More than 1 billion people are expected to watch live on TV and social media.
The idea of performing a show of this magnitude along a large stretch of river in a city under its highest terrorism alert was so outrageous that even Emmanuel Macron at first thought it was “a crazy and not very serious idea”. But this week at the Elysée, the French president said: “We decided it was the right moment to deliver this crazy idea and make it real.”
As the athletes sail, a show will unfurl around them, described by its organisers as revolutionary and irreverent, as well as full of surprises.
Historical monuments, rooftops, bridges, the sky and the water will provide simultaneous settings for overlapping dance, music, acrobatics and light shows that explore the history of Paris in all its diversity as well as its tradition of rebellion. Tightrope walkers will cross the river on high wires, the star French ballet dancer Guillaume Diop will perform on a rooftop and BMX freestyle bikers will backflip over the water. The French pop star Aya Nakamura, who faced a racist backlash earlier this year over the possibility that she would sing, will perform – and is expected to sing hits by the singer-songwriter Charles Aznavour. Céline Dion is thought to be singing Édith Piaf, and Lady Gaga is also expected to appear.
Lady Gaga And Céline Dion To Duet This Iconic French Song At 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony (
can’t help but think of how much our trail friend Tony would have loved this Olympic spectacle in Paris …. but even more so what’s happening in our exciting presidential race.
Barack, Michelle call Kamala to endorse her..
Barack: “We called to say Michelle and I couldn’t be prouder to endorse you and do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office”.
Michelle: “Im so proud of my girl, Kamala. Barack and I are so excited to endorse her as the Democratic nominee because of her positivity, sense of humor, and ability to bring light and hope to people all across the country. We’ve got your back”.
Donald Trump seemed triggered by President Biden’s moving address to the nation, Stephen bids a fond farewell to Colbrat, and a bizarre rumor about Trump’s running mate is lighting up the internet.
all aboard, we’re going to space (or possibly Harrisburg) 🤷♂️ 🚀 🇺🇸
Harris for President 2024!
(omg the lyrics are so appropriate, let’s gooooo)
speaking of space, bink, this from space,com
Arizona Senator Mark Kelly, a former NASA astronaut, is on Vice President Kamala Harris’ shortlist to be her running mate as she pursues becoming the next president of the United States. It is the first time that someone who has flown into space has been on the ticket for the White House.
Harris is considering Mark Kelly to be her vice president alongside other candidates, including the governors of Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. [continues]
Starting Sunday the Harris SuperPac is spending $50 million on this bio ad during the Olympics in battleground states, also spending $250 million for digital distribution online..
Vance backs a federal ban against women traveling for abortions. In leaked audio he says,
And the kids chime in. Axios.
Doesnt strike me as a surprise. The gap sort of reflects the age difference between the candidates. Way to go kids.
lol 20pt lead with the 18-34 set 🤯
Now they just need to get to the polls, ain’t won nuthin’ yet 😐
i feel like Kamala is bigger than the Obamas tho (like i thought i would want Michelle, just to win, but now it feels like Kamala is the right person in the right place at the right time)
ok pardon me, i’m a little excited, i was ready to start swimming to New Zealand a week ago, let’s send Peter Thiel there, instead!
🤐✌️ 🇺🇸
Slava Ukraine also
Who Do You Think Should be Kamala’s Veep
Six question quiz that comes up with your pick while showing all the possibilities.
La Vien Rose you say: Think Pink
Vice President Kamala Harris is set to appear on the season finale of “RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars” this Friday, urging audiences to mobilize ahead of the election in a teaser clip. “Each day we are seeing our rights and freedoms under attack, including the right of everyone to be who they are, love who they love, openly and with pride,” the presidential candidate said. VIDEO..
They must have done a lousy job vetting this guy, or maybe they’re just stupid..
Vance argued for higher tax rate on childless Americans
— ABC News reports..
Harris Campaign Rapid Response Director Jackson Peel:
A MAGA online influencer with a million followers
Gene Trevino
5 types of black trump supporters. Warning for totally harsh language.
“Hundreds of dancers threatening to disrupt the Olympic Games’ Opening Ceremony over pay have called off strike action after reaching an agreement with Paris 2024, according to a statement from the union representing the dancers.”
“FSA-CGT union said on Wednesday that it received a “final offer” from Paris 2024 and their employers, proposing to increase payment for broadcasting performance rights for everyone.”
