47 thoughts on “Dumbass re Donbas”

  1. as jamie asked last thread

    “Will GOP side with Mexico when they declare CA, AZ, NM and TX their sovereign territory?”


    will the magaT in chief and his magaT minions also declare Xi a savvy genius if he makes a similar move on vlad?  this tidbit from two years ago

    ‘This is our land,’ China now claims Russia’s Vladivostok as part of its territory (tfipost.com)

    Chinese internet users, including diplomats and officials, claim that Vladivostok used to be a part of China. They claim it was Qing’s Manchurian homeland but was annexed by the Russian empire in 1860 after China was defeated by the British and the French during the Second Opium war.
    Shen Shiweim, a journalist at the Chinese State-run broadcaster, China Global Television Network (CGTN) tweeted, “This “tweet” of #Russian embassy to #China isn’t so welcome on Weibo. The history of Vladivostok (literally ‘Ruler of the East’) is from 1860 when Russia built a military harbor. But the city was Haishenwai as Chinese land, before Russia annexed it via unequal Treaty of Beijing.”

  2. Ukrainians have been quick to push back on the Russian leader’s false claims of cultural ownership of their country, and the 4-time World Cup champion U.S. women’s soccer team won their six year fight to be paid the same as players on the men’s squad. #Colbert #Comedy #Monologue

  3. https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/22/politics/mitt-romney-russia-ukraine/index.html

    “Russia, this is, without question, our number one geopolitical foe,” Romney, who would be the Republican presidential nominee in the 2012 race against President Barack Obama, told Wolf Blitzer in March of that year. “They — they fight every cause for the world’s worst actors.”

    “Well, I’m saying in terms of a geopolitical opponent, the nation that lines up with the world’s worst actors. Of course, the greatest threat that the world faces is a nuclear Iran. A nuclear North Korea is already troubling enough.”

    “But when these — these terrible actors pursue their course in the world and we go to the United Nations looking for ways to stop them, when — when Assad, for instance, is murdering his own people, we go — we go to the United Nations, and who is it that always stands up for the world’s worst actors?”

    “It is always Russia, typically with China alongside.”

  4. Donbas or Dumbald?  You make the call. (Shouldn’t it be Donbass?)
    Has Willard weighed in this week?  Could be a great opportunity for him to show where his loyalties lie- with the US or the Putin-Dumbass/Donbass/Dumbald coalition.

  5. Power lines in North Texas are staring to ice up.  We have another 48 hours to go. Greg Abbott is holding his breath and crossing his fingers.  So is Beto, but for the wrong reason. Personally, I prefer having heat and lights, even if it’s good for Greg.

  6. If/when Vlad cyberattacks us in response to sanctions against Rusher for invading Ukraine, doesn’t that make SFB, Rand, Tucker, Devin, and, all of the other pro-Rushunz including fence-riders like Lindsey) look extra un-American?

  7. while vlad is looking the other way surrounding ukraine with 190,000 troops, wouldn’t this be an orppotune time for Xi to move a few hundred thousand of his northwestward?  drop in the honey bucket for china with its huge military.

    Russia vs China | Comparison military strength (armedforces.eu)

    small flag RU RU small flag CN CN
    Active personnel: 1,154,000 2,185,000
    Reserve personnel: 2,000,000 8,000,000
    Available for military: 34,765,736 385,821,101



    [RU and CN on chart should be more to the right with the corresponding columns below, puny russians listed 1st and humongous china 2nd column]

  8. and Xi has the DNA info to back up claims that most of russia and beyond once belonged to china

    Genghis Khan DNA & Descendants | How Many Kids Did Genghis Khan Have – BumpReveal

    In 2004, a groundbreaking scientific study claimed that the infamous emperor Genghis Khan was the direct ancestor of one in 200 men in the world [….]

    Genghis Khan, born in 1162, established and led the legendary Mongol empire….. His empire was led by his direct descendants for hundreds of years more, though it gradually broke off into smaller entities over time.


    As he got older, Genghis Khan develop a unique strategy for acquiring power. Instead of appointing family or clan members to powerful positions, which was the typical political strategy, he chose allies from other clans to assist him in his conquests. He and his men would kill the heads of other clans then force the survivors to join their united “super-clan.” In this way, Genghis Khan united the previously warring communities.

    Genghis Khan was able to repeat this strategy until he had conquered half the known world and ruled over 1 million people. He ruled the areas of modern-day China, Iran, Pakistan, Korea and South Russia. At the height of his conquest, he controlled a land area the size of the continent of Africa.

    Each time he conquered a new clan or people, Genghis Khan would force marriage upon the women, either to himself or to his head chiefs. This is how he acquired enough wives to father the number of sons necessary to provide the DNA lineage which we know today.


