as for SNL according to NBC about “the highly-anticipated SNL50: The Anniversary Special! The star-studded event takes place on Sunday, February 16, and will feature a half-century worth of sketches, cast members, Hosts, and other collaborators, in what will surely be one extraordinary evening.”
looking forward to some new stuff from randy but in the meantime here’s a replay from 6 years ago [about which one commenter noted::Going through Randy’s older songs again, and this one is still just as relevant today lol]
“This initiative carries out a national strike of the immigrant community in the United States, “A day without immigrants,” which seeks to demonstrate the importance of this sector in the country’s economy.
Easy enough to be at least a partial ally; buy nothing.
“The media can only focus on one thing at a time. All we have to do is flood the zone. Every day we hit them with three things. They’ll bite on one and we’ll get all of our stuff done. We’ve got to start with muzzle velocity”.
Everybody calling for 25 47 are missing the part of the Congress voting to put stupid in a padded room. Not the magat congress, they are part of the problem that is the orange blob. Could Vance the babbler get the House and Senate to join him? I doubt it. Even if sfb was to stand naked at the WH gates howling at the Moon I doubt it.
There has to be something totally illegal about someone without any paid governmental role breaking in and stealing the private information of US Citizens.
Olbermann’s podcast is on point today: Somebody needs to get in front of a mic today to tell the public that Elon is staging a palace coup. Local authorities need to arrest Elon, etc., and bail needs to be denied.
Ah, but which network will cover it?
Thus is what I think needs to happen: The military needs to remember their oath is to the US Constitution, not to Adolf…and certainly not to the unelected, foreign-born MuskRat. They need to do the arresting, etc., etc., etc.
Jamie – It is totally illegal. The Privacy Act of 1974 has been violated.
Just so we’re clear on what’s happening: The Trump regime is literally trying to create what historiamns call Hungary, an “Electoral Autocracy”. It is how modern fascism works — abuse Democracy to take power in the name of protecting it.
“He has always wanted to be king. His plan this time is to first play king on TV. If we believe he is already king, we will be likelier to let him govern as a king.”
One big difference between Hungary and U.S. is the access to weapons. The U.S. is awash in weapons of all kinds, sizes and power. Hungary not so much. There is already the ultra far right groups, proud boys and such, that are preparing for some “war” and the magat preparing for some “war” and other groups like that. There are also the less obvious who are not magats or far right troublemakers, are not happy at what is happening, and a good number well trained in putting down attacks.
At some point dictators make their body guards not too interested in staying on the job, maybe even firing them so they go independent of the office and want to work from home. They might not even care about 25 47 or even a drawn out impeachment. Who would want to be around a stinking mental case all day long?
The military should remember their oath to uphold the US Constitution and arrest Adolf, Elon, JD, all of the Heritage Foundation devils, and lock them up. They violated the law, and with this Treasury Department stunt coupled with things Adolf and MuskRat have said, maybe they did cheat in November.
If our military can’t handle doing the right thing, I hope there is some country…
Bizzarre. So anyone trying to stop Musk’s law-breaking power grab will be prosecuted. Trump’s DC US Attorney says that “Any threats, confrontations, or other actions in any way that impacts” what Elon Musk’s people are doing will be investigated by his office since that “may break numerous laws.”
I have seen a couple references to people who count things, like troops at a border, and it is possible what sfb “negotiated” is a reduction in Mexican forces at the border. It would be nice if that was even remotely true.
The markets doing a swan dive must have shaken up stupid. DJIA is his marker for what is his legacy and it looked like it had been shot off the window ledge. All of the little things that make up stupid’s cues to the world are so easy to manipulate. The next step will be him finally talking to Canada this afternoon. We will see if muskie keeps his job. And, will the little outlaws who are accessing the U.S. government financial data end up in Gitmo or in the WH extension office for life.
Bizarre. So anyone trying to stop Musk’s law-breaking power grab will be prosecuted.
Congress isn’t in session, but you would think someone on our side could muster up some cajónes and call for the South African interloper to be arrested.
Jamie, Congress majority is aiding and abetting the establishment of said dictatorship. Until their constituents are any the wiser, they must play dumb.