The French know how and when to strike. I wonder what else is in store as the world watches?
“On Monday, some 220 dancers stopped a rehearsal along the banks of Paris’ River Seine – along which the Opening Ceremony is due to take place – to protest inequalities in pay and housing conditions between the dancers.”
Those who will/have registered and will be at college need to know how to vote.
Wouldn’t it be awesome to have Gabby Giffords as Second Lady?!
Semi-Fun fact: On “The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis” 50’s sit-com, Chatsworth Osborne Jr was played by Al Franken’s cousin Steve.
Bink, I agree, getting the “youth” to vote is key to that shift having any significant effect, and historically that has been very difficult. But there’s been voter participation growth in younger demos over the past two presidential election cycles. (Tufts, Circle)
The turnout map in the article shows youth turnout above 50% in PA, MI, VA, NC and AZ and at 65% in MN.
Note that the Tufts Circle analysis deals with 18- to 29-year-olds. The Axios analysis was for 18- to 34-year-olds. If that trend continues the youth gap of 20% should benefit Kamala.
Does this look like a knockout blow? Nope, and it’s way too early to predict anything since the Harris campaign is just getting on its feet and the Dumbass campaign is having to shift its character assassination focus to Kamala instead of the “Biden crime family.” However, aside from the women demo, no demo is decisive. All other demos fall into the necessary but not sufficient category, the youth demo included.
Just my opinion, but I like what Axios and Tufts are reporting.
Those 4 pictures, Hope, Hate, Heal, and Rise; the need to add one for W Bush: WAR, BUST, or DEATH
today’s meme…
I am still unhappy about what happened to President Biden. It was nasty and dirty even in the political lens. To balance the first act is the emergence of a presidential Harris. She has stepped up to blast through the constant media coverage of sfb, so much so that you would not know he was still alive at times. The good thing is the media thirst for shiny new objects was so needy. Her breakthrough also diverted all of the attacks on Joe to the “who cares” file.
The big question is how long will the honeymoon last. The magat crowd keeps trying to find things to dent it, but are unsuccessful, so far. I think one of the ways the Harris campaign is handling things is to ignore, absorb and keep the dance going.
With a DNC convention coming up the question of who will be the top level entertainment is floating around. Oh could it be someone named Swift? The magats do not have anyone like her, anywhere, even in orange. Entertainment like her would seal the Dems generation change. Remember former Speaker Pelosi stepped down to pass the gavel to the younger generation. I am sure she and Joe talked about that, probably a lot. Boomers are dying off, young are the large number of voters now, and the U.S. is not a majority white country (or close to it).
Go, Kamala…. GO!
just want to share…
REM Orange Crush
(It’s about something else, but it works. Also, a beverage for election celebrations.)
Yeah, lots of polls showing what young voters think and who they favor, but it proves meaningless. Why? Because they don’t vote. The turnout is pathetic, always has been since the 18 year olds could vote. I firmly believe Harris can only beat the rapist if every woman headed to the polling place takes 2 other women with her who were just not interested enough to make the effort to vote. Any woman who votes for Trump is a brainwashed idiot. White men are going to vote for Trump for many reasons and I and like-minded men can’t even talk to them. Also, James Carville pissed off Simone today on Morning Joe when James said Democrats have to calm down with the joyous celebrating and get ready for the fight of Democracy’s life. He meant this literally. This total elation is draining, and can plummet quickly when, as James said, “they will come after us.” Dig in, trench warfare is what we need. Exactly what the hell all this means, I do not know.
For a 96 year old man, George Soros is spending a huge amount of time waltzing through MAGA minds.
Taking the torch through the catacombs and sewers with an assist from the phantom was fun.
It was nice of Vance to come out and apologize to cats today for having to live with miserable childless women. He really knows how to do damage control.
All of them are going to become total Zombies right in plain view. It’s going to get worse and worse for them. This is the part where the hubris begins to become more and more evident. We get to watch. Thats the reward for all the misery.
They’re already totally and outlandishly cartoonish. Look at Alito and Thomas. “Speakrr” Johnson. “Judge”Cannon. They really think they’re home free with all this Nazi shit.
The don’t realize they’ve already lost. .
