29 thoughts on “Without Words”

  1. Viennese Percussionist Martin Breinschmid with his version of the “Typewriter” Live at the BASF concert hall Ludwigshafen,Germany 2008,Strauß Festival Orchestra Vienna

  2. So my mom was quoting Lincoln?  Hmmmm. I bet she had no idea. I don’t think I ever heard her quote anything from the Emancipation Proclamation. 

  3. My pop used to say, “Make sure brain is engaged before putting mouth in gear.”

  4. speaking of writers, here’s a former writer of laws and comedy monday on the supremes

    Al Franken Calls Supreme Court ‘Illegitimate’ Says Justice Roberts Is ‘A Villain’ (msn.com)

    “You know, this gerrymandering is a product partly of the Supreme Court, the United States Supreme Court basically saying, we are not gonna touch this. We’re not gonna touch partisan gerrymandering,” Franken said. “They will touch racial gerrymandering, they say, and then in Alabama, they kind of let it slide, right, in the last election. The court is a very divisive entity now — institution right now.”
    “The Supreme Court, to me is illegitimate the way they didn’t take up [Merrick] Garland and on saying, ‘It’s an election year,’ and then they of course put in [Amy] Coney Barrett like eight days before the election. Then of course Dobbs and abortion, you know… but it’s more than that,” Franken added.
    Balz noted how the court is being viewed as “one more partisan institution.”
    “They’ve lost credibility and I don’t know how they begin to get that back very easily, given the current makeup of the court. The one institution that was kind of held above others when we were heading into this spiral of polarization is caught up in it too,” Balz said. “It’s just reflective of the overall nature of political debate and dialogue and hostility and animosity that exists.”
    Franken said Chief Justice John G. Roberts was “culpable” for the “division.”
    “I think the Chief Justice is actually much more culpable for this division than people think,” Franken said before breaking down some of Justice Roberts previous votes. “I think Roberts is much more the villain in this than people give him credit for. So that’s just my opinion.”

  5. Great opening cartoon.  What will people discuss without the late night comedians to explain what the politicians have been doing.  

  6. sounds of silence in words

    The Muppet Show, Season One, Episode 8 with Paul Williams. A Poem by Rowlf: “Silence,” with many loud interruptions…

  7. in the alternative in song

    Official Music Video for “The Sound of Silence” by Pentatonix

  8. “What you don’t say, you don’t have to take back.”
                            – my first boss

  9. My dad’s first boss:   Now don’t get in a rush, but every now and then when you think about it–hurry. 

  10. one of my early bosses looking at a freshly bought saturday night special ($2 pistol):   You need to take and file that “sight” off.
     Jim:   Why?
    Boss: So it don’t hurt coming out after somebody sticks it up your ass.


    1.  Hit Show Manny Franco 30-1

    2.  Verifying Tyler Gaffalione 15-1

    3.  Two Phils Jareth Loveberry 12-1 Pogo

    4.  Confidence Game James Graham 20-1

    5.  Tapit Trice Luis Saez 5-1 Blue Bronc & Jamie

    6.  Kingsbarn Jose Ortiz 12-1 Patd

    7.  Reincarnate John Velazquez 50-1

    8.  MageJavier Castellano15-1

    9.  Skinner Juan Hernandez 20-1 Sturgeone

    10. Practical Move Ramon Vasquez 10-1

    11. Disarm Joel Rosario 30-1

    12. Jace’s Road Florent Giroux 15-1 Bink

    13. Sun Thunder Brian Hernandez, Jr 50-1 Craig & Ivy Green 

    14. Angel of Empire  Flavien Pratt 8-1 Renee

    15. Forte Irad Ortiz, Jr 3-1

    16. Raise Cain Gerrado Corrales 50-1

    17. Derma Sotogake Christopher Lemaire 10-1

    18. Rocket Can Junior Alverado 30-1

    19. Lord Miles Paco Lopez 30-1

    20. Continuar Ryusei Sakai 50-1  


    Patd – Kingsbarn, Forte, Tapit Trice 
    Jamie – Tapit Trice, Forte, Reincarnate

  12. Pat, Pogo
    About the quote:

     “it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to talk and remove all doubt.”

    I had always attributed it to Mark Twain.  So I turned to google and they sent me to an NPR story, which lead me to a web site called the Quote Investigator.
    It turns out neither Twain nor Lincoln were ever recorded to have written the phrase although numerous people over the years have attributed it to both. 
    From the web site:

    The earliest known appearance of the adage discovered by QI occurred in a book titled “Mrs. Goose, Her Book” by Maurice Switzer. The publication date was 1907 and the copyright notice was 1906. The book was primarily filled with clever nonsense verse, and the phrasing in this early version was slightly different:

    And it may have been a witty reworking of a biblical proverb.

    Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.


  13. It was reported that Sen Schumer has talked to Sen Feinstein and she may be back as early as next week.  

  14. Sturgeone – I am interested in the quantity of time she remembers where she is.  Many rumours showing up that have much the same theme, she has some level of dementia. Her friends have formed a protection circle to maintain her dignity and reputation. My concern is that if she retired now there would not be a need for that.  Of course if she retires now her seat becomes a junior seat, the drop in seniority does matter, some.

  15. And all it took for Kate Bush to get some love was a song she recorded almost 30 years ago.  

  16. There was a meme today that says, “There are times when my greatest accomplishment is just keeping my mouth shut.” 
    (I don’t know how to re-post memes.) 🥹

  17. https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/03/politics/maralago-footage-trump-special-counsel-calamari/index.html

    “Longtime Trump Organization executives Matthew Calamari Sr. and his son Matthew Calamari Jr. are expected to appear Thursday before the grand jury investigating possible mishandling of classified documents brought to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, sources said. Prosecutors are expected to ask them about the handling of the surveillance footage and Trump employees’ conversations following the subpoena, according to the sources.”

    Mob names: Big Squid and Little Squid

  18. “It’s not a democracy. It’s the illusion of democracy.”
    – my second boss’s boss

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