Hope the world is taking note. Don’t let it happen to you. By the way, there are protests around the world because of tRUMPsky. MSM won’t show it.
What about all of the crimes MuskRat has committed? Violation of the Logan Act (pre-Inauguration), violation of the Privacy Act of 1974, illegally stopping funding provided by Congress. Can SCOTUS do anything?
We need a legion of Luigis in the military. Brave souls who will uphold their oath to the US Constitution.
Dept of Ed was on sfb shut down and get rid of list.
of interest is an article somewhere, scanned it while watching bread flour do nothing, it was about redevelopment of several old government buildings along or near the Mall. Dept of Ag South Building was one of them. Classic Brutalist beast it is. A full block long, part of the headquarters for the department. Stupid does not like agriculture, he f’d up Ag the first go around by trying to put headquarters where the people are. Stupid as this is where we do paperwork and work with the Congress and WH on ag issues, not nailing shoes on mules.
“Andy Biggs (AZ – R), who has served Arizona’s fifth district since 2017, introduced a new bill that would abolish the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, ending more than 50 years of national progress for worker and jobsite safety.”
Last edited 1 month ago by blueINdallas
1 month ago
that is a problem-solving culdesac, when u get to it you need to turn around and think of other ways
for instance: we need as many declared Dem 2028 PotUS candidates as possible ASAP, like tomorrow ASAP
Someone could find out if MuskRat tampered with anything in this election. Enough folks are hurting now that they see Adolf for what he is; human waste. Only the yt supremacists are still on board and if their food and Social Security gets impacted, they’ll start peeling off, too.
“The People Power Revolution, also known as the EDSA Revolution[a] or the February Revolution,[4][5][6][7] were a series of popular demonstrations in the Philippines, mostly in Metro Manila, from February 22 to 25, 1986. There was a sustained campaign of civil resistance against regime violence and electoral fraud. The nonviolent revolution led to the departure of Ferdinand Marcos, the end of his 20-year dictatorship and the restoration of democracy in the Philippines.”
“Disruption may have become a badge of honor among tech bros with backward hats and pockets full of other people’s money. But when it comes to the nation’s food security, transit safety, market stability, access to electricity, and preservation of civil rights, disruption for the sake of disruption is dangerous. And these disrupters clearly don’t have the chops to do it well; they lack the patience, the multistep reasoning, the humanity, and the humility necessary to make changes to human systems that are effective, efficient, and lasting.”
Apparently, there are large vehicles in DC with the logo HSEMA (Homeland Security Emergency Management Agency) – It looks like they are come to forcibly remove folks or pretend there’s a riot so Adolf can declare martial law. I will haunt them all from the other side. May they never know peace.
Crash the economy, dismantle everything, clean out the US Treasury, cut jobs and services, declare martial law, forced labor…it’s Luigi time. Nobody’s gonna care about Elon’s sorry ass.
I finally got ahold of everyone in DC; talked to one aide, left a voicemail for one Senator, the other Senator’s voicemail was full.
Not much can be done because, unlike Hitler, Orange Adolf is not doing all of this within the parameters of our constitution. The Felon should be in jail, as should Elon.
You know that moron is talking to and about Canada as if England were invisible and had nothing to do with it.
King Chuck oughta be weighing in pretty soon.
It won’t be a tweet.
Time to yell at the clouds again. SFB is low intelligence, senile, mentally defective and much more. He is not normal human intelligence. He is not super businessman. He is not a chess, checkers, or even penny toss or anything skillful. Anyone wanting to get the “best” of him just needs to play his weaknesses.
Today he gave up one of his stupid tricks, being a bully, after a few minutes on the phone with two intelligent leaders of countries. I am not privy to how much they pampered his little brain lobes to get him to think “adding” troops to the border is a win. I am sure any of my, long dead, birds could have taken him for a win, and that is today.
Drumph is acting like that rotten bastard Reagan did when he said “the bombing begins in five minutes” I heard different accounts, one was that jets were instantly scrambled but stopped before taking off.
1 month ago
Orwell’s like,”you weren’t supposed to ask for it”
Father of Apalachee High School shooting victim backs Georgia push to track students
”Florida’s attempt to create a database was initially hobbled by federal privacy laws that bar the public release of health and educational records. House Education Committee Chairman Chris Erwin, a Homer Republican, said months of study suggest Georgia can share the information “with the right individuals.”