Vance on Megyn Kelly’s show… “Obviously it was a sarcastic comment. I’ve got nothing against cats.” And then he adds, “I know the media wants to attack me and wants me to back down on this Megyn, but the simple point that I made is that having children, becoming a father, becoming a mother, I really do think it changes your perspective in a pretty profound way…I don’t think we should back down from it Megyn. I think we should be honest about the problem.”
don’t be surprised if a sharpie-scribbled note saying “something unfortunate might happen to you and your happy family if you don’t voluntarily drop out” comes your way anytime now.
Or Mayella Ewell
Vance is so puppy-new at this politics gambit he hasn’t a clue what a hole of humiliation he’s digging. He’s a babe in the woods, and you can’t learn what Pelosi and Biden know in 4 months.
The problem for JD is Dan Quayle already did this schtick. Honestly, how’d that work out for him?
Attribution: JD Vance’s Sequel by Jeff Koterba,
All this protesting just keeps the “No Bullet” Theory in the news, but they still won’t release the emergency room records.
Could Trump Replace JD Vance? Experts Explain How It Would Work – Business Insider
Anytime you say this;
“ shouldn’t back down from it Megyn”
and everybody knows you’re a weasel,
Better start studyin’on the best way to back down.
Recap of J.D. Vance ideas we know about so far:
— Menstrual surveillance
— Interstate travel bans for abortions
— Brood-based voting rights
— Higher tax rates for childless people
— Childless cat ladies “bad”
— Couches “good”
— Diet Mountain Dew “yum”
And it’s only Friday.
Swing Min Kim
Over the course of his 39 years, Vance’s first, middle and last names have all been altered in one way or another.”
JD ain’t talkin’ to us.
Mayella Ewell. Bless her heart.
Not taking polls seriously for another week or two until things gel but could not overlook this: 0% of the Black vote??? Donald Trump gets NO BLACK VOTES vs. Kamala Harris in new Detroit News MI poll.. r
republican family values…
Refreshing to realize how many headlines for two weeks or more will likely have nothing to do with “you-know-him.” Maybe he’ll use this free time to “get some work done.”
Well, Joe dropping out at least caused the media to get past the “age” problem.
“Defending prior comments about childless adults that have resurfaced and faced backlash this week, Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance said his criticism was directed at the Democratic Party for becoming “anti-family” — not at those who don’t or can’t have children.”
The “anti-family” party is the MAGAt/Republican Party whose governors rejected funds for summer food programs while children are out of school, whose members of Congress try to diminish SNAP and want to kill ACA healthcare, as well as destroy Social Security and Medicare for Grandma and Grandpa.
Anti-family is as anti-family does.
Look in the mirror Jumbo Douche.
Nikki Hayley was banking on a future run when she kissed orange ass at the RNC.
So, if Adolf somehow forces JD to drop out to make Hayley veep nom, what do her tRUMPsky-hating voters do?
BiD, IF that happens (I doubt it) her tRUMPsky-hating voters will do what they do – vote against the Democrat.
The Olympics opening ceremony pics seem like it was a great one – rain and all.
…having a trumper over for the weekend, gotta pretend i don’t have Kamala Fever 🤫
Celine Dion sang the Edith Piaf classic Hymne a l’amour or If You Loved Me in French. Piaf did a pop English version as did several other singers. It was beautiful.
i’d post some of the stories that i’m reading about how bad Peter Thiel’s anointed VP candidate is, but they’re all over the internet, ya can’t miss ‘em 😆
In the country. No dish, no cable, no WiFi. NBC is the one network that’s MIA.
Watched a bit of the boat ride on the NBC app on my phone (thank you unlimited cellular data). I’m not paying for Peacock, and used up a free trial on something else.
You either make it a hobby finding European feeds or pay hundreds of dollars to watch people row. All good, you can see the fun stuff on youtube
No one goes to Paris anymore it’s too crowded
Steve Schmidt has had his ups and downs, but I always look forward to what the guy has to say.
Wow biggest insult to Vance yet.. worse pick than Sarah Palin (Steve Schmidt)
…everyone forgets Adm. Stockdale
…who we were about to run against King Dippy 😮💨
Le Tour de France couldn’t finish on the Champs de Elysses because of the damn Olympiad and had to finish in Nice. Bah Humbug!
JK. But I don’t know of many athletes in Paris for these games so I am just not on fire to watch much of it. Have at it homies.
Goodbye Mark Kelly, adios Cooper. Josh Shapiro is in. Like Flynn. “Trump ! Stop shit-talking America!…”—Josh Shapiro on Friday.
It’s one of these 3 says MSNBC. We still have days for this. Opinions change daily.