Have You Checked Your Voter Status Lately?

Vote.org is the place to go for checking your status. Here is their page for quickly doing that: https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote

Attribution: The Voter Purge by Dave Whamond, Canada, PoliticalCartoons.com

A lotta purgin’ going on:

Keep an eye on these fights over who can vote and how in key states | CNN Politics

Texas removes 1 million people from voter rolls (thehill.com)

Almost 1 million Florida voters declared inactive after law purging voter lists – WMNF 88.5 FM

Virginia Gov Youngkin’s voter purge sparks debate: Noncitizens or errors impacting election process? (nbcnews.com)

Mass Purges Are the New Voter Suppression | Brennan Center for Justice


51 thoughts on “Have You Checked Your Voter Status Lately?”

  1. in the meantime, here’s randy’s latest

    WARNING: early on randy sneaks in an ad about Ground News.

  2. so what’s in your wallet at voting time —  a handy copy of your birth certificate or such other proof of citizenship?

    Proof-of-citizenship voting bill threatens government shutdown (thehill.com)

    A conservative-backed push for stricter proof-of-citizenship requirements for voting could complicate efforts to avert a government shutdown next month.
    Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have acknowledged a stopgap of some kind, also known as a continuing resolution (CR), will be necessary to keep the government funded past Sept. 30.
    But calls are growing among House conservatives to use that must-pass measure to force consideration of a partisan bill aimed at barring noncitizens from voting – laying the groundwork for a clash with the Democratic-led Senate, which would likely reject such a package.
    The hardline conservative House Freedom Caucus took an official position this month urging Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) to attach the measure, dubbed the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, to spending legislation next month. 
    Since then, the GOP conference’s right flank has only ramped up public calls for the move, which has also seen some pick-up in the upper chamber and among prominent figures like tech mogul Elon Musk, as the party looks to seize on immigration as a key campaign issue ahead of November.
    Deciding which approach to take on spending will be one of the most important decisions Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) makes before the end of the year, with implications not only for government funding but for whether he can keep the support he needs to lead the House GOP next year.
    Johnson has not dismissed the idea of attaching the SAVE Act, introduced by Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas), saying on a press call last week that discussions are ongoing to “build consensus to come up with the final decision.”
    “I can verify for you, that the SAVE Act is a big part of this conversation,” Johnson also said. “And it is not just the Freedom Caucus. It is members across the conference who share the same concern that we do about this, and we believe it’s one of the – perhaps the most urgent issue, the most imminent threat facing the country is the integrity of this election cycle.”

  3. https://www.kuer.org/politics-government/2024-08-26/vote-no-rally-at-the-utah-capitol-launches-opposition-to-ballot-initiative-amendment

    “Fresh off of the Legislature’s decision to put a constitutional amendment on the November ballot to alter ballot initiatives approved by voters, advocacy groups are asking Utahns to vote against it. Opponents have labeled it a “power grab” by politicians.”

    “The amendment, which would give lawmakers the power to revise or repeal citizen-led ballot initiatives, was passed by the Legislature during an Aug. 21 special emergency session. It comes after the Utah Supreme Court ruled the Legislature overstepped its authority when it significantly changed a 2018 initiative greenlit by voters that created an independent redistricting commission to prevent partisan congressional maps.
    As a self-proclaimed conservative, he said it’s “difficult to imagine anything less conservative than a knee-jerk, slap-dash rewriting of the constitution in order to shift more power from the people to their representatives.”

    “Our state constitution gives the people the right to enact laws directly through the initiative process, and it has become clear that when the people exercise this right, the Legislature gets defensive of what they view as their turf.”

    “The question before us is: Is there a limit? Either there is a limit and it is this reasonable boundary, or there is no limit, and we surrender the final bulwark – forever.”

    Utah taking voter suppression one step  further.  You only get one more chance to have your vote count. 

  4. https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/28/tech/pavel-durov-telegram-custody-released-intl/index.html

    “Durov, 39, was detained at Paris’s Bourget Airport on Saturday on a warrant related to Telegram’s lack of moderation. He was being investigated on charges relating to a host of crimes, including allegations that his platform was complicit in aiding fraudsters, drug traffickers and people spreading child pornography.”

