There you go again

They’re rioting in Africa
They’re starving in Spain
There’s hurricanes in Florida
And Texas needs rain
The whole world is festering with unhappy souls
The french hate the Germans, the Germans hate the Poles
Italians hate Yugoslavs, South Africans hate the Dutch
And I don’t like anybody very much!!

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5 years ago

I’m with you Pogo…  it seems to me that trump is really losing it now.  I saw on either the end of Rachel’s show or the beginning of Lawrence’s show last night some male Democratic congressman (sorry… I was really tired last night and can’t remember who he was)  say that not only was trump’s refusal to do his job is an impeachable offense…   but that it might be time to consider the 25th amendment cuz saying that crap was crazy.

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Yertle is a big f—king roadblock  run him over

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Nancy P was great this morning

SFB looks like the loser he is

5 years ago

At the rate this President is going, we may need to try to bring back all the protest songs and marches of the  1960s.

5 years ago

I think it is time for us to get real, there will be no removal of Trump either by impeachment or the 25th amendment. The only way to remove Trump is for him to be voted out in the up coming election, period!

And if the face of the Democratic party is the fumbling resthome committee that stood in front of the cameras yesterday then you had better get used to 4 more years.  Face it, no mater how much Koolaid you drink you know, at his crazy irrational worst Trump comes out ahead of that bunch.

As I said yesterday, do what you do best and standing in front of cameras speaking off the cuff ain’t one of them.


5 years ago

Jamie, remember what that got you, Nixon, then 10 years later a conservative lock with Reagan.

But you all do what you want.


Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

The best thing to do is to stop acting like SFB and his deplorable supporters will ever change

This is war –get the Republicans to stop blocking Democratic voters and turn everyone out to vote


Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Nancy P should have said  it’s fine if fat ass the golfing president doesn’t want to do anything because we don’t want to work with an illegitimate president

5 years ago

Jack… of course trump won’t be removed from office before the 2020 election.  That doesn’t mean we can’t report what someone is saying.  And it doesn’t mean we can’t have a bit of fun on this blog….  which is how I took Jamie’s comment about old protest songs.

I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired of trump.  I’m gonna enjoy the Stanley Cup games (the Bruins are in it!)…   thinking about the fact that we will be leaving for Cape Cod on June 2nd and can’t wait to see OldSeaHag and her new twin grand babies.  Reading a great book by Elmore Leonard.  Weaving some great scarves.  In short… chill… life isn’t stopping for me no matter who is president.

5 years ago

I rise to respectfully disagree with my distinguished colleague from Kansas City, Mr Jack . . . well, slightly, anyway.

I still think it is possible to make trump so toxic, through uncovering his high crimes and misdemeanors that he endangers the candidacies in the primaries/caucuses of every republican associated with him, and then again in the general election. If my scenario comes to pass a year from now, repubs will trample each other on their ways to spend more time with families, or into the Dem Party, or to remove the traitor before the party convention.

If my scenario fails to come to pass, Mr Jack’s scenario shall win the day.

5 years ago

And oh yeah…   a friend brought in a stray last month that just had kittens.  They will be ready for adoption in mid-July…  and I get first dibs on any male.  I’ll post a picture of our  new baby when I get him.

5 years ago

I LOVE that Edit Button !

5 years ago

No disrespect for the Bruins intended, but, Go, Blues !

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Raptors or Bucs  –kinds boring waiting for the Est Coast to decide on who the Warriors will beat

5 years ago

…tilting at windmills.

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago


quite an aptly named column

5 years ago

this is for you Bink….

5 years ago

and this in from CNN…

Nancy Pelosi, Master of Shade

5 years ago

If I were the Dems, I would say, we’d love to help to help out agriculture, but we need assurances that this time trump won’t give the money to Brazilian criminals.

“Mr trump knows our address. He can come here this time.”

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

I do not want Mike Pence to be president for a variety of reasons

so I’m opposed to removing SFB by any means other than a crashing defeat at the polls

5 years ago

Now, let’s investigate pence. Maybe he’s an agnew.

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Do  you think Pence would have to have an all male cabinet?

