25 thoughts on “Views from Across the Pond”

  1. long article published this past june 2023 

    2024 is a giant test of nerves for democracy (economist.com)

    But many raise concerns about health of U.S. political system
    The election of Joe Biden as president has led to a dramatic shift in America’s international image. Throughout Donald Trump’s presidency, publics around the world held the United States in low regard, with most opposed to his foreign policies. This was especially true among key American allies and partners. Now, a new Pew Research Center survey of 16 publics finds a significant uptick in ratings for the U.S., with strong support for Biden and several of his major policy initiatives.
    In each of the 16 publics surveyed, more than six-in-ten say they have confidence in Biden to do the right thing in world affairs. Looking at 12 nations surveyed both this year and in 2020, a median of 75% express confidence in Biden, compared with 17% for Trump last year.
    During the past two decades, presidential transitions have had a major impact on overall attitudes toward the U.S. When Barack Obama took office in 2009, ratings improved in many nations compared with where they had been during George W. Bush’s administration, and when Trump entered the White House in 2017, ratings declined sharply. This year, U.S. favorability is up again: Whereas a median of just 34% across 12 nations had a favorable overall opinion of the U.S. last year, a median of 62% now hold this view.
    In addition to the concerns some have about how America engages with other nations, there are also concerns about domestic politics in the U.S. The 16 publics surveyed are divided in their views about how well the U.S. political system is functioning, with a median of only 5o% saying it is working well.
    And few believe American democracy, at least in its current state, serves as a good model for other nations. A median of just 17% say democracy in the U.S. is a good example for others to follow, while 57% say it used to be a good example but has not been in recent years. Another 23% do not believe it has ever been a good example.
    Majorities in New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Sweden and the Netherlands are skeptical of how the U.S. political system functions. On the flip side, majorities in South Korea, Greece, Italy, Japan, Taiwan and Spain express at least some confidence in the American system of government.
    However, even among publics where majorities think the U.S. political system works at least somewhat well, this confidence is lukewarm: At most, about a fifth say the American political system functions very well. In most places surveyed, the share who say this is smaller than one-in-ten.
    While attitudes are mixed about how well the U.S. political system functions, publics in the advanced economies surveyed are largely skeptical that democracy in the U.S. is a good example for other countries to follow. Across all publics surveyed, no more than about three-in-ten say the U.S. is currently setting a good example of democratic values.

  2. Oops, Nikki has lost a big source of her funding. After the SC loss the Koch network said it’s not going to continue funding her campaign. WaPo 

    Koch network ends financial support for Nikki Haley’s presidential bid

    Now, Americans for Prosperity is keeping its resources focused on House and Senate races, an official with the super PAC said in a memo.

    Americans for Prosperity, the organization backed by conservative billionaire Charles Koch, will stop its spending in support of Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign, officials with the group said Sunday.
    The organization — the Koch network’ flagship political group that set out last year to put its weight behind a Donald Trump opponent in 2024 — announced the change one day after the South Carolina GOP  primary saw Trump defeat Haley in her home state.

    After her loss, the former South Carolina governor and U.N. ambassador said she still planned to continue her campaign. But AFP’s super PAC, Americans for Prosperity Action, said Sunday it would no longer put its spending power toward the presidential primary, and will instead focus on supporting Republicans in down-ballot races.

    Hard to hang around without money.

  3. Pumpkin Head woke up angry, first criminal trial in just 4 weeks.

    Donald J. Trump
    The Very Strict Rules and Regulations of the Department of Injustice STATE CLEARLY that you can’t prosecute a Political Opponent, or anyone, RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF HIS/HER CAMPAIGN. Why didn’t they bring these FAKE Charges THREE YEARS AGO? That would have solved all of their problems. (The answer is that they AIMED for the various trials to come up during my campaign for President, 2024!). This includes DOJ subservient “subsidiaries” like local D.A. & A.G. Offices. In other words, all of these FAKE POLITICAL PROSECUTIONS (PERSECUTIONS!) OF CROOKED JOE BIDEN’S POLITICAL OPPONENT MUST BE IMMEDIATELY HALTED!
    Feb 26, 2024, 6:36 AM

  4. I admire Hunter Biden for this, assuming it’s honest. “Recovery” is something I have experience with through family members.
    It baffles me how any republican families that have gone through the steps and maintained recovery (and there are many) could follow a man like their leader who’s becoming sicker by the day. He’s making his followers as sick as himself. 