Dexter – I think there is a new chunk of stuff in the sfb/muskie relationship. Stupid thinks he won the trade war, which makes him “alpha” dog, but muskie thinks he won because he took in all the data of the federal financial system. One will overwhelm the other, probably soon. There can only be one dictator or king. SFB will never let someone be over him, in most situations. I still think he is going to do in musk in a mob boss manner. The orange blob is a mob boss and his “portrait” shows it.
Aspinall and his wife Rita were in the Georgia Capitol in Atlanta on Monday to support proposals put forward by the state House speaker, including to create a statewide student database of disciplinary, mental health and law enforcement information to evaluate students who might commit violence.
$50 says they (whoever that is) do the best evaluations AFTER shootings and wonder how they missed the warning signs. Question is, who does the evaluations and who’s to say they have ANY indicia of predicting a shooter as distinguished from the harmless but crazy muthafucker? And more to the point, how do they tie any prediction of a shooting that didn’t happen to the evaluation they have done? This is just Orwellian oversight, as you aptly noted.
“Trump signs order establishing a sovereign wealth fund that he says could buy TikTok”
“Among the aims for the fund would be developing infrastructure such as airports and highways, and it could help the U.S. extend its influence in areas such as Panama and Greenland.”
“HA! Donald Trump just got PLAYED by Canada. That $1.3 billion border plan that Trudeau agreed to today with Trump was actually announced in DECEMBER under President Biden. Canada agreed to do things they’re already doing and Trump dropped the tariffs for 30 days!”
“December 17, 2024 Dominic LeBlanc, the minister of finance and intergovernmental affairs, holds a news conference on Parliament Hill to outline the federal government’s new $1.3-billion border security plan. He is joined by ministers Marc Miller (immigration), Mary Ng (international trade), and Ya’ara Saks (mental health and addictions). The new plan aims to strengthen border security and improve the immigration system while also contributing to Canada’s economic prosperity. It is built around five pillars: addressing the fentanyl trade, bringing in new law enforcement tools, improving operational coordination, expanding information sharing, and reducing unnecessary border volumes.”
“Surging 10,000 troops to the border is something Biden got them to do in the past w/o tanking the stock market,” added attorney Marcy Wheeler.
“Given that @Claudiashein got concessions by giving Trump what Mexico has already given the US, I gotta wonder whether Trump’s tantrum was just about shorting the stock market.”
“It seems like the trick to negotiating with Trump is to realize he doesn’t have any idea what the current facts are,” said Washington Post columnist Catherine Rampell. “‘Oh you want 10,000 troops?’ says world leader who already deployed 15K. ‘Great 10k it is.'”
“Ooof! Mexico, Canada and Wall Street call Trump’s Tariff bluff,” said MSNBC’s Michael Steele, the former chair of the Republican National Committee. “NOW he wants to talk to Canada, delay tariffs on Mexico for a month and Wall Street is telling him real time his tariffs are ‘dumb.’ Ahh, the price of eggs, cars, avocados…”
“Fentanyl is small and easy to hide, so it is mostly smuggled while hidden in cars being driven through border checkpoints — often by Americans,” added Washington Post columnist Philip Bump. “Stationing soldiers at the border does basically nothing to stop this.”
KKKaroline Leavitt is lying through her veneers, or she’s as dumb as SFB. Canada & Mexico got extensions on tariffs and Adolf got zilch. See my previous posts; these things were already in place.
“Soon after he was elected in 2010, Orban’s government eliminated mandatory private pension funds and nationalised most of the $12 billion contained in them to plug budget holes and boost the economy.”
(F)Elon probably raiding the till at this moment. Work until you drop…which might be sooner than later after they dispose of OSHA.
Betty Bowers
· 8h
“I’m a Tariff Man. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing some. You know I’m automatically attracted to self-destructive tariffs. I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything.”
“the Stones won best rock album for their 2023 comeback, Hackney Diamonds.”
