First one to find me a Supreme Court Justice gets a free corned beef sandwich.

Transgender Pride Flag on Rainbow Outhouse on highest peak in NC
Transgender Pride Flag on Rainbow Outhouse on highest peak in NC

— Leo McGary, West Wing

By Blue Bronc, a Trail Mix Contributor

Looking at the two cases the Supremes recently gave certioari – sex offenders not allowed to use social media,  Packingham v. North Carolina, 15-1194, and transgender children using the restroom,  Gloucester County School Board v. G.G.

They would not bring these in unless a consensus has been sort of agreed to in at least a 5-3 ruling, striking down the school board, as a tie ruling leaves it open until they get a nine Justice court. Also, the court feels comfortable stepping out against the far right pressure, even with the giant pumpkin with a dead orange possum on its head possibly ending up in the White House.

The social media restriction sounds like a no brainer.  It will not hold.  It is too hard to enforce and a First Amendment issue.  How do you stop someone from communicating?  I have friends who no longer use email because they use social media, usually Facebook.  Can the felon be forced to use certain communication techniques or methods?  What if a fool stated the felon could only use telegraph?  Fine, fifty years ago.  But, not available today.  Use a landline, but no longer available in places today.  Unless a prosecutor comes up with something novel, the restriction is gone.

The potty problem is more contentious.  But, the bulk of the Justices do not live in a vacuum, they can see there is a new world taking the place of the old, and trying to stop that takeover is a loser.  They have been doing the support of the change for a few years now.  And there is no reason for them to go backwards anymore.  Scalia is gone and his heavy thumb on Thomas is too.  Not that it is an improvement that the Justice is asking questions now.

The case of the Virginia school board dictating where a transgender male student is to go to pee is also looking like a loser.  Although the stay was issued supporting the school board by a 5-3 decision, it was by a Justice stating he voted for the stay to bring the case in later.  Well he and the other liberal Justices have found their conservative supporter.  Otherwise I would have expected to see them bring the North Carolina case and another opposite case sometime later, once they had a nine Justice court again.

A decision for the transgender youth to use the restroom will carry a great deal of significance beyond the school board case.  It will be used to knock down the North Carolina case, no peeing in this state you freaks, of the McGory fame.  The same will be used to strike away the other states who setup road blocks to the Obama order to allow use of restrooms and other gender specific locations by transgender school children.

Photo credit: Outhouse courtesy of Neil Gottlieb

More Posts by Blue Bronc


Author: Blue Bronc

Born in Detroit when Truman was president, survived the rest of them. Early on I learned that FDR was the greatest president, which has withstood all attempts to change that image. Democratic Party, flaming liberal, Progressive, equality for all and a believer in we are all human and deserve respect and understanding. College educated, a couple of degrees, a lot of world experience and tons of fun. US Air Force (pre-MRE days). Oil and gas fields, computer rooms and stuff beyond anything I can talk about. It has been quite a life so far. The future is making my retirement boat my home. Dogs, cats and other critters fill my life with happiness. Work pays the bills.

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8 years ago

Blue Bronc,

Wondering if we’ll ever evolve to the point of looking a person in the face & judging folks above the belt. Having a heart, a conscience, decency & respect works for me. Quite frankly, everyone using the facilities is preferable to the bad old days of tainted water & infectious disease caused by poor sanitation. Thinking our ancestors would have welcomed all their neighbors using a privy.


On another note concerning religion & beliefs, today is Reformation Day. Never has an idea owed an invention (Printing Press) so much.

8 years ago

Blue Bronc, great post. The North Carolina position always been standing there ready to be completely struck down. It’s the natural follow-up to the Obergfeld case, and I doubt that any contrary decision will come down from the Supreme Court.


8 years ago

Bring out the hammer & nails.  I’ve got a few protests to nail up at present.  Nice to have something to celebrate as long as it keeps me away from the Butterfingers


Reformation Day 


8 years ago

I got kicked out of our Lutheran Church school class by the Pastor because I stated the fact that Luther was considered a heretic to the (then) established church. I was 13 at the time & reveled in the irony of the situation. Needless to say that Pastor didn’t last long, especially after he & the organist got caught having sex on the, uh, organ bench.

