September Song 2024

It’s not a long, long time from now ’til November

and the days get shorter in September.

Those days dwindle down to a precious few —

September, November –

could be less than *sixty-two.

But these precious days will come to you

With ads, more ads and phone calls too.

*depends on when you read this


60 thoughts on “September Song 2024”

  1. You know it is going to be a good day when you finally find the mouse your cat brought in two months ago under the stove.  At least it is mummified.  Cat brought in two or three of the mini-beasts, I know one she took back outside, one I scooped up and tossed outside, and now I know there were three.  At least I know it did not die of starvation in my kitchen.  The cat must have caught it trying to get in a food bowl or something and finished it off.

  2. New Jersey tells Stump that his liquor licenses will NOT be renewed, because he is a convicted felon.   
    Bedminster:    BYOB

  3. She’ll have to dredge up some courage, bite the bullet, and TELL THE STORY.  
    America is dying to hear it.  The bright side is that like Ms Ruby and her daughter, she can be a girl named SUE.    

    Should be an open and shut slam dunk case…..they admit to assaulting the lady who was clearly doing her job and then they defamed her, calling her insane.
    Sue, Sue, Sue dem all, cost them bucks and chomp dem up.


    (And…does she have children?)

    (Or cats?)

  4. So……Arlington…….What’s it gonna be?   Is it hallowed…..or hollowed?
    Give it up, ya buncha Jaspers.   

  5. New Bloomberg/Morning Consult (Likely Voters):

    Harris 52% (+8)
    Trump 44%
    Stein 1%
    Oliver 1%
    Harris 51% (+5)
    Trump 46%
    Stein 1%
    Oliver 1%
    Harris 48% (+2)
    Trump 46%
    Oliver 3%
    Stein 2%
    Harris 48% (+2)
    Trump 46%
    Oliver 3%
    Stein 1%
    Harris 49% (+2)
    Trump 47%
    Oliver 2%
    Stein 0%
    Harris 49% (+2)
    Trump 47%
    Oliver 2%
    Stein 0%
    Harris 48%
    Trump 48%
    Oliver 2%
    Stein 1%

  6. I wonder since she was “just doing her job” if she’s covered by Workers Comp. Those laws are to limit liability. Reports have to be filed. Maybe we’ll get to see them.

  7. Before the lies get started, let’s be aware the unrealized gains tax Harris supports does not affect anyone with net worth under 100 MILLION DOLLARS.. Forbes:

    Laura Ingraham is already on the case, selling gold coins with the lie. Seriously doubt many of her followers have net worth over $100 million…
    Laura Ingraham
    Unrealized gains tax? Now they want to tax money you haven’t even made yet! Harris and Walz are after your wealth—secure your future at

  8. I agree with Fred. The Gold Star families in question have sullied the sacrifice of their loved ones by asking a loser and a sucker to stand on top of their graves. 

  9. BB

    It didn’t leave, but the mouse may have been crying. 

    May the best ye’ve ever seen
    Be the worst ye’ll ever see
    May a moose ne’er leave yer girnal
    Wi’ a tear drap in his e’e
    May ye aye keep hale an’ he’rty
    Till ye’re auld eneuch tae dee
    May ye aye be jist as happy
    As we wish ye aye tae be

  10. This scabrous Arlingtoni incident is a big fucking deal.
     That thumbsy picture with those grinning fools.  
    This is major and it’s escalating rapidly

  11. CNN: “Georgia State Police tells CNN they are responding to an active scene at Apalachee High School in Winder, GA.

    Video from outside the school shows several ambulances and a large active police presence. A least one medical helicopter could be seen airlifting a patient from the scene.

    A source at a local hospital tells CNN they are receiving patients with gunshots wounds related to the incident.”

    “The tech billionaires backing a proposal to raise a brand-new city on the rolling prairie northeast of San Francisco Bay have agreed to pull their measure off the November ballot and will first fund a full environmental review of the project…”
    “…Jan Sramek, the former Goldman Sachs trader who is leading the effort, said the measure was nothing less than “a referendum on what do we want the future of California to be.”
    “… Sramek, chief executive of California Forever, stressed that his investment group remains committed to the project and feels an urgency to get it done. “For every year we delay, thousands of Solano parents miss more mornings, recitals and bedtime stories because they’re commuting two hours for work. They cannot get those magical moments back.”
    “The pause — announced in a joint statementfrom a Solano County supervisor and the chief executive of California Forever, the group backing the development — marks a dramatic shift in what had been a relentless push to build a city from scratch in rural Solano County.”
    “…issued a challenge to the California Forever investors, calling on them to show how they would provide water, solve transportation challenges and navigate the “financial engineering that makes it possible to pay for billions of dollars of infrastructure” without increasing taxes.”
    ~Mmmhmm, because tech billionaires are known for their benevolence.~

  13. The Melon Felon and his minions have cheapened the valuation of all shooting catastrophes, including his own. 

    That said, any and all school shootings are tragic occurrences and heartbreaking to all normal human families.