This part I didn’t know:
Hackney Diamonds is old east London slang phrase for broken glass. Specifically, it refers to shards of glass left over from broken car windows and shop windows as a result of robbery. East Londoners also use the phrase Dalston Diamonds, which references a specific area of Hackney.
HBO teases us, throws a life buoy (in this case a live boy) as we sink into the morass of misinformation
Wee-woo wee-woo, new season alert. #LastWeekTonight with John Oliver returns February 16.
as for SNL according to NBC about “the highly-anticipated SNL50: The Anniversary Special!
The star-studded event takes place on Sunday, February 16, and will feature a half-century worth of sketches, cast members, Hosts, and other collaborators, in what will surely be one extraordinary evening.”
hmmmm dueling comics? need to make more popcorn.
looking forward to some new stuff from randy but in the meantime here’s a replay from 6 years ago [about which one commenter noted::Going through Randy’s older songs again, and this one is still just as relevant today lol]
repost of BiD comment last thread:
Hundreds protest against Trump’s immigration policy in LA and Dallas
We’re at sea with Peter Peachfuzz at the helm and Leon Skum dismantling the engines.
A commenter (Only1world) at WaPo put it well:
is there a better explanation?
‘So unjustified, so pointless’: Canadian PM candidate slams Trump’s tariffs
“Utter madness”
[a kindly canadian hint hint: 25th amendment?]
Here is an op ed by Col Bree Fram. She spells out why Transgender military members should serve without prejudice. I have not talked to her yet, I hope to some day. Free read article.
It’s Muzzle Velocity Stupid. Steve Bannon:
free article…
Everybody calling for 25 47 are missing the part of the Congress voting to put stupid in a padded room. Not the magat congress, they are part of the problem that is the orange blob. Could Vance the babbler get the House and Senate to join him? I doubt it. Even if sfb was to stand naked at the WH gates howling at the Moon I doubt it.
There has to be something totally illegal about someone without any paid governmental role breaking in and stealing the private information of US Citizens.
Jamie, ya think?
Olbermann’s podcast is on point today: Somebody needs to get in front of a mic today to tell the public that Elon is staging a palace coup. Local authorities need to arrest Elon, etc., and bail needs to be denied.
Ah, but which network will cover it?
Thus is what I think needs to happen: The military needs to remember their oath is to the US Constitution, not to Adolf…and certainly not to the unelected, foreign-born MuskRat. They need to do the arresting, etc., etc., etc.
Jamie – It is totally illegal. The Privacy Act of 1974 has been violated.
Elon Musk is sweeping through Washington and answering to nobody.
Elon Musk’s astonishing, Trump-backed government power grabs, explained
Just so we’re clear on what’s happening: The Trump regime is literally trying to create what historiamns call Hungary, an “Electoral Autocracy”. It is how modern fascism works — abuse Democracy to take power in the name of protecting it.
From that excellent Ezra Klein I linked above:
Well, so much for calling Senators. The prompts at the switchboard goes to the office and disconnects. It’s done it multiple times.
Craig – There is a physical protest in front of the Treasury Building tomorrow. All of this feels too late, but that’s what they want.
One big difference between Hungary and U.S. is the access to weapons. The U.S. is awash in weapons of all kinds, sizes and power. Hungary not so much. There is already the ultra far right groups, proud boys and such, that are preparing for some “war” and the magat preparing for some “war” and other groups like that. There are also the less obvious who are not magats or far right troublemakers, are not happy at what is happening, and a good number well trained in putting down attacks.
At some point dictators make their body guards not too interested in staying on the job, maybe even firing them so they go independent of the office and want to work from home. They might not even care about 25 47 or even a drawn out impeachment. Who would want to be around a stinking mental case all day long?
The military should remember their oath to uphold the US Constitution and arrest Adolf, Elon, JD, all of the Heritage Foundation devils, and lock them up. They violated the law, and with this Treasury Department stunt coupled with things Adolf and MuskRat have said, maybe they did cheat in November.
If our military can’t handle doing the right thing, I hope there is some country…
today’s meme…
DODO will love this with the tariff money funneling directly to him via the tube of the enema, aka Loni.
I was just talking to one of my many Canadian cousins on FB…
they really are pissed. And I don’t blame them.