Yeah 95 Theses, Yeah Courage of Conviction, Yeah Gutenberg & the Printing Press.

Boo to close minded hypocritical clergy who are stupid enough to drop their drawers in a frickin’ church.


8 years ago

So does anyone else believe that Comey got a decoder ring and gold plated badge when he joined the Trump team or was he just cupping his hands and covering his ass to keep his job in the event that that Clinton is successful in this election?

8 years ago

sjwny, your mention  of the privy of olden days makes me wonder if the judicial constitutional originalists will remember that the founders knew only unisex outhouses, thunder mugs, water closets, etc  and tailor their decisions accordingly.


pogo, aside from the hatch act violation likelihood by him and or his investigators, what about the possibility of those thousands of sos-related emails having been planted after the fact and or the tampering of same?   also what’s about and where’d drumpf get that 600,000 new email dump figure…  misreading his teleprompter maybe or putin/wikileaks have more surprises to come?

8 years ago

not on the subject, but for some reason that suited Chihuahua in today’s photo reminds me of david Brinkley… must be the piercing eyes.

2 of his more memorable quotes:

People have the illusion that all over the world, all the time, all kinds of fantastic things are happening. When in fact, over most of the world, most of the time, nothing is happening.

David Brinkley

The one function that TV news performs very well is that when there is no news we give it to you with the same emphasis as if it were.

David Brinkley


and for all the nostalgia buffs, goodnight, chet…. goodnight, david.

oh how we miss you

8 years ago

but nobody was as good as macneil/Lehrer. nobody

8 years ago

WSJ reported that 650,000 emails were found on Weiner’s laptop.  That’s the source of the number.  There is no number out there for emails from or to Clinton between her and Huma.

8 years ago

bbronc & pogo, harry reid is pretty sure about the question.  here’s his take according to wapo:

Reid (D-Nev.) said in a letter sent to Comey that his disclosure to Congress, made 11 days before the election, might have violated the Hatch Act, which prohibits partisan politicking by government employees.

“Your actions in recent months have demonstrated a disturbing double standard for the treatment of sensitive information, with what appears to be a clear intent to aid one political party over another,” Reid wrote. “I am writing to inform you that my office has determined that these actions may violate the Hatch Act, which bars FBI officials from using their official authority to influence an election. Through your partisan actions, you may have broken the law.”

While many Democrats and some Republicans have cast doubt on Comey’s actions, citing Justice Department policies and precedent on handling investigations ahead of elections, Reid’s letter is the most forceful denunciation leveled by a high-ranking elected official.

In the letter, Reid drew a contrast between how Comey has treated the Clinton email probe and how he has handled what Reid described as “explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government.”

“The public has a right to know this information,” Reid said. “I wrote to you months ago calling for this information to be released to the public. There is no danger to American interests from releasing it. And yet, you continue to resist calls to inform the public of this critical information. By contrast, as soon as you came into possession of the slightest innuendo related to Secretary Clinton, you rushed to publicize it in the most negative light possible.”

8 years ago

tony, another new ad

8 years ago

“We do not have a warrant,” a senior law enforcement official said. “Discussions are under way [between the FBI and the Justice Department] as to the best way to move forward.” – Michael Isikoff [Yahoo News]

IT ALL began with Donald Trump sizing up his own swinging dick through the assessment of his most beautiful, yet tiny, hands. That’s when Swinging Dicks took control of this election cycle, which has become a full-scale assault on women everywhere.
So you’ll have to excuse me if what I’m writing seems… dirty.
America is choking on swinging dicks.
Trump was exposed on an “Access Hollywood” tape admitting that “grabbing them by the pussy” is his preferred handshake for women. That was topped when Trump claimed to have never done anything to women because he respects them so much. The Lie That Would Not Stand has caused Trump’s chances of being president to vanish and it’s because conservative women don’t want this swinging dick in the White House.

The latest accusations of Trump’s out of control swinging dick has Donald once again caught on tape sexually harassing a woman.

Then there is Anthony Weiner, a proud member of The Swinging Dick who has sullied the storyline for the first woman to come close to the presidency, who is still fighting to be elected. Weiner’s swinging dick proved so unwieldy that he also wounded the first woman presidential nominee’s top aide.