Blue Bronc
5 years ago

KGC – not only male, but as white and chaste as he is.  Maybe even more so. Maybe even “former gay” converts to being “straight”.


Moral keeps falling in the public service sector.  This year’s employee survey is out.  It will be interesting.

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago


Can you give us excerpts from the survey

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago


Good on the Brazilian connection– SFB finds his ilk wherever he goes

5 years ago

Impeachment?  Sure, why not?  But really, what’s more important than impeachment is the investigative hearings to determine whether charges should be brought by the House.  Given the allegations of wrongdoing  in the Mueller report I believe it is imperative that Congress (the House since the  Senate investigative inclination is close to zero) engage in its oversight responsibility.  It may or may not lead to drafting articles of impeachment – and frankly, I don’t care.  Contrary to Jack’s and Bink’s takes on the issue, I see less downside to conducting investigations than upside politically speaking, to bringing in or attempting to folks who will testify to at a minimum those instances of obstruction in Mueller’s report.  And if dumbass continues to resist trying to do the work the government is supposed to do on our behalf I have every confidence that Nancy will continue to show that SFB is a dolt… Read more »

5 years ago

What Mr Pogo says.

We need to learn whether or not trump paid for abortions while campaigning for president as a ‘pro-lifer,’ or while camping in the Oval Office. That would be like hitting the $B!LL!ON Power Ball jackpot, and damn near as good as finding the cure for death.

5 years ago

If South Carolina’s doughboy wants so badly to kill folks in Venezuela, he’d better put his chickenshit ass in the front line, and take that dayglo orange coward along with to draw the return fire.

Bloodthirsty parasites, both of them.

5 years ago

“… and his attempts to ignore subpoenas… will keep his mouth-breathing base happy but will piss off the rest of the voting public” -pogo

Nobody but news-junkies and partisans is following any of this shit, brother.  I want the Trump Crime Family brought to justice, too, but that opportunity came and went. All of these political efforts aimed towards impeachment would be put to better use building Progressive influence at the state and local levels, where Dems are really getting hammered.  Red-States are turning into autonomous Christian Theocracies where entrenched conservatives can do whatever the hell they want.

…but sure, keep beating the impeachment drum.

5 years ago

Since tomorrow is Friday, ask some acquaintances who people like Betsy DeVos, Stephen Miller, and Paul Manafort are.  Then ask them who Daenarys Targaryen’s nephew is.

5 years ago

Great song, even better band name:

5 years ago

…scratch that- both equally great.

5 years ago

So Bink, just what the fuck do you propose the House do?  Curl into the fetal position and do nothing?  If that’s not it what do you think Nancy and her gang of assassins should do for the next 18 months?

5 years ago

Um, so i’m not as politically hip as i once was, but from what i understand, House Dems are dangerously close to provoking a Constitutional crisis, which i would support, but will they follow through?  Are they honestly going to issue arrest warrants for people like Don McGahn?


I respect Nancy P.’s and Elijah Cummings’ approaches to these dilemmas and feel junior and left-wing Congressional Dems should, also.

5 years ago

If you donate to political candidates, think about doing it at the local and state level, is the point i’m making.  I think your dollar might be better spent, there.  A Republican should never run uncontested, again, for any office, anywhere.

5 years ago

“Wow me with policy”, to answer your question directly.


If questions like that need to be asked, of course, maybe a shift of focus might be in order?

I am hoping for a neat, simplified Game of-Thrones-style ending, however. I won’t say which characters i hope fail finding their way to the dinghy, however.

I’ve said too much.  Enjoy your holiday weekend, everyone.  Thanks to those who were killed and maimed in service to our country and to the the families in silent service who make it possible to do so.

This is pretty easy-listening, by the way, for those who might find my musical submissions overly-bombastic:

5 years ago

Bink, so we see eye to eye. How about that?

So Theresa May has announced her PMexit. I wonder whether the new PM will be able to get Parliament to vote Aye to a Brexit plan or submit the measure to the Brits to kill the idea?  (I have to admit that I really don’t know what the options are.)