“Trump’s tariffs send stock market falling”
Stock up on toilet paper
Classic Trump: Start a fire, then drive the fire truck.
Sadly, retailers will use ~tariffs~ to raise the price of everything, whether impacted by tariffs or not.
Odd that The View hasn’t made a peep about Elon stealing our data. Legal gag from show producers?
Craig – He’ll call it a negotiating win since more Mexican troops are going to the border…probably to keep us from escaping this sh/t show.
Putin has had a good 2025.
Instead of performative trade wars, this is what a competent president would be focusing on: “Tuberculosis Outbreak, Highly Pathogenic Bird Flu”
Bizzarre. So anyone trying to stop Musk’s law-breaking power grab will be prosecuted. Trump’s DC US Attorney says that “Any threats, confrontations, or other actions in any way that impacts” what Elon Musk’s people are doing will be investigated by his office since that “may break numerous laws.”
I have seen a couple references to people who count things, like troops at a border, and it is possible what sfb “negotiated” is a reduction in Mexican forces at the border. It would be nice if that was even remotely true.
The markets doing a swan dive must have shaken up stupid. DJIA is his marker for what is his legacy and it looked like it had been shot off the window ledge. All of the little things that make up stupid’s cues to the world are so easy to manipulate. The next step will be him finally talking to Canada this afternoon. We will see if muskie keeps his job. And, will the little outlaws who are accessing the U.S. government financial data end up in Gitmo or in the WH extension office for life.
For those who missed the Grammys, this is what courage looks like. Some of our reps and senators should take notes.
Congress isn’t in session, but you would think someone on our side could muster up some cajónes and call for the South African interloper to be arrested.
“Nonviolent protests are twice as likely to succeed as armed conflicts – and those engaging a threshold of 3.5% of the population have never failed to bring about change.”
Well…….hmmmm. Wonder what all those spineless elected republicans know that we don’t……….
That was me, don’t know why it done dat.
The things you learn. I was today years old before I found out where “Blowed up REAL good” came from. That you tube is really somethin.
At what point does someone in Congress realize that the Muskrat is helping Orange Adolf establish a dictatorship?
CFPB halts work after Trump appoints Bessent as acting head – The Washington Post
Jamie, Congress majority is aiding and abetting the establishment of said dictatorship. Until their constituents are any the wiser, they must play dumb.
Next on the shutdown list? Elon is at the Department of Education right now.
Hope the world is taking note. Don’t let it happen to you. By the way, there are protests around the world because of tRUMPsky. MSM won’t show it.
What about all of the crimes MuskRat has committed? Violation of the Logan Act (pre-Inauguration), violation of the Privacy Act of 1974, illegally stopping funding provided by Congress. Can SCOTUS do anything?
We need a legion of Luigis in the military. Brave souls who will uphold their oath to the US Constitution.
No Luigis. That’s what triggered WWI.
Dept of Ed was on sfb shut down and get rid of list.
of interest is an article somewhere, scanned it while watching bread flour do nothing, it was about redevelopment of several old government buildings along or near the Mall. Dept of Ag South Building was one of them. Classic Brutalist beast it is. A full block long, part of the headquarters for the department. Stupid does not like agriculture, he f’d up Ag the first go around by trying to put headquarters where the people are. Stupid as this is where we do paperwork and work with the Congress and WH on ag issues, not nailing shoes on mules.
Muskrat is a bad dad, too. Wearing X on his shoulders like a human shield.
He’s hated globally, as is Adolf. It’s not fear, it’s hatred. We may not need a strike if someone steps up.
Which is worse for your future job prospects? Quitting before you get fired or braving the firing squad? Unemployment claims are going to go up.
Now, MAGAts in Congress are going after OSHA!
“Andy Biggs (AZ – R), who has served Arizona’s fifth district since 2017, introduced a new bill that would abolish the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, ending more than 50 years of national progress for worker and jobsite safety.”
that is a problem-solving culdesac, when u get to it you need to turn around and think of other ways
for instance: we need as many declared Dem 2028 PotUS candidates as possible ASAP, like tomorrow ASAP
welcome all comers
Ivy – Unemployment insurance will somehow go pffft, too, especially in red states.