.@BretBaier emails Chris Wallace while he’s on air: Weiner has given FBI permission to search computer so no warrant needed. @FoxNewsSunday

Can we possibly forget to mention William Jefferson Clinton? The only Presidential Swinging Dick who sauntered onto Attorney General Lynch‘s plane in the middle of Secretary Clinton’s email server investigation. The outcome of which was that Lynch basically abdicated her role in the Clinton email investigation to Comey, saying after the furor erupted that she’d abide by Director Comey‘s judgment.

This led to the most unlikely, and powerful, swinging dick of the moment, James Comey. He not only made a public statement when he said there was no way any prosecutor would indict Clinton; it was a statement which was unprecedented. WJC’s penetration of Lynch’s plane likely led the Director to ignore the 60-day suggestion in FBI guidelines, but also to act like he was blindfolded, bound and gagged when A.G. Lynch advised him not to send out the letter to congressional leaders about swinging dick Weiner.

Sam Stein 

FBI has “no idea” what is in these emails, Pete Williams says, signing off

The Swinging Dicks in this election cycle are now legendary.

Ask Kellyanne Conway, the first Republican woman campaign manager who’s been ignored by her candidate because… She doesn’t have a swinging dick.
Governor Chris Christie‘s swinging dick has been rendered limp.
Rudy Giuliani, whose jealousy of Clinton’s position, and the collapse of his own career, has caused him to upend his own reputation.
Serial adulterer Newt Gingrich sent a confirming message to all conservative women, many of whom are rethinking their Republican loyalty and what they’ve gotten for it, when he insulted and demeaned Megyn Kelly. Trump applauded his performance had the added benefit of reminding all women of how their Republican nominee feels about women.

Then there is the swinging dick with the longest reach, Vladimir Putin. With Trump’s bromance with this foreign adversary something Ronald Reagan would have been appalled to watch. Putin and his security forces have not only hacked into our election, but Russia and their allies have played such an outsized role in 2016 there are rumblings and reports the Trump campaign has caught the attention of the FBI.
Remember Paul Manafort, the swinging dick who was caught sucking up to Ukrainian thugs?

Can we ever forget Corey Lewandowski, the guy who manhandled a woman reporter while his boss looked the other way?
Then there are the Trump crowds, who were so threatening towards NBC’s Katy Tur that she had to be escorted from one of Donald’s rallies.
What we’re seeing is the patriarchy of all-white males rise up and revolt over one thing: The possibility of a woman president.
To The Swinging Dick, it doesn’t matter if Hillary Clinton is the most qualified person to ever get this close to the presidency.
The problem is HRC doesn’t have a swinging dick.
This is the 2016 election in a nut…shell.
That’s the Republican Party today: swinging dicks and second-class women who support them because they have nowhere else to go.

That’s why this election may cleave away women from the Republican Party for some years to come if the civil war to follow on the right doesn’t neuter the swinging dicks who are working very hard to keep a woman out of the White House.
FBI Director Comey’s actions make The Swinging Dick theory of 2016 clear. He ignored his female boss. He ignored fairness towards the first woman to be this close to the presidency, Hillary Clinton, in favor of attempting to cover the FBI’s ass so they wouldn’t be blamed after the election.
Women of all political stripes, including those not crazy about Clinton, are hoping one thing.
That we’re about to see the very last of the swinging dicks of 2016. It cannot come soon enough.

The GOP has had a problem with single women voters for years; now married women will likely walk on the party as well. Beyond the election, Republican women will need to decide whether they really want to be Republicans. It’s increasingly hard to imagine independent, professional women — really, any women — remaining in a party that is so rife with abuse and disrespect, so reminiscent of old-boy networks 30 years out of date. It’s not even clear what the party could do to purge itself of the misogyny. – Jennifer Rubin [Washington Post]

Taylor Marsh

8 years ago

Thanks Blue, proud we’re staying focused on these issues.

8 years ago

Another critical Florida vote for HRC — We just put Dad’s absentee ballot in the mail (as always, click pics to enlarge).