    “Maybe it’s the ultimate test for a recovering addict — I don’t know,” Hunter Biden said. “I have always been in awe of people who have stayed clean and sober through tragedies and obstacles few people ever face. They are my heroes, my inspiration.”


  5. “Pumpkin Head woke up angry, first criminal trial in just 4 weeks.”

    He’s a laugh riot. All accused criminals have to put their jobs on hold when they stand trial. If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. Ain’t that how it goes? 

  6. CNN just ran clip of Steve Bannon at CPAC on Sunday:

    “Media, I want you to suck on this. I want the White House to suck on this. You lost in 2020. Donald Trump is the legitimate president of the United States. Trump won! Trump won! Trump won! On Nov. 5 we will drive the vermin out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Biden, you and your crime family are nothing but trash”

  7. Oh wait, is there an orchestrated campaign afoot to shift the focus of Plumpty’s criminality over to Uncle Joe? 

  8. https://www.businessinsider.com/steve-bannon-right-wing-gladiator-school-booted-from-italian-monastery-2021-9
    “Steve Bannon’s right-wing ‘gladiator school’ booted from Italian monastery”
    “Bannon in May told the New Yorker that the school would churn out “the next Tom Cottons, Mike Pompeos, Nikki Haleys.”
    “The Italian culture ministry evicted Benjamin Harnwell, a British Catholic conservative and Bannon’s ally, from the medieval monastery, the paper said.”
    “Bannon in March was infuriated when his group’s lease for the building — the Certosa di Trisulti — was revoked by Italy’s Council of State, which cited reasons such as poor financial planning for the move, per the Daily Beast.
    “The government have proven themselves corrupt, incompetent, and broke,” Bannon said in a statement to the Daily Beast at the time. “Everybody — allies and foes alike — admit the annulment of our lease was politically motivated.”
    First, Biden was sworn in as POTUS, then BananaNazi’s evil dream of a school to breed fascists was dashed.  2021 was a tough year for Steve.  More of that on the way, you tool.

  9. Trump small-dollar donations are down 62.5% from the year before the 2020 election.
    And they’re back to charging older supporters for recurring donations they didn’t knowingly authorize. Trump PACS were sued for this several times, but had stopped a few years ago.

    CNBC: “It’s hard to overstate how important retired, small-dollar donors are to Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign. Donations from those who describe their occupations as “retired” made up about one-third of all the money the Trump campaign raised, according to OpenSecrets data. — https://cnb.cx/3IbIMeq

  10. I never believed Bannon, or Roger Stone for that matter, were “fired.” You can’t fire a partner-in-crime. It has to be a hit job. Or if you’re president, a pardon. 

  11. The 93-year-old widow of a Wall Street financier has donated $1 billion to a Bronx medical school, the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, with instructions that the gift be used to cover tuition for all students going forward.
    The donor, Dr. Ruth Gottesman, is a former professor at Einstein, where she studied learning disabilities, developed a screening test and ran literacy programs. It is one of the largest charitable donations to an educational institution in the United States and most likely the largest to a medical school.


  12. Just saw another of the sfb lost in a different world statements at the evil meeting of low end brains.  He stated he would like to see President Biden win again.  Yup, lost in space is more like the whirlpool of the commode swirling him deeper and deeper.

  13. Dozens more examples in DA Bragg’s motion for gag order filed this afternoon, but this alone ought to be enough for a gag order: 

    p. 15: 


    43. Immediately after these comments, far-right websites began circulating personal identifying information of the jurors on the Fulton County grand jury that had returned the indictment.

  14. I guess Bob Costas stays home on Election Day. First he trashes Biden over his age, and now this:

    “He is by far the most disgraceful figure in modern presidential history. You have to be in the throes of some sort of toxic delusion in a toxic cult, to believe that Donald Trump has ever been in any sense, emotionally, psychologically, intellectually, or ethically fit to be president of the United States.”

  15. I think Bragg gets a gag order. Maybe not exactly what he’s asking for, but something in the “sit down, shut up and speak only when you are spoken to” territory.  As to dumbass, it took Costas 2 comments to get one right. 

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