind … build a time machine ….

Biden/Warren 2016.

Of course “if only” means squat. We’re stuck with reality.




8 years ago

wood stump? sjwny,  looks like a big cypress knee to me.  bet there’s a conch shell, a coconut monkey and a stuffed gator somewhere on that patio too.  maybe a bigmouth bass hanging on the wall. love old florida ambiance.  I can smell those pecan rolls stuckeys sell from here…. and speaking of smells, lemon tree blossoms sooo sweet..

8 years ago

jax, here ya go, not exactly health care for all but at least access for all they say (so what’s different from present mess I ask sarcastically)

nytimes: G.O.P. Plans to Replace Health Care Law With ‘Universal Access’


8 years ago

Trying to low key the holidays this year.  LP’s home from school – staying up all hours to play guitar and Call of Duty.  Brought me a Bah Humbug sweater. (Sweet) We’re going back and forth with Mrs. P’s mom about bringing her over here for Christmas and getting her back to CLE to fly out to spend the week after Christmas with her 2 Seattle based grandkids.   There is some drywall repair with my name on it that I might get around to, but then again, it’s been waiting for a year – another month or so prolly won’t hurt.

8 years ago

nbc;  The ‘Real’ Presidential Vote: Electoral College Votes on Monday

Eighteen actors and other artists, including Martin Sheen and Debra Messing, urged Republican electors in a video that went viral to “go down in the books as an American hero” and vote for anyone other than Trump.


While the electors are generating an usual amount of attention, it is unlikely to have much effect. Republican officials say party lawyers have been in contact with the 306 Republican electors and believe only a few may vote for someone other than Donald Trump.

A survey by the AP reached a similar result. After interviewing 330 of the 538 electors, the AP found “widespread Democratic aggravation with the electoral process but little expectation that the hustle of anti-Trump maneuvering can derail him.”


Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Good timing to arrive South.  It is cold here.

Interesting watching the holdout r’s fall into place to bless a friend of putin’s as SoS.  Kremlin on the Mall continues to fill with Communists.

8 years ago

Useful Idiots Galore, Paul Krugman

By the way, people who respond to this observation by talking about mistakes in Clinton campaign strategy are missing the point, and continuing their useful idiocy. All campaigns make mistakes. Since when do these mistakes excuse subversion of an election by a foreign power and a rogue domestic law enforcement agency?

8 years ago

As opposed to footmade?

(ho ho ho)

8 years ago

boss, so that’s a stump and not a big knee?  I love those tables. have a small one and a very very old cypress knee lamp with a woven reed shade… all hewn and sold before it was not such a good idea to chop down all the trees, drain swamps and otherwise ruin the planet.  you know back in the good ol days.

8 years ago

Since when do these mistakes excuse subversion of an election by a foreign power and a rogue domestic law enforcement agency?

paul, dear naïve mr Krugman, we live in a world now where winning is everything, no matter how.  losers are to be punished and discredited for losing.

8 years ago

This is Florida Salvage: rescued shelf tower thingy wrapped in tinfoil and besmooched with lights and ornaments. Fresh trees can get expensive and needly.

Old Florida survives. The Wakulla Lodge isn’t far from me and they serve a fine Christmas dinner. Then you stroll around the grounds and take a ride on the boats to see the alligators and manatees in the Wakulla Springs. Very Old North Florida.

I like Toby’s lanai. Lucky pup

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

The Cracker family  2 humans  3 dogs and one cat will be staycationing for the holidays.

Christmas Day is our neighbors birthday and she and a few others are coming over for latkes.   I am the world’s best latke maker.  I have spent many decades perfecting my craft.   And Christmas Day is the first day of Hannukah.   On Christmas Eve – we will be taking latkes and cookies to some neighbors and stopping by a tamale party.

Neighbors of ours have a new year’s eve party and there is a big bonfire and fireworks to make up for no fireworks on the 4th of July during fire season.

It’s been raining here but now it is sunny.

Happy Holidays Trailmixers you are among my favorite people.


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

If you are looking for something to read  this is by Andrew Stern formerly with SEIU or ASFME one of the public employee unions.  He has written a book -universal basic income and it is getting good reviews.