8 years ago

I question the integrity of the ‘evidence’. It just happened to be laying about? Wiener had no problem with its screening? It wasn’t full of ugly shit related to Wiener? Just thousands of emails relating to State? How did the emails get in the drive? Who had custody of it after it was removed from Huma’s house? How long did it sit around outside the evidence room? The whole thing stinks.

8 years ago


“From ghoulies and ghosties and long-legged beasties, and things that go bump in the night, good Lord deliver us.” (Old Cornish prayer.)

8 years ago


Great to see your Dad and his ballot.. Also the HRC tee shirt.. :0)

I early voted in New Smyrna Beach at the Library on US1. Busy but all went well.. I’m sure hoping Florida goes blue…. I want Rubio to lose.. Not that i’m thrilled with Murphy but could he be worse than Rubio, never..  Ha, he at least believes in climate change..

8 years ago

Overcoming loss in the middle of a historic campaign

By Brianna Keilar

(CNN)It’s May and my producer, Pallavi, and I are on our way to Kentucky on the eve of the primary there. We’re taxiing at Reagan Airport in Washington, just another day on the trail. I have not, despite the flight attendant commanding us all to do so over the intercom, turned off my phone. It lights up in my hand. It’s my dad calling, which is odd because it’s around 6 a.m. in California.

“Dad?” I pick up, speaking very quietly. “What’s up? I’m taxiing at DCA.”
“Matey,” he says. My father is Australian and that is his term of endearment for me and my sister. “I’m calling because Mom is in the hospital. We think it’s just an infection.”

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

We;ve had 14 inches of rain in two weeks  yay!

Last night was an aberration besides it makes it possible for the Sioux to win at home.

James Comey should apply for the Witness Protection unit

The first time around when Jr Brown was gov — he legalized outhouses too bad he didn’t add composting toilets  still illegal in stupid Sonoma County,  I guess the septic tank lobby is big.  People talk big about reducing the cost of construction of new housing but when it actually comes to doing something — all there is –crickets.

What is wrong with people that they use religion as a club for conformity.  I moved to California because I didn’t want to be the oddest person in town.  Here I am just one of the crowd.

8 years ago

tony, thanks for quoting that.  wonder when the aussie vid that was referred to as “Donald once again caught on tape sexually harassing a woman” will start hitting the airwaves.  funny, being it was in 2011, that it didn’t come to light sooner.

this segment is quite telling. after he declares in his speech “Get even with people. If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard. I really believe that” huffpo article describes what happens on stage:

Retaking the mic, Trump ramps up the revenge. “I was actually going to get up and tell you that Jennifer is a beautiful girl on the outside, but she’s not very bright,” he says, as the crowd laughs. “That wouldn’t have been true, but I would have said it anyway.”

Trump then elaborates on how he believed Hawkins had slighted him. “Because I said, ‘You know what, it would be great. I haven’t seen Jennifer in a couple of years. She’s so great and she did so well, and she’s a big star here, and I helped her make it ― I own the Miss Universe pageant. And I heard that she wouldn’t introduce me.’”

Hawkins jumps in, “But I did!”

“No, but you didn’t,” Trump replies. “So what happens is ― and you know what? She came tonight, she came ― came, she came, she came,” he says, finally getting the prolonged laughter he was looking for.

In case there was any question whether Trump was deliberately using the word, he adds, “See, so they have the same filthy minds in Australia.”


“As you,” Hawkins replies, accurately.


Hawkins proceeds to explain the miscommunication, and then Trump pulls her close and goes in for a kiss. She puts her arm up in between them, and Trump lands his kiss on her cheek.


“Can I sit down now?” she asks.


“Yes, go,” he says.


8 years ago

tony, that’s the drumpf we’ve all come to know and despise.

8 years ago

politico describes more ugly moments in this hideous election year:

A speaker warming up the crowd for Donald Trump at a campaign rally Sunday morning fantasized about the deaths of Hillary Clinton and a senior aide.
Conservative commentator Wayne Allyn Root, describing his fantasy of a made-for-TV movie about Clinton and aide Huma Abedin, said, “We all get our wish. The ending is like ‘Thelma and Louise.” In the 1991 film, the title characters drive over a cliff to their death. Root’s line drew cheers from rally attendees.
Root’s call is the latest elevation in the increasingly extreme and violent rhetoric directed by Trump and his surrogates at Clinton at campaign events.