Someone could find out if MuskRat tampered with anything in this election. Enough folks are hurting now that they see Adolf for what he is; human waste. Only the yt supremacists are still on board and if their food and Social Security gets impacted, they’ll start peeling off, too.
“The People Power Revolution, also known as the EDSA Revolution[a] or the February Revolution,[4][5][6][7] were a series of popular demonstrations in the Philippines, mostly in Metro Manila, from February 22 to 25, 1986. There was a sustained campaign of civil resistance against regime violence and electoral fraud. The nonviolent revolution led to the departure of Ferdinand Marcos, the end of his 20-year dictatorship and the restoration of democracy in the Philippines.”
“God Draws Straight w/Crooked Lines”
Finale from the Broadway musical, Here Lies Love, which ends with the People Power Revolution.
I’m a Federal Worker. Elon Musk’s Government Data Heist Is the Entire Ballgame.BY DENISE CANA
“Disruption may have become a badge of honor among tech bros with backward hats and pockets full of other people’s money. But when it comes to the nation’s food security, transit safety, market stability, access to electricity, and preservation of civil rights, disruption for the sake of disruption is dangerous. And these disrupters clearly don’t have the chops to do it well; they lack the patience, the multistep reasoning, the humanity, and the humility necessary to make changes to human systems that are effective, efficient, and lasting.”
When you move too fast and break things, you can slip and crack open your own skull.
Elon has become the story, eclipsing Trump.
CA, OR, and WA should petition to become the 11th Canadian province.
Does MuskRat have the nuclear codes yet?
Don’t pay taxes. File an extension.
Change the withholding at work; get it all now.
He won’t like being eclipsed but he’s far too lazy and befuddled to do the work himself.
Apparently, there are large vehicles in DC with the logo HSEMA (Homeland Security Emergency Management Agency) – It looks like they are come to forcibly remove folks or pretend there’s a riot so Adolf can declare martial law. I will haunt them all from the other side. May they never know peace.
BID, if there’s no Reichstag Fire, they will set one.
I would guess the
ReichstagCapitol is never empty. Some congress critters actually live there.Treasury Secretary Bessent, tapped to run Consumer Federal Protection Bureau, orders staff to halt work..
Crash the economy, dismantle everything, clean out the US Treasury, cut jobs and services, declare martial law, forced labor…it’s Luigi time. Nobody’s gonna care about Elon’s sorry ass.
I finally got ahold of everyone in DC; talked to one aide, left a voicemail for one Senator, the other Senator’s voicemail was full.
Not much can be done because, unlike Hitler, Orange Adolf is not doing all of this within the parameters of our constitution. The Felon should be in jail, as should Elon.
Boycott/protest the Super Bowl?
You know that moron is talking to and about Canada as if England were invisible and had nothing to do with it.
King Chuck oughta be weighing in pretty soon.
It won’t be a tweet.
Teutonic upstart.
It seems very clear what they’re doing. Trump is running a TV show while Musk dismantles the government. And nobody is governing.
Come to think of it England has been playing their cards pretty close to the vest.
Time to yell at the clouds again. SFB is low intelligence, senile, mentally defective and much more. He is not normal human intelligence. He is not super businessman. He is not a chess, checkers, or even penny toss or anything skillful. Anyone wanting to get the “best” of him just needs to play his weaknesses.
Today he gave up one of his stupid tricks, being a bully, after a few minutes on the phone with two intelligent leaders of countries. I am not privy to how much they pampered his little brain lobes to get him to think “adding” troops to the border is a win. I am sure any of my, long dead, birds could have taken him for a win, and that is today.
blue: Who could be surprised if Musk is carrying the nuclear football around in his cyber truck?
Drumph is acting like that rotten bastard Reagan did when he said “the bombing begins in five minutes” I heard different accounts, one was that jets were instantly scrambled but stopped before taking off.
Orwell’s like,”you weren’t supposed to ask for it”
Father of Apalachee High School shooting victim backs Georgia push to track students
”Florida’s attempt to create a database was initially hobbled by federal privacy laws that bar the public release of health and educational records. House Education Committee Chairman Chris Erwin, a Homer Republican, said months of study suggest Georgia can share the information “with the right individuals.”