  9. Putin thinks everything you boomer Americans believe about the world is bullshit, and he’s testing his theory.  You have blog posts, he’s got an army and nukes

    Personally, i don’t have a ton of faith in the tik tok generation to preserve Western democracy/civilization

  10. Today,  I saw the most heinous campaign ad. Huffines is running against Greg. The ad had no human voice, just slogans that took up the entire screen. Pro-wall, pro-white, and, vehemently anti-everyone-and- everything else. There will be some down here who will run toward this asshat. Huffines is a hardliner and it was disturbing.

  11. What happens when red states want secede?  Will they look to the pro-Rushun separatists for inspiration? 

  12. https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/23/politics/biden-cruz-sanctions/index.html

    “President Biden made the right decision today,” Cruz said in a statement Wednesday. “Allowing Putin’s Nord Stream 2 to come online would have created multiple, cascading, and acute security crises for the United States and our European allies for generations to come. Today’s announcement is critical to preventing such scenarios.”

    Even Tedious is giving Biden credit.
    I guess he doesn’t want to run on a pro-Rushun platform in 2024.

    I love POTUS Joe

  13. ‘Twisted’ Conservatives Feel Trudeau Is More Evil Than Putin (thedailybeast.com)

    If you want to understand someone’s values or worldview, take a look at who (and what) provokes outrage and who (and what) evokes sympathy. The cognitive dissonance inherent in much of the American right can make such an examination problematic.
    That’s because some of the most prominent voices on the right today view Vladimir Putin as a misunderstood victim. Meanwhile, they cast Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as an authoritarian strongman.
    Consider the message of right-wing commentator Candace Owens, who recently tweeted: “STOP talking about Russia. Send American troops to Canada to deal with the tyrannical reign of Justin Trudeau Castro. He has fundamentally declared himself dictator and is waging war on innocent Canadian protesters and those who have supported them financially.” Dictator? (Hardly.) Innocent protesters? (This only makes sense if you also believe the Jan. 6 rioters were harmless tourists.)
    Or consider Fox News host Tucker Carlson, my friend (though we disagree profoundly on politics) and former boss. Carlson isn’t outraged over what is happening to Ukraine, but found time last week to bash “strongman” Trudeau as “the dictator of Canada,” while saying that “Canada canceled democracy…”
    If the 1985 version of Marty McFly transported to 2022, it would be impossible to explain to him why so many conservative Republicans are willing to look the other way on Russia invading a sovereign nation, while they simultaneously blast Canada for imposing consequences on protesters blocking traffic. Heck, you probably wouldn’t even need to go as far back as 1985. How about 2005?
    To be clear, Putin is a former KGB agent and an actual authoritarian. He literally kills and imprisons his critics. Russian citizens probably couldn’t get rid of him if they wanted to. But they don’t want to, since their world knowledge is fed to them via Russian media propaganda.
    And don’t forget the little matter of 100,000 of his troops massed on the Ukrainian border.
    Meanwhile, Justin Trudeau is the elected leader of a free nation. He took action to restore law and order after three weeks of truckers blocking traffic and generally disturbing the peace.
    “We cannot and will not allow illegal and dangerous activities to continue,” Trudeau said in a speech, citing “serious challenges to law enforcement’s ability to effectively enforce the law.” In a different world, this would be called “leadership,” and Trudeau would be hailed by conservatives for demonstrating “toughness” and for not letting lawlessness prevail. At least, that would be the case if the protesters were hippies or Black Lives Matter protesters.
    The two dominant news stories right now (Russia menacing Ukraine and the Canadian truckers protest) provide us with a unique opportunity to compare and contrast people’s comments. If you find someone willing to defend Vladimir Putin for threatening to invade and kill his neighbors, while simultaneously calling Justin Trudeau a “dictator” for shutting down a lawless protest after three weeks, you have found someone who either is intellectually dishonest or has a warped sense of reality.
    If you thought the gaslighting would end with Trump, you were wrong. The American right is getting in the habit of calling evil good and good evil. It’s a truly twisted and perverse perception of a dangerous world, and the scary thing is, it’s catching on.

  14. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/energy/article/ercot-chief-abbott-direction-power-outage-storm-16941019.php

    “The former head of the Texas power grid testified in court Wednesday that when he ordered power prices to stay at the maximum price cap for days on end during last year’s frigid winter storm and blackout, running up billions of dollars in bills for power companies, he was following the direction of Governor Greg Abbott.”

    “Last year the governor’s spokesman, Mark Miner said the governor was not “involved in any way” in the decision to keep prices at the maximum of $9,000 per megawatt hour – more than 150 times normal prices.”

    “…there was concern if power prices were allowed to return to normal market conditions, large power users might start coming back online and using crucial power reserves.”

    “It did nothing at all to cause more generation to come online,” said Lino Mendiola, one of the attorneys representing Brazos. “It was an attempted remedy that didn’t solve any of the problems caused by the winter storm.”

  15. https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/23/opinions/nord-stream-2-germany-putin-gas-energy-hockenos/index.html

    “At long last, the gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 has been suspended — a terrible idea from its conception …”

    “The pipeline, which would have constituted Europe’s largest fossil fuel project, flew in the face of the 2015 UN Paris accord by ignoring Europe’s commitment to lower greenhouse emissions and keep global temperatures from rising less than 1.5 degrees Celsius.”

    “Also, it committed western Europe to Russia for an ever greater share of its energy supply — obviously an miscalculation given Putin’s geopolitical weaponization of energy since 2009 when it first cut gas deliveries to Eastern Europe.”

    “ Had the Europeans seen alternative energies as a cornerstone of geopolitical energy security 15 years ago, Russian gas would have much less muscle to flex in western Europe today.”

  16. And from the Houston Chronicle article:

    ...Abbott’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment…
    Gee, imagine that.

  17. I think the sanctions cutting the former guy’s income is good.  I still would like to know what sfb gave puttie.
    Big news on WTOP D.C. news radio station, also with Rueters, a “convoy” is coming to protest and drive around D.C.  Whoopee. The “convoy” might not be noticed on the Beltway. Or, any slowdown .  Convoy is typically more than one semi.  This “convoy” is one semi.  WTOP did interview of the “Leader”, yup, lots of important snowflake crap.  If you do not want a vaccination shot don’t get it.  F your “protest against “mandates”.   And, no sympathies if you get COVID and die.

  18. I’ve spent time parked on the beltway during “rush” hour and crawling through traffic around the Capitol.  You’re right, BB, they may not be noticed.

  19. There’s a winter storm between DC and that convoy of truckers funded by??? Yep, I have also stopped caring about those who refuse to pitch in to stop the global health crisis. Obstinate asshats.

    If the show up on a weekend they’ll be noticed. Everyone goes back to Virginia or wherever on the weekends.
    I would expect this group to be more violent than those in Ottawa.

    Sanctions don’t seem to be deterring Vlad. Is he just trying to tank the world economy? Yeah, I’d like to know what intel SFB gave Vlad, too. I hope it was bogus info because others knew better than to trust him.

    Why can’t texts be blocked easily, like phone calls? I’m glad early voting is almost over. Every 5 effing minutes I get a text.

  20. From Bink’s link: Rushun reserves have made them “sanction proof” and the West didn’t go green.  

    If the world survives WWIII and there are still such things as movies, Sam Rockwell should play Anthony Blinken.

  21. Vlad’s been planning this for the last 5+ years. Donbass Dumbald on the Donbas says Vlad’s playing Biden like a drum, BUT, Dumbass needs to wipe his chin I’d say. 

  22. What we need here is one of those unexpected maneuvers like Pelosi uses to wrangle House members.  I hope Joe has more up his sleeve than Bullwinkle The Moose. 

  23. In apparent warning to the United States and NATO, Putin says in televised speech announcing war: “A couple of words for those who would be tempted to intervene. Russia will respond immediately and you will have consequences that you never have had before in your history.”

  24. https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/23/politics/manhattan-district-attorney-prosecutors-resign-trump-organization/index.html

    “Two top prosecutors working on the Manhattan district attorney’s criminal investigation into the Trump Organization resigned Wednesday, leaving the years-old probe without two key players as it appeared to have entered a crucial phase.”

    “The resignations come as the new Manhattan district attorney, Alvin Bragg, has “indicated to them that he had doubts about moving forward with a case against” former President Donald Trump, the Times said, citing conversations with people with knowledge of the matter.”

    Who got to him? What do they have in him? What did they promise him?

  25. https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/22/opinions/putin-russia-ukraine-plan-donbas-treisman/index.html


    “Now a few important, very important words for those who may be tempted to intervene in ongoing events from the outside,” Putin said. “Whoever tries to interfere with us, and even more so to create threats to our country, to our people, should know that Russia’s response will be immediate and will lead you to such consequences as you have never experienced in your history.”

    Got nukes?

    I hope somebody catches him and feeds him his own balls.

  26. Wow, the tRUMPers are blaming the invasion of Ukraine by Vlad on Biden.  Pretzel logic or plain, old dumbassery, but the fools are spewing it.

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