Trump adviser and regular rally speaker Al Baldasaro was investigated by the Secret Service this summer after saying in an interview, “Hillary Clinton should be put in the firing line and shot for treason.” In August, the Secret Service reportedly spoke to the Trump campaign multiple times about the Republican nominee’s suggestion that “Second Amendment people” could prevent Clinton from stocking the federal bench with her appointments should she be elected.

On Wednesday, a Trump supporter brought an effigy of Clinton with a noose around her neck to a campaign rally in North Carolina.

In recent weeks, Trump has begun calling for the jailing of Clinton and her lawyer over her use of a private email server while she served as secretary of state.

On Sunday, Root’s fantasy about Clinton and Abedin was a pastiche of pop culture references. “It’s Hillary in a White Ford Bronco,” he said. “She’s got Huma driving, and they’re headed for the Mexican border. I have a name for the future TV movie. It’s called, ‘Driving Ms. Hillary.’” He added, “When they make the run for the border of Mexico, there’s nowhere to go, because President Trump has built a big, beautiful wall.”


Encouraging Trump’s supporters to fight to the end, Root said, “This is why we were born. This is a 10-day run.” Root said their mantra has to be, “attack, attack, attack. We will never accept defeat. We will never give up.”

He added, “I will give you my country when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.”

8 years ago


Yep, despise is correct.. I hope he loses next week and goes away.. Humiliation, please make him a person who forever is banned from the limelight.. The worst thing for him is his brand is forever tarnished..

8 years ago

The case for firing James Comey
Americans have rights. Even if they are Hillary Clinton.
Ian Millhiser

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago


Most of Mr. Crackers relatives live Issa country and probably vote for him.  They forward the most right wing emails imaginable — no wonder Trump voters live in fear.  Some of it is lurid in its description of how Muslims are infiltrating America

My best election outcome includes Issa losing, Clinton winning and now I’m putting little Marco on the list

8 years ago

Blue: Nice post, interesting issues that shouldn’t be issues. I’d love to see the plan to enforce that ban on using social media LOL! As for the other, many countries have unisex restrooms. At the rate we’re going lately the US will soon be seen as a once progressive nation that is now on a backward track.

Tony: Election 2016 the year of The Swinging Dicks!!!! ROTFLMAO After a hateful campaign year watching a man who’s such a pig that I usually feel like crying, this was such a fun way of putting it in perspective!

Pat: Beat me to the punch with the Reid letter 🙂 I will never understand why an investigation into the Trump/Russia connection was not opened up months ago. Can you imagine what HIS emails look like!?!

Also, how many times can he insight his people to violence before it becomes a crime????? Keith Olbermann is certainly not amused by that kind of behavior: 

edit: Sorry, I guess I’m back to videos not working for me I did cut & paste but it didn’t work this time. 🙁

8 years ago

I predict that Packingham will be upheld, while Gloucester County will be struck down.

8 years ago

GrannyM…  is this what you were trying to post….

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Boy Sean Spicer is delusional   he just said (well sort of)  even if Comey did the wrong thing it’s still all Clinton’s fault

he’ll be in hell along with Jason Chaffetz

8 years ago

today’s closer

8 years ago

XR, you could very well be right.  Packingham presents what I think is probably a law that impermissibly infringes upon right to free speech. On the other hand Gloucester County – a law that violates equal protection (although the issue presented may lead to a different result on a different basis since it is framed as a Title IX gender discrimination case.) It will be interesting to see how the GC case is framed and decided.

Fox framed the case this way:

“In granting review, the high court sidestepped the most pressing question– whether to overturn a 1997 ruling that said courts should defer to a government agency’s interpretation of its own regulation.

“Instead, the issue will center around whether the specific directive from the U-S Education Department– issued for this particular dispute– should have the force of law.”