    “Durov’s app, and its lack of content moderation, has also come under scrutiny for its use by terrorist groups and far-right extremists.”
    “Durov’s arrest started a row over freedom of speech, and caused particular concerns in both Ukraine and Russia, where it is extremely popular and has become a key communication tool among military personnel and citizens during Moscow’s war on its neighbor.
    Conversations on the app are encrypted, meaning that law enforcement agencies – and Telegram itself – have little oversight on what users post.”

    “Durov was born in the Soviet Union in 1984, and in his 20s became colloquially known as the “Mark Zuckerberg of Russia.” He left the country in 2014 and now lives in Dubai, where Telegram is headquartered, while also holding French citizenship.”


    “Pavel Durov is a lot of things to a lot of people. Programming prodigy. Billionaire entrepreneur. Kremlin stooge. Free-speech fighter. Biological father to at least 100 kids.”

    “Durov said in July that he had fathered more than 100 children thanks to sperm donations he had made over the past 15 years.”

    “Worth an estimated $9.15 billion according to Bloomberg and armed with an array of passports and residences…”

    Despite having over 100 biological children, he is not a father. He is another “catless child lady.”

  5. https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/28/business/dei-john-deere-harley-davidson-robby-starbuck/index.html
    “…riding a wave of right-wing hostility to DEI programs and corporate advocacy on issues like climate change and LGBTQ rights and advancing the opposition himself. He has channeled energy on the right to target specific brands popular with politically conservative customers — Harley-DavidsonTractor Supply Co. and John Deere — and relentlessly drawn attention online to their past publicly-stated policies. Starbuck has also claimed credit for Brown-Forman and Lowe’s internal announcements in recent weeks to scale back some of their diversity and inclusion programs.”
    “Starbuck, 35, whose real name is Robert Starbuck Newsom, lives outside of Nashville with his wife, Landon, and their three school-age kids. Landon Starbuck has been a leading advocate in Tennessee for right-wing causes like banning both transgender-affirming medical care for minors and drag shows with children present.”
    “The larger takeaway is about the fragility of corporate DEI initiatives. If one person can take to Twitter and ultimately inflame a campaign to dismantle DEI in large companies, it means those things were not strong to begin with,” Harper said. “Most companies and the people who lead them were not committed to this in the first place.”
    “Corporate policies to slow down the effects of human-caused climate change do “nothing positive for society,” he said. The climate has “always changed,” Starbuck said, and human beings have “very little control” over it. (This is false. It is the overwhelming consensus of scientists that human-generated fossil fuel pollution – what comes from burning coal, gas and oil – is the primary cause of global warming.)”
    “…he has two employees who help him research companies’ policies and executives’ backgrounds. He said he is not receiving outside funding and is self-funding his efforts. He also relies on $5 monthly payments from subscribers on X, although he declined to share how many people subscribed. Starbuck also promotes miscellaneous products such as t-shirts, books, supplements and other products on his Linktree website.”
    Gee, it would be ~sad~ if he got nabbed for selling supplements/false advertising. 
    “But Starbuck, who was endorsed by Republican Sen. Rand Paul and right-wing activists like Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens when he ran unsuccessfully as a write-in candidate in a 2022 Republican congressional primary, is not promoting a neutral agenda, said Brayden King, a professor of management and organizations at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management.”
    “The phrase ‘neutrality’ is often used by activists who are pushing a non-neutral agenda. It’s a clever frame used by activists to get them to do what activists want,” King said.
    “Starbuck, who said his mother and grandparents fled Cuba during the 1960s to escape the Castro regime, began his career in Hollywood and started a production company.”

    “During the pandemic, Starbuck campaigned against Covid-19 mask and vaccine mandates.”

    “…before Starbuck’s campaign against corporations began, the couple released a film on X baselessly arguing that companies, LGBTQ performers and liberal Americans are indoctrinating and sexualizing children.”