For a policy book by a union guy, Andy Stern’s cautionary prediction of a world without work is surprisingly haunting. “Raising the Floor” follows the former labor organizer through a self-education tour to meet and learn from the inventors, tech entrepreneurs and venture-capital guys pushing the boundaries of artificial intelligence. No Luddite, Mr. Stern is dazzled by the robots and the data-mining and the just-around-the-corner driverless cars. But he grows increasingly dismayed that almost no one leading this disruption gives much thought to the tens of millions of jobs that such innovations will destroy. And it’s not just cabbies and truck drivers at risk. Mr. Stern warns that doctors, lawyers, accountants, financial planners, teachers and many others will be vulnerable. He doesn’t want to stop progress, but he does want us to be ready for it when it arrives. His radical solution? It’s in his subtitle. 

8 years ago

Jamie: “…All campaigns make mistakes. Since when do these mistakes excuse subversion of an election by a foreign power and a rogue domestic law enforcement agency?” 

Answer-when said mistakes are made by HRC, because her mistakes are the only ones that can never be overlooked, explained or forgiven after voters were effectively brain washed to believe nothing is worse than voting for her. (ref: December 13, 2016 at 12:53 pm)

I was happy to see that Daily Kos can post feel good stories: School bus driver’s good deed for cold children goes viral 😉

I got a big kick out of this cartoon, especially the character names…Vladamir and Trumptasha: From Russia with loveski



8 years ago

We will be going to Rick’s dad’s house in the neighboring town.  His 3 sons, all of his grandkids and great grandkids and spouses and significant others will be in attendance.  We will also be going there for Xmas Eve in order to celebrate Rick’s 65th birthday.

His father is home….  but is very frail now…   we all think this will be his last Xmas.

8 years ago

Goofy ass weather – woke up to 10 degrees, cloudy and predicted high of 18.  Tomorrow, rain and 58 degrees.  Mrs. P is freaking out about predicted freezing rain.  My forecast window doesn’t see it yet.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago


I guess I never got passed  “Castro Dead”

8 years ago

craig,  paste a big colorful “N” to the left, an “E” and “L” to the right of toby with toy and you’ve got yourself a great Christmas card…. better yet take pix of her holding up the missing letters (use more toys/ stuffed socks appropriately formed) and do a collage for same effect.

8 years ago

So much for trump’s and the pugn lawmakers’ snarky comments that the FBI & CIA disagree about the intentioof Russian hackers and the election. Comey and Clapper agree with the CIA.

8 years ago

just for toby

8 years ago

pogo, from that wapo article you linked this made me think how differently such news would have been received in the 1950s McCarthy era:

CIA briefers told the senators it was now “quite clear” that electing Trump was one of Russia’s goals, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters.

CIA and FBI officials do not think Russia had a “single purpose” by intervening during the presidential campaign. In addition to helping Trump, intelligence officials have told lawmakers that Moscow’s other goal included undermining confidence in the U.S. electoral system.

8 years ago

KGC “and stopping by a tamale party”.  That makes me so unhappy.  I’ve been in WA for a decade plus and nobody makes home made tamales.  I miss the door to door and office folk selling them by the dozen.  It is a sad deficiency in the WA ethos.


Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Jamie44 – one of the many delights I miss from Colorado are the many Mexican foods.  Here in the East, real Mexican is a slogan, not a reality.  The jalapenos are very mild, not even warm.  But, I suppose under dear leader we will only eat what real white guy’s eat.  No more of the foreign foods like Mexican or Hawaiian or Chinese takeout or even pizza.

The Kremlin on the Mall will dictate everything for us.  No more straying from the white supremacist menu.

8 years ago

some quotes from press conference according to the guardian:

Obama says that Russia is smaller and weaker and can’t hurt America… except:

Their economy doesn’t produce anything that anybody wants to buy except oil and gas and arms. They don’t innovate. But they can impact if we lose track of who we are… if we start buying into notions that it’s OK to intimidate the press, or lock up dissidents, or discriminate against people because of their faith, or what they look like… you’re starting to see certain Republican party and voters… starting to see a government contrary to everything we stand for as being OK because that’s how much we dislike Democrats.