Since it was a 5-3 decision to grant cert, with Breyer providing the vote to maintain the status quo – a near certain flip on decision – I think we can expect a 4-4 tie if there’s no 9th justice, leaving the decision below – which would have forced NC to allow the transgendered to use the loo and dressing rooms consistent with their gender identity

8 years ago

Scotusblog frames the Gloucester County v., GG case issues as follows:

Issue(s): (1) Whether courts should extend deference to an unpublished agency letter that, among other things, does not carry the force of law and was adopted in the context of the very dispute in which deference is sought; and (2) whether, with or without deference to the agency, the Department of Education’s specific interpretation of Title IX and 34 C.F.R. § 106.33, which provides that a funding recipient providing sex-separated facilities must “generally treat transgender students consistent with their gender identity,” should be given effect.


Looks like it’s framed to lead to “no”. (But I could be wrong).

8 years ago

Pogo, I’ve been wrong before, and it could possibly happen again. Just please, don’t tell anyone.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

how come it’s not breaking news

Trump is the Manchurian candidate

8 years ago

Renee: Yes that was the video I was attempting to put up, Thanks

Pat: Hadn’t seen today’s Closer. Either a criminal or criminally stupid LOL! I hope when Hillary becomes President all of them will be investigated. Although, who will investigate? The foxes charged with guarding the hen house?

XR: Dear ABC, Please categorize that piece under the heading…News of a surprise to no one! 😉

Prayer of the day:

God grant me the serenity to make it through this election,

The courage to see it through to the end,

And the wisdom to believe that sane people will not vote for Trump.

8 years ago

The Senate will have to investigate comey, issa, gowdy, chaffetz, and the entire Ben Gozzy-Server-Emails Grande puguglican Fishing Expedition

8 years ago

XR, your secret is safe with me.

8 years ago

Well, it’s nice to see that abc finally caught on to a part of the trump-russian connection.

8 years ago

Cong Sensenbrenner; “The Judiciary Committee has been very judicious.”

8 years ago

1. Thanks , Pogo.

2. In cases of convicted felons, I have no problem with limiting prisoner’s ‘free speech’ to family and attorneys – by mail or hand delivery, face to face, or by limited incoming call. If the purpose for prison is to punish, as ‘conservatives’ claim, rather than to rehabilitate, the modern array of social access points defeats the purpose, and has the potential to endanger the public. I think this is the path that the orals would/will take.

3. Justices are not limited to the area mentioned as being under review. Some justices have been known to stray up primrose paths.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

how come the abc story isn’t breaking news

8 years ago

media matters; Trump Has 75 Ongoing Legal Battles — Which Media Are Ignoring During Their Breathless FBI Letter Coverage

[one of the several listed examples that mediamatters think should get more coverage than the emails. also medtioned in reid’s letter to comey]

Yahoo! News: U.S. Intelligence Officials Are Examining Ties Between Trump Advisor And Kremlin. Ties between Trump advisor Carter Page and the Kremlin are being “actively monitored and investigated” by U.S. intelligence officials, Yahoo! News reported. Sources told Yahoo! News that senior members of Congress have discussed Page in relation to Russia’s suspected attempts to influence U.S. elections. From the September 23 article:

U.S. intelligence officials are seeking to determine whether an American businessman identified by Donald Trump as one of his foreign policy advisers has opened up private communications with senior Russian officials — including talks about the possible lifting of economic sanctions if the Republican nominee becomes president, according to multiple sources who have been briefed on the issue.

The activities of Trump adviser Carter Page, who has extensive business interests in Russia, have been discussed with senior members of Congress during recent briefings about suspected efforts by Moscow to influence the presidential election, the sources said. After one of those briefings, Senate minority leader Harry Reid wrote FBI Director James Comey, citing reports of meetings between a Trump adviser (a reference to Page) and “high ranking sanctioned individuals” in Moscow over the summer as evidence of “significant and disturbing ties” between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin that needed to be investigated by the bureau.

Some of those briefed were “taken aback” when they learned about Page’s contacts in Moscow, viewing them as a possible back channel to the Russians that could undercut U.S. foreign policy, said a congressional source familiar with the briefings but who asked for anonymity due to the sensitivity of the subject. The source added that U.S. officials in the briefings indicated that intelligence reports about the adviser’s talks with senior Russian officials close to President Vladimir Putin were being “actively monitored and investigated.”