  14. School shootings = post-birth abortions.  Can Republicans get behind an assault weapons ban now? 

  15. Four dead, 30 injured in Georgia high school. Officially a mass shooting. Politics inevitable. Will Harris talk about it in NH speech? Coming up in 30 minutes…

  16. I’m glad they’re not being shy..

    President Biden releases a statement on the Apalachee School shooting: “We cannot continue to accept this as normal…after decades of inactions, Republicans in Congress must finally say ‘enough is enough’ and work with Democrats to pass common-sense gun safety legislation.”
  17. “School shootings = post-birth abortions”

    BiD, brilliant.   now just add the “ban assault weapons” to it for a bumper sticker

  18. jimmy’s back

    Jimmy makes his return after being away for the summer with his family. He talks about all of the news he missed this summer, the craziness that came out of Trump’s bigly mouth, his comments at “The Moms for Liberty” event over the weekend, new VP picks JD Vance and Tim Walz, the incredible twist that Netflix put on their hot dog eating contest this weekend, and all of our summer guest hosts rate their experience at the show on Yelp.


    Feb, 2024
    “Former President Donald Trump told thousands of members of the National Rifle Association that “no one will lay a finger on your firearms” if he returns to the White House, and bragged that during his time as president he “did nothing” to curb guns.

    “During my four years nothing happened. And there was great pressure on me having to do with guns. We did nothing. We didn’t yield,” he said as he addressed the NRA’s Great American Outdoor Show in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Friday evening.

    Casting himself as ”the best friend gun owners have ever had in the White House,” Trump pledged to continue to protect gun owners’ rights, even as the country grapples with a crisis of gun violence and mass shootings …”

  20. Do the MAGAts in Congress who profess to be Christians actually kneel to the NRA?   Yep. 

    The NRA, gun manufacturers, and gun sellers should all chip in for medical bills, funeral expenses, homicide clean-up, and mental health therapy.

  21. Interesting stat from today’s CNN battlegrounds polls: Close to half of swing-state likely voters say Trump’s views and policies are so extreme they pose a threat to the country. Sounds like a deal breaker to me. 

  22. Marty Taylor
    Fox News wants another lawsuit. In a coordinated attack all across the network hosts Jeanine Pirro, Jesse Watters and others called the Arlington employee who was shoved by Trump goons “mentally unstable” while Pirrro said the employee needed to press charges against Trump and his campaign staff or “Shut the f#ck up”. Let’s hope she will press charges. It is clear Fox wants to force the Arlington employee to reveal her identity so she can be attacked by MAGA hits squads. Unless the Arlington employee was actually suffering from mental illness (and there is no evidence she was) Jesse Watters could and should face another multi- million dollar lawsuit. This coordinated attack against an innocent Arlington employee is disgusting. As is the Fox defense of the indefensible Trump visit to Arlington.

  23. Whatever is the timeline on the filing of a lawsuit against Fix, I’d want to do it after the Loser loses.

  24. CNN Breaking news: @Liz_Cheney endorses Kamala Harris during a speech at Duke University in North Carolina.

    “Because we are here in North Carolina, I think it is crucially important for people to recognize, not only is what I just said about the danger that Trump poses something that should prevent people from voting for him, but I don’t believe that we have the luxury of writing in candidates names, particularly in swing states. And as a conservative, as someone who believes in and cares about the constitution, I have thought deeply about this, and because of the danger that Donald Trump poses not only am I not voting for Donald Trump, but I will be voting for Kamala Harris.” 

  25. n a coordinated attack all across the network hosts Jeanine Pirro, Jesse Watters and others called the Arlington employee who was shoved by Trump goons “mentally unstable” while Pirrro said the employee needed to press charges against Trump and his campaign staff or “Shut the f#ck up”

    God help any dutiful American who crosses the FoxNews scumbags, they’ll ruin your life for sport

  26. Looking like a lot of people do not want sfb anywhere the WH in the future.  That Liz Cheney announces who she will vote for instead of demurring and giving some wishy-washy reply to the question is very important in the republican world.  She is not a magat, her father is not a magat.  Her announcement is more important than Kinzinger because he has been vocal and almost a cheering section.  Good for her. I still do not support putting her in the cabinet, perhaps a nice ambassador slot, perhaps Luxembourg.

  27. If I’m Harris campaign I would deploy Liz Cheney to the suburbs in battleground states where Nikki Haley got as high as 35% of the Republican vote against Trump — even after she dropped out! 

  28. But it appears that Biden is bustin’ a move on Russia.  If he maneuvers Russia into  being an actual official ENEMY there’re going to be a good number of gop traitoristic office holders soiling their breeches.  

    Russia, Abortion, Racism, and Sadism.

  29. BID, I can’t sum up the propping phenomenon better than the Liberal from Delaware.

    Trump has yet to find an attack on Harris that will stick.” This is, no joke, how the media is treating his campaign’s All Insults, All The Time strategy, along with dutifully repeating every insult every time. That they consider this part of their mission is good evidence that they are part of the problem.
    Speaking of parts of the problem, Politico’s Jonathan Martin interviewed a bunch of Republicans off the record and got them to revealtheir fever dreams about a post-Trump GOP and how best to achieve it. The headline, “The GOP Is Actually Better Off if Kamala Harris Wins,” gives away the real story: They’re losing and they know it.
    That doesn’t mean the special treatment of Trump has ended. He’s trying to bluster his way through the Arlington Desecration the way he usually does, by lying about it, so it’s time to get to the bottom of what really happened. The media would rather do something that takes less work, for example, repeating every Trump insult.
    Something that’s apparently even harder, in fact so hard your major media outlets won’t do it, is reporting on the fact that Biden’s policies are rebuilding American manufacturing. Apparently it won’t be news until diner patrons in Ohio notice it.

  30. Book of the Week and possibly the first spy novel I read.   

    “Vice President Harris, a former prosecutor, will be fundamentally disadvantaged by this format, which will serve to shield Donald Trump from direct exchanges with the Vice President. We suspect this is the primary reason for his campaign’s insistence on muted microphones,” the letter from the Harris campaign to the network, shared in part with CNN, said.
    “ABC News officially announced the rules later Wednesday, noting that both candidates had agreed to the format.”
    Will he stay at his lectern while she is speaking?  He’ll still be audible to Harris, so she can repeat/ask him to repeat his garbage .  He will still sound like a loon…if he shows up.

    “ A federal judge on Tuesday swiftly rejected Donald Trump’s request to intervene in his New York hush money criminal case, spurning the former president’s attempt at an end-run around the state court where he was convicted and is set to be sentenced in two weeks.”
    “…upends the Republican presidential nominee’s plan to move the case to federal court so that he could seek to have his conviction overturned in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s presidential immunity ruling.”
    “Trump’s lawyers challenged the decision, filing a notice of appeal late Tuesday in the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Trump and his lawyers “will continue to fight to move this Hoax into federal court where it should be put out of its misery once and for all,” his campaign spokesperson, Steven Cheung, said in a statement.”
    Sentence him!  Make him flee!

  33. Mr. Ivy can now hold a fair conversation on agricultural politics due to his weekly study of the Wyoming Livestock Roundup, courtesy of the previous owner of our house. 


  34. Trump Town Hall right now on FOX…Trump responds to Hannity bringing up the school shooting in Georgia by saying, “it’s a sick and angry world for a lot of reasons. And we’re gonna make it better and we’re gonna heal our world.” Trump then touts his endorsement from Orban.


    “Mr. Kushner’s limited track record as an investor, including his nonexistent experience in private equity or hedge funds, raise questions regarding the investment strategy behind the seeding investments and lucrative compensation that Affinity received from the Saudi PIF and other sovereign wealth funds,” Wyden wrote in the letter, addressed to Affinity Partners’ chief financial officer, Lauren Key. In addition to the investments themselves, Kushner’s firm charges a 2% fee to manage the states’ assets, generating at least $80 million from the Saudis alone.”
    “It all adds up to “an appearance that Affinity’s investors are motivated not by commercial interests of seeking a return on investment,” Wyden wrote, “but rather by strategic considerations of foreign nationals seeking to funnel money to U.S. individuals with personal connections to former President Trump.”
    “Since being awarded billions by governments he worked with — Kushner arranged it so Trump’s first state visit was to Saudi Arabia — the former president’s son-in-law has used at least some of the money to pursue projects that Trump himself was interested in. Earlier this year, Kushner scored a major real estate deal in Belgrade, Serbia, under which Affinity Partners will have the exclusive rights to build a luxury compound on the site of a former army headquarters that was bombed by NATO in 1999.”

    “Trump had wanted to build a hotel on the same site, where Kushner has agreed to finance a memorial on behalf of the pro-Russia Serbian government that will mark the NATO campaign, which came as Belgrade’s forces were committing war crimes in neighboring Kosovo.”

  36. Town hall my ass. Town halls are where people ask candidates questions and candidates answer them. They aren’t chats with Sean Hannity. 


    I only wish the NRA and its jellyfish, well-paid supporters in legislatures both State and Federal would be careful to recite the whole of it, and then tell us how a heavily armed man, woman, or child, recruited by no official, led by no official, given no goals by any official, motivated or restrained only by his or her personality and perceptions of what is going on, can be considered a member of a well-regulated militia.

    Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Fates Worse Than Death: An Autobiographical Collage

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