Some folks who had made a career about being anti-Russian didn’t say anything about it. Then after the election they say, well why didn’t you tell us that the Russians were trying to elect our candidate. Now come on….

Over a third of Republican voters approve of Vladimir Putin, the former head of the KGB. Ronald Reagan would roll over in his grave. And how did that happen?… Because for too long, everything that happens in this town, everything that’s said, is through the prism of, does this help or hurt us relative to Democrats? Relative to president Obama?

“We’ve lost track of what we’re about and what we stand for.”

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

It used to be the code of the West was “live and let live”.  Your life is yours, mine is mine.  And as long as you do not screw with me, I will not screw with you.  Also, if someone goes after you, he goes after me.

That is the old philosophy of the West. Now, at least Wyoming is there, but with Cheney’s.

I have known a couple of Khans back in the early 1980’s.  Just in passing.

Have to think dear leader would have the Khans removed so the Kremlin on the Mall would be pure.


8 years ago

So now we have a creepy, greedy, boorish, moronic and illegitimate PEOTUS.

8 years ago

Tom Perez running for DNC Chair 

He joins declared candidates:  Sally Boynton Brown, Executive Director of the Idaho Democratic Party since 2012. Raymond Buckley, chairman of the New Hampshire Democratic Party since 2007.  Keith Ellison, U.S. Representative from Minnesota since 2007. Jaime Harrison, chairman of the South Carolina Democratic Party since 2013.

The split in the party is probably going to be Obama backed Perez and Sanders backed Ellison.


8 years ago

But she won the popular vote.   Boy, if the Russians are that good at targeting areas for EC wins, both the DNC & RNC should figure out how.  No matter their intent, I think  Russian intervention is not the reason Trump won.   If the Russisns had been successful, she would’ve lost the popular vote, too.

8 years ago

We’re in for a 50 to 60 degree temperature drop tomorrow.  At least no precip.

Christmas cactuses are starting to bloom.  BBC Christmas DVDs and vegetarian chili at the ready on Christmas Eve.  FaceTime with various relatives.   I miss traveling.

8 years ago

That looks like a good sleeping porch in the summer months.  All the best to your dad & little, Toby.

8 years ago


Christmas cactuses are so lovely – what colors do you have?

8 years ago

Sorry folks – I don’t buy all of the Russian election fraud changed the course of humanity stuff.  I don’t believe Trump is smart enough to have orchestrated it.  This is nothing more than a coup.  The far right helped elect an unqualified stooge – and once in power (and given the opportunity to quickly screw things up), will be speedily removed by the far right (Pence, Ryan, etc.), and they’ll have the power when they wouldn’t have been able to win it by themselves in the first place.


This is going to be the clusterf#$% of the 21st century and we’re all going to die!

Either way – not good.

8 years ago


I love the doggie.   Everything’s tolerable at worst and very well at best.  Friday my Christmas dinner at the lodge was ruined as my just-assembled plate of turkey, ham, salads and dessert went straight to the trash can  (no carryout allowed) as I was ordered home as a squirrel had gotten “through the wire” and into the kitchen, knocking over everything .  I spent an hour figuring out his entrance-point and patching where he might have entered, as I found chewed insulation.  Today, I now have to buy a live trap, if no result, I gotta call the animal control, I guess…Go Fund Me?  *gulp*

8 years ago

dexter, may I suggest one of “The 5 Best Squirrel Recipes” from wideopenspaces:

Baked Squirrel

4 cut up squirrels (use only hind legs and meaty back pieces)
1 chopped green pepper
2 Tbsp butter
4 Tbsp. red wine
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1/4 c. vinegar
1 chopped onion
4 Tbsp. salt
1 tsp. Adolph’s tenderizer
1 tsp. pepper
1 c. flour
Crisco and cooking oil

Mix vinegar and salt with water to cover squirrel. Soak 2 hours in solution. Remove pieces and shake on tenderizer and pepper. Roll in flour. Fry in Crisco until brown. Place pieces in baking dish. In another skillet saute onion and pepper in butter. Add wine and soup. Mix well. Pour over squirrel. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
Recipe courtesy of Cooks.com

8 years ago

might have to vary the above because of that insulation… gets between the teeth if you don’t do a good job of taking off the hide. also imparts a nasty flavor.