8 years ago

“how come the abc story isn’t breaking news”
kgc, because it’s a month or more old… ancient by 24/7 cable news “standards”

8 years ago

msn from a usatoday story:

Harry Reid and other Democrats aren’t just accusing FBI Director James Comey of making Hillary Clinton look bad — they are accusing him of covering up information about Donald Trump and Russian hacking.

“In my communications with you and other top officials in the national security community, it  has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisers, and the Russian government — a foreign interest openly hostile to the United States, which Trump praises at every opportunity,” Reid said in a Sunday letter to Comey.

The incendiary — and unproven — claim by the Senate minority leader came in a letter in which Reid attacked Comey for his disclosure that the FBI is reviewing new information on the Clinton e-mail case, less than two weeks before Election Day. Reid and other Democrats accused Comey of a “double standard” with regard to the presidential election candidates.

Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the top Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has also joined the fray, tweeting Monday: “Members of Congress have asked 4 months 4 the FBI to provide us w/ info as re: Trump and Russian govt. connections.”

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

so how come it didn’t get covered at the time

8 years ago

kgc, here’s what was said on abc in sept

8 years ago

msn cnbc:

FBI Director James Comey argued privately that it was too close to Election Day for the United States government to name Russia as meddling in the U.S. election and ultimately ensured that the FBI’s name was not on the document that the U.S. government put out, a former FBI official tells CNBC.

The official said some government insiders are perplexed as to why Comey would have election timing concerns with the Russian disclosure but not with the Huma Abedin email discovery disclosure he made Friday.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

I don’t watch abc    no one else covered it

8 years ago

And now for something completely different….

Yesterday during the New England Patriots/Buffalo Bills game…  a frustrated Bills fan threw a dildo onto the field near a Patriots player as he was scoring a touchdown.  It has caused much amusement here in Patriotsland today…  🙂

8 years ago


The official said some government insiders are perplexed as to why Comey would have election timing concerns with the Russian disclosure but not with the Huma Abedin email discovery disclosure he made Friday.

It ain’t limited to government insiders.  It’s spread into groups including dolts like me.

XR, I’m very aware that the honorable justices often stray from the path they laid out when they agreed to hear a case.

8 years ago

There are some strange and scary characters hanging around the hood. But our guard dog , Brewster  has everything under control.

Have a happy Halloween, eat lots of candy. Just like the thanksgiving rule, stuff you eat today doesn’t count.


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Happy Halloween

8 years ago

Halloween- the holiday where we teach children to beg for drugs.

8 years ago

A teenager told me a funny joke, yesterday:


Q: Why do riot police go to work early?


A: To beat the crowds!

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Jason Miller the beard does not make you look thinner

He was in the whitest part of Michigan Miller is an asswipe is that the best the Trump can do

Shouldn’t have your friends on your show unless you can ask the hard question you all end up looking stupid

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Tweety won’t play hardball with the Condom he is too busy kissing the condoms ass

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Yes it does

Ryan should just shut up

8 years ago

Blue Bronc,

I was thinking of Day of the Dead yesterday when I saw pots of gorgeous orange marigolds. Unfortunately the true meaning of this holiday is getting commercialized to the nth degree.




8 years ago

La Reconquista will be commercialized.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

The Condom just called the anti-semitic Trump supporter who was shoulding Jew SA  Deplorable

and then tried to pretend he wasn’t representative of Trump supporters    LIAR

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Apropos of nothing ..this was in my face book feed

Halloween is the Hanukkah of the Gay High Holidays. It goes on for, like, 8 nights or something.

Mr. Cracker thinks there will be violence after the election and that someone will try to kill Clinton

8 years ago

KGC: I sooooo want this all to end, but I fear Mr Cracker may be correct! After all, hasn’t trump called for it numerous times in his own obnoxious sleazy way?

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago


yes and the lock her up chants  and people showing up at rallies with someone dressed as Clinton in a prison jump suit an handcuffs being led around by in some cases real police.  This isn’t going to end well

8 years ago



This is Shelly Tucker’s altar this year.  She conducts the Ghost Tours of Denton TX and you should friend her.  She’s one of the truly great people for history, culture, and all things good.



