Putin’s Bridge to Broken Dreams

Noted last night on The Late Show:
“If you build it, they will blow it up”

Vladimir “Ozymandias” Putin


35 thoughts on “Putin’s Bridge to Broken Dreams”

  1. The biggest stories over the weekend were the explosion on Russia’s bridge to Crimea and Kanye West’s disastrous return to Twitter. In other disaster news, Senate candidate Dr. Oz gave a campaign speech while standing in front of a car once owned by Adolf Hitler.

  2. Biden scrambles to hold together Ukraine coalition as cracks emerge – The Washington Post

    As these discussions show, Biden is now pushing hard to hold together what has become a central mission of his presidency: maintaining the global and domestic coalition supporting Ukraine. As the war heads into its first winter, probably a bitter and brutal one, some U.S. allies face economic headwinds fueled by the war, while at home some Republicans voice skepticism about the billions in aid going to Ukraine.
    These efforts face a major test Wednesday when the United Nations votes on a draft resolution condemning Russia’s annexation of four parts of Ukraine. Biden and U.S. officials have been working to convince nonaligned countries in Latin America, Asia and Africa to refrain from taking a neutral position and condemn the Kremlin outright, an effort analysts said might be bolstered by Russia’s barrage of missile attacks Monday on Kyiv and other major Ukrainian cities.
    U.S. leaders are hoping at least 100 of the 193 U.N. member states — the number that supported a 2014 U.N. resolution condemning Russia’s annexation of Crimea — will support the draft resolution, several senior administration officials said. In March, when the United States first offered a U.N. resolution condemning Russia’s invasion, it received support from 141 member states; arguably, fewer votes than that will mean diplomatic ground has been lost.
    Biden and the Group of Seven leaders are set to hold a virtual meeting Tuesday morning “to discuss their unwavering commitment to support Ukraine and hold Putin accountable in the face of Russia’s aggression and atrocities,” including Monday’s missile strikes, according to a White House schedule. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will join leaders at the start of the meeting.
    Even as Biden scrambles to hold together his global coalition, cracks are showing in political support at home for the billions in aid the United States is sending Ukraine. Those fissures are likely to widen significantly if Republicans recapture the House on Nov. 8.

  3. another putie bridge blown up


    Instead of returning the classified materials he’d taken to Mar-a-Lago from the White House, Donald Trump allegedly wanted to trade them for documents showing the FBI investigated his 2016 campaign ties to Russia, according to reporting from The New York Times. For more than a year, National Archives officials hounded the former president’s aides and attorneys to return the boxes. Trump insisted they contained nothing important, some just had dirty laundry. But after more pushing from his team, Trump pitched a deal: give the government back its files in exchange for proof that the FBI’s Russia investigation was a “hoax,” the Times reported. His aides knew the idea would be a “non-starter” and never acted on it. After one of Trump’s attorneys warned him he could face serious consequences if he did not return the classified documents, the former president, who kept insisting the “boxes were ‘mine,’” began going through them last December, the Times said. The news is the latest in the ongoing saga, which has sparked a Justice Department investigation into Trump’s handling of the classified material. Federal investigators still believe he is withholding government documents, the Times reported earlier this week.

  4. Dumbass is flailing – thrashing about looking for an argument, any argument, that SOMEONE, ANYONE will buy about the documents removed from his club. He just can’t decide whether the documents are his or one of the documents were planted, and he can’t even seem to understand the fucking difference between planted documents, which are not his, and his personal documents, which arguably are.

  5. Remember…..the russian is hanging on for dear life in rapt anticipation of a favorable outcome of the US midterm elections. The favorable outcome he seeks is gop takeover of the house and/or senate, which would in turn result in the russian becoming president by proxy of the United States.   It’s not a matter of conjecture.  The gop have become russian agents.

  6. Looks like Evan Corcoran may be joining Christina Bobb in the stew, which is heating up. Bobb says Evan drafted the certification she signed in January saying that after a diligent search (conducted by Evan or Dumbass) there were no other documents that belonged to the Presidency and owed to the Archives. Since supposedly Dumbass went through the boxes himself he knew or should have that the certification was false, which is evidence of the toughest element of any crime – intent. Ol’ Evan is quickly becoming a witness. Making Attorneys Get Attorneys. 