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

If you find some chipmunks you could make up a Turnpike Turnover Desert,

Half dozen chipmunks
A tube of pre-mixed puff pastry
¼ cup confectionary sugar
¼ cup milk
6 Acorns
 Skin and gut all chippies; wash thoroughly; dry place an acorn in each mouth
Divide puff pastry into six portions; pat flat; place a chippie on one side of pastry
Fold pastry over, like a taco, and crimp shut.  Brush with milk and sprinkle with sugar
Place on tray and bake in 375 oven for 45 minutes.
 Sew skins together.  They make neat headbands.
 How to Cook Road Kill “Goremet Cooking”

8 years ago

bbronc, couldn’t resist


8 years ago

Even a twitching nose can’t make this one better.  Bernard Fox, Dr. Bombay on Bewitched, passes away at 89.



8 years ago

ny times:  Russia’s Hacks Followed Years of Paranoia Toward Hillary Clinton Mrs. Clinton is viewed in Moscow as innately hostile to Russia. Widely held conspiracy theories portray her as seeking to foment unrest that will return Russia to the chaos and depression of the 1990s. Even many government technocrats view her with suspicion that at times verges on paranoia. She referred to these views at an event on Thursday, telling donors that Mr. Putin’s “personal beef” with her had driven Russia’s intervention in the American election. Mark Galeotti, a Russia expert at the Institute of International Relations, based in Prague, said the Kremlin was consumed by something more urgent than petty revenge: self-preservation. “It’s not just they didn’t like Clinton, but they actually thought that she represented a threat,” he said, describing Russia’s actions as a matter of “policy, not pique.” No one factor can fully explain Russia’s decision to hack and pass on Democratic emails, analysts say, and intelligence agencies appear divided on assessing Russian motives. But, in Moscow, fear of Mrs. Clinton has loomed as large or larger than any warmth for Mr. Trump. [….] Mrs. Clinton is indeed more hawkish than other Democrats, including toward Russia. In 2008, while a senator, she mocked President George W. Bush’s claim that he had looked into Mr. Putin’s soul. “I could have told him — he was a K.G.B. agent. By definition, he doesn’t have a soul,” Mrs. Clinton joked. The line is still remembered in Moscow. But the Kremlin’s… Read more »

8 years ago

Russia was just one piece.  They provided the Blumenthal emails (none of which were written BY Hillary).  Wikileaks provided the distribution.  It didn’t help that Smirk & Jerk on Morning Joe opened every show with the latest bashing of Hillary to the point that people were taking bets on how many minutes it would take them into the A Block to do it.  Every sentence was taken out of context, analyzed and parsed into slogans. There were four families affected by Benghazi, but the only one ever interviewed was the estranged mother.  Even the letter from the Stephens family couldn’t take eyes off that show.  “What does it matter?” became a cold hearted careless bitch instead of fatigue after hours of interrogation, the mourning of a friend and a plea for how to make sure it didn’t happen again.  Add in the fake site stories (I forget how many people the Clintons have murdered by now), the for sale to true believers books (Clinton Cash), you tube videos, and even a movie.  Breitbart, Drudge, talk radio & Twitter provided the engine to pass it all around.  The damning with faint praise from the egocentric Bernie was no help.  Then you had the constant “favorability” polls of the lowly informed until “UNTRUSTWORTHY” became the only adjective applied to her and mentioned in every newscast and that was all before with got to the Comey interference. No one denies she has flaws or made mistakes in the campaign, but this was one… Read more »