    “The film, “The War on Children,” was promoted by other right-wing personalities such Musk, Donald Trump Jr. and Republican leaders. But Rolling Stone reported that Starbuck and his production team misled interview subjects about the subject of the film and Starbuck’s involvement in it. Producers, the magazine reported, told one drag show performer she was contributing to a documentary exploring the challenges faced by transgender children and the impact of gender-affirming care bans.”

    “In 2020, corporate DEI initiatives picked up after a wave of protests for racial justice in the wake of the police murder of George Floyd. That year, Companies spent an estimated $7.5 billion on DEI-related efforts, such as employee resource groups, according to a McKinsey study.”

    “But companies have become ripe targets for activism from the political right in recent years.”

    “Republican leaders like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton and right-wing commentators like Matt Walsh and others have pressured brands like Bud Light, Disney and Nike to roll back their inclusivity efforts.”

    “It’s time to expose Tractor Supply,” he first posted June 6, drawing attention to corporate components like “LGBTQIA+ events at work” and “a DEI council.”

    “Other conservative political candidates, activists and customers began criticizing the company on social media and said they would stop shopping at the chain.”

    “We have heard from customers that we have disappointed them,” Tractor Supply said in a statement on June 27 . “We have taken this feedback to heart.” The company announced it was eliminating jobs and goals focused on diversity, equity and inclusion; withdrawing its carbon emission reduction goals; and ending sponsorships for Pride festivals and voting campaigns.”

  6. https://tennesseestar.com/news/robby-starbuck-refuses-to-answer-questions-about-his-tennessee-residency/agulbransen/2022/03/16/
    “Announced TN-5 Congressional candidate Robby Starbuck is refusing to provide documentary evidence to substantiate his claim that he meets a proposed three-year residency requirement to be eligible for the August 4, 2022 GOP primary ballot.”
    “In the March 14  statement emailed to The Star, Starbuck threatened legal action if his eligibility for the 2022 GOP TN-5 primary is challenged.”
    “I‘ve retained a world-class lawyer who has won multiple Supreme Court cases and I’ll deploy them accordingly if anyone’s desperate enough to contest my eligibility,” he said.
    “If they do contest my eligibility, I hope they have deep pockets because they’ll end up paying my legal fees after I win. Tennessee was my primary residence in time to meet any new standard that would be set by the law being considered by our legislature if it passes.”

    “Those who are contesting Starbuck’s eligibility are bona fide Tennessee Republicans who reside in the 5th Congressional District.”

    “Any candidate who is thrown off the ballot by the Tennessee Republican Party could sue in state court but would have almost no chance of overturning the party decision. Candidates thrown off the ballot by the Tennessee Republican Party would likely not have legal standing to challenge the new residency bill if it becomes law in either federal or state court.”

    Well, at least he lost the race, but what a little a-hole!

  7. I was good to go in the primary election here in EB.  Might still be registered in Tuscaloosa if they haven’t purged their rolls in 40 years.

  8. Hmm, it doesn’t show I’m registered, but I just got my voter ID card in the mail this summer.  ??

  9. https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/28/europe/fake-maga-accounts-x-european-influencers-intl-cmd/index.html

    “Photos of European influencers used to push pro-Trump propaganda on fake X accounts”

    “Would You Support Trump Being The President forever? I wonder if you all support Trump for president just like me,” @Luna_2K24 posted on July 29, sharing a beach selfie in a white bikini and asking her followers to respond with an American flag emoji if they agreed. The post was viewed by around 54,000 people.”

    “But Luna isn’t real. The photos of the smiling brunette posted periodically on @Luna_2K24’s timeline are of Debbie Nederlof, a German fashion influencer who lives across the Atlantic and won’t be voting in the US presidential election in November.”

    “Nederlof is one of 17 real European women — fashion and beauty influencers from the Netherlands, Denmark and as far away as Russia — whose online photos have been stolen by unknown actors to promote Trump and his pick as running mate, Senator JD Vance of Ohio, on X, a CNN investigation in collaboration with the Centre for Information Resilience (CIR) has found. CIR is an independent, non-profit social enterprise which describes itself as dedicated to exposing human rights abuses.”

    “The fake accounts are among 56 profiles on X identified by CNN and CIR, using a mixture of digital sleuthing and reverse image search tools, as appearing to be part of a coordinated campaign backing the Trump-Vance ticket ahead of the 2024 presidential election.”

    “Experts say this could be just the tip of the iceberg. An analysis of the 56 pro-Trump accounts reveals a systematic pattern of inauthentic behavior. All of the accounts use photographs of beautiful, young women – many of them stolen, while others appear to be AI generated – who declare their support for Trump and use hashtags such as #MAGAPatriots, #MAGA2024 and #IFBAP (I Follow Back All Patriots). In many cases, CNN and CIR found the images had been manipulated to add Trump and MAGA slogans to otherwise unbranded clothing, all with captions that call to get out the vote.”

    “Fifteen of the fake accounts have blue check marks – supposed to indicate that they have been verified – and eight of those have been identified as using stolen images.”

    “Under Musk’s leadership, X has dismantled many of the mechanisms and teams designed to safeguard against the distribution of falsehoods and conspiracy theories on the platform. The European Commission has been investigating X since last year over claims it is not in compliance with the bloc’s landmark Digital Services Act, a regulation that seeks to prevent harmful activities online and the spread of disinformation, while curtailing the power of social media platforms.”

    “These accounts continue to thrive on X despite the platform’s Terms of Service clearly stating: “We reserve the right to remove Content that violates the User Agreement, including for example, copyright or trademark violations or other intellectual property misappropriation, impersonation, unlawful conduct, or harassment.” In its “misleading and deceptive identities” policy, X states: “You may not pose as someone who doesn’t exist to mislead others about who you are or who you represent.”

    Anyone for Orange Adolf is either a racist/fascist power-monger, a racist/fascist uneducated person, a foreign state trying to interfere, or stolen ID/AI-generated incel bait.

  10. Frank LaRose, Ohio Secretary of State, mailed my vote-by-mail application yesterday to me.  I only voted like this once before when Carla Lee was voting that way; I always voted on election day. I just mailed in the application, and my ballot will arrive on time, I am sure. In-person voting is in a church gymnasium and if it’s a rainy day, it’s slippery in there and I use canes and rollators to ambulate.  It’s a long walk in there from the check-in desk to the ballot pick-up desk, then another hike to the voting booths and tables.  So I am mailing it in.
    More trouble with the Honda Odyssey, 2007 year model. Cooling fan quit…might be a fuse, wiring, thermostat, relay switch, or complete system failure.  This will be from $300 to $700.  Guess I’ll drive up to Michigan for some lottery tickets because the Ohio lotto games are rigged…I never win a damn thing.
    Fatigue, frustration, anger…but Jack Smith can do this. Cannon will be replaced and Trump will face a hard conviction in the documents case.  We will win.

  11. The magas basically are acting out on a beef they’ve shared with their parents since Brown vs Board of Ed.  That’s the problem and that has been the problem since the first attempts to provide equality to African-Americans.  (ie 1865) They feel that the dirty liberals (Yankees) have conspired to force the black people onto them.  No arguments advocating complete freedom for All Americans, fulfilling the promise contained in the Dec of Ind will be considered.
    No, the Blacks have been forced upon them. They’re incapable of seeing it any other way.  Clump’s supporters are total racists.  They want no freedom for Blacks.  Racists, or those who exploit raceists.

  12. Black people, lgbtq, and anyone of color who speaks more languages or works harder than them
    Hey turns out when trump and his hired goons manhandled public servants while desecrating a national cemetery may have also violated Federal law while doing so, so like the esteemed xrep would say
    lock him up!

  13. It’s the party of racism.  All these other things that some of them have to say are simply camouflage and lies   

    The Stump in an instant picked up his base that night a black man ridiculed him at the White House correspondents dinner. He immediately attracted LEGIONS.

  14. Axios: Vance backlash reignites as another childless woman comment resurfaces. 

    Here we go again. Today’s Dumbass Vance moment…

    JD going after teachers: “So many of the leaders of the left, and I hate to be so personal about this, but they’re people without kids, trying to brainwash the minds of our children”.

    Liz Shuler, the president of the AFL-CIO, slammed Vance’s comments, saying they “show his true colors: a sexist, anti-woman blowhard who doesn’t have a clue what’s best for America’s students.”


  15. craig, thanks for adding that vote.org info to the thread intro. 

    I went straight to the KY sec st horse’s mouth to check on mine. everyone in a state with GOPer legislators and heads of elections needs to brush up on what the current law is in re voting.

    Dex, yep me too skipping the election day in-person thingy.  folks here have been advised to vote as early as possible either by mail-in, drop box or the pre-election day availability options.  they’re saying this assures your vote will be counted that way due to the dustups and dastardly deeds expected from magaTs on election day itself.


  16. “…other things… some of them have to say are simply camouflage and lies”

    nothing’s camouflaged and no one is fooled besides some liberals who can’t grasp how petty some people are
    the ones who make policy defenses of the GOP’s lack of it are in in the joke
    Unrelated- not only does the writing on cnn.com suck but how am i supposed to take a news outlet seriously that is littered top to bottom with outright scam-advertising that deliberately presents those ads as news content?  Despicable

    …and not even naive libs are fooled, anymore, sturge, the media is just staffed by lazy profit-seekers who’d rather exploit the vulnerable with shitty ads or scams than speak truth to power, ain’t no money in that

  17. remember when JDouche Vance was the darling of NPR and their breathless hosts would use him and his book to try and gain perspective on white rural america and their grievances and concerns in a changing world
    it was just that they’re dumb racists

  18. ☎️ ring ring ring

    “Hi, i’m a journalist form cnn.com and i was wondering if i can cite you as an expert so i can shoehorn some unsupportable shit into my article to pad it out a little?”

    ok, back to it, now you got the Who’s “Athena” stuck in my head, Sturge 😒

    Harris/Walz 2024 Take Nothing For Granted or the Republicans Will Take Everything 🇺🇸

  19. https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/28/climate/namibia-kill-elephants-meat-drought/index.html

    “Namibia is planning to kill more than 700 wild animals, including elephants, zebras and hippos, and distribute the meat to the people struggling with food insecurity as the country grapples with its worst drought in 100 years.”

    “They will come from national parks and communal areas with “sustainable game numbers” and will be killed by professional hunters, the ministry said in a press release.
    The culling program will take pressure off water resources by reducing wildlife in areas where their numbers “exceed available grazing and water,” the ministry said.

    “Southern Africa is a stronghold for elephants, home to more than 200,000. These animals have also been negatively affected by drought, with hundreds believed to have died across the region last year as their water sources dried up.”

    “Namibia declared a state of emergency in May as the impacts of drought worsened. An estimated 1.4 million people — around half the population — are expected to face high levels of acute food insecurity.”

  20. Here in NH… one can register and vote on voting day.  So if someone accidentally gets purged… they can just stroll over to the registration table… re-register…  and then go vote.

  21. Well, I’m registered in EB according to the website.  I’d check Tuscaloosa if my last address there came to me.  It’s stuck in the cobwebs of my mind.

  22. BiD, as our resident advocate for keeping the evils of Project 2025 on the front burner you’ll appreciate this new Harris ad (“Control”) now running in all 7 battleground states….

  23. Craig – Good ad, but they need to put reproductive freedom/bodily autonomy and Social Security and Medicare at the beginning of the ad.    
    Folks are going to zone out on the DOJ and maybe even the Department of Education stuff.
    That LP ad with the patrol pulling over a dad and his pregnant daughter was horrifying, so good job.
    Ads need to put what folks will understand as impacting their day-to-day lives up front, and it’s not the DOJ.

  24. I am registered and I live in a vote by mail precinct.  I miss going to the polling station and getting my I voted sticker.
    My first time voting.  I had to get an absentee ballot.  Ohio in 1964 did not make it easy including having to get the application notarized.  I was going to be out of the state at school and I was determined to vote.

  25. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/house-raids-texas-democrats-ken-paxton-voting-rights-lulac-rcna168216

    “Texas AG raids homes of Latino civil rights group members, setting up a voting rights showdown”

    “Raids on the homes of several Democrats in South Texas, in what the state attorney general said is an ongoing election integrity investigation, has set off a showdown with the nation’s oldest Latino civil rights group.
    The Aug. 20 raids targeted Manuel Medina, chair of the Tejano Democrats, several members of the League of United Latin American Citizens, a state House candidate and a local area mayor.”

    “This is point blank voter intimidation, and LULAC will fight for the right of every Latino to exercise the right to vote,” said Roman Palomares, LULAC’s national president.”

    “A copy of a wide-ranging search warrant left with one of the people targeted, LULAC volunteer Lidia Martinez, 87, of San Antonio, offered a window into the investigation’s interests. The warrant ordered the seizure of all electronic devices at her home, allowed for the opening of documents that were business-, organization- or election-related, and authorized swabbing for DNA. According to the warrant, the purpose of the search was to look for evidence of violations of the Texas election laws regarding vote harvesting and identity fraud.”

    “There is no poll tax. There is no white-only primary. There is no going back. We will not go back,” Domingo Garcia, LULAC’s former president, said during Monday’s protest. Garcia now heads a recently formed LULAC political action committee that endorsed Kamala Harris.”

    “There’s a reason Joe Biden brought people here illegally,” Paxton said on a radio show earlier this month. “I’m convinced that that’s how they’re going to do it this time, they’re going to use the illegal vote. Why were they brought in, why did he bring in 14 million people? He brought them here to vote.”

    “Paxton falsely claimed that immigrants were being given Social Security numbers at the border as part of the scheme, too. There’s no evidence of that, or that noncitizens cast ballots in any significant numbers.”

    MAGAts smell like desperation.

  26. Life as a targeted minority (Trans, LGBTAQ+) in a solid “liberal” state is similar to life in a deep south state, you are always watching.  Is that person following me?  Why is that truck that pulled into the parking spot across from me following me?  Why is that car following me? Definitely a box follow, simple to keep me in position but the vehicles can go forward or drop behind making it look like they are not tailing.
    I end up driving a route through Annapolis until they gave up and dropped me as they saw what I was doing.  I am pretty sure they were russian, but I can never be sure they were not some idiots wanting to make a name for themselves in one of the far right hate groups.  Thing is the russians know where I live, so I can drive straight home with them.  But, the hate groups may not and I don’t want to lead them to my house.  Besides the stupid russians should know/realize by now I am retired and have not worked in the certain job for decades. 

  27. Great quote. Tim Walz yesterday speaking to firefighters:

    “People tell me ‘Oh I’m not into politics’. I say too damn bad, because politics is into you” 

  28. I’m

    Fox News Poll: Harris closes gap with Trump in Sun Belt states

    Just Released: While support for Donald Trump has held steady, Kamala Harris has improved on Joe Biden’s numbers in four battleground states, driven by women, black, and young voters. | Fox News

    Trump’s 5-point lead under Biden has vanished in AZ, GA, NV, NC 


    2020 just called and said Let’s Do It Again, but this time add NC

  29. The Walz Effect in the Midwest will expand blue to more than just a dot in Nebraska.   Tim makes tRUMPsky and JD look weirder and weirder.  He reminds them what normal sounds like.  

  30. Swing States polling by Fox News 

    AZ Senate 

    🟦 Ruben Gallego: 56% (+15)

    🟥 Kari Lake: 41%

    NV Senate 

    🟦 Jacky Rosen (inc): 55% (+14)

    🟥 Sam Brown: 41%

    NC Governor 

    🟦 Josh Stein: 54% (+11)

    🟥 Mark Robinson: 43%

    #15 (2.8/3.0) | 4,053 RV | 8/23-26

  31. Harris is winning the TikTok election. Posts about her 74% positive. About Trump 63% negative.

    Top posts: Kamala Harris

    According to social analytics platform Zelf, there were 32,900 posts mentioning Harris on TikTok last week, receiving a collective 434.2 million views.

    24% of the top-performing TikTok posts last week mentioning Harris were negative and 74% were positive.

