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3 years ago

I suppose McCarty and his idiocy is what passes for leadership in the new GQP. 

3 years ago

GQP Purge…

3 years ago

WaPo reports that yesterday was not a good day for Derek Chauvin.


Holly Bailey

May 12, 2021 at 3:25 p.m. ED

MINNEAPOLIS — Derek Chauvin abused his authority as a police officer when he pressed his knee into George Floyd’s neck until he went limp and treated him with “particular cruelty,” qualifying him for a longer prison sentence, a judge said.

In a ruling made public Wednesday, Hennepin County District Judge Peter A. Cahill found state prosecutors had proved beyond a reasonable doubt four of five aggravating factors in Floyd’s killing that they argued should result in a tougher prison sentence for the former Minneapolis police officer.

Chauvin was convicted April 20 of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in Floyd’s May 25 killing. Floyd died when Chauvin placed his knees on Floyd’s neck and back for more than nine minutes while he was handcuffed, facedown, on a Minneapolis street. Chauvin, who is being held in solitary confinement at a Minnesota prison, is scheduled to be sentenced June 25.

The recommended 10-12 year sentence probably looks like a good deal to ol’ Derek about now.

3 years ago

credit for an appropriate surname though

3 years ago

…it’s like if my name was “Bink Posteur Du Merde”

3 years ago

Well we are in the final stages, now starting to clean out Dad’s apartment and sell the furniture, probably the biggest chore of all. Back online next week 

3 years ago

When My Father in law moved from his house, to the assisted living apartment, to the VA nursing home, each move was a considerable down size for him. 
The first time we worked and did the yard sale. It was a lot of work and not very successful. We ended up either storing or donating most of the stuff. 
So when he moved out of assisted living we  ask the manager of the facility if there was any one who could use his furniture  and there were.   and then did the same thing at the VA nursing home when he passed away.

3 years ago

Hey I just saw a unicorn. Well actually it was just a loaded gasoline truck.

3 years ago

When my mom and dad died my sis and I just did the sort through their houses for things we wanted to keep dance, called a couple of local charities to come get what they wanted to take, then a junk guy to remove the rest and a cleaning company to get the placed ready to sell. It was definitely more work than we thought it would be, and sis deserves the credit and my thanks for most of it. 

3 years ago

Dear CDC,  I will continue to wear my mask, but thanks. Check in after Labor Day. Well, I guess I have to wait until early June after the 2nd dose does its job, but I’ll keep wearing a mask. No need to catch anything else, either.

3 years ago

So the new CDC guidance for fully vaccinated people has brought the trolls out in full force at WaPo.

Patd, I think the more likely scenario is that the anti-vaxxers will just throw their masks away and lie about being vaxed

3 years ago

Looks like Gaetz is in deep shit and it is getting deeper quickly.

A Florida politician who is central to the investigation into Rep. Matt Gaetz for possible sex trafficking of a minor signaled Thursday that he will plead guilty in his own federal case, a court entry shows, a troubling development for the congressman as it suggests prosecutors have secured a potentially important witness against him.

Joel Greenberg, a former tax collector for Seminole County, Fla., had since last year been outlining to prosecutors how he and Gaetz (R-Fla.) would pay women for sex using cash or gifts as he tried to negotiate a plea deal to resolve his own legal woes, according to a person familiar with the matter. Gaetz has adamantly denied paying for sex.

On Thursday, a federal court in Orlando scheduled a “change of plea hearing” in Greenberg’s case for Monday, indicating he has reached such a deal.

Snotty puke, I hope he gets sex trafficked in Federal prison.

Blue Bronc
3 years ago

The department I work for is starting the process to return us back to the office.  A guess would be Labor Day.  Or maybe January 2022.

3 years ago

IMO, the CDC has bungled this.  They meant for it to incentivize vaccination, but all it does is allow folks who don’t want to wear a mask to take theirs off. Nobody is going to get carded at a store. Vaccines aren’t OK for those under a certain age, so all of the selfish, anti-vaxxers can expose everyone, including kids. That gives the virus more chance to mutate.

3 years ago

The CDC should consult the trail before making decisions. Ha!

3 years ago

Is there a name which means curious but lazy?

3 years ago

Mildly interested?

3 years ago

Hmmm, and the woman from the CDC was in NPR saying there were zero hospitalizations nor deaths among those who have been fully vaccinated. She may have been talking about during the trials, though.

3 years ago


“Eight members of the New York Yankees have tested positive for coronavirus this week despite being inoculated with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine…”

3 years ago


“Asked about the incident later Thursday, Ocasio-Cortez told reporters that in her previous job as a bartender she used to remove people like Greene from bars “all the time.”

3 years ago

that cretinous ill-formed fish-face Greene might want to ponder what kind of little tricks one might pick up as a bartender in NYC.