Dexter – I think there is a new chunk of stuff in the sfb/muskie relationship. Stupid thinks he won the trade war, which makes him “alpha” dog, but muskie thinks he won because he took in all the data of the federal financial system. One will overwhelm the other, probably soon. There can only be one dictator or king. SFB will never let someone be over him, in most situations. I still think he is going to do in musk in a mob boss manner. The orange blob is a mob boss and his “portrait” shows it.
$50 says they (whoever that is) do the best evaluations AFTER shootings and wonder how they missed the warning signs. Question is, who does the evaluations and who’s to say they have ANY indicia of predicting a shooter as distinguished from the harmless but crazy muthafucker? And more to the point, how do they tie any prediction of a shooting that didn’t happen to the evaluation they have done? This is just Orwellian oversight, as you aptly noted.
Elon Amok has already grabbed him by the you-knows. He can’t make a move now.
Classy. “Canada is bending the knee, just like Mexico.” – White House press secretary to CNN
dolts don’t realize that line is from the evil villains in game of thrones
“Trump signs order establishing a sovereign wealth fund that he says could buy TikTok”
“Among the aims for the fund would be developing infrastructure such as airports and highways, and it could help the U.S. extend its influence in areas such as Panama and Greenland.”
WTF!?! No!
“HA! Donald Trump just got PLAYED by Canada. That $1.3 billion border plan that Trudeau agreed to today with Trump was actually announced in DECEMBER under President Biden. Canada agreed to do things they’re already doing and Trump dropped the tariffs for 30 days!”×900
“December 17, 2024 Dominic LeBlanc, the minister of finance and intergovernmental affairs, holds a news conference on Parliament Hill to outline the federal government’s new $1.3-billion border security plan. He is joined by ministers Marc Miller (immigration), Mary Ng (international trade), and Ya’ara Saks (mental health and addictions). The new plan aims to strengthen border security and improve the immigration system while also contributing to Canada’s economic prosperity. It is built around five pillars: addressing the fentanyl trade, bringing in new law enforcement tools, improving operational coordination, expanding information sharing, and reducing unnecessary border volumes.”
“Surging 10,000 troops to the border is something Biden got them to do in the past w/o tanking the stock market,” added attorney Marcy Wheeler.
“Given that @Claudiashein got concessions by giving Trump what Mexico has already given the US, I gotta wonder whether Trump’s tantrum was just about shorting the stock market.”
“It seems like the trick to negotiating with Trump is to realize he doesn’t have any idea what the current facts are,” said Washington Post columnist Catherine Rampell. “‘Oh you want 10,000 troops?’ says world leader who already deployed 15K. ‘Great 10k it is.'”
“Ooof! Mexico, Canada and Wall Street call Trump’s Tariff bluff,” said MSNBC’s Michael Steele, the former chair of the Republican National Committee. “NOW he wants to talk to Canada, delay tariffs on Mexico for a month and Wall Street is telling him real time his tariffs are ‘dumb.’ Ahh, the price of eggs, cars, avocados…”
“Fentanyl is small and easy to hide, so it is mostly smuggled while hidden in cars being driven through border checkpoints — often by Americans,” added Washington Post columnist Philip Bump. “Stationing soldiers at the border does basically nothing to stop this.”
KKKaroline Leavitt is lying through her veneers, or she’s as dumb as SFB. Canada & Mexico got extensions on tariffs and Adolf got zilch. See my previous posts; these things were already in place.
“Soon after he was elected in 2010, Orban’s government eliminated mandatory private pension funds and nationalised most of the $12 billion contained in them to plug budget holes and boost the economy.”
(F)Elon probably raiding the till at this moment. Work until you drop…which might be sooner than later after they dispose of OSHA.
Sure thing, straight into his groin.
Betty Bowers
“I’m a Tariff Man. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing some. You know I’m automatically attracted to self-destructive tariffs. I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything.”
And through all of this garbage, Ukraine is still at war facing steady Russian incursion. Without the U.S. will the UK and EU continue support?
The Bluesman comes calling.
I did good some.
I did bad some
But most times it was just in between.
“the Stones won best rock album for their 2023 comeback, Hackney Diamonds.”
This part I didn’t know: