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1 year ago

Had to google to see when clocks were invented.  

1 year ago

There was some momentum a while ago in Congress to get rid of time changing, don’t know what happened to it

1 year ago

The idea of aligning waking hours to daylight hours to conserve candles was first proposed in 1784 by American polymath Benjamin Franklin. In a satirical letter to the editor of The Journal of Paris, Franklin suggested that waking up earlier in the summer would economize on candle usage; and calculated considerable savings.[3][4] In 1895, New Zealand entomologist and astronomer George Hudson proposed the idea of changing clocks by two hours every spring to the Wellington Philosophical Society. In 1907, British resident William Willett presented the idea as a way to save energy. After some serious consideration, it was not implemented. In 1908, Port Arthur in Ontario, Canada (today merged into Thunder Bay), started using DST.[7][8] Starting on 30 April 1916, the German Empire and Austria-Hungary each organized the first nationwide implementation in their jurisdictions. Many countries have used DST at various times since then, particularly since the 1970s energy crisis. DST is generally not observed near the Equator, where sunrise and sunset times do not vary enough to justify it. Some countries observe it only in some regions: for example, parts of Australia observe it, while other parts do not. Conversely, it is not observed at some places at high latitudes, because there are wide variations in sunrise and sunset times and a one-hour shift would relatively not make much difference at all. The United States observes it, except for the states of Hawaii and Arizona (within the latter, however, the Navajo Nation does observe it, conforming to federal practice).[9] A minority of the world’s population uses DST; Asia, Africa, and Latin America and the Caribbean generally do not.

1 year ago

I will reset no clock before it’s time.   

1 year ago

Well I remembered what it was with Shakes and the clock involving anachronism, but it was the clock chiming in Julius Caesar……

1 year ago


1 year ago

Vlad the Impaler had a great time with that  stick in the ground thing.  

1 year ago


1 year ago

Hey CBob, check this out.   

THE WORLD’S LARGEST ROOFTOP GREENHOUSE The size of three football fields and produces enough fruit and vegetables to feed 10,000 families. It is located in #Montreal, #Canada. It uses hydroponic farming methods where water, organic nutrients, and ladybugs replace soil, chemical pesticides and fertilizers. Rainwater is collected and waste matter is composted. Imports of fruit and vegetables by refrigerated diesel long-haul trucks are reduced. A form of urban farming that will change the economics of agriculture. https://quirkyforum.com/media

1 year ago

How ya ever gonna come to grips with having been found to be a [stupid] criminal and then being sent to do hard time in an actual prison as long as the assholes from their warm houses keep telling you that you’re some kind of a Hero for being there?
Sad.    If I had to trade my nice backyard deck with that great Webber Grill for a cold-ass prison cot and a roommate named Bubba, I just can’t see how I’m going to ball all that up into any damn way that I’m going to feel like any kind of damn Hero
“Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree…”.
Something tells me there’s going to be a lot more divorces than Yellow Ribbons.

1 year ago

“…from their warm houses…”
Dont see any of those who are calling them heroes offering to join them or trade places or anything like that…..don’t see a rush of insurrectionists turning themselves in so they too can be heroes.  
Imagine that that many people were so thoroughly and utterly duped  

Maga is doomed.

1 year ago

Ya know…  human beings have adapted to living in the warmest climes and the coldest climes on earth.  We went from hunter gatherers to farming.  But…  modern man makes such a big deal about a lousy hour.  I know I’ll adapt.
But then…  the magats (being descended from Neanderthals) probably won’t…

1 year ago


Vertical time zones, standard time across large land masses, multiple time zones on a tiny island. Humans are weird.
I’ll be ready in two minutes. Uh-huh. The human clock is not standard among people; that’s why we had to invent something.

1 year ago

Al Franken and Dana Millbank talk Speaker of House, and GOP in general.  


1 year ago

Will Orange Adolf take part In Wednesday night’s GQP lie-athon? 

1 year ago

MAGA FLORIDA Congressman Cory Mills at this state GOP convention in Orlando (where Trump speaks at 6p) just now claimed Gaza victims are actors: “What the mainstream media is saying about the indiscriminate fire and the actors— I mean you literally have paid actors who are pretending to be killed”


1 year ago

Craig, the MAGA-show is literally a horror show.

1 year ago

Hmmm.  That’s what Alex Jones said about the murders at Sandy Hook Elementary.  Look where that got him. Monsters never learn.

Clearly, the GQP-Russians want to sew division in order to claw their way back to the WH.  

Let no one be under the impression that Republican politicians are the Christians they claim to be.  They are paid actors.

1 year ago


“A federal appeals court on Friday temporarily froze the limited gag order issued against Donald Trump in the former president’s election subversion criminal case in Washington, DC, allowing him to again speak freely with criticism of possible witnesses in the case.”

“After Chutkan temporarily froze the gag order, Trump quickly resumed publishing allegedly intimidating posts about prosecutors and potential witnesses in the case on social media, prosecutors from special counsel Jack Smith’s office told the judge when they urged her to reinstate the restrictions.”

He’s never gonna learn if there is no follow through. Eh, he can’t shut his ugly, fat yap
no matter what.

Blue Bronc
1 year ago

If you have 13 minutes to waste, here is a video about sfb hair.  It is wonderful.

1 year ago

BB: lol, I’ll find the time. 🤣

1 year ago

MAGAs aren’t big on mercy, not that I’ve seen. 

Lauren Boebert Wants ‘Mercy.’ Some Republicans Want an Alternative.

1 year ago

Time to Roll Tide. 🏈

1 year ago

He has kind hair.  

Kind that grows on a dog’s butt.

1 year ago

Which one of these is not like the other, or the problems of talking about antisemitism in the modern world.
This screen shot was taken from the intro to a USA Today article. from today.
Paragraph one and three are obvious. But 2, nonviolent protesting of Israeli policies? A bit of a stretch imo, but it become very common to conflate criticisms of Israel and their supporters with old fashion antisemitism.
Even worse are those doing it to stifle any public criticism.

1 year ago

From LA Times

“A week into the Israel-Hamas war, a Berkeley law professor published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal under the headline “Don’t Hire My Anti-Semitic Law Students.””


1 year ago

…the debate’s a little different on new media like tiktok, and now that Gen Z is a part of the discussion, they’re doing so free of the influence of the WWII generation
you see some shit 🤷‍♂️ 

1 year ago


“If you want to solve the problem, then you have to take in the whole truth. And you then have to admit nobody’s hands are clean, that all of us are complicit to some degree,” he said in an excerpted interview with Pod Save America released Saturday.

“All this is taking place against the backdrop of decades of failure to achieve a durable peace for both Israelis and Palestinians, one that is based on genuine security for Israel, a recognition of its right to exist, and a peace that is based on an end of the occupation and the creation of a viable state and self-determination for the Palestinian people,” he added.

Maybe President Obama can earn that Nobel Peace Prize. It’s a really good speech/discussion; give it a listen. He’s sounding very elder statesman-y. Maybe that’s age talking. Maybe it’s because he’s not actually in the OO which removes pressure.

ps – Israel needs term limits. Would anything be different if Bibi wasn’t PM? If the government wasn’t so far right, would there have been any movement on softening the situation or creating two states? IDK. Asking.

1 year ago

i’ve heard more Israelis advocate for a two-state solution than i have pro-Palestinians express a recognition of an Israeli right to exist, just saying

(the solution was bringing Iran into the fold of the global
market economy, improving its standard of living and reducing its population’s reliance on fundamentalism, and Obama recognized that, and then Trump fucked it up. Thanks, dipshit 🫤 )

1 year ago

When the British took over the Palestine Mandate the area that is now called Israel was 80% Arab Muslim according to Wikipedia that has basically flipped with them now being only 20%. Hamas may talk about pushing the Jews into the sea but it is the Israelis who are doing it. You may hear Israelis advocate for a Palestinian State but in the end actions express priorities given the actions of the Israeli government, your advocates are few and far between. I doubt if any have ever been in the government given that both Carter and Clinton had to push hard just to get Israel to the table.
This is a genocidal war, conducted by both sides. Very much like our genocidal wars we had with various native tribes. In such a conflict there are no good guys everybody’s hands are bloody and if you are part of it then your hands are just as bloody. Who is the more savage the one who wields a machete that decapitates a child or the one who sells the bomb that kills a whole family.
 I don’t want to be part of it in any shape or form. If there was a choice I would vote against Biden in a heartbeat just for the enthusiastic way he involved us in this conflict.
Thats all I have to say and I’m not going to get into it again. At least it is safe for me to say it, it isn’t for a lot of people.

1 year ago

Rammer Jammer. 

1 year ago

Thats all I have to say and I’m not going to get into it again

That’d earn you a meme on any other forum, buddy.  Luckily for you, this is trailmix 🫡 

Oh, your spirit of frugality inspired me to get my lazy-ass up and pickle my peck of picked peppers, and i achieved vacuum seals on %62.5 of recycled pasta-sauce jars, so, another salute 🫡

(is any sound as satisfying as that ‘pop’?)

1 year ago

Many people loathe the end of daylight saving, which will take place on Sunday. Indeed, a study by the mental health brand Calm found that two in three people report difficulty adjusting to the change.
But others live for the moment the clocks jump back an hour, finding existential and spiritual meaning in staying up all night to watch it happen.
It’s a tradition they are cherishing even more considering the practice might soon be retired. Last year the Senate passed legislation making daylight saving time permanent. While the bill died in the House, similar legislation was reintroduced this year.

* Still waiting here, it’s only 1:20 am.

1 year ago
