52 thoughts on “Speaking of Crime”

  1. John Oliver discusses the outlets that cover crime, the incentives that drive them, the flawed sources they rely upon, and an alternative name for Miss Piggy.

  2. Ukraine “under missile attack” as explosions rock Kyiv and other cities – CBS News

    President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Monday people were killed and injured in multiple missile strikes on cities across Ukraine, including the first bombardment of the capital in months. The strikes could signal a major escalation in the eight-month-old war.
    “Air raid sirens are not subsiding around Ukraine… Unfortunately there are dead and wounded. Please do not leave the shelters,” Zelensky said on social media, accusing Russia of wanting to “wipe us from the face of the Earth.”
    Zelenskyy later emerged onto a street in Kyiv to record a selfie video with a message to his people and the world, denouncing Russia for the barrage of missiles which he said had targeted Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, and its civilians.
    “They have specifically chosen such a time and such targets to cause as much damage as possible,” the president said. “But we Ukrainians, we help each other, believe in ourselves, rebuild everything. Now the shortages of electricity may occur, but not the shortage of our defiance and our confidence in our victory.”   
    In Kyiv, reporters for the French news agency AFP heard at least five explosions in two salvos Monday morning, and a BBC News reporter ducked for cover as a massive explosion struck while he was on the air. Some of the missiles hit the center of the capital. Previous attacks largely targeted Kyiv’s outskirts.
    Videos posted on social media showed black smoke rising above several areas of the city. Russia’s last strike on the capital was on June 26.
    Other major cities hit by explosions Monday included Lviv, in Ukraine’s far west, which has been a refuge for many people fleeing the fighting in the east.
    Zelenskyy, meanwhile, denounced a Russian missile strike on Sunday that killed at least 17 people in Zaporizhzhia, the latest deadly bombardment of the southern Ukrainian city. The attack also wounded 89 people, according to a statement from the president’s office.
    Zelenskyy described the “merciless strikes on peaceful people” and residential buildings as “absolute evil” perpetrated by “savages and terrorists.”

  3. Ms. Petri. Somehow I missed this one. 

    Ah! I see the confusion! Did I say totalabortion ban? I apologize. I did mean “total,” of course, foryou. But I intended it to be implied that the law would not be binding to all. I thought that would be audible — as most of my remarks are these days — as a kind of dog whistle?
    All the particularly deserving were to be exempt from the ban — no, not children, necessarily; I think forced birth might be a powerful growth experience for them. No, not those for whom it is medically necessary, although I certainly would like voters to feelthat probably the law was not a death sentence, whether or not that’s true. Victims of rape, or incest? No, no, I meant: Republican politicians.
    I understand your confusion. You think that because I am invoking a value, I believe in it for myself. Actually myself is the last person who should have to be bothered by it! And if you have any questions, please consult my T-shirt, which has a little arrow pointing at my chin and says “I’m With The In-Group The Law Protects But Does Not Bind.” No, I don’t have any more of those (they sold out almost immediately!), but I have lots of “I’m With The Out-Group The Law Binds But Does Not Protect.” What size do you wear?
    Do not come to me with my own logic and reasoning and ask me to apply it to myself or my candidates of choice, as though I were of the sort who is bound by law! Law is for other people! You saw me complaining about state secrets being shared, or files being improperly stored, and thought you could repeat my own words back to me as a “gotcha,” when I seemed to fall short in the same way? No chance! I cannot be gotten!
    Don’t you understand? To me, everything is permitted! Judging myself by my own standards sounds, frankly, exhausting and impossible.

    A national treasure I tell youse.

  4. Russia-Ukraine war live updates: Putin claims strikes across Ukraine – The Washington Post

    KYIV, Ukraine — Russian President Vladimir Putin boasted of a “massive strike” across Ukraine at a meeting of his Security Council on Monday. Accusing Ukraine’s special services of carrying out an attack on the Crimean Bridge, Putin warned of “harsh” reprisal. “Its scale will correspond to the level of threats,” he said. Ukrainian officials called for a “resolute response” from allies to the torrent of attacks on energy facilities and civilian targets — including in the heart of Kyiv, the first major strikes in the capital in months.
    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he will address an emergency meeting of the leaders of the Group of Seven industrialized nations, tweeting Monday that he had an urgent call with French President Emmanuel Macron to discuss “air defense, the need for a tough European and international reaction, as well as increased pressure on the Russian Federation.” Ukraine’s prime minister said 11 infrastructure facilities in eight regions and the city of Kyiv were damaged, in addition to strikes on a playground, museums and educational institutions. He warned of interruptions to electricity, water and communications facilities. Attacks were also reported in Kharkiv in the northeast, Lviv in the west and Zaporizhzhia and Dnipro in central Ukraine.

