Earth Day 2019

By Joe Guzzardi courtesy of Cagle:

Fifty years ago, in 1969 when astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon, the world’s population was 3.6 billion; in 2019, it’s 7.7 billion. A half a century ago, the U.S. population stood at 208 million; today, it’s 329 million and growing at the unsustainable rate of one net person every 17 seconds, a total calculated by the sum of births minus deaths, plus net migration.
April 22, 2019, marks the 49th anniversary and 50th observance of Earth Day intended to raise awareness and appreciation for the earth’s natural environment. A massive oil spill off the Santa Barbara, California, coast that generated a slick large enough to encompass Chicago provided the catalyst for the first-ever Earth Day, celebrated in 1970, and currently recognized in 193 countries.


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5 years ago

I’ve become pretty attached to this earth and encourage any efforts to keep it cleaner. I went to the second? third? Earth Day observance at the U of Alabama in 1971. I kind of enjoy clean air & water. Unfortunately in my area of the globe the environment is taking a local hit in the name of getting more natural gas into the energy stream hopefully supplanting coal in the process. We’re downwind from Ohio Valley electrical generation plants so at least our air should improve even though between the gas pipelines, the muddy rivers and streams and the infrastructure and traffic needed to put them in place I’ll ONLY be able to breathe more freely. Happy Earth Day. 

5 years ago

Ya know what would be the best present we Americans could give to Earth….  getting rid of the party that denies climate change.  We get a chance to do that next year…   don’t squander it!

5 years ago

Gee, you might think SFB has something to hide, seeing as how he’s fighting tooth and nail to keep the Congress and the American people from seeing his tax cheats.  

Blue Bronc
5 years ago

Can a mob boss exist without his mob attorneys?
Wherever it is I hope my first comment of the day is well read. 
A few years ago I read a little “article”, one of those scribblings where four sentences are turned into four paragraphs, about America becoming a metric nation without us noticing.  It was about how many pieces of daily life were really metric in at least one dimension.  I decided last week while trying to measure a length in metric using my American tape measure to find a tape measure that included a metric scale.  While choosing I remembered how dependent I am on the “not metric” scale, I purchased a metric only tape measure so I would be better at visualizing the lengths.  I am enjoying going around measuring my world.  Many items are metric.  A surprise was the granite counter top in my kitchen.  Fully metric!  My kitchen cabinets, fully metric.  Washington Post print edition appears to be metric too, 32 cm front page edge to edge.  For reference I measure articles that are pre-nineteen seventy-five, when the Congress moved an act to make America metric.  I am having fun once again immersing in a metric world, my first was years ago in a different life.

5 years ago

All my cabinet meanderings are inch and foot, but when it comes to pulls and knobs on drawers and doors they are just as apt to be metric as not.

5 years ago

So I do make sure to have a metric tape measure on hand.

5 years ago

patd…  I was gonna ask you if your above post was from The Onion.  But then I saw that tiny print that said “Satire from the Borowitz Report.   phew….  for a moment there, I thought it might be real seeing on whom it’s about…

5 years ago

“Sanders is also wearing a chest plate with “$27” emblazoned on it, representing the average individual donation to his campaign.” mean or median

5 years ago

I almost back to the regular world. Now mulling over 3 really strong house offers.

5 years ago

More proof women may be better at governing than men.  🙂

British monarchs over the last 200 years 6 kings – reigned for 69 yrs (combined) 2 queens – reigned for 131 yrs & counting


5 years ago


Good to see you again.  Come back soon.  

5 years ago

While considering impeachment there are some questions still on the back burner.

KEEP ASKING : Why did Supreme Court Justice Kennedy retire? What role did his son’s job at Deutsche Bank play? Who paid off Brett Kavanaugh’s $92,000 country club fees plus his $200,000 credit card debt plus his $1.2 million mortgage, and purchased themselves a SCOTUS seat?


5 years ago

Jamie, apparently at a minimum female British royalty  are certainly hardier than the males.

Poobah, highest offer with least contingencies.  That’s my advice (and I am a legendary terrible real estate buyer/seller).  

Metric – I’d gladly put up with the pain of a learning curve to move to cms, mls, etc.  I’d also like to see a move to degrees Celsius.  I don’t expect to see that in what’s left of my lifetime.

pat, love the Borowitz satire. Like Renee I thought it was the Onion at first. Shoulda had a “quote” from Caribou Barbie about the lame stream media – would really round it out.

5 years ago

Metric is swinging, cause it’s all 10’s…..gotta dig dat……I also use a metric ruler for drawing purty cabinet pitchers.  
Hemingway wrote a good little short story about his kid waiting around all day to die cause he had a fever, but Hem told him his fever in Fahrenheit, but the kid, having been raised in Paris, was thinking in Celsius.
But this I know from Moose Jaw:
-40 F equals -40 C 

5 years ago

Is Celsius the same as centigrade?

5 years ago

But I would not want to “move to metric” since there’s no real need to and I’m sure it would turn out be a scam of the highest order designed to ultimately separate us Yahoos from our hard earned shekels.

5 years ago

Sturge, yes, C=c, and only us, the Caymans, Belize and  Liberia still use Fahrenheit. Lifuckingberia  Think of the commercial possibilities and get on the right side of that. Metric System for Dummies will be #1 on every best seller list. I want an author credit for that one. 

5 years ago

We have metric where it counts–any more and it will be like forcing membership in the EU on us.

5 years ago

…this is the end of my presidency. I’m fucked.
I find it hard to believe that he said that. 
Because his saying that would show that he has at least a passing acquaintance with reality, which I do not believe he has.

5 years ago

Reality outside his own, that is.

5 years ago

He’s William Wilson, stabbing himself.

5 years ago

We are about to enter another of those runs of IRRISISTABLE TELEVISION .  Buckle up, as Cbob was wont to say.  We watched Vietnam, then the Watergate hearings and Ol Nixo-man…..Iran-Contra hit the box featuring Ollie North.  Then we watched the bush1 gulf war.  That was hip, but then OJ– and the TV world stood still.  OJ was KILLER,  so to speak, asses in the seats, boffo tv and careers were born. Clinton gave a glimpse and some shimmer and the meaning of is, is, but quickly moved on to the Bush 2 slog. 
But now this….This is going to be GREAT Television