8 years ago

Mr Skeleton was get down and boogie

8 years ago

We had several trickle through tonight. It was slow and it looked like we weren’t going to have any. But they started coming about 7:30  and continued for an hour. It is warm and Mrs Jack and I sat on the front porch enjoying the evening and watching Mr Skeleton dance,
Love his dreds.



8 years ago

Thanks for the remembrance of reformation day. Good to hear A mighty Fortress on what was otherwise an abysmal Monday. A much needed reset.

8 years ago

Is it just me or does the phrase, ‘former director Comey’ sound about right?

8 years ago

In 13 years we haven’t had children begging for sugar at our house.  all the kids in our neighborhood go out to Windsor Hills or over to Bridgeport where the home density is greater and the effort per gram of sugar collected is much lower.

And this day of the dead stuff…it’s ok but as long ago as 60 years in B’ham for us kids it was dress up and beg for candy. I learned of the day of the dead in college.  Of course then it was go to a costume party dressed scantily (as a skinny kid I favored the Indian brave costume – loin cloth, a feather and war paint), get drunk and try to get laid by a good looking girl also dressed scantily.  Kinda beat begging for sugar I guess.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

I went this year as the magritte painting son of man

8 years ago

Jace, me & Mrs. P have had this discussion (I know it should be Mrs. P & I, but SFW?).  Damn his ass covering – were I Hillary my 2nd day in office would include a meeting with Comey & my attorney general to be, telling him he could provide a letter of resignation on my desk by my third day in office or I’d terminate him for cause for violating FBI & DOJ guidelines by acting to influence the last election .

8 years ago

If you like Spencer – you’ll just love Jillie.  Jillie is a lifelong Democrat (yes Big D).  She campaigned for Wendy Davis for Governor in 2014, and has torn down many a Trump lawn sign these past weeks in Southern Texas.

We took Jillie out on Saturday and she proudly cast her vote for Hillary.

PS – she’s also a Grand Champion – ranked 20th in the U.S. – and carries a mean Brandy in the keg she stores in the closet.


8 years ago


That would be my ploy as well. “Jim you’ve become something of a distraction to the department. It’s not so much that I doubt your integrity, but rather that you are an asshole from the word go, Now get the fuck out.” Or something along those lines. The possibilities are endless.

Or perhaps, “Jim, you have no doubt heard how the Clinton’s throw folks under the bus. Time to lie down.”

8 years ago

Well, had a nice Hallowe’en evening. This year I had my usual armload of Crackerjack supplemented, for the first time, with bags of animal crackers. I thought it would probably be the younger kids who go for the animal crackers, but there was no real pattern to it. I’ll do the same mix next year.


8 years ago


I would so like to see, on November 9th, an article that Obama has fired the FBI director for a breach of duty in his release of his letter to Congressional Republicans and potential violation of the Hatch act.  Do it quick, and without discussion.  That – is what I would like to see.

8 years ago



I can live with that as well. I just want the SOB gone, don’t much care how.

8 years ago

DV, I think she’d need to wait until January 20th. (Oh, duh, Obama, you say. Great idea).

8 years ago

DV, Pogo

that would require Obama to grow a pair….. if he ain’t done that in 8 years it ain’t happenin’ now.

Just sayin’

Now on November 9, HRC herself could meet with Comey, walk up grab him by the balls and say, “You’ve got 2 choices. You can resign now and we forget everything. Or you can stay in till Jan 20th and these are mine. They will go on my trophy belt along with many other Republicans who made the mistake of underestimating me. So tell me punk, do you feel lucky?”

I think Comey learned a very important lesson this weekend. HRC ain’t Obama. She ‘s not scared of a fight.



8 years ago

I would like to see Comey arrive at the office to find his personal belongings on the curb, his hard drive(s), memory sticks, and phones, confiscated for perusal by the next Senate Judiciary Committee and a grand jury.

8 years ago

“Ya know, you have to fight fire with fire.” – Bink’s un-named repub source

“Ya know, you have to fight cliches with cliches” – Xrepublican’s un-named, wise-ass, literary source