  5. Poobah, what an ironic juxtaposition of holidays. 
    First morning of frost in East Bumfuck. Yippee. 

  6. Pogo… thanks for that Ms. Petri…   she’s great!
    Of course republicans don’t care about the crime rate of red states.  I mean… this is the party that’s trying to tell us that Herschel Walker can’t remember stuff and isn’t a good parent because of concussions… yet… they think he’ll make a fine Senator.  Putzes!

  7. It should have been Queen Isabella’s Day   She hocked her jewels to pay for the trip

  8. Sturg, right you are.  Glad football is a legal drug.  SC served up an overdose to KY Saturday and TX A&M almost did the same to Bama..

  9. Via NPR’s 1-A –
    AARP poll of 900 women over 50 .
    These voters have a lot of ballot horsepower.
    Their #1 issue  ………………… Social Security / Medicare. 

  10. The “new” General Putin picked to lead his war,  ran the bombing campaign in Syria .  Killing children  is his “style”. 

  11. “They want crime because they want to take over what you got. They want to control what you have. They want reparations because they think the people that do the crime are owed that,” Tuberville added. “Bull****! They are not owed that.”

    This guy was Texas Tech ‘s head coach,  he was fired because he’s a loser.  So he got a job as a Senator from Alabama.

  12. New poll …….. 9 in 10 Americans  believe we are in a mental health crises .
     Welcome to the party folks , we ate all the chips , and the keg is blowing foam. 

  13. Scientists Can No Longer Ignore Ancient Flooding Tales


    Indigenous stories from the end of the last Ice Age could be more than myth.


    It wasn’t long after Henry David Inglis arrived on the island of Jersey, just northwest of France, that he heard the old story. Locals eagerly told the 19th-century Scottish travel writer how, in a bygone age, their island had been much more substantial, and that folks used to walk to the French coast. The only hurdle to their journey was a river—one easily crossed using a short bridge.
    “Pah!” Inglis presumably scoffed as he looked out across 22 kilometers of shimmering blue sea between Jersey and the French coast—because he went on to write, in his 1834 book about the region, that this was “an assertion too ridiculous to merit examination.” About 150 years earlier, another writer, Jean Poingdestre, had been similarly unmoved by the tale. No one could have trod from Jersey to Normandy, he withered, “vnlesse it were before the Flood,” referring to the Old Testament cataclysm.


  14. Putin’s response to recent events.  Indiscriminately bombing the entire country of Ukraine. Sore loser. 

  15. During the last ice age, he says, the sudden melting of ice sheets induced catastrophic events known as meltwater pulses, which caused sudden and extreme sea-level rise. Along some coastlines in Europe, the ocean may have risen as much as 10 meters in just 200 years. At such a pace, it would have been noticeable to people across just a few human generations.
    That’s 39 feet in 200 years . 

  16. I find it amazing that women , and girls  are a threat to a bunch of bitter old men in Iran.  You shoot a woman , you piss off the men who love her. 
    Like Russia , the old men in Iran are clueless , and in deep doo doo . 
    The world is really rolling over now ,  and picking up speed. 

  17. The women of the world are watching  Iran , this is a very big deal. 
    Burning your bra, was a stunt , burning your veil is a whole other level.  

  18. https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/10/politics/fact-check-trump-documents-george-hw-bush-bowling-chinese-clinton/index.html

    “Trump said, “George H.W. Bush took millions of documents to a former bowling alley and a former Chinese restaurant; where they combined them. So they’re in a bowling alley slash Chinese restaurant.” Trump added, “A Chinese restaurant and a bowling alley. With no security and a broken front door.”

    “Trump also claimed that “Bill Clinton took millions of documents from the White House to a former car dealership in Arkansas” and that “George W. Bush stored 68 million pages in a warehouse in Texas.”

    “Facts First: All of these Trump claims are false.”

    Also, those documents weren’t classified.

  19. Every  rocket  the Russians  shoot  to strike fear ,  is one less to hit the Ukraine  Army . 
    These men have no idea of the human heart. 
    And they are running out of “chip ammo” . 
    The entire Russian myth , is dead as a boot. 
    As for nukes  ,  we tell Putin …………………. We know   where  you  are , we’ll put one right down  your throat. 

  20. I rode the empty train  on the ole’ Santa Fe, out of San Berdo.  Flat broke . 
    Breakfast  at Clovis  2 days later on a pile of ties .  Watching the RR put my train together  to Lubbock.
    Covered  in diesel  soot. 
    None of you  ever did that. 
    I water skied under a helicopter.
    I when West and saw the elephant , I slammed  steel .
    I picked , my teeth cap wire.  I loved the Mormon girls .
    I gave away everything I learned. 
     Wealth is not gold , it’s what we learn and pass along , that is our pile of riches .

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