Really Easy Prime Rib

Roasting Pan with rack

Cover all sides of Standing Rib Roast with Salt — 24hrs uncovered in frig

Roasting Day: Let sit to room temperature (1-2 hours)

Brush on UNSALTED melted butter, add black pepper and any other preferred seasonings all over. (NO MORE SALT unless you REALLY like it)

(Roasting tip: Add 1/2 inch water or stock in pan bottom under the rack to keep moist}

Bake at 275 degrees to temp 120 (at least 10 minutes per pound if you don’t have thermometer)

Rest under foil 45 min

Brush on top more melted butter/seasoning for browning

Raise heat to 500, back in oven to 130 temp for Medium Rare (about 10-15 min)

*No need to rest again if prior 45 min rest was done

Rare: 120 degrees F
Medium Rare: 130 degrees F
Medium: 140 degrees F
Medium Well: 150 degrees F

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