62 thoughts on “Passing the Plate”

  1. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/trump-supporters-start-gofundme-page-for-355m-fine/ar-BB1ipHc3

    Supporters of former President Donald Trump have launched a GoFundMe page to pay the approximately $355 million that the billionaire ex-president was fined at the conclusion of his New York civil fraud trial.
    Elena Cardone, the wife of real estate investor and influencer Grant Cardone, announced a short time later on X, formerly Twitter, that she had started a GoFundMe page to foot the bill. According to Forbes, Trump had a net worth of about $2.6 billion as of September.
    The page, titled “Stand with Trump; Fund the $355M Unjust Judgment,” had raised over $18,000 of the $355 million about five hours after it was launched. More than 400 donors contributed between $5 and $1,500 each.
    Newsweek reached out for comment to GoFundMe and Trump’s office via email on Friday night.
    Cardone, who described herself as “an ardent supporter of American values and an advocate for justice,” said on the page that the fundraiser was intended to allow “patriots” who “stand with Trump” to “show our collective strength and resolve.”
    “This is more than a legal fund; it’s a clarion call to all patriots to rally in defense of a man who has never hesitated to stand in defense of us,” she wrote. “It’s about showing that when one of us is targeted for championing the values that make America great, he does not stand alone.”
    Grant Cardone wrote on X that donors would be “standing together against unjust rulings like this where a bias judges [sic] & corrupt legal system is out of control.”
    Far-right Trump supporter and conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer responded to Cardone by arguing that the fundraiser should have been hosted by self-described “Christian crowdfunding” site GiveSendGo instead.
    “Go Fund Me is anti Trump and liberal,” Loomer wrote. “You should have used @GiveSendGo @GrantCardone. Go Fund Me is notorious for banning conservative campaigns. I have been banned from GoFundMe since 2018.”
    Many others on X reacted to the page by mocking it and those who donated, while questioning why a billionaire would need crowdfunding help to pay the fine.
    “They have a GoFundMe account now for Trump,” @lisa_liberal posted. “Who Forbes claims is worth $2.6B, but don’t you dare call it a cult.”
    “Wait… Wut.. Donald Trump, a supposed billionaire business man has a GoFundMe page??” posted @lflorepolitics. “The only thing more pathetic than this are his cult members who will actually help fund him by sending him money. Sad!”
    Others responded by suggesting that the page violates a stipulation of GoFundMe’s terms of service that prohibits the fundraising for “the legal defense of alleged financial and violent crimes.” However, Trump’s penalty occurred in civil court and did not constitute a crime.

  2. Don’t sell Dumbass short. There’s another $100,000,000 interest on those judgments. If they stand that’s 1/5 of his wealth, and with the State of NY as one of the judgment creditors, and with the vast majority of his wealth tied up in real estate, connect the dots. I suspect there will be a fire sale coming down the pike. 

  3. Hefty fines, penalties will rock Trump family’s business and fortuneWaPo

    For more than 100 years, since Donald Trump’s grandfather started buying land in New York City, the Trump family has run a real estate business in New York.

    Barring a successful legal appeal of Friday’s decision by a New York Supreme Court judge, that could change.
    In his ruling on a months-long civil trial brought against Trump and his business by New York Attorney General Letitia James (D), Justice Arthur F. Engoron prohibited Trump from serving as an officer or director of any New York firm for three years. He barred Trump’s elder sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, from doing so for two years.
    Trump’s eponymous company, Trump Organization,is already operating without a chief financial officer or a controller, according to the ruling.
    “There is no one at the financial helm. There’s no CFO, no controller, and now you don’t have Eric Trump, Donald Trump Jr. or Donald Sr. running it,” said Boston College law professor Brian Quinn.

    Whoever takes over the company will face a host of challenges in the short term.

    After finding that Trump Organization executives had engaged in years of fraud by inflating their property values to get better insurance and tax rates, Engoron ordered that the company operate under the close eye of two overseers, a monitor and an independent director of compliance, to ensure compliance with financial reporting obligations.

    In other words,Trump can remain the owner, but he has lost control.
    The ruling also bars a number of the company’s units directly implicated in the ruling from seeking loans from any financial institutions registered in New York state for three years. That includes entities affiliated with the company’s office building at 40 Wall Street and its hotel inChicago, as well the Trump Organization itself.


    In response to the ruling, Trump wrote on Truth Social, his social network site, that the penalty amount was “outrageous” and that it was “based on nothing other than having built a GREAT COMPANY.” Clifford S. Robert, at attorney for the two elder Trump sons, called the decision “gross injustice” and said he was confident it would be overturned on appeal.

    In response to the ruling, Trump wrote on Truth Social, his social network site, that the penalty amount was “outrageous” and that it was “based on nothing other than having built a GREAT COMPANY.” Clifford S. Robert, at attorney for the two elder Trump sons, called the decision “gross injustice” and said he was confident it would be overturned on appeal.

    Right, the guy who represented Dumbass’ sons, who were each fined $4 million is confident that the case he among others lost, will be overturned on appeal. Take one guess who is always confident that a decision will be overturned on appeal… Right, the loser.

  4. As the details came out and the bean counters nosed the total up close to five hundred million dollars one thing that bugged me is if “all” the bankers, money men, russian oligarchs all “knew” the numbers were phony, why were they not indicted?

  5. got buried in all the other news yesterday

    Trump opts against appealing civil immunity claim in Jan. 6 lawsuits to Supreme Court | The Hill (bing.com)

    President Trump and his legal team have decided against appealing a court’s decision that found he is not immune from civil lawsuits that blame him for the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, after they previously signaled he would file an appeal.
    Trump’s decision to not take his broader immunity claim to the Supreme Court means lawsuits seeking to hold him accountable for his role on Jan. 6 can move forward.
    The deadline for the former president to file a petition contesting the appeals court’s December decision was Thursday.
    Trump’s legal team signaled it would appeal the appellate court’s decision in an early January filing.
    With no appeal for the Supreme Court to take a look at, the three-judge panel formally sent the lawsuit back to the trial court on Friday, where they will now move ahead.
    At the time of the court’s decision, Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung called the ruling “limited, narrow and procedural.”
    The Hill has reached out to Cheung for further comment, but he told NBC News that Trump will “continue to fight for presidential immunity all across the spectrum.”
    Trump has a separate, ongoing immunity case. He has pleaded not guilty to four felony counts that allege he engaged in multiple criminal conspiracies to stay in power after the 2020 election. He is appealing a judge’s rejection to his claim that he has presidential immunity, and he has urged the Supreme Court to keep the trial on hold as he appeals.

  6. Don’t try to make me believe “Maggie Base” cannot afford her groceries, gas, or to pay her taxes. She has plenty of money to waste on bailing out Plumpty’s deadbeat ass.

  7. I just read one of the best explainers in a long time on how Democrats can beat Republicans, an interview with one of my favorites — political scientist turned election strategist Rachel Bitecofer.

    She makes so many excellent points, but one that tops the list to me is her advice to deploy what she calls strategic mockery:

    “The most important thing about strategic mockery is this. In Republican world — Earth Two — there are some truths that they find to be self-evident. No. 1, the Democrats stole the election in 2020, and Joe Biden is an illegitimate president. No. 2, there was no insurrection, Trump has never committed a crime of any type and he’s just an innocent guy that we’ve been hounding. No. 3, the COVID vaccine is the biggest scandal ever. The COVID vaccine is far more deadly than COVID itself, and anyone who got it has tainted blood — I’m not making this up! This is Republican reality. Democrats are pedophiles, Democrats support the genital mutilation of children. This is the rhetoric that has now, after 10 years of radicalization, become the mainstream platform, the reality-anchoring world of MAGA and the majority of the Republican Party.

    What strategic mockery means is, don’t legitimate their Earth Two reality. Make fun of it! Make them seem as absolutely ridiculous as these Earth Two claims are, because there is verifiable reality, and they’re not living in it. As soon as we legitimize their reality, we’re losing.”

    For example Bitecofer says, when Republicans yammer about protecting children from books, etc. talk about saving them from getting mowed down by assault rifles:

    “Well, if I’m on a show with a Republican and I get asked about gender mutilation or books in schools or whatever, if the words “protect children” come up, I’m going to stop and I’m going to say, ‘Oh, I think it’s great you want to talk about protecting children in schools. Let’s talk about Republicans blocking gun legislation for decades and letting our kids get slaughtered at school by weapons of war.'”

    I recommend reading the whole interview on Salon: “Rachel Bitecofer’s tough-love lesson for Democrats: Time to fight dirty and Paint the GOP as murderous, delusional fascists

  8. Rachel’s a firebrand. She’s here with Michael Steele on his podcast, he plugged her new book, Hit ‘em Where It Hurts, How to Save Democracy by Beating Republicans at Their Own Game. Rachel also appeared last week with Stephanie Ruhle on the 11th Hour. 

  9. gofundme terms of service (TOS) state it is not to be used to pay off legal fines, or something like that.  We will see if that lasts.  Make his sorry ass poor, well in this case less full of gold fixtures.

    The rich, they are not like you and me.

  10. Just studied most recent South Carolina poll (CBS) showing 65-30 Trump lead. Of 1,483 registered voters in the sample 1,004 were “likely Republican primary voters who voted in at least one past GOP primary”. That methodology leads to possibly underrating Haley because she might appeal to a lot of voters who have not participated in Republican primaries before — including Democrats and independents. In South Carolina there is no registration by party affiliation, anyone can vote in a party’s primary. I can see her getting to the 40% that would probably keep her donors on board.

    If donors keep Nikki going all the way to the convention and she amasses a sizable block of delegates I can see her going all the way if Trump collapses literally or politically. His delegates might fracture to a bunch of different candidates and she ends up with a plurality.

  11. “The rich, they are not like you and me. “

    ”Yes, they have more money.”
    —E. Hemingway

  12. Like I said the other day, I’ve noticed Haley signs in certain places which indicates to me a shift in the trumpgeist, meaning she will do better than has been expected.

  13. Craig – I feel like the orange blob had someone put the consequences of saying anything against puttie directly into one of those ugly ears, in fourth grade level talk so he understood. It might have been to let the mush brain know that means forever too.  This is also why he easily gave the russian intelligence people all sorts of secrets, resulting in many deaths of American, Israeli and others.  So far he has not been charged with treason, the classified material case would have if they could.  However, that would require some public disclosures which would not be good.
    I have been asked the question of if I felt safe several times.  My answer is the same during the last several decades, “Yes, if they wanted to do me in they would have already”. 

  14. “If donors keep Nikki going all the way to the convention and she amasses a sizable block of delegates I can see her going all the way if Trump collapses literally or politically. His delegates might fracture to a bunch of different candidates and she ends up with a plurality.”

    Craig, i’m still getting daily texts from her. You’re starting to give me incentive to donate to her (after groceries, gas, and taxes, that is.) 

  15. I’m thankful there’s been not a single hypocritical word from Plumpty about the untimely death of Alexey Navalny. The only thing he could truthfully do is make some otherwise despicable comment. We know that would be his true self speaking. He’s never for one moment ever felt sorrow for a dead person. If you’re dead, you’re a loser.

  16. https://people.com/kansas-city-chiefs-nfl-united-way-fund-for-shooting-victims-8584401

    “Kansas City Chiefs Pair with NFL to Donate $200,000 to New United Way Emergency Fund for Shooting Victims”  

    If someone is shot, they are responsible for their  medical bills.   Now, they not only have to deal with physical and mental trauma, but medical debt.  It’s often left to crowdfunding to help out victims of gun violence.  This is absolute BS and you’ll never see the NRA and gun manufacturers and gun sellers pony up the way others will yo help out. 

    They, the NRA and manufacturers and sellers of guns, should be forced to cover medical and funeral expenses for victims of gun violence, as well as lost wages and and remodeling or rehousing that needs to be done for them to get around. Also, gun owners should be required to take a class. 
    As for crowdfunding tRUMPsky’s legal punishment,  why go to all that trouble when he can just get money from a foreign state.

    Is he even more vulnerable to doing more bad things (against the US) if he has more Russian money, or Saudi money?

  17. in re Haley, tweet
    Notice that there was zero applause for Haley’s tax promises (end gas tax, middle class tax cut) in this well-off part of the state (Kiawah Island) — but big applause for term limits

  18. Hey, if Nikki gets all the way to the convention, maybe there’ll be a smack-down amongst Repugz in Wisconsin.  Chaos at the convention could be interesting.

    Bink – Did you love all the reasons we can have twenty-year old technology for our headlights like they do in Europe.   No universal healthcare, either.   We are one of those sh—hole countries.

  19. Is the DOJ looking into why the Saudis gave Kushner all that money? 

    Wait until everyone else heard about Nikki wanting to cut “entitlements.” I guess starving grandparents of medical care and food money is kind of like term limits.

  20. Our national idiots think truckers are going to stop delivering to NYC to protest the Clump verdicts.  
    That’s funnier than ANYTHING George Carlin ever said.

  21. Zelensky, as the House goes on a two-week recess without approving security aid for Ukraine: “Please remember everyone that dictators do not go on vacation.”

  22. Grifters gotta grift…

    Trump has entered a naming agreement with a company selling Trump sneakers & fragrances. He’ll tout the shoes at “SneakerCon” in Philly this afternoon.

  23. well they got the “con” part right

    they’re pushing racist-guy as a “gangsta” to appeal to young men is what that’s about

    attempt to undermine black vote in Dem districts, be advised

  24. He’s plenty sneaky and he’s a fat con. If the shoe fits, wear it. 

    Perfect fit for his ass on the toe-end.

  25. God, that shoe Trump is peddling is ugly. 
    You want a high top with style, go with the original Converse Allstar.
    From 1917

  26. Bink, beware of what? Bad fashion? Even black Republicans won’t wear those shoes. You have to be white trash to even think about it.

  27. Wonder what a pair costs.   That’d be a good guessing game unless someone already knows the answer.  Seems lik it’d be $100
    Made in China? Vanky trademark situation?

    Tennis shoes. Whatta schmuck.

  28. Bink, beware of what

    …team indebted-guy’s strategy to court hip-hop influencers in an attempt to undercut Dem black turnout
    pretty good scam when you can get people that hate you to promote it

    Sneakers are big business

  29. What else does that company sell?  Anything we can actually boycott?  Not buying tRUMPsky-branded anything is a given.  Oooo, is it all made in Chiner? 


    Never mind. Here’s the brand mentioned in BB’s link.

    Are they really bootleg Off-Whites (which is how dark you can be to be accepted in the MAGAt Party) that they didn’t have authorizations to modify with golden paint?
    DonI smell a licensing lawsuit?

    Are they knock-offs from Chiner, so there would be an additional charge for importing counterfeit Off-Whites?

    They must’ve had this grift in the works for awhile. What else would these idiots pay for?

    I read something about the NFT/piece of his suit grift that said even if you buy all $4,700 worth of NFTs, you might not get a piece of suit. You might, instead, get the chance to eat at Mar-a- Ego, and SFB wouldn’t necessarily be there.

    Oh, and apparently there was copyright infringement on the NFTs he sold. Can they get him for mail fraud, or can the FCC get him for internet sales fraud?

  30. Yep, ugly ass sneakers. He might get a few bucks from that deal but I can’t imagine anyone would vote for him because he’s selling gold sneakers. 

    I’d support those adaptive headlights.
    The new ones all seem to be on high beams at all times, and they are blinding to me. Figures that our NHTSA regs are 20 years behind the technology.

  31. if i spell it out for you i’m doing them a favor, sneakers are dumb, u win

    here, i won’t do that, but the counter is Biden camp outreach to young black/latino MALE communities 👍

  32. I would have thought that the object wasn’t to make money so much as to have a great many people running around as a highly visible sign of  trumpdom, like the hats. The idiots might shell a C-note, but $400 ?  Seems a bit steep for the idjits.
    I’m going to be very interested to see the sales.
    Hats or steaks?
    Those hats are so far the only successful thing he’s ever put up for sale.

    I doubt they will sell many, just as a wild surmise on my part, but I COULD be wrong, of course.

  33. https://www.thedailybeast.com/neo-nazis-march-through-downtown-nashville-in-the-middle-of-black-history-month

    “Neo-Nazis March Through Downtown Nashville in the Middle of Black History Month”

    “The white supremacists, dressed in red shirts and apparently part of the “Blood Tribe” fascist group, chose Black History Month to trek past a row of downtown restaurants and retail stores.”

    “Just left an event honoring a Black sorority and spoke of the need to unite against the rising tide of white supremacy, only to be confronted by Nazis marching through downtown Nashville,” Jones tweeted. “This is exactly what my Republican colleagues hate speech is fostering and inviting.”

  34. Things are not going to look good for M. Johnson, rep from Louisiana.  Some stuff is starting to bubble up about his lack of monetary skills, such as no bank.  Something about his “adopted” young boy. A few other things that are not exactly what you would expect a church driven guy would be doing.  Yup.  There are people who look at liars as a challenge, not a dead end.  I do not have dates, but from what I have seen the last four days, it is not going to be a nice time to have the House out of session as a way to divert attention.

  35. https://www.thedailybeast.com/paramore-slams-tennessee-gop-after-allison-russell-grammy-controversy
    Paramore has declined a Tennessee resolution celebrating the band for their recent Grammy wins after the state’s GOP-led House of Representatives snubbed fellow winner Allison Russell.”
    “…Paramore, an all-white band who won Grammy Awards for Best Rock Album and Best Alternative Music Performance, and Russell, a Black country singer who won her first Grammy for Best American Roots Performance.”
    “In a statement shared with The Tennessean on Friday, Paramore lead singer Hayley Williams wrote, “For those that don’t know, Allison Russell is an incredibly talented musician and songwriter. Her music spans genres with strong ties to the Folk/Americana scenes. You might have seen her on the Grammy stage performing with the great Joni Mitchell.”

    “Oh, she is also Black. She’s a brilliant Black woman,” Williams continued. “The blatant racism of our state leadership is embarrassing and cruel.”

  36. MAGAt Mike Johnson’s campaign was funded by Russians. 


    “In 2018, a group of Russians were able to donate to Johnson’s bid for the Louisiana seat he eventually won as the money was funneled through the Texas-based American Ethane company.”

    “Putin pal Konstantin Nikolaev, who handled Russian spy Maria Butina, was also the principal stockholder in American Ethane Co. when they donated over $37,000 to Mike Johnson’s election campaign. Does anyone else think that might be a problem?” posted X user @Davegreenidge57.”

    “A spokesperson for Johnson previously assured in 2018 that the campaign returned the money that was given to them by American Ethane once it was “made aware of the situation.”

    That was just campaign money. What about direct payments?

    Mike has no bank account, though. Is he getting cash or goodies some other way?

  37. https://www.marketplace.org/2023/11/09/whats-the-deal-with-speaker-mike-johnsons-financial-disclosure/
    “Under assets on Speaker Johnson’s most recent financial disclosure report for 2022, it says “none disclosed.” No retirement plan, no mutual funds, no bank account. Actually, the Speaker’s office told Marketplace that he does have a personal bank account, but it’s exempt from House reporting rules because it doesn’t earn interest.”
    “It could be like, he’s just essentially living hand to mouth. It’s paycheck to paycheck, and so it goes into a checking account goes right out of it,” said Jordan Libowitz, spokesman for Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, or CREW.
    “Congressional ethics rules only require disclosure if a member of Congress has total deposits in interest bearing accounts worth more than $5,000, Libowitz said. Speaker Johnson did disclose several debts, including a mortgage, as he told Fox News last weekend.”

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