  7. Listened to Part 1 of the Rachel Maddow podcast.  It is an important look at the actions of the America First contingent prior to WW II.  Well worth a listen if you had never heard much of it before.  I knew a lot, but there are details she has dug up that were definitely being lost to history.  


  8. Jamie, the first America First movement is interesting stuff. I didn’t know until the latest Ken Burns series just how involved Lindbergh was. I knew he was a Nazi sympathizer but he was a ring leader of that bunch. And of course their name was resurrected by Reagan, then Trump.

  9. You kiddin’ me? Xavier Cougat wasn’t into having no nitwits hangin’ around him.   

  10. Yeah i knew this guy had some dung on ‘e shoe. *********wiki

    In July 2007, Harper’s Magazinepublished an article by Scott Horton, an American attorney known for his work in human rights law and the law of armed conflict, claiming that Prescott Bush was involved in the 1934 Business Plot, a failed plan by some of America’s wealthy to trick Retired Marine Corps Major GeneralSmedley Butler into helping them overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt.[24][25]


  11. They say to plant your garlic on “Columbus Day”, but anytime this season works.  i honored my forbears by getting it in as the colonialist sun set beyond a stolen horizon 🇺🇸 

  12. What a day. What a day? What a day!  hmm can’t decide yet.  I am starting to tear down an engine for my sailboat; it is slow going as I need to dissolve the heavy rust on it.  Video will be up on my YouTube channel sometime in the future.  I hope to have it torn down by the weekend so I can order the parts to rebuild it in a couple weeks. 
    Something interesting has been happening in the marble halls of the building where the former Supreme Court reigned. Pretty much been quiet for the last week, which is not what I expected.  They have turned down cases which would have made the world worse if they had ruled on them.  Maybe roberts does have a bit of sway left in his act.
    The engine is rusty not from salty air, but from swimming in salty water for a year or more. But, the rust dissolvesrs are working.

  13. craig, save the date and forget getting the knee britches out of mothballs


    LONDON — King Charles III’s coronation, the first for Britain in more than 70 years, has been set for May 6 and may be a somewhat less extravagant affair than his mother’s coronation in 1953.
    Buckingham Palace announced in a statement Tuesday that the ceremony will be “rooted in long-standing traditions and pageantry” but also “reflect the monarch’s role today and look towards the future.”
    Charles’s biographers say he has talked about wanting a slimmed-down British monarchy, and there is a sense that the coronation may be slimmed down, as well — though still involving a cast of thousands.
    Few details have been announced. But several British papers have reported in concert that the coronation — reportedly dubbed “Operation Golden Orb” — will have a guest list of “only” 2,000, will last an hour and will nix some of the more arcane traditions, including a presentation of gold ingots. (The optics of that one might not look so good when inflation is so high).
    There are questions about how many elaborate robes and tunics will be worn by the new king. “King Charles to trim ‘costume changes’ in slimmer coronation,” ran a headline in the Daily Telegraph.
    But the Mail on Sunday said the dress code for guests will not be as prescriptive as it was in 1953, when people were “instructed that ‘knee breeches’ were in order, while women were advised to wear headgear, preferably tiaras.”

  14. “Biden must reverse his September decision and declare Russia a State Sponsor of Terrorism – it’s what the oligarchs fear most (4:27) And the need to do SOMETHING is not just about Russia. It’s about Russia’s propagandists here – paid or not – like Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, CPAC, and Michael Flynn. We have to make it career-ending to supply the Kremlin with anti-Ukraine sound bites.” -Keith Olbermann (from Sturg’s link this morning)

    And, if we are nearing a nuclear armageddon as President Biden says behind closed doors, well, I suppose I see the WH downplaying it so as not to create panic in the streets and on Wall Street, but the world does seem to be unraveling and, so far, POTUS Joe seems to be the only one taking this seriously. It’s starting to cost too much, so let’s back down? No! Just, effing no!

