Orlando Strong

I don’t want to make this about me, but simply stress how this craziness can hit any of us close to home.

From age 3 to high school, when we moved further out, I grew up in a house exactly 2.5 miles from the site of this massacre. Our dog’s veterinarian and kennel was almost literally across the street. The modest restaurants nearby were some of our favorites, for everything from fried catfish to Cuban food.

In those days it was a typically American middle class neighborhood where we didn’t just watch “Leave It To Beaver” – it was our way of life.

As a grown-up gay man many years later, and long ago, I went to Pulse a few times with friends. It was a fun and welcoming place for an evolving neighborhood that came to fully accept such diversity without complaint.

My heart aches for my hometown I love so much. Since Disney World transformed us in the early 1970’s from a place only known for orange trees, cows and mosquitoes it became our nation’s most visited tourist destination – more than 60 million a year, besting New York City, Vegas and all the rest.

I always feared we could be a target. And now it has happened.

Hopefully the nation will now see that Orlando is so much more than theme parks. It is little known what more we are, from our hundreds of gorgeous lakes, laid-back and fun people, an amazingly advanced center for state-of-the-art health care (the best doctors flock there for the golf courses) — and, thanks to the entertainment Goliath Orlando is, a huge, vibrant and yet very tightly-knit gay community that I know will rise above this with dignity.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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8 years ago

The Australian contingent in the form of Bill Woerlee does most of his writing on Facebook, but this one is particularly poignant in light of today:

Happy Birthday Anne Frank. Today you would have been 87, sharing a birthday cake with your husband, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Sadly, instead you are an iconic memory to the indomitable human spirit that resisted the very worst of human prejudice and oppression. Along with millions of others both past and present, you’re a martyr to the insanity that produced self entitled narcissists who believe that they have the right to choose who shall live and die based upon some warped ideology. Our thoughts return to you amidst all the crazy prejudice, racism and xenophobia which is reported as legitimate political discourse – your life and death articulates the consequences. Happy Birthday Anne.

8 years ago

A wonderful statement, Craig; it belongs on the Sentinel’s editorial page.

I know you must be anxious for friends and acquaintances who may have been at the club this morning. We’re here to share that burden with you

8 years ago

Not a small minded statement at all.. If you take umbrage as a religious person for some of the acts committed by a few fellow Christian white men well i can’t be responsible for that.. I’m posting my response to you from the other thread again so you can reread.. I stand by exactly what i wrote.. Oh and you looking for Liberals would be funny if not for today.

“Lumping all religions  & all people of faith together?   Not everyone is an extremist.”

I would agree only that lumping all religious people in with extremists isn’t correct or true..  I do however lump all religions in with extremism as there always seems to be a small number of members who become extreme. For those like Trump that want to insist it’s terrorism because he’s Muslim or pledges to Isis, well, bullshit.. I can call anyone and pledge to the fairy god if i want too.. Most of these killings are done by white men of Christian faith..

8 years ago

Solar  This is one of your best comments of all time.. You are a lovely human being..  Religion is def at the heart of all of this.. I went to the Mormon church till i was 12 or so, ugh the hate and discrimination that i was surrounded by.. Mostly fine people corrupted by religions nastier side..  Spot on about some leaders using religion to further their own agenda like Bibi and Bush before him..

It’s 2016 And Two Men Kissing Is Still A Stunning, Terrifying Sight
Just existing as a queer person is still a radical —and very dangerous — act.

This from Noah’s article i posted above. You bet i can relate and more times than i care to think about.

 “Even today, even living in New York City, one of the most accepting cities in the world, I think twice before holding another man’s hand or kissing another man’s face. I don’t want to — every time I do it I internally recoil a bit at my own reaction. And then I take a deep breath and take my date’s hand. Or I push my lips towards my friend’s lips when we’re saying “goodnight.” It’s a simple act — a moment — but even twenty years after I first came out, I feel the terror swarming me because I do not know what might happen.”



Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

A good post Craig!

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Any and all LGBT people live and die together.  I was just on the phone with friends.  Friends also checking in with friends.  We are a small percentage of the population, or at least a small percentage who are out. But, it is important to ensure our loves are okay.  Life is not kind, life can be cruel.  But, no matter, we will live our lives.

8 years ago


If you need to let it all out….give me a call if you want…..You, Craig, Dave,Blue Bronc and anyone that is so close to this should not suppress any feelings…suppressed anger can manifest into physical (real) pain until it is sorted out…..later

8 years ago

Terrific post, Craig

I also was at Pulse only once with my then BF Jose. Nice fun place and having that in my mind, well it just shouldn’t be.. Orlando is a very nice city, lots going on, vibrant. I know the community will unite at this time and the gay community will especially.. If only there were a solution to offer? Something that would assure people this would never happen again, NOPE!

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

The peace of home shattered again.  Gun laws by state, Florida.   Easy to get guns, no matter the cause.


I am always saddened by the loss of young adults in the prime of life for no good reason — as if any reason is good to smite humans for being humans.

8 years ago

To all those on the Trail who sometimes must live in fear simply because of who they choose to love please know that all here love you.  There will be grieving and a need for strength, I can only hope that none of your close friends are among the victims.  Stay safe and please kiss anyone you want to kiss any time you want to kiss them.


8 years ago

Craig, really nice post.  You, and any other gay person has a right to feel stress over this.  Speak up… Don’t let others take your voice or tell you how you should feel.

8 years ago

heart warming is the overwhelming response by the whole of Orlando to donate blood for those 53 remaining victims.

Orlando sentinel:

Hundreds of Central Floridians lined up Sunday morning at the blood center on West Michigan Avenue after learning about the shooting spree.

8 years ago

Donald Trump Tweets Disgusting Humble Brag After Orlando Massacre
Are you serious?
Nick Wing


Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don’t want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!

Almost an hour later, Trump posted a similar message to Facebook for good measure.

“While I greatly appreciate everybody congratulating me for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don’t want congratulations, I want toughness and vigilance. We must finally be smart!”

Trump is truly a sick sick human..

8 years ago

Thank you for this post. It must be so painful to be a local, and to be able to visualize not only the club, but the neighborhood and to know how the community has been open to letting people be who they are – cannot imagine how close to home this hits. My thoughts are with you as our country reels from the actions of another unstable, insane person who apparently had been on the FBI radar, yet was able to get an assault weapon and carry out this senseless horrific crime. Have no more words – only sending love and light to all. Boy does our country need it.

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

Anyone who supports Trump after his tweets today is no better than those who supported the Nazis in Germany during the 30’s…

8 years ago

Welcome firedancermom.

8 years ago

Oregon Democrat,

Do you remember the scene in Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? that showed the racist candidate ridden out on a rail because of what he said to the crowd? I thought of this as I read your Post & thought of Mr Trump’s tweets. 140 characters denoting a man of no character or fitness to be President.

8 years ago

The Seattle Space Needle is flying the Rainbow Flag at half Staff

8 years ago


No strangers on this trail. Come join us and welcome.

8 years ago


Agreed. Any principled republican would publicly kiss Trump goodby. Sadly the last seven years have proven that principals and republicans are mutually exclusive. They are immune to shame. Angst,  introspection and empathy have no place in their world.

8 years ago

o tempora o mores

8 years ago

today is my birthday. I am happy to share this date with Anne Frank. But sad to remember June 12 forever as the date of this Orlando massacre. Oh, if all peoples could be accepting of others regardless of how they feel, how they believe or how they are. RIP all the victims of this injustice

8 years ago

My question is exactlywhat will it take?  Most distressing slant on coverage is the rush to the Isis angle with passing reference to the gay hate and gun angles, and no attention at all to the religious factor. Religious based gay hate exercised with firearms. WTF is hard to see about this?

8 years ago


Do you get BBC World News? That’s what I watch when I want facts & substance.

8 years ago


Great post.  Yes, you are right about religion.   EVERY religious person thinks theirs is the true religion.  Therein lies the problem – or part of it.  When I first heard the news I wondered whether the shooter was Baptist or Muslim.  I would have lost the  bet.

8 years ago

SJ, not on TV.

8 years ago

Suspect named in possible LA Pride attack
Steve Visser

James Wesley Howell, a 20-year-old Indiana man, was arrested in California on Sunday while headed toward the LA Pride festival with an arsenal of weapons.

But authorities have sent mixed messages about whether he admitted planning an attack in the hours after a mass shooting that left 50 dead and at least 53 injured in a gay nightclub in Orlando.
Santa Monica Police Chief Jacqueline Seabrooks said on Twitter that Howell told an officer during his arrest on weapons charges that he wanted “to harm Gay Pride event.”
But she provided no specifics and at a press conference three hours later, Lt. Saul Rodriguez suggested the tweet may have been born from a miscommunication.

8 years ago



Religious based gay hate exercised with firearms. WTF is hard to see about this?


Kinda been on my mind most of the day, What religion is irrelevant.

My other cynical thought is this attack is as American as apple pie. These mass shootings are what we are, should we be surprised when immigrants become better Americans even at this aspect of our culture?



8 years ago

Is Donald Trump’s tweet proof that he has been taken over by alien body snatchers?

How can a human being have a total lack of compassion? or even the understanding that you need to fake it.



8 years ago

The NY Daily News

8 years ago


As the 20 century proved you don’t have to be religious to engage in mass killings.

Joe Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao tse tung, and Pol Pot come to mind.



8 years ago


Yes i agree.. How does this happen.. The guy is very sick..

Ping Pong
Ping Pong
8 years ago

Hello brother Craig from Orlando

Now is the time to simply stop the politics in all places and grieve.  Please even here on this blog. Orlando is America’s backyard and playground.  What happened here happened to all of us in America.  Can everyone just stop right now and comprehend the pain and tragedy of the individuals affected by this cowardly act driven by a sicken ideology?  There will be plenty of time for us to debate, discuss and post our opinions.