8 years ago

Latkes are my favorite food and holiday tradition. My mother came from a large Polish family, and she made sure we enjoyed them regularly. My own efforts with them vary, but I still cannot pass on a new latke recipe. Christmas cacti are another tradition, but it’s sometimes tough shepherding my guys through wet Florida summers. This year they are slow to bloom, but maybe we’ll have some glory by next week. As for the recent election, I feel had. If not sabotaged by fellow citizens with bumper sticker mentalities, then by a certain KGB agent turned dictator. I resisted Trump’s con, because he held no allure for me. Anyone who read Spy from cover-to-cover on the ’90s (I still have my copies) knew Trump’s MO: lying blowhard whiner. Now he has weird hair to boot. (And that’s what we should do, boot him.) As I am exposed to snippets of Trump’s “speeches” and tweets, I often wonder how FDR might have responded. Would he have been able to verbally disarm (detongue?) this liar? And if it had been FDR and not Obama in office, what might he have done regarding the Russian hacking? A very, very special Fireside Chat? We will have a subdued holiday, the two of us, and three wire fox terriers. Some years are like that. I just hope it’s not a warm and humid one. Hopes are that I will squeeze a bagful of Meyer Lemons and bake a lemon cream pie and that the… Read more »

8 years ago

carl Hiaasen  Nineteen things President-elect Donald Trump would rather do than attend the daily top-secret intelligence briefings:

Go on Twitter and rant about how much I can’t stand “Saturday Night Live,” how incredibly NOT funny it is, especially the sketches where Alec Baldwin is supposedly playing me.

5. Call up my good friend Vladimir Putin to innocently inquire if he is aware of any wayward emails belonging to one “A. Baldwin” of midtown Manhattan.

Also extremely important: Remember to thank the Vladster for recommending Rex Tillerson of Exxon Mobil to be my secretary of State.


9. Jack up the rents in Trump Tower before the Secret Service signs its lease. Throw in a free gym membership for the agents assigned to protect me. Pence’s guys can use the Gold’s down the street.

10. Work on my official Enemies List.

So far I’ve got Alec Baldwin, that loudmouth Carrier union guy from Indiana, some smart-ass college chick (no more than an 8!) who implied I didn’t respect women, and the 2.8 million people (most of them illegals, I bet!) who made me lose the popular vote to Hillary.

8 years ago

Trump tweeted again about the Chinese stealing the Navy drone.  Apparently he doesn’t know how to use spellcheck or had a major freudian slip with spelling  in the tweet of  “unpresidented”.  Needless to say, “unpresedented” is now trending on Twitter even though Trump has now deleted the tweet, but nothing ever disappears from the inter tubes.

Nixon was evil but he wasn’t ignorant. W was ignorant but he wasn’t evil. The incoming combo is

Washington- “I cannot tell a lie” Nixon- “I cannot tell the truth” Trump- “I cannot tell the difference”

Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas is for the to make Trump .


8 years ago

Add to my tirade above:  Bernie split the party with the help of Tad Devine, Paul Manafort’s former partner in Ukraine! which probably explains all the Twitter Trolls pretending to be Bernie people also spreading the Party Line.


Blue Bronc
8 years ago

I have admit that although I consider Bush II a Village Idiot (VI), the floater is coming off as an illiterate and ignorant fool even worse, making him, in a comparison of the two, blindingly brilliant.  Bush II seems to know he was not the brains in the family, where the floater thinks he is smarter than anyone and anything.  The VI may not have enough brain power to light a 75 watt light bulb, the floater has no brain power at all, relying on a loud mouth and a lot of lawyers.  I fear for our United States.

8 years ago

craig, your breakfast is smiling at you.  nice way to start the day. even if it is  bad for your heart in one way, it’s really good for it in another – the most important- way.    give your dad a hug for us.

8 years ago

dv: I certainly agree with this “… The far right helped elect an unqualified stooge – and once in power (and given the opportunity to quickly screw things up), will be speedily removed by the far right (Pence, Ryan, etc.), and they’ll have the power when they wouldn’t have been able to win it by themselves in the first place.” I keep trying not to think about the “…we’re all going to die” part, what with Christmas and all. It’s so hard to avoid seeing any headlines that lead to those sort of thoughts 🙁

One thing for sure, this election has made serenity and a loving heart a lot harder to come by.