    The Republican Party is a cesspool. On Friday night, Reverend Warnock will debate Herschel Walker. Walker is unfit for office, but Republicans have rallied around him, even though he has not held their ~family values~ banner. Republicans will roll out their “forgiveness” card, to appeal to evangelicals. This would not work, of course, if a woman chose to have an abortion. There would be no forgiveness, no matter the circumstances. But because a man, Walker, made the decision about the abortion (because the timing was “inconvenient” for him) , all will be forgiven and, hey, let’s all kick in more to the chump’s campaign.

    The only people who benefit from Republicans in office are rich, white, racist men. Anyone who is still supporting Republicans is a racist, fascist. There is no reason to side with them, because they’ve shown what they stand for, and it is all of the ugliest parts of humanity.

  15. https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/11/politics/mitch-mcconnell-interview-midterm-cliffhanger/index.html

    “I think we’re going to stick with Walker and all the effort we put in through SLF, we’re going take it all the way to the end,” McConnell said when asked if he had concerns about the revelations, arguing instead he believed the election would turn on Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock’s alliance with Biden.”

    Republicans have no moral compass; it’s all just lies.

    “I don’t have a litmus test,” McConnell said when asked if he wants a party more in line with Trump or with Cheney. “I’m for people that get the Republican nomination, and for winning, because if we win we get to decide what the agenda is, and they don’t.”

    Republicans have no moral compass; it’s all just lies. Republicans will destroy our democracy if allowed.

  16. https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/11/politics/tulsi-gabbard-leaves-democratic-party/index.html

    “I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party. It’s now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoking anti-white racism, who actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms enshrined in our Constitution,” Gabbard said in a video posted to social media. The announcement was made on the first episode of her new podcast, “The Tulsi Gabbard Show.”

    “The former congresswoman did not indicate which party she would be affiliated with moving forward but called on “independent-minded Democrats” to join her in leaving the Democratic Party.”

    “elitist cabal” “cowardly wokeness”
    Vlad is trying to push our entire country out of a window, and Moscow Mitch doesn’t care.

  17. i like how they criticized Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal of US troops where they weren’t wanted and then call him a “warmonger” for defending the NATO front without using troops, can’t have your cake and eat it too, morons 

    i suppose i misused that expression and it still makes more sense than anything a republican politician says

  18. Republicans will literally say anything if it helps their real agenda, which is absolute power.   Eff ‘em!   

  19. The kind of people who embrace conspiracy theories want simple explanations for things, they’re not looking for the nuance.  They will never be looking for the nuance.

    …and there will always be people like the aforementioned exploiting that phenomenon, groceries ain’t cheap 🤷‍♂️

  20. Hey, let’s govern like the Founding Fathers envisioned a hive-mind of idiocy moving at the speed of light and retail ammunition sales, great idea 🇺🇸😭✌️

  21. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/10/11/beto-orourke-texas-fundraising/

    “O’Rourke raises over $25 million from July through late September, outraising Abbott again”

    And, BETO has literally been to every county in Texas, multiple times, registering voters over the last, two years.

    Add Uvalde, permitless carry, the ice storm which brought higher energy bills (but Abbott hasn’t fixed the grid), and the abortion ban/bounties, well, I hope it’s enough so Greg has to pack up and leave.

  22. https://www.businessinsider.com/corporate-greed-inflation-government-price-controls-robert-reich-2022-9

    “Profit-price inflation” — caused by companies “raising their prices above their increasing costs” — is the key factor fueling inflation…”

    “The inflation we are now experiencing is not due to wage gains from excessive worker power,” he said. “It is due to profit gains from excessive corporate power. It’s profits, not wages, that need to be controlled.”

    “Some experts say government antitrust enforcement and even price controls deserve consideration. This includes Robert Reich, who served as Secretary of Labor…”


    “Central banks around the world are now laser-focused on restoring price stability, and the pace of tightening has accelerated sharply,” Gourinchas wrote. “There are risks of both under- and over-tightening.”

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