‘Tis the Season to be Silly

for ugly sweaters and sentimental songs or grumpy grinches

The Christmas Can-Can By Walter Chase As performed by Straight No Chaser Chief Musician Michael Belinkie and Musicians 1st Class Dave Sigmon, Ben Bransford, Bill Edwards, and Robert Kurth Recorded at DAR Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C. on Dec. 21, 2014

22 thoughts on “‘Tis the Season to be Silly”

  1. and strange flashmobs at your local mall

    Willows shopping center Townsville, 3rd December 2022. The Pipes and Drums of the third battalion, Royal Australian Regiment. Songs: Highland Cathedral The Gael Jingle Bells Our Director (3 RAR’s battalion song)

  2. and the inevitable SNL dickens of a holiday skit

    [was this one some sort of subliminal crypto bitcoin warning?]

    Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol takes an unexpected turn.


  3. The twit is proceeding to destroy the twit site.  Journalists and media are setting up shop on Post.news and Mastodon this morning.  The servers are taking on a load with a need to expand and add more. EU is probably going to hold hearings, but there is not much that they can do with fines.
    And there is the little issue of sfb lite not paying the bills.  That should be interesting if he uses the excuse of no office space to shut down the twit.
    I suspect his cult members are preparing for the lawsuits coming, including what can be included as twitter specific business products that can be protected from duplication.  Just in case the previous twitter owners decide to create a new version.

  4. Looking back at the last thirty-five or so years of civilian Internet usage along with dialup sites and assorted other things used to meet socially I cannot think of any change as abrupt as the failure of twitter. There have been changes, Yahoo AOL Compuserve MySpace, and dozens of others are left behind for new and shiny.  But those changes were not like what is happening right now.  Those earlier changes were not by a change from functioning to non-functioning and focusing on christian nationalists/facists/nazis/intellect of twelve year old child/ and just stupid. Most of the previous social sites just gradually faded away or changed.  MySpace is a good example going to near extinction to returning as a music site.
    Many more accounts were shut down than talked about on twit.  My notifications are non-existent.  There are also some putting together plans to do a mass migration, if they are not banned earlier, the end of December.  I expect my account to be shutdown anytime because I retwitted a few of the posts that are banned. 
    All told, this is a major change to how the world communicates.  In a way I think it is a good thing as it forces others to create or modify sites to meet the challenges of a connected world.

  5. BiD – Would love to experience that beautiful sculpture.

    BB – While I have put accounts on both Mastodon and Post, I’m find Post the easiest to use though they are still ironing out bugs.  

  6. Dana Milbank is giving Alexandra Petri a run for the money for funniest column of the week.
    Is Kevin McCarthy OK?

    They were only trying to help.

    A group of House Republican moderates (yes, a few specimens still survive in the wild) met with Kevin McCarthy this week to help him right his listing bid for the speakership. In a show of support, they passed out pro-McCarthy lapel buttons: stars on a field of blue with a red band in the middle that proclaimed, simply, “O.K.”

    The letters were meant to signify “Only Kevin,” CNN’s Melanie Zanona reported, as a rejoinder to the Never-McCarthy hard-liners on the right. But the message had an unfortunate double meaning that highlighted the doubts about the always-a-bridesmaid-never-a-bride candidate for speaker. McCarthy is just that: Okay. As in: not great. Not even above average. Just okay. One can anticipate future pro-McCarthy slogans as the Jan. 3 speaker election approaches:

    “McCarthy is adequate.”

    “He’s the best we’ve got.”
    “[Shrug emoji].”

    The “O.K.” buttons may have been the biggest messaging misfire since McCarthy, called a “moron” by Speaker Nancy Pelosi over his resistance to pandemic safety measures, removed all doubt about the charge by selling T-shirts  with large letters proudly announcing: “Moron.”

    The “O.K.” buttons fared no better than the “Moron” T-shirts. I watched members vote on the House floor soon after the distribution of the buttons. I couldn’t spot a single member wearing one.
    McCarthy has a knack for garbled messages. If he does succeed in his speakership quest (which is likely, if only for the lack of an alternative), he will earn the distinction of being the first speaker in U.S. history not to speak fluent English.
    For eight years, I have been attempting to make sense of his sentences and mostly come up empty. Deep in his brain there seems to be a syntax scrambler (I’m guessing it was put there by Hunter Biden, or perhaps the Chinese) that causes violent clashes between subjects and objects, nouns and verbs, singular and plural, and past and present.

    As Bugs would say, what a Maroon.  What an Ultraviolet.

    Bravo! Dana – that lightened up my day.

  7. Jamie the only thing better for the country than a sluggish start for the House in the next Congress is complete inaction on every issue except funding the government – anything else is just going to go over to the Senate to be placed in a filing cabinet in Shumer’s office that he can’t seem to find the key for.
    More from Milbank’s article:

    McCarthy’s lead tormentor is Rep. Andy Biggs (Ariz.), who is mounting a symbolic candidacy for speaker and is part of a bloc of five Never-McCarthy Republicans vowing to deny Mr. O.K. the job. McCarthy doesn’t have five votes to spare, so he is cutting backroom deals with Republican holdouts that would effectively surrender to right-wingers the power to paralyze the chamber for the next two years.

    The latest demand from the holdouts? Immediate impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas, Biden’s secretary of homeland security.

    This week, I listened for more than 40 minutes as Biggs and his colleagues (16 White men and two White women, by my count) took turns denouncing Mayorkas. Standing behind a campaign-style Impeach Mayorkas yard sign, they were strikingly personal in their attacks: “Regularly lies.” “Malice against the people of the United States.” “Intentional and knowing disregard for human life.” “Disgusting.” “Despicable.” “Purposefully endangering the American people … for crass political purposes.”

    But they didn’t have much in the way of high crimes and misdemeanors. Mostly, they objected to the border policies of Mayorkas’s boss. For example, Norman, of “Marshall Law” fame, claimed that Biden had said the border “is not a problem.” (Biden said no such thing.)

    Rep. Brian Babin (R-Tex.) complained that “sixteen thousand illegal aliens were apprehended crossing the southern border in the last 48 hours. Also in the last 48 hours, $97 million worth of narcotics were seized.” Umm, doesn’t that mean that border laws are being enforced?

    Good point, that.

  8. Jamie – Post.news is straightforward, but it should be getting more complex as time goes on.  It is still beta and under construction. Mastodon is going to be forced to change to make it easier to get from here to there.  Both suffer from search programs with a lot to not like.  But, those are why this is exciting.  We are seeing massive changes, millions moving from one program (twit) to others (Mastodon and Post.news plus others) literally overnight.  That the software people and the hardware people are able to absorb those numbers and still keep on building capability is wild.  I doubt it would happen ten years ago and definitely not twenty.  As an old software and hardware engineer this is so exciting.

  9. “The only things we have to fear are billionaire assholes. ” 

    sturge, also faux billionaires but still real bigly assholes like he-who-shouldn’t-be-named.  so bigly even his cult is catching on.

    business insider:

    “i can’t believe i’m going to jail for an nft salesman,” Baked Alaska, whose real name is Anthime Gionet, tweeted Thursday afternoon.

  10. The dipshit’s fanciful photos are saturating the airwaves….The talker people are laughing at him but they’re still Showing the Pictures.    

    On tv the pictures look “real”.

  11. I wonder who it was thought “Deadline Whitehouse” was a good title for a TV show.
    If I had a TV show I’d call it “The Grapevine” and play the hell outa that song…….the graphic would be two people on a tin can telephone in comic book style.

  12. As I have been typing about, the migration from one site to another, there is actual government changes happening.  This is from someone on Mastodon:

    I am seeing and hearing news about Mastodon on NPR, BBC, NDR, and elsewhere.
    German government apparently has set up a server and is strongly recommending departments and agencies focus on Mastodon for communications. Major institutional buy-in would be entirely transformational.

    Sometimes being close to the action is fun.

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