38 thoughts on “Changing Reindeer in Midstream”

  1. Zelenskyy to Address US Lawmakers Amid Debate About New Aid for Ukraine (voanews.com)

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is set to address members of the U.S. Senate Tuesday amid a push by the White House for Congress to urgently approve new funding to help Ukraine in its defense against Russia’s invasion.
    Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Zelenskyy was invited to speak via video at a classified briefing “so we can hear directly from him precisely what’s at stake” when lawmakers vote on a bill that includes billions of dollars in aid for Ukraine.
    Office of Management and Budget Director Shalanda Young warned in a letter to congressional leaders Monday that by the end of the year, the U.S. will no longer have the funds to send weapons and assistance to Ukraine. It “will not be able to keep fighting,” Young said of Ukraine, noting that the U.S. has already run out of money for propping up Ukraine’s economy.
    In October, the Biden administration asked Congress for nearly $106 billion to fund ambitious plans for Ukraine, Israel and U.S. border security.
    Funding for Ukraine has become politically controversial with some right-leaning lawmakers in the narrowly Republican-controlled Congress.
    However, Young said in the letter released by the White House that cutting off funding and a flow of weapons to Ukraine would likely work to Russia’s advantage on the battlefield.
    “I want to be clear: Without congressional action, by the end of the year we will run out of resources to procure more weapons and equipment for Ukraine, to provide equipment from U.S. military stocks,” she wrote. “There is no magical pot of funding available to meet this moment. We are out of money — and nearly out of time,” she said.

    also at that same Voice of America link:

    Diplomatic envoys of the EU’s 27 member countries will meet Tuesday to start debating a launch of EU membership talks with Ukraine, according to officials and diplomats.
    The meeting marks the start of preparations among the 27 for the December 14-15 summit of the bloc’s leaders that will also assess and decide on EU integration prospects for Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Bosnia and others.
    Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has demanded that Ukraine’s membership bid into the European Union not be on the agenda at the EU summit.
    In a letter he sent to European Council President Charles Michel, who will chair the summit in Brussels, Orban insisted that a “strategic discussion” is needed first about Ukraine’s European future and warned that forcing a decision could destroy EU unity.
    Orban, who is widely considered one of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest allies in Europe, maintains that Ukraine is “light years away” from becoming an EU member.
    He wrote that EU leaders “must avoid this counterproductive scenario for the sake of unity, our most important asset.” He did not explicitly say that Hungary would veto any moves to open membership talks with Ukraine, but the threat was implicit.
    Decisions regarding EU membership and EU’s long-term budget, which includes $54.1 billion in assistance for Kyiv, can only be made unanimously by all 27 member countries.

  2. wonder if this portends liz being a witness in the jan6 trial(s).

    In her new book, “Oath and Honor,” former Rep. Liz Cheney describes when she first learned about Donald Trump’s fake elector scheme, just two days before January 6. Cheney talks with Rachel Maddow about her reaction when she realized what was about to happen.

  3. Republicans…from foreign aid to “enough votes” to open an impeachment inquiry, a bunch of short sighted pricks who define insanity and … more importantly…inanity. 

  4. pogo, your “hannity’s inanity” surely won the gold star in Ivy’s inanity contest last thread for brevity if nothing else.

  5. WH’s Sullivan: Any Member Of Congress That Does Not Support Ukraine Funding Is Making It Easier For Putin To Prevail | Video | RealClearPolitics

    National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan: “I believe that any member of Congress who does not support funding for Ukraine is voting for an outcome that will make it easier for Putin to prevail…a vote against supporting Ukraine is a vote to improve Putin’s strategic position.” pic.twitter.com/lbq68FkJYg

    — CSPAN (@cspan) December 4, 2023

  6. Pat, thanks – brevity is a benefit of being constitutionally lazy.
    Poobah, saw the Anne A clip on MoJoe this morning. Looks  like the media – at least the media as we knew it before cable and internet news sources became the go to for information – are lining up to warn the voting public about the threat a 2nd Dumbass presidency poses to what those of us who value our constitutional democracy, warts and all, hold dear about this country. It won’t reach the Magats, but what would?

  7. It spreads: former UFC fighter and all-around simpleton Conor McGregor is floating a run for president of Ireland on a populist/xenophobic angle, he’s as dumb as you’d think someone who gets hit in the face for a living would be, appealing to ageism to make his case

  8. Sometimes I think it is time for the intelligence community (IC) to dump what it knows about the July 4 meeting in Moscow, including voice and texts.  And, for special effect, dump what it knows about the 1/6 insurrectionists.  Let the world see what kind of people they are.  It would probably compromise a bit of spycraft and people, but it can be more dangerous not to.

  9. BB – Agreed! Spill it…but maybe a drip, drip, drip would be enough to put some of them in line. 


    “Trump’s hatred of NATO proceeds from his belief, in both business and politics, that there is no such thing as an honest, mutually beneficial bargain; either you are ripping off the other guy or he is ripping you off.”

    “The idea that the U.S. might provide a security umbrella over Europe as part of an alliance structure that broadly benefits both parties—America retains global hegemony, and Europe doesn’t have to worry much about security—doesn’t compute to Trump.”

    “If Trump yanks the NATO rug out from under the EU, European nations will have no choice but to carry out a full-scale rearmament program.”

  10. OMG… Craig….  that is tooooo funny!
    Of course you’ll be challenged by trumpie’s lawyers once they hear you were employed by MSNBC and CNN.  But then again…   wouldn’t it be delicious if they were as stupid as we’re told they are…

  11. Just got a push notice that Stumbleville is releasing most of his holds on military promotions.  Polls back home must have been bad.

  12. i thought that pic was just a celebrity doppelgänger thing, didn’t see any value judgments on either subject 🤷‍♂️ 

  13. craig, bink’s right. no value judgements with those pics.  heck, they might think you’ve got a despot fetish.

  14. tubbers’ last stand — or next to last stand maybe

    Tuberville releasing hold on hundreds of military promotions | The Hill

    Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) announced on Tuesday that he is ending his months-long blockade on hundreds of military promotions.
    Tuberville said that he is jumping on board with an idea presented by Sens. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) and Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) that would release all of his holds on military officers at the 3-star level and below.
    A hold will remain in place for the roughly ten nominations for 4-star generals and officers.
    “I am not going to hold the promotions of these people any longer. We just released them,” Tuberville told reporters after informing Senate Republicans of his decision. 
    The pressure on Tuberville to alter his tactics only increased as Senate Democrats planned to hold a vote in the coming weeks that would temporarily change the rules of the upper chamber in order to advance the more than 400 nominees that were being affected. 
    Additionally, Sullivan, Ernst and multiple other Republicans with military backgrounds had gone to the Senate floor twice in recent weeks in an attempt to pass individual promotions, effectively taking that dispute public. 
    Tuberville also faced tumult within the GOP over his holds. Sullivan, Ernst and multiple other GOP members with military backgrounds had gone to the Senate floor twice in recent weeks in an attempt to pass individual promotions, effectively taking that dispute public. 
    The Alabama Republican’s military roadblock prompted Senate leaders to take individual action on a number of top military posts in recent months. On top of Charles C.Q. Brown’s nomination to take over as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the upper chamber also held one-off votes on the Marine Corps commandant, Army chief of staff, chief of Naval operations, Air Force chief of staff and the Marine Corps’ second-in-command.  
    According to Tuberville and Sullivan, only roughly 10 nominees will remain subject to his holds, all of whom are set to become 4-star generals. Tuberville cited the need to vet the top officials for keeping it in place for those individuals, who could also receive individual votes. 
    While many Senate Republicans were displeased with Tuberville’s tactics throughout the past 10 months, they were equally upset with the possibility of a vote to change the Senate’s rules in the coming weeks.

  15. Patd beat me to the Tuberville announcement.  It’s about time the bad press convinced the fool to do the right thing. 


  16. Congratulations.  Due to the constant demonstrations of incompetence sfb legal people might mess up and you get to have a front row seat.  Three months seems low, but, it is something to do to keep you off the streets.

  17. Why Renee, CC just operates a little ol’ nonpartisan blog.  His prior life shouldn’t disqualify him – if he’s called late enough in the selection process and Dumbass’ attorneys have used the bulk of their peremptory strikes.

  18. (you did not see my jaw drop and strange sounds from it emanating to the cats) $57/day is very nice.  Anne Arundel Annapolis is $10/day, parking takes two to five of that.

  19. I would love to be on that jury and I would donate back my compensation for the opportunity. 

  20. https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/05/politics/mike-johnson/index.html

    “House Speaker Mike Johnson said Tuesday that before publicly releasing footage of the US Capitol attack on January 6, 2021, the faces of the mob will be blurred to protect them from the Justice Department.”

    Obstruction of justice. MAGAt Mike has to go.

    “Federal investigators and prosecutors already have footage from the Capitol’s security cameras and have used it to charge and prosecute members of the mob that day.”

    “But online sleuths and individuals from the public have previously helped to identify many people from images taken during the riot, and blurring the faces of people at the Capitol that day could hamper the potential for additional public tips.”

    “The Justice Department has previously asked the public’s help in identifying over 300 more individuals at the Capitol that day, and the FBI, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and Washington, DC police, continue to offer a half-a-million dollar reward for information leading to the arrest of the individual who planted pipe bombs on January 5, 2021, near the Republican National Committee and Democratic National Committee.”

    I really hope someone is digging into MAGAt Mike’s finances, as well has his digital (porn) life.

  21. Hal Corley
    Nicolle Wallace alone went there: “Why did you vote for him in 2020?” Cheney’s response was predictably weak, “his policies.” Trump has no policies.

  22. https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/04/politics/george-santos-cameo-fetterman-menendez/index.html

    “Sen. John Fetterman commissioned expelled Rep. George Santos to unwittingly make a video on the celebrity video message platform Cameo telling Sen. Bob Menendez – whom Fetterman has called on to resign over charges he acted as a foreign agent to Egypt – to “stay strong.”

    “I thought my ethically-challenged colleague @BobMenendezNJ could use some encouragement given his substantial legal problems. So, I approached a seasoned expert on the matter to give ‘Bobby from Jersey’ some advice,” Fetterman, a Pennsylvania Democrat, tweeted Monday.

    In the video, Santos, the New York Republican who last week became only the sixth lawmaker to be expelled from Congress after a damning ethics report, says, “Hey, Bobby! I don’t think I need to tell you, but these people that want to make you get in trouble and want to kick you out and make you run away, you make them put up or shut up!” Santos adds, “You stand your ground, sir, and don’t get bogged down by all the haters out there. Stay strong. Merry Christmas!”

    Santos responded to Fetterman’s tweet Monday, saying he didn’t realize “Bobby” was Menendez. “I love this! I wish I knew the Bobby in question! LOL,” Santos wrote on X.

    Just when I think I couldn’t love Fetterman more, he does this. Ha!

  23. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-67620882

    “Mr Santos, who labels himself a “former congressional ‘Icon'” on the platform, is selling personalised messages recorded by him for $200…”

    “According to US media, Mr Santos had previously been selling the videos for $75 before raising the price to $150, and then again to $200.”

    “He isn’t the first politician to sell content on the website, though. Former Alaska governor and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin also sells videos on the site, revealing in a congressional disclosure last year that she had earned a whopping $211,529 dollars from the platform.”

  24. It was a quiet and reflective day, marking the third anniversary of my daughter’s passing from “a hoax.” Everyone asks and that’s okay, but no, she had no pre-existing conditions; she was young and otherwise healthy. But she had the misfortune of being exposed to a virulent virus in a low-information state controlled by greedy ignorant people who worship a corrupt orange idol. She was there by choice, having had the opportunity to stay and work in educated progressive Oregon. But she chose instead to return home because she loved Alabama and wanted to be of service there which she did as a health practitioner at UAB. 

    It was a peaceful day. I didn’t think we could have asked for more.

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