I have been captive to the news cycles and watching the undertones of the political posturing.  I found myself screaming at the TV when some political individuals postured for coverage!  I also watched the local coverage stories of family members of those waiting to hear about their beloved missing.  Please pray for those that have lost loved ones.

Craig, I love your post and it represents how we have grown in Orlando.  I have known you most all of my life, and to have this open dialogue is so beautiful.  Pulse is a venue that all are welcome, and as a tribute to Orlando the lines of separation are disappearing.  Hearing the news, I was concerned that those close to my family and friends may have been in attendance.  At this point we are not aware of any close connections directly impacted.  A Facebook post of a father looking for his daughter brought the point home.  We have been fortunate but so many have not been and have suffered a loss.

I look around when the MSM and some political leaders foster stories about the problems in America related to the lack of tolerance.  And as I stand in line at Publix and say to myself,  “Thank goodness I live in such a loving and caring community – Orlando.”  I see a diverse, open and loving community.  Maybe that is why we are a target?

We will all have time to post our own messages, some of value and sadly some of hate.  Why over these years have we become so divisive that even at times like this people jump to such comments?  And yes,  I will share my thoughts and opinions but not now.

Tonight we pray for those still here that have lost loved ones.

This horrendous act of hate fostered and connected to a greater global threat will not overcome our great city or country.  I join you Craig with a slight change to your post…..

My Orlando is, a huge, vibrant and yet very tightly-knit “CONNECTED” community that I know will rise above this with dignity.

God Bless America.


8 years ago


If we could find Trump’s pod, would explain everything. If only.


Heard an interesting fact on the BBC: today marked the 18th time President Obama has made a statement in response to “a mass shooting” since he became President.

No comment from me; just letting the words stand alone.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Those Orlando guys do have a way with words.  Nice job Craig and Ping Pong

8 years ago

As a gay man, I’m putting bigots on notice: You will not use my people’s tragedy at #Pulse to promote anti-Muslim bigotry. #LoveOneAnother

Remember, the ppl telling us to hate all Muslims b/c of Omar Mateen are the ones fighting for Mateen to have easy access to assault weapons.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Fox News host Tucker Carlson suggested on Sunday that President Barack Obama shared the blame for killings at a gay nightclub in Orlando because his administration had downplayed Islamic terrorism.

8 years ago


Tucker Carlson is delusional. for people like him every massacre that we have had is always about something other than the root causes.

Abject fear and hatred of the unknown, and the ridiculously easy access to assault weapons. You don’t have to be a Muslim to be a lunatic. Fox news is proof of that.

8 years ago

Ya know, this wasn’t the only killing by a deranged gunman in Orlando this weekend.

A difference in magnitude but  shocking and tragic never the less.

When a tragic event is something rare  waiting may be appropriate. But when it is a regular occurrence, then an angry demand that those in power fix it is a rational way of grieving.  Even if it does involve “politics”.



8 years ago

T[f]ucker Carlson makes rocks look bright.  Asshole can chat with Wayne Lapierre in hell if such a place exists.

Ping, with all due respect it is only immediately following the latest GUN killing that any such discussion has a chance of occurring, but I have no belief that the discussion that occurs will result in anything other than a stupid 2nd amendment defense of the indefensible. ..again.

8 years ago


US Mass Shootings.

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago

sjwny…yes I remember…

8 years ago

Excellent post, Craig. When my hometown of NYC was attacked on 9-11, I felt angry, sad, lost, confused, afraid,  and fiercely determined to do something. So I ran to the site to do triage. Working there was the only thing that kept me from falling apart. Please do and say whatever you need to do for yourself now, Craig.  Everyone here supports you and the LGBTQ community, even lurkers like me. Tonight I decided to do more than lurk, to let you know that I’m here and I ache for you and all those who are touched by this hatred.

8 years ago


Hi Mary

So glad you came by. It was a bright spot in my day to see you here. ?

8 years ago

Thanks, Tony. You’ve been in my thoughts all day. I’m here for you, my friend. This hate cannot be allowed to win.

8 years ago


Nope it’s pushback time for all of us.. Hate will lose..

8 years ago

Excellent post lede, Craig.  I don’t feel any need to post my rants or even thoughts;  I just feel at home here on this blog among friends and like-minded folks from all walks of life.

From the md-80s through the 1990s until I retired in 2002 , we made it to Florida once or twice a year for Spring Training baseball games and theme parks and state parks and all of it.  We drove through Orlando and around in Orlando many times.    It’s certainly not like the massacre occurred in some place none of us have ever even been.

I had a vision of little Craig, in his Little League baseball uniform, standing in the ball field, swatting Florida mosquitoes, and hating every minute of it!

8 years ago