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2 months ago

Patd, me too. 🙃 Oh, well.

Well, solstice +7 brings 55 degrees and cloudy. Do what? The skiers have to be pissed.

2 months ago

Fix broken country

2 months ago

Remind myself to call all the people I know in California


2 months ago

Loomer, a far-right provocateur and a vocal Trump supporter on Thursday claimed that Musk had removed her verified status on X and shut down her ability to gather paying subscribers because of her opposition to the H-1B program.
Musk, she posted, “is a free speech fraud.”
Preston Parra, the chairman of Conservative PAC, told CNN that approximately 53 accounts affiliated with his organization lost their verified badges, including Loomer.
“If anyone thinks for one minute the REAL backbone of the right wing and MAGA is gonna stand idly by while these big tech gillionaire Silicon Valley dweebs who didn’t get bullied enough in high school, steal our country, they’re mistaken,” Parra said in a statement.
*So, Parra admitted the MAGAt base is just bullies, and if tRUMPsky lets this go, they may begin to realize that the Felon is as big a fraud as Elon.  (Folks have to pay to follow Loony Loomer on X?) 

2 months ago

“Kessler syndrome is a hypothetical scenario proposed by NASA scientist Donald J. Kessler in 1978, predicting what might happen when the density of objects in low Earth orbit (LEO)—roughly 100-1,200 miles above our planet—reaches a certain critical level.
Such collisions, even minor ones, can set off a catastrophic chain reaction, jeopardizing all existing satellites and filling orbits with high-velocity debris. Accessing space orbits would become immensely challenging, and the prospect of exploring outer space might be compromised.”
Kessler syndrome is a process that could unfold over varying timescales, potentially from decades to centuries, depending on factors like the density of satellites in orbit, compliance with debris mitigation and removal efforts and any future collisions that may occur. But such a scenario could potentially make space exploration and the use of satellites dangerous, or even unfeasible—as well as more expensive—for many generations.”
*Elon should start packing for Mars right this minute! Get out and take Vivek!

2 months ago

For all those folks hopefully digging out their tickets to finance their big dreams:


2 months ago

today’s meme…

2 months ago

So Dumbass has two of his pillow talkers at odds. Lol. FWIW (and I can’t believe I’m saying this, but) I agree with Loomer. It takes a Musk to get agreement between the far left and right – even if it’s only on their opinions about him. 

2 months ago

I had not been closely following the civil war between racists and billionaires in Trump world. Heather Cox Richardson efficiently lays out the details here: https://open.substack.com/pub/heathercoxrichardson/p/december-27-2024?r=24tjs8&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

While Trump’s people keep insisting he won in a landslide and has a mandate that he will put in place on day one, his fragile coalition is splintering even before he takes office

2 months ago

Elon is purging GOP of their winning margin — racists.

2 months ago

didn’t make this one…

Me neither but I tried.

2 months ago

Yep Pogo. I think Loomer/Bannon side wins this fight. Even though Trump loves his billionaire buddies he always sides with his racist rally goers no matter what, because he craves their adoration more than anything.

2 months ago

2 months ago

2 months ago

Never hearrd “F yourself in the face” before. Must be what he said when busting unions.

2 months ago

So much easier to keep folks here on H-B visas from complaining about working 60+ hours for less-than-average pay or heaven forbid, unionizing. 
If tRUMPsky deports folks doing the jobs most won’t do, and imports tech workers (while smashing the education system here), where does that leave MAGAts? 

ps – Orange Adolf could denaturalize Elon and deport him and make SpaceX a government entity like NASA. Eff Elon in the face. Take away his government-subsidized toys. Heck, take away the subsidies and how much is left?

2 months ago

First Felon will make up some lies for Fox to broadcast to the maga minions who will happily guzzle the koolade while FF continues behind their backs to do whatever the billionaires want. 

2 months ago

You have to do this every day if you only have one menorah. 

2 months ago

Old Timers will recall that the late Lard Ass Liberal was not a lard ass at all.  I kidded him back then that I was a true lard ass. Well, my resolution is to keep taking Jardiance and losing a few more lbs. I, at 6 feet tall, when Craig and David created Trail Mix, I weighed 371. I am now weighing in at 237.  So onward and upward!…er…DOWNward.  At minus 134, keep the ship sinking.

Blue Bronc
2 months ago

Dexter – congratulations to determination and success!  Inspiration for those of us who look at norovirus and flu as weight loss programs.

2 months ago

Dex, good on you. Saw your FB photo with your granddaughter- I wouldn’t have recognized you. You’re removing the major root cause of premature death from your previously pulchritudinous body habitus.  How long have you been on jardiance?

2 months ago

LAL was such a gem and an especially inspiring person on the Trail. Thanks for remembering him to us, Dex, and mazel tov on your healthful achievement. 

Blue Bronc
2 months ago

Here is a link to a Thom Hartman opinion piece.  He so well writes what I and many others have been talking about for quite a while.  (I hope it is not behind a paywall)

2 months ago

One major advantage of many H1B employees is that US corporations can contract with foreign corps who rotate workers with visas.  The foreign company maintains apartments and autos etc here.  The workers have much lower expenses from their salaries.  

2 months ago


You and I can encourage and keep each other company.  I’m down 80 pounds and have another 40/50 to go.


Blue Bronc
2 months ago

Jamie – big congratulations to you too!

2 months ago

He loves the immigration Visas. He might need another wife one day. 

2 months ago

2 months ago

Did FF and LL get divorced?

2 months ago

“Patrick Thomas Egan, 39, was arrested December 18 in Grand Junction after police say he followed KKCO/KJCT reporter Ja’Ronn Alex’s vehicle for around 40 miles from the Delta area. Alex told police that he believed he had been followed and attacked because he is Pacific Islander.”
“After arriving in Grand Junction, Egan, who was driving a taxi, pulled up next to Alex at a stoplight and, according to an arrest affidavit, said something to the effect of: “Are you even a US citizen? This is Trump’s America now! I’m a Marine and I took an oath to protect this country from people like you!”
“Alex, who had been out reporting, then drove back to his news station in the city. After he got out of his vehicle, Egan chased Alex as he ran toward the station’s door and demanded to see his identification, according to the document laying out police’s evidence in the case. Egan then tackled Alex, put him in a headlock and “began to strangle him,” the affidavit said. Coworkers who ran out to help and witnesses told police that Alex appeared to be losing his ability to breathe during the attack, which was partially captured on surveillance video, according to the document.”
*The price of eggs, eh.

2 months ago

If Fox professes to believe, the followers will follow. 

Trump says he is a ‘believer’ in H-1B visas for skilled migrant workers as right spars on immigration: report
Musk argued that immigrants are needed for the tech sector


2 months ago

Dex, Jamie — I’m hoping getting dentures next month loses some weight, will be on smoothies for a while. So great of you to remember Lard Ass, Dex. We keep his ashes on the mantle and have a laugh now and then.

2 months ago

Jamie, congrats on your weight loss. 80 pounds is impressive. Keep up the good work for your wellbeing. Great gift to yourself. 

2 months ago

Good work, Jamie. I’ll post now and again when I hit a weight-loss milestone.  Pogo, I was put on Jardiance in June. Then when the VA nephrologist dismissed me because my numbers were back to normal, she upped my dose from a half pill to a full pill daily. Then the magic began. My goal: 200 by December 31, 2025.  Can I lose 3 pounds per month consistently?  We’ll see.   
Yeah, Craig, Lard Ass was a gem.  Also, missing Lee Carmichael, “Yo soy horsedoody!”, the Fort Worth church photographer and loving grandfather.