    Top posts: Donald Trump

    According to social analytics platform Zelf, there were 41,600 posts mentioning Trump on TikTok last week, receiving a collective 703.9 million views.

    63% of the top-performing TikTok posts last week mentioning Trump were negative and 36% were positive.

  32. War on women. It started years ago, this is just the conglomeration of all the attacks.  Barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen.  Use ’em and lose ’em. Keep ’em quiet, no talking. Oh, the idiocy.
    On another path.  Occasionally I work with people who have survived drug addiction. Not the “i was on morphine for a week and was addicted”, been there.  I am talking about those who lost brain cells, were stopped/saved/ whatever, and are now back in a society they lost for years or decades.  You think they are what they used to be, they think they are what they used to be, but the truth is they lost a few steps, sometimes a lot of steps.  I can’t be judgemental about their issues.  I am a nice person, I accept forgetfulness.  I can understand a lack of clock time.  I am actually very interested in them from a scientific view. 
    More than anything it scares the drawers off me that our country fails to address the drug problem.  The party that used to be the republican party is only interested in racism and making women into kitchen-bedroom women.  The party that is democratic is afraid of being called names and does almost nothing. 
    The U.S. fails a great number of people with addiction issues.  It actually has made it worse.  An example is sports betting.  You can just dial up and waste your paycheck.
    This is not a single issue.  It is a broad issue that covers so much of the U.S.  population.

  33. https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/27/middleeast/un-gaza-aid-polio-vaccines-intl-hnk/index.html
    “Earlier this month, health authorities confirmed Gaza’s first polio case in 25 years in an unvaccinated 10-month-old. It came just weeks after sewage samples taken in Gaza in late June tested positive for the virus, prompting a warning from the World Health Organization (WHO) that it was “just a matter of time” before it infects thousands of children.”
    “The highly contagious disease, which mainly affects children under the age of 5, targets the nervous system and can cause paralysis and death in extreme cases.”
    “On Monday, the Israeli agency responsible for approving aid into Gaza, COGAT, said more than 1.2 million doses of the vaccine had arrived in the strip…”
    “UN halts Gaza aid deliveries after Israeli military orders new evacuation amid polio vaccine push”

  34. BiD, you are right there is more to say about Project 2025. I noticed when former Obama campaign manager now senior Harris advisor David Plouffe first posted the ad on X he put his own comment saying “And so it begins”. That suggests to me they’re not done with talking about Project 2025.

  35. https://thehill.com/homenews/4847888-ohio-gerrymandering-ballot-initiative/

    “This fall, all 99 seats in Ohio’s House of Representatives are up for election.
    Because of the way the powerful lawmakers and political insiders drew the district lines, victory is all but guaranteed for many candidates, months before Election Day,”

    “This summer, 535,005 voters backed a ballot initiative to remove gerrymandering from Ohio politics for good. The measure has qualified to be Issue 1 in November, but politicians have put an obstacle in its way: A distorted and deceptive description of the measure that will appear on the ballot.”

    “On Monday, Citizens Not Politicians — the coalition behind the initiative — sued for accurate language

    “At issue in this case is ballot language the ballot board approved Friday along party lines. Among other things, it would describe the proposed constitutional amendment, which seeks to “ban partisan gerrymandering,” as creating a 15-member Citizens Redistricting Commission that would be “required to gerrymander” Ohio’s legislative and congressional districts.”

    “The lawsuit calls it “an absolute fusillade of falsehoods.” It contends that the wording misdescribes the partisan affiliation requirements of commission members, inaccurately suggests the amendment would limit Ohioans’ rights to “freely express their public opinions,” and falsely states that it would prohibit “any citizen” from filing a lawsuit against the plan “in any court.”

  36. As long as Dumbass continues to lie about P 2025 and his support for it Plouffe and co. need to continue to stuff it in the voters’ faces. Play that footage until you wear it out. 

  37. Choose the sections about Social Security, Medicare, taxes, unions, ACA/healthcare, reproductive freedom first.   Stay out of the weeds with stuff that folks don’t have top of mind. 

    If food prices can’t be fixed, then put the food cartels and the overpaid CEOs on blast.

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