Sunday Serendipity

Something totally appropriate for this Easter Sunday.

Enjoy the music but most of all enjoy your day.?

Happy Easter!
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5 years ago


5 years ago

I hope everyone has a wonderful day this Easter Day.  Doesn’t matter what you do or don’t believe. Have a good day. 

5 years ago

When my mom was in the last year or so of her life she was experiencing a fair amount of pain and anxiety after developing COPD and emphysema. Her doctor suggested she be put on a regimen of opioid pain meds – probably Tylenol 3 as a start and moving to morphine as her pain became more severe, but I don’t really recall. Sis was concerned about Mom becoming dependent. I had to talk her into sanity-  she was dying slowly and uncomfortable. I told her and the doctor that I cared more about her comfort than some concern she would die addicted. Sis finally came to her senses and listened to the doc. I am sure mom was happier.

5 years ago


5 years ago

jace, thank you for today’s classic and classy work of art.  in return, thought you would like this unusual easter painting as described at crisis magazine:

Tucked away in a central Parisian museum that was once a railway station, there hangs an Easter painting quite unlike any Gospel masterpiece created before or after it. It is not painted by a Rembrandt or a Rubens or the patron saint of artists, Fra Angelico. The painting is the work of a little-known Swiss painter.  For those who make a trip to see it, viewing the canvas is a special spiritual experience in their lives.

The work does not even show the risen Jesus.  It merely portrays two witnesses, Jesus’ oldest and youngest apostle.  The youngest who was the only man brave enough to stay by Jesus’ cross and the only one who did not die a martyr’s death as a result of it. The oldest apostle who first denied Jesus in fear, yet ultimately chose to be crucified upside down by the Roman authorities rather than deny Christ’s resurrection.

In “The Disciples Peter and John Running to the Sepulchre on the Morning of the Resurrection” by Eugène Burnand, John clasps his hand in prayer while Peter holds his hand over his heart.  The viewer feels the rush as their hair and cloaks fly back with the wind.  They are sprinting towards discovery…



5 years ago

Jace, the Mormon Choir along with their commitment to excellence is certainly reflected in this morning’s selection. But you, Sir, are here week after week presenting thoughtfully chosen works from all over the world; we are proud having you as our concert master. This ‘bit’ of Mozart is for you:

5 years ago

Thank you Jace

Wonderful to have the Allelujah Chorus on its proper date.  

Blue Bronc
5 years ago

Dawn of a new week rises in sunshine and blue skies.  It is a beginning.
Now that everyone is back down on Earth, I hope that mj becomes legal before I die.  It would be nice to try it instead of pain meds.  The VA does testing of those of us who get opiates to ensure we are not lawbreakers by smoking weed.  And, I get tested as part of my job to ensure I am not using drugs or smoking wacky tobacky, if I do so I lose my clearance.  So.  Rather than allow something passed down for many millennia for taking care of all sorts of ills and happiness, we live in pain.  Just to keep people of color from smoking oregano.

5 years ago

What a wonderful pair of works – The Hallelujah chorus and Mozart’s Requiem. Fitting and wondrous works. 

5 years ago

BB, So long as what you take is prescribed by a licensed doc and is not proscribed when so administered, you should be okay. I worked in an environment where we were behind the green door–TS-SCI Code-word. When I had surgeries, there was a cleared individual in the OR to debrief the medics should I mumble while anesthetized. I was the organization security manager. I briefed the responsible deputy commander on my individual status so that he could keep an eye on me. Security-wise, we were tight; but, we didn’t fire people because they were taking prescribed meds as prescribed.

5 years ago

Rudy’s on with Chuck. What a fucking liar. He will deserve his eternity in hell if hell exists. 

He’s sweating around his mouth. Liar.

5 years ago

My current cocktail of meds includes Neurontin, Topamax, and Citalopram. The last med is included as part of the evening mix and really helps me in getting a decent night’s sleep. I would characterize my intake of the cocktail as low-mod based on dosage. But I never miss my twice daily dosage as I will pay the price if I do.

5 years ago

Pat, do you have my copy of Kon-Tiki?

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Lovely  Jace  hope you are doing better

5 years ago

flatus, last month the kon tiki museum agreed to return artifacts to Easter Island.  based on the worrisome story in the NYTimes last year ( click here to see fantastic interactive photos in that article ) I wonder if there will be a back up plan due to the expected sea rise to endanger much of the island.

5 years ago

and now stand by for our traditional salute to the easter bunny

5 years ago

Commenter at WaPo today observed that Barr breached his fiduciary duty to DOJ (duty would be to us, but I digress). Guess you (I) could say he’s a fi-douche-iary. 

5 years ago


5 years ago


Buried in a footnote in Section II B of Volume II of the redacted Mueller report is a single reference to supposed kompromat the Russian government was rumored to have on the president — the infamous “pee tape.” The report confirms that then-FBI director James Comey briefed President-elect Trump about the report in January 2017, but it also reveals that the Trump campaign was privately aware as early as October 2016 — more than two months before BuzzFeed News published the Steele dossier — that embarrassing tapes of then-candidate Donald Trump might exist in Russia.

According to the report, on October 30th, 2016, Trump’s private attorney and fixer Michael Cohen received a text from a Russian businessman involved in the Trump Tower Moscow deal, in progress for more than a year. “Stopped flow of tapes from Russia but not sure if there’s anything else. Just so you know….” Giorgi Rtskhiladze wrote to Cohen. Cohen told investigators he spoke to Trump about the issue after receiving the texts from Rtskhiladze. 

Rtskhiladze later admitted he had been told the tapes were fake, but he did not communicate that to Cohen, the report says. 


Rtskhiladze’s description of the tapes’ content tracks with the unverified information included in the Steele dossier, which claimed that Trump watched Russian prostitutes urinate in a Moscow hotel room in 2013. “Rtskhiladze said ‘tapes’ referred to compromising tapes of Trump rumored to be held by persons associated with the Russian real estate conglomerate Crocus Group, which had helped host the 2013 Miss Universe Pageant in Russia.”


5 years ago