8 years ago

Jamie, kinda having fun  belaboring the goof by mentioning it several times and rubbing it in before getting to meat of long story by the guardian

Donald Trump accuses China of ‘unpresidented’ act over US navy drone

President-elect makes spelling error in belligerent tweet
China says negotiations ongoing and ‘hyping up’ of issue is not helpful

President-elect Donald Trump has risked further inflaming US relations with China, after he used Twitter on Saturday to accuse China of an “unpresidented [sic] act” in its seizing of an unmanned American submarine this week.

“China steals United States Navy research drone in international waters – rips it out of water and takes it to China in unpresidented act,” Trump said, misspelling “unprecedented”.

The tweet was later reissued with the correct spelling of “unprecedented”. The tweet containing the error was deleted.

His message – itself without precedent given his status as a president-elect commenting on an international incident before assuming power – was likely to worsen fears of increased US-China tensions under his presidency that have grown over his rhetoric on trade and policy towards Taiwan.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Mr Doodle Dog –

I think we might be cosmically related.   I love Meyer lemons.  We have three dogs too but only one terrier – a welsh man –
My grandmother was a wire hair fan and I love the Thin Man movies.

The secret of my great latkes (also known as little pillows of perfection) is the potato onion mixture has to be wrung out until very dry and then add the potato starch back in.  I also make the batter — half grated and have shredded.  I use peanut oil and never put them in the oven to keep warm (wrecks the crispyness) I use matzoh meal and never put in other vegetables.  My mother made latkes but she wasn’t obsessive as the next generation.  My brother adds in other vegetables.


8 years ago

granny, maybe dv was just channeling bill nye.  back in 2014 “the science guy” in this vid starting at 55 sec in he begins to opine on “despite our best efforts we’re all going to die and I think that makes all of us a little nutty..”

solar, you’ll really like this

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago


I can see why that’s your favorite breakfast.  How does he get the eggs to do that – does he have one of those egg poaching pans?  I can never get the white to do that using the pan of boiling water technique.

8 years ago

Locally, we should have a nice holiday. Beyond local, it will not be so. Yesterday, a teen-aged grand-nephew hanged himself in MN. It was totally unexpected.

8 years ago


So sorry to hear about the sadness in your family.  There is a nihilism infecting a fairly larger percentage of younger people.  Too many causes to go in to but hope your niece and nephew find comfort.


8 years ago


Grandson in law is something of an artist.  So I got the oldest & youngest of the great granddaughters:  Mary & Miranda though Mary calls her Mini Me.


8 years ago

It’s quite white and snowy outside, so it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Wishing peace and love to all throughout the holiday season!

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah

8 years ago

Flatus…..   ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))

I’ve never even seen let along tasted a latke….  but they sound delicious!

Craig….  give Toby an atta girl from me…

8 years ago

Flatus, I am sorry about your grandnephew. Those who knew him must be distraught.

8 years ago

MmmMmmm ! Crispy latke dipped in a sauce of nuoc mam and garlic. Mmmmm, heavenly

8 years ago


A no Latke life is unbearable … lol. Please correct at earliest possible date.  I’m a traditionalist with applesauce & sour cream.  Whatever accompanies the well made potato delights just stack them in front of me.


8 years ago

“I’ve never even seen let along tasted a latke”

renee, they’re just plain ole potato pancakes touched by angels.  surely you’ve tried the lazy man’s version, fried leftover mashed taters.

8 years ago

A couple of Jewish friends took me to their favorite place for latkes; quite honestly, I preferred the post-war potato pancakes fried in bacon drippings of my youth.

8 years ago

also good for the soul are their poor cousins, the hoecake and johnnycake.

Jamie is absolutely right about the sides.  applesauce is a must.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

all latkes are not created equal sort of like the matzoh ball

8 years ago

granny, and for all those coastal elites… Christmas bells sans snow

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

A focus group conducted by Peter Hart I think for NBC interviewed Ohio Trump voters.  They all said the same thing.  He is going to get things done.  Hart did not ask what things or at least that was not discussed.   I’d like to hear more about what that means “get things done.”

8 years ago

The only Latke I know is Latke (sp) Gravas.

knish I know, from the ferry.

8 years ago


Latke (sp) nails it.

8 years ago

Oh,  potato pancakes made with leftover mashed potatoes.  Now those were good.

Look at little Toby eyeing those eggs.

sj – One is hot pink, the other one is white and turns to a blush pink toward the center.

Bernie & Trump both spoke to the 99%, no matter their obvious differences.  Trump may have tailored that message just to build a following, but it worked.  The rest of the Repugs & Hillary ignored us, made fun of us, tried to shame us into voting for them.  It wasn’t the Russians.  It was arrogance.

Canadians are now archiving climate change data, lest Trump tries to have it wiped from the face of the planet.

Just covered my plants.  It was 73 today, now it’s in the 40s & on the way to 20 tonight.

Stay warm, folks.


8 years ago

Pat: Lovely! Thank you. I lived in Hawaii for a couple years and they do Christmas in a big way but it was still quite a bit of culture shock for a New England family. My youngest was born in Georgia and spent the next couple years in Hawaii so never saw snow till he was 3 yrs old. He did learn to enjoy snow as a kid growing up, but as an adult,…not so much LOL! He moved south many years ago. He lives in Florida now. PS: Love Bill Nye enjoyed that video too…he’s right those anti science people will never get it. As for the ‘we all die’ bit, I (and dv I think) was only referring to the present circumstances that might bring it about, not that it won’t happen eventually anyway 😉

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

At least one major site is showing a post about several shrinks stating that the president elect should take some mental exams because he is showing signs of being freaking crazy.  Does not matter.  Those who elected a fruitcake expect the results of a fruitcake destroying America.

A poll is necessary to decide on how to call the house(s) which the pres-elect will occupy.  Should the be Kremlin NY, Kremlin West Kremlin on the Mall?

8 years ago

There is an old Australian short story that I remember from my childhood.  I’ve tried to find it but don’t know the name,  In any case it was about celebrating a full British Christmas in the middle of a summer heatwave.  Nothing like sweat pouring through everything while enjoying boiled pudding with hot brandy sauce … lol


8 years ago

For all those who swallowed the media driven “scandal” over the Hillary emails, the testimony they never mentioned in the coverage.


8 years ago

Xmas is Fascist America, how delightful!

8 years ago

This Christmas, I’m going to mock progressives and dismiss the influence of racism and foreign actors in our electoral process!  Fa-la-la-la-la…

8 years ago

Jamie, was it Christmas in July ?  I understand that big city Aussies like to go cool off in the Great Snowy Mountains on Holiday. It snows there in the summer.

8 years ago

Freuliche Weinachten, Herr Bink ! Muss’ Strudel essen und Kirsch trinken. Jetzt, ausgrab’ uns eine grosse Graben und moerder wenige tausend duenkelhaeutig’ Menschen, ja ? Ein’ gute grausam Weinachten, gewisst !

8 years ago

Home for the holiday ? Good for you, Cap’n C

Sweetie and I are escaping for a couple weeks. Not long enough.

8 years ago

I can’t remember my German. That’s what I get for not using it for 50 years.

8 years ago

That is Oliver Berger, aka Ollieberger, who just turned two. He’s our youngest. Mrs. Cracker, I have long admired the Welsh terrier, and have heard of the breed’s legendary stubbornness. One owner described her dog as a “4 x 4,” meaning that is what it might take to get his attention. The possibility that a terrier could be more stubborn or independent than a wire fox astounds me. In the late 1920s, my father, then a boy, admired a neighbor’s wft. He vowed to someday have own in his life. He was 55 when he finally brought one home to us. I remember him telling us why he so admired the breed. “I like a dog who thinks for himself,” said my father. Boy, do they. Makes me wish wfts had the vote in the past election. I doubt a one of them would have been hoodwinked by Trump. A few wires in the Rust Belt might have turned the Orange Tide. Latkes: I, too, have gone the route of wringing batter, removing and then re-introducing potato starch. Don’t think I’ve ever tried matzo meal. I may give that a try. These days, I use a late 1960s electric warming tray to keep them toasty. But I love cold latkes with applesauce. When hot from the frying pan, they get the sour cream treatment. How I wish everything else were that simple. Except I think Trump is. This Evil Genuis thing that some try to hang on him